scholarly journals Numerical optimization of the piezoelectric generators

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (01n02) ◽  
pp. 2060016
V. A. Chebanenko ◽  
I. V. Zhilyaev ◽  
A. N. Soloviev ◽  
A. V. Cherpakov ◽  
I. A. Parinov

This paper presents the application of the Pareto-based multicriteria optimization technique to problems of increasing the efficiency of piezoelectric generators (PEGs). The optimization problem was solved for two types of generators: cantilever and stack. For the cantilever generator, the task was to optimize the design in such a way as to obtain the maximum output power for a given mechanical excitation. The optimization process was divided into several stages, which significantly reduced the amount of calculations. The task of optimizing the stack type for a given form of mechanical loading consisted in finding the geometric parameters of the generator at which the output voltage and power would be maximum. In the result of solving both problems, sets of geometric design parameters of PEGs were obtained, on the basis of which efficient transducers can be developed for specific operating conditions. It turned out that this technique is more suitable for optimizing the design of cantilever generators than for stack ones in given constraints. The solution of both problems was realized using the finite element method.

T. S. Sultanmagomedov ◽  
R. N. Bakhtizin ◽  
S. M. Sultanmagomedov ◽  
T. M. Halikov ◽  

Study is due to the possibility of loss of stability of the pipeline in the process of pumping a product with a positive operating temperature and the formation of thawing halos. The article presents the ways of solving the thermomechanical problem of pipeline displacement due to thawing. The rate of formation of a thawing halo is investigated depending on the initial temperatures of the soil and the pumped product. The developed monitoring system makes it possible to study the rate of occurrence of thawing halos in the process of pumping the product. An experimental study on the formation of thawing halos around the pipeline was carried out on an experimental model. A thermophysical comparative calculation of temperatures around the pipeline on a model by the finite element method has been carried out. Keywords: underground pipeline; permafrost; thawing halo; monitoring; operating conditions; stress–strain state.

Я.Б. Немировский ◽  
И.В. Шепеленко ◽  
С.Е. Шейкин ◽  
Ю.А. Цеханов ◽  
Ф.Й. Златопольский ◽  

Разработан алгоритм и проведена оценка прочности сборных твердосплавных элементов со сплошной и дискретной рабочими поверхностями. Получены зависимости, позволяющие установить связь между конструктивными параметрами сборных деформирующих инструментов и их прочностью. Выполнены прочностные расчеты деформирующего инструмента для обработки отверстий значительного диаметра со сплошной и дискретной рабочими поверхностями. Численным моделированием, методом конечных элементов получены распределения эквивалентных напряжений в элементах инструмента и контактных напряжений по поверхности контакта твердосплавная вставка-корпус, что позволило проанализировать прочность инструмента под нагрузкой. Определены конструктивные параметры инструмента и приведены алгоритмы последовательности расчета сборных деформирующих элементов (ДЭ). Разработан алгоритм последовательности расчета сборного ДЭ для дискретного протягивания. Предложенная конструкция сборного рабочего элемента позволяет не только улучшить обрабатываемость изделия резания, но и уменьшить расход остродефицитного твердого сплава по сравнению с твердосплавным ДЭ аналогичных размеров на 6 кг. Полученные результаты можно использовать в инженерных расчетах при проектировании сборного инструмента для дискретного деформирования, а также для оценки прочности сборных инструментов, например, фрез, зенкеров, разверток при уточнении внешних нагрузок We developed an algorithm and assessed the strength of prefabricated carbide elements with solid and discrete working surfaces. We obtained dependencies that make it possible to establish a relationship between the design parameters of prefabricated deforming tools and their strength. We performed strength calculations of the deforming tool for machining holes of significant diameter with solid and discrete working surfaces. We obtained the distributions of equivalent stresses in the elements of the tool and contact stresses over the contact surface of the hard-alloy insert - body by numerical modeling, by the finite element method, which made it possible to analyze the strength of the tool under load. We determined the design parameters of the tool and here we give algorithms for the sequence of calculation of prefabricated deforming elements (DE). We developed an algorithm for the sequence of calculating the prefabricated DE for discrete broaching. The proposed design of the prefabricated working element allows not only to improve the machinability of the cutting product but also to reduce the consumption of an acutely deficient hard alloy in comparison with a hard alloy DE of similar dimensions by 6 kg. The results obtained can be used in engineering calculations when designing a prefabricated tool for discrete deformation, as well as for assessing the strength of prefabricated tools, for example, cutters, countersinks, reamers when specifying external loads

