scholarly journals Cool-1/βPIX functions as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor in the cycling of Cdc42 to regulate insulin secretion

2011 ◽  
Vol 301 (6) ◽  
pp. E1072-E1080 ◽  
Erica M. Kepner ◽  
Stephanie M. Yoder ◽  
Eunjin Oh ◽  
Michael A. Kalwat ◽  
Zhanxiang Wang ◽  

Second-phase insulin release requires the sustained mobilization of insulin granules from internal storage pools to the cell surface for fusion with the plasma membrane. However, the detailed mechanisms underlying this process remain largely unknown. GTP-loading of the small GTPase Cdc42 is the first glucose-specific activation step in the process, although how glucose triggers Cdc42 activation is entirely unknown. In a directed candidate screen for guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs), which directly activate small GTPases, Cool-1/βPix was identified in pancreatic islet beta cells. In support of its role as the beta cell Cdc42 GEF, βPix coimmunoprecipitated with Cdc42 in human islets and MIN6 beta cells in a glucose-dependent manner, peaking just prior to Cdc42 activation. Furthermore, RNAi-mediated βPix reduction by 50% corresponded to full ablation of glucose-induced Cdc42 activation and significant attenuation of basal and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. Of the two Cdc42 guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor (GDI) proteins identified in beta cells, βPix competed selectively with caveolin-1 (Cav-1) but not RhoGDI in coimmunoprecipitation and GST-Cdc42-GDP interaction assays. However, a phospho-deficient Cav-1-Y14F mutant failed to compete with βPix; Cav-1Tyr14 is an established phosphorylation site for Src kinase. Taken together, these data support a new model, wherein glucose stimulates Cav-1 and induces its dissociation from Cdc42, possibly via Src kinase activation to phosphorylate Cav-1Tyr14, to promote Cdc42-βPix binding and Cdc42 activation, and to trigger downstream signaling and ultimately sustain insulin release.

2008 ◽  
Vol 19 (9) ◽  
pp. 3823-3835 ◽  
Shigeo Hara ◽  
Etsuko Kiyokawa ◽  
Shun-ichiro Iemura ◽  
Tohru Natsume ◽  
Thomas Wassmer ◽  

DOCK180 is the archetype of the DOCK180-family guanine nucleotide exchange factor for small GTPases Rac1 and Cdc42. DOCK180-family proteins share two conserved domains, called DOCK homology region (DHR)-1 and -2. Although the function of DHR2 is to activate Rac1, DHR1 is required for binding to phosphoinositides. To better understand the function of DHR1, we searched for its binding partners by direct nanoflow liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry, and we identified sorting nexins (SNX) 1, 2, 5, and 6, which make up a multimeric protein complex mediating endosome-to-trans-Golgi-network (TGN) retrograde transport of the cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor (CI-MPR). Among these SNX proteins, SNX5 was coimmunoprecipitated with DOