quotient field
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Mu’amar Musa Nurwigantara ◽  
Indah Emilia Wijayanti ◽  
Hidetoshi Marubayashi ◽  
Sri Wahyuni

Let [Formula: see text] be a torsion-free module over an integral domain [Formula: see text] with quotient field [Formula: see text]. We define a concept of completely integrally closed modules in order to study Krull modules. It is shown that a Krull module [Formula: see text] is a [Formula: see text]-multiplication module if and only if [Formula: see text] is a maximal [Formula: see text]-submodule and [Formula: see text] for every minimal prime ideal [Formula: see text] of [Formula: see text]. If [Formula: see text] is a finitely generated Krull module, then [Formula: see text] is a Krull module and [Formula: see text]-multiplication module. It is also shown that the following three conditions are equivalent: [Formula: see text] is completely integrally closed, [Formula: see text] is completely integrally closed, and [Formula: see text] is completely integrally closed.

Nil Orhan Ertaş ◽  
Rachid Tribak

We prove that a ring [Formula: see text] has a module [Formula: see text] whose domain of projectivity consists of only some injective modules if and only if [Formula: see text] is a right noetherian right [Formula: see text]-ring. Also, we consider modules which are projective relative only to a subclass of max modules. Such modules are called max-poor modules. In a recent paper Holston et al. showed that every ring has a p-poor module (that is a module whose projectivity domain consists precisely of the semisimple modules). So every ring has a max-poor module. The structure of all max-poor abelian groups is completely determined. Examples of rings having a max-poor module which is neither projective nor p-poor are provided. We prove that the class of max-poor [Formula: see text]-modules is closed under direct summands if and only if [Formula: see text] is a right Bass ring. A ring [Formula: see text] is said to have no right max-p-middle class if every right [Formula: see text]-module is either projective or max-poor. It is shown that if a commutative noetherian ring [Formula: see text] has no right max-p-middle class, then [Formula: see text] is the ring direct sum of a semisimple ring [Formula: see text] and a ring [Formula: see text] which is either zero or an artinian ring or a one-dimensional local noetherian integral domain such that the quotient field [Formula: see text] of [Formula: see text] has a proper [Formula: see text]-submodule which is not complete in its [Formula: see text]-topology. Then we show that a commutative noetherian hereditary ring [Formula: see text] has no right max-p-middle class if and only if [Formula: see text] is a semisimple ring.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (02) ◽  
pp. 287-298
Gyu Whan Chang ◽  
HwanKoo Kim

Let D be an integral domain with quotient field K, [Formula: see text] be the integral closure of D in K, and D[w] be the w-integral closure of D in K; so [Formula: see text], and equality holds when D is Noetherian or dim(D) = 1. The Mori–Nagata theorem states that if D is Noetherian, then [Formula: see text] is a Krull domain; it has also been investigated when [Formula: see text] is a Dedekind domain. We study integral domains D such that D[w] is a Krull domain. We also provide an example of an integral domain D such that [Formula: see text], t-dim(D) = 1, [Formula: see text] is a Prüfer v-multiplication domain with t-dim([Formula: see text]) = 2, and D[w] is a UFD.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-87
Yasushige Watase

SummaryThis article formalized rings of fractions in the Mizar system [3], [4]. A construction of the ring of fractions from an integral domain, namely a quotient field was formalized in [7].This article generalizes a construction of fractions to a ring which is commutative and has zero divisor by means of a multiplicatively closed set, say S, by known manner. Constructed ring of fraction is denoted by S~R instead of S−1R appeared in [1], [6]. As an important example we formalize a ring of fractions by a particular multiplicatively closed set, namely R \ p, where p is a prime ideal of R. The resulted local ring is denoted by Rp. In our Mizar article it is coded by R~p as a synonym.This article contains also the formal proof of a universal property of a ring of fractions, the total-quotient ring, a proof of the equivalence between the total-quotient ring and the quotient field of an integral domain.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (11) ◽  
pp. 2050206
Armin Jamshidpey ◽  
Nicole Lemire ◽  
Éric Schost

The main purpose of this work is to give a constructive proof for a particular case of the no-name lemma. Let [Formula: see text] be a finite group, [Formula: see text] a field that is equipped with a faithful [Formula: see text]-action, and [Formula: see text] a sign permutation [Formula: see text]-lattice (see the Introduction for the definition). Then [Formula: see text] acts naturally on the group algebra [Formula: see text] of [Formula: see text] over [Formula: see text], and hence also on the quotient field [Formula: see text]. A well-known variant of the no-name lemma asserts that the invariant sub-field [Formula: see text] is a purely transcendental extension of [Formula: see text]. In other words, there exist [Formula: see text] which are algebraically independent over [Formula: see text] such that [Formula: see text]. In this paper, we give an explicit construction of suitable elements [Formula: see text].

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (09) ◽  
pp. 2050171 ◽  
Mabrouk Ben Nasr ◽  
Ali Jaballah

Let [Formula: see text] be an extension of integral domains with only finitely many intermediate rings, where [Formula: see text] is not a field and [Formula: see text] is not necessarily the quotient field of [Formula: see text] or [Formula: see text] is not necessarily integrally closed in [Formula: see text]. In this paper, we exactly determine the number of intermediate rings between [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] and give a way to compute it.

2019 ◽  
Vol 73 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Lhoussain El Fadil

Abstract Let R be a principal ideal domain with quotient field K, and L = K(α), where α is a root of a monic irreducible polynomial F (x) ∈ R[x]. Let ℤL be the integral closure of R in L. In this paper, for every prime p of R, we give a new efficient version of Dedekind’s criterion in R, i.e., necessary and sufficient conditions on F (x) to have p not dividing the index [ℤL: R[α]], for every prime p of R. Some computational examples are given for R = ℤ.

2019 ◽  
Vol 56 (2) ◽  
pp. 260-266
Mohamed E. Charkani ◽  
Abdulaziz Deajim

Abstract Let R be a discrete valuation ring, its nonzero prime ideal, P ∈R[X] a monic irreducible polynomial, and K the quotient field of R. We give in this paper a lower bound for the -adic valuation of the index of P over R in terms of the degrees of the monic irreducible factors of the reduction of P modulo . By localization, the same result holds true over Dedekind rings. As an important immediate application, when the lower bound is greater than zero, we conclude that no root of P generates a power basis for the integral closure of R in the field extension of K defined by P.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (06) ◽  
pp. 1950104 ◽  
Najib Ouled Azaiez ◽  
Moutu Abdou Salam Moutui

This paper examines the transfer of the almost valuation property to various constructions of ring extensions such as bi-amalgamations and pairs of rings. Namely, Sec. 2 studies the transfer of this property to bi-amalgamation rings. Our results cover previous known results on duplications and amalgamations, and provide the construction of various new and original examples satisfying this property. Section 3 investigates pairs of integral domains where all intermediate rings are almost valuation rings. As a consequence of our results, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions for a pair (R, T), where R arises from a (T, M, D) construction, to be an almost valuation pair. Furthermore, we study the class of maximal non-almost valuation subrings of their quotient field.

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