Benchmarking Tabu Search and Simulated Annealing for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem

Amala Arockia ◽  
Markus Lochbrunner ◽  
Thomas Hanne ◽  
Rolf Dornberger
Jose Bernal ◽  
John Willmer Escobar ◽  
Juan Camilo Paz ◽  
Rodrigo Linfati ◽  
Gustavo Gatica

2013 ◽  
Vol 859 ◽  
pp. 395-398
Chun Yu Ren

This paper studies the vehicle routing problem. According to the characteristics of model, new tabu search algorithm is used to get the optimization solution. It applies newly improved insertion method to construct initial solution, to improve the feasibility of the solution; designs dual layered random operation to construct its neighborhood; applies auto adaptive tabu length to control the searching capability dynamically. At last, it uses simulated experiments to prove the effectiveness and feasibility of this algorithm, and provides clues for massively solving practical problems.

Arman Davtyan ◽  
Suren Khachatryan

A new metaheuristic algorithm is proposed for Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem. CVRP is one of the fundamental problems in combinatorial optimization that deals with transport route minimization. The algorithm combines Simulated Annealing, multi-start and simultaneous computing techniques. A series of computational tests are conducted on several CVRP benchmarks and near-optimal solutions are obtained. The results indicate superior performance compared with Simulated Annealing

Fernando Francisco Sandoya Sánchez ◽  
Carmen Andrea Letamendi Lazo ◽  
Fanny Yamel Sanabria Quiñónez

This chapter presents the best-known heuristics and metaheuristics that are applied to solve the capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP), which is the generalization of the TSP, in which the nodes are visited by more than one route. To find out which algorithm obtains better results, there are 30 test instances used, which are grouped into 3 sets of problems according to the position of the nodes. The study begins with an economic impact analysis of the transportation sector in companies, which represents up to 20% of the final cost of the product. This case study focuses on the CVRP for its acronym capacitated vehicle routing problem, analyzing the best-known heuristics such as Clarke & Wright and sweep, and the algorithms GRASP and simulated annealing metaheuristics based.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 113 ◽  
Sulistiono Sulistiono ◽  
Noor Saif Muhammad Mussafi

Pendistribusian produk berperan penting dalam dunia industri. Salah satu usaha yang dapat dilakukan perusahaan untuk mengoptimalkan pendistribusian produk adalah meminimalkan biaya tranportasi melalui penentuan rute optimal kendaraan yang disebut dengan VRP (Vehicle Routing Problem). Tujuan dari VRP adalah menentukan rute optimal yaitu rute dengan jarak minimum untuk mendistribusikan produk kepada konsumen. Salah satu variasi VRP adalah Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP), yaitu VRP dengan kendala kapasitas kendaraan. Kasus CVRP tersebut dapat diselesaikan dengan menggunakan Algoritma Tabu Search. Cara kerja Algoritma Tabu Search dimulai dengan penentuan initial solution menggunakan Nearest Neighbor,  evaluasi move menggunakan metode 2-Opt, Relocated, dan Exchange, update Tabu List,  kemudian apabila kriteria pemberhentian terpenuhi maka proses Algoritma Tabu Search berhenti jika tidak, maka kembali pada evaluasi move. Proses perhitungan Algoritma Tabu Search dilakukan secara manual dan rancang bangun menggunakan MATLAB pada PT Sinergi Bio Natural. Berdasarkan proses perhitungan manual dan rancang bangun diperoleh dua solusi optimal yaitu rute dengan jarak terpendek dengan total jarak optimal sebesar 101,1 km.

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