Analysis and Design of College Sports Information System Based on Network

2021 ◽  
Jingyi Shan ◽  
Bao Han
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Xianfeng Dong

The development of information technology is changing all walks of life. People’s health problem is more and more prominent; people begin to talk about the reform of college sports training. Sports no longer rely on individual games, but on the comprehensive strength of science and technology competition. The fierce competition for Olympic gold medal in modern competitive sports is largely due to the competition of scientific and technological strength of various countries. China has also conducted a lot of research on sports information and made some achievements. Through the investigation, we know that, at present, the provincial level sports teams have established the relevant sports training information management system, which is very effective. The latest scientific and technological achievements are combined with sports to establish the university sports information system. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the university sports physical training information system based on big data mobile terminal, study the big data embedded system, improve the effect of sports skills training, and meet the social demand for high skilled sports talents. This paper uses the literature method, experimental investigation method, and big data spectral clustering algorithm-related experiments to study the advantages of big data and uses the value of big data and embedded system model to study the university sports physical fitness training information system based on big data mobile terminal. The results show that 40.6% of college students spend more time in physical exercise, based on the application of big data embedded system in college sports training; it is of great significance to arrange sports training methods to improve students’ sports training performance.

2014 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-19
Yohannes Kurniawan ◽  
Janastasha Christie Parapaga

The research goal is to identify and analyze the need of accounting information system related to the revenue cycle at PT XYZ. This paper designing the useful of accounting information systems to support the current business processes, especially on the revenue cycle process. The design method is an Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) which refers to the modeling and design requirements discipline. And the result achieved by analysis and design of accounting information systems can support current activities of the revenue cycle, especially for the documentation and store of transaction data, and generate reports in accordance with company requirements. Conclusions derived from the analysis and design is the implementation of a webbased application that can help PT XYZ to do the work in different places, such as marketing office, head office and especially at the exhibition. Index Terms - Accounting Information System, revenue cycle, OOAD 

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 683
Muhamad Ridho Dwi Cahyo ◽  
Candiwan Candiwan

Yoga Farm is a Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) that focuses on catfish breeding that is still doing business processes manually. With this process, information received by related parties is very difficult to obtain quickly. Therefore, the product is still not widely known, and customers are still few because the system used in sales and promotions still uses a manual system. The research method used is qualitative. This study aims to create a sales information system recommended at Yoga Farm and design using Unified modeling language (UML) for the recommended business processes. Customers will get product information in real-time, products can be widely recognized, and the number of Yoga Farm customers can increase. Based on the results of this study, adoption of a web-based sales information system can certainly make it easier to get the latest information quickly, can expand the market and can also facilitate customers in the transaction. For future research, this research can be used as a reference for conducting similar studies at other MSMEs to increase sales

Mohammad Subekti ◽  
Raden Bagus Rhesa Dharma Widjaya ◽  
Eileen Heriyanni ◽  
Giovani Dewi

Executive information system (EIS) has been widely used in enterprises and institutions to help the executives make decisions quickly and accurately for the organization's business needs. A research is conducted to create a marketing executive information system that can produce analytic reports and comparison reports for the executive of Benza Prima. For information search the fact finding techniques is utilized by conducting surveys directly to the company to study the company needs and the running procedures. The executive information system design uses Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) methodology. The research results in an executive information system that produces report in forms of pivot tables and charts to help the Benza Prima executives make decisions. The marketing executive information system design is expected to provide analytic information that can be used by the Benza Prima executive as an analytic tool in planning marketing strategies. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-146
Yonky Pernando ◽  
Eka Lia Febrianti ◽  
Andhika Andhika