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (8) ◽  
pp. 1338 ◽  
José Rojas-Sola ◽  
Eduardo De la Morena-De la Fuente

This article analyzes the first self-propelled floating dredging machine designed and executed by Agustín de Betancourt in 1810 to dredge the port of Kronstadt (Russia). With this objective, a study of computer-aided engineering (CAE) has been carried out using the parametric software Autodesk Inventor Professional, consisting of a static analysis using the finite element method, of the 3D model which is reliable under operating conditions. The results have shown that the system of inertia drums proposed by Betancourt manages to dissipate the tensions between the different elements, locating the highest stresses in the links of the bucket rosary, specifically at the point of contact between links. Similarly, the maximum displacements and the greatest deformations (always associated with these points of greater stress), are far from reaching the limits of breakage of the material used in its construction, as well as the safety coefficient of the invention, confirming that the mechanism was oversized, as was generally the case at the time. This analysis highlights the talent of the Spanish engineer and his mastery of mechanics, in an invention, the first of its kind worldwide, which served the Russian Empire for many years.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 90-99
Aliza Aini Md Ralib ◽  
Nur Wafa Asyiqin Zulfakher ◽  
Rosminazuin Ab Rahim ◽  
Nor Farahidah Za'bah ◽  
Noor Hazrin Hany Mohamad Hanif

Vibration energy harvesting has been progressively developed in the advancement of technology and widely used by a lot of researchers around the world. There is a very high demand for energy scavenging around the world due to it being cheaper in price, possibly miniaturized within a system, long lasting, and environmentally friendly. The conventional battery is hazardous to the environment and has a shorter operating lifespan. Therefore, ambient vibration energy serves as an alternative that can replace the battery because it can be integrated and compatible to micro-electromechanical systems. This paper presents the design and analysis of a MEMS piezoelectric energy harvester, which is a vibration energy harvesting type. The energy harvester was formed using Lead Zicronate Titanate (PZT-5A) as the piezoelectric thin film, silicon as the substrate layer and structural steel as the electrode layer. The resonance frequency will provide the maximum output power, maximum output voltage and maximum displacement of vibration. The operating mode also plays an important role to generate larger output voltage with less displacement of cantilever. Some designs also have been studied by varying height and length of piezoelectric materials. Hence, this project will demonstrate the simulation of a MEMS piezoelectric device for a low power electronic performance. Simulation results show PZT-5A piezoelectric energy with a length of 31 mm and height of 0.16 mm generates maximum output voltage of 7.435 V and maximum output power of 2.30 mW at the resonance frequency of 40 Hz. ABSTRAK: Penuaian tenaga getaran telah berkembang secara pesat dalam kemajuan teknologi dan telah digunakan secara meluas oleh ramai penyelidik di seluruh dunia. Terdapat permintaan yang sangat tinggi di seluruh dunia terhadap penuaian tenaga kerana harganya yang lebih murah, bersaiz kecil dalam satu sistem, tahan lama dan mesra alam. Manakala, bateri konvensional adalah berbahaya bagi alam sekitar dan mempunyai jangka hayat yang lebih pendek. Oleh itu, getaran tenaga dari persekitaran lebih sesuai sebagai alternatif kepada bateri kerana ia mudah diintegrasikan dan serasi dengan sistem mikroelektromekanikal. Kertas kerja ini  membentangkan reka bentuk dan analisis tenaga piezoelektrik MEMS iaitu salah satu jenis penuaian tenaga getaran. Penuai tenaga ini dibentuk menggunakan Lead Zicronate Titanate (PZT-5A) sebagai lapisan filem tipis piezoelektrik, silikon sebagai lapisan substrat dan keluli struktur sebagai lapisan elektrod. Frekuensi resonans akan memberikan hasil tenaga maksima, voltan tenaga maksima dan getaran jarak maksima. Mod pengendalian juga memainkan peranan penting bagi menghasilkan tenaga yang lebih besar. Reka bentuk yang mempunyai ketinggian dan panjang berlainan juga telah diuji dengan menggunakan bahan piezoelektrik yang sama. Oleh itu, projek ini akan menghasilkan simulasi piezoelektrik MEMS yang sesuai digunakan bagi alat elektronik berkuasa rendah. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan dengan panjang 31 mm dan ketinggian 0.16 mm, piezoelektrik PZT ini menghasilkan voltan maksima sebanyak 7.435 V dan tenaga output maksima 2.30 mW pada frekuensi resonans 40 Hz.