Abstract: In the era of globalization, information systems are now increasingly developing and are very important and main things in helping the process of corporate performance, in the near future that will make competition in the performance process will be more updated and faster. Because of that the use of information technology and the design of making application programs using Visual Basic 6.0 as programing and MySQL as its database, regarding the analysis and design of information systems for inpatients in anal azimar maternity homes. Problems - problems faced by this company, namely the problem of data redundancy in inputting data, and not presented properly and lead to difficulties when manipulating, changing, and deleting data. In the end the author hopes that with the creation of a new information system, it can help the input process more easily, and quickly. Keywords: Technology, Information, PHP Programming Language , MySQL and Patient   Abstrak: Di era globalisasi sekarang semakin berkembang nya sistem informasi serta merupakan hal yang sangat penting dan utama dalam  membantu proses kinerja perusahaan, dalam waktu dekat yang akan membuat persaingan dalam proses kinerja akan semakin update dan cepat . Karena itu pemakaian teknologi informasi dan rancangan pembuatan program aplikasi dengan menggunakan  Visual Basic 6.0 sebagai programing  dan MySQL  sebagai Databasenya, mengenai analisa dan perancangan sistem informasi pasien rawat inap di rumah bersalin azimar anas. Masalah – masalah yang dihadapi perusahaan ini yaitu masalah redundansi data dalam menginput data,dan tidak tersaji secara baik dan  mengakibatkan kesulitan saat memanipulasi, mengubah, dan menghapus data. Pada akhirnya penulis berharap dengan dibuatnya sistem informasi yang baru, dapat membantu proses input dengan lebih mudah, dan cepat. Kata kunci : Teknologi, Informasi, Bahasa Pemograman Visual Basic 6.0 , MySQL dan Pasien 

Lusiana Citra Dewi

This study aims to create a system that can simplify common operational activities of pharmacy such as purchasing, inventory, and sales. The system is expected to improve manual processes of purchasing, inventory, and sales into a computerized ones. In addition, this system also provides convenience, accuracy, and speed for owner or management to access reports of purchase, inventory, and sales in real-time. The research methods used are literature studies, field studies, and the methods of analysis and design of object-oriented information system design language UML (Unified Modeling Language). Tthe result of this research is an information system of purchasing, inventory, and sales of medicines that may help pharmacies to get information quickly and accurately, and to help pharmacy operations to run more effectively and efficiently.

2012 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Yeni Nuraeni

Sumber daya manusia (SDM) di lingkungan perguruan tinggi yang terdiri dari dosen dan tenaga penunjang memiliki posisi yang sangat strategis, karena memiliki pengaruh langsung terhadap proses belajar, mutu lulusan dan pola keluaran yang kompetitif. Efektivitas kinerja dalam proses belajar mengajar dan perbaikan atmosfer akademik sangat dipengaruhi oleh standardisasi mutu yang ingin dicapai serta proses penjaminan mutu yang harus dilakukan oleh sebuah perguruan tinggi salah satunya dalam bidang sumber daya manusia (SDM). Syarat yang harus dipenuhi agar penerapan sistem penjaminan mutu SDM di sebuah perguruan tinggi dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik adalah ketersediaan basis data akurat yang dapat digunakan pada setiap pengambilan keputusan. Untuk itu perlu dikembangkan sistem informasi penjaminan mutu SDM di lingkungan perguruan tinggi. Sistem informasi penjaminan mutu SDM ini dapat berfungsi untuk memudahkan bagi perguruan tinggi dalam menjalankan penjaminan mutu, sehingga proses penjaminan mutu bisa dijalankan melalui tahap-tahap yang terangkai dan didukung oleh pangkalan data (basis data), sistem informasi manajemen, dan sistem pendukung keputusan yang terintegrasi. Adapun tahapan yang dilakukan dalam perancangan sistem informasi ini meliputi analisis kebutuhan, perancangan model proses, analisis kebutuhan perangkat lunak, dan desain. Human resources (HR) in the college environment consisting of lecturers and support staff have a very strategic position, because it has a direct impact on the learning process, the quality of graduates and the competitive output pattern. Effectiveness of performance in teaching and learning and improved academic atmosphere is strongly influenced by the standardization of quality to be achieved and the quality assurance process that should be done by a university either in the field of human resources (HR). Condition that must be met in order for the application of quality assurance system in a college human resources can be successfully implemented is the availability of accurate database that can be used in any decision-making. It is necessary to develop human resources information system of quality assurance in higher education environments. Human resource quality assurance information system can serve to make it easier for universities in implementing quality assurance, so that the quality assurance process can be run through the connected stages and supported by the data base (database), management information systems, and integrated decision support system. The stage that is done in designing information systems include requirements analysis, design process models, software requirements analysis, and design.

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