2012 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 384 ◽  
Md. Selim Habib ◽  
Md. Samiul Habib ◽  
S.M.A Razzak ◽  
M.A.G Khan

This paper presents a triangular-lattice photonic crystal fiber for broadband dispersion compensation. The finite element method with perfectly matched absorbing layers boundary condition is used to investigate the guiding properties. The designed dispersion compensating fiber shows that it is possible to obtain a larger negative dispersion coefficient of ?360 ps/( at 1.55 ?m, better dispersion slope compensation, better compensation ratio in the entire telecommunication (1460-1640 nm) band by using a modest number of design parameters and very simple cladding design.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2016 ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
Min Zhang ◽  
Junlei Wang

A rigid circular cylinder with two piezoelectric beams attached on has been tested through vortex-induced vibrations (VIV) and wake-induced vibrations (WIV) by installing a big cylinder fixed upstream, in order to study the influence of the different flow-induced vibrations (FIV) types. The VIV test shows that the output voltage increases with the increases of load resistance; an optimal load resistance exists for the maximum output power. The WIV test shows that the vibration of the small cylinder is controlled by the vortex frequency of the large one. There is an optimal gap of the cylinders that can obtain the maximum output voltage and power. For a same energy harvesting device, WIV has higher power generation capacity; then the piezoelectric output characteristics can be effectively improved.

Electronics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 592 ◽  
KangHyun Yi

This paper analyzes the output voltage of an inductive wireless power transfer (WPT) depending on coupling conditions. When the optimum efficiency and maximum output power are obtained, it is called critical coupling, so the receiving coil and the transmitting coil should be separated by a certain distance. When the distance between the transmitting coil and receiving coil is very short, it is called over coupling, and output power decreases with the optimal operating state of the critical coupling condition. To design the entire circuit system for the inductive WPT depending on the coupling condition, it is beneficial to analyze the output voltage according to a load variation, an input voltage, and an operating frequency. Therefore, the output voltage depending on the coupling condition in the inductive WPT is analyzed in this paper. The output voltage gain in critical coupling condition is greater than one and is not affected by a load variation by a series LC resonant operation. The reduced output power in an over coupling condition can be recovered by a series LLC resonant operation. In addition, the output voltage gain is almost one and is affected by the load variation in the over coupling condition. A 5W prototype is implemented with the wireless power consortium standard coils and experimental results are shown to verify theoretical analysis and operation.

2010 ◽  
Vol 437 ◽  
pp. 61-65 ◽  
Ling Li Cheng ◽  
Jian Wei Yu ◽  
Xiao Fen Yu

A 6-DOF monolithic nanopositioning stage is developed for three coordinate measuring machines (CMM) with nanometer resolution. The stage consists of a monolithic flexure hinge mechanism, six piezoelectric actuators and six fiber-optic displacement sensors. A mathematical model of the constraint optimization problem is presented. Based on the solution of the optimization problem, the final design of the 6-DOF stage is also presented. The numerical analysis on static and dynamic behavior of the stage is done by using the finite element method. The experimental results of the performance of the 6-DOF stage are presented.

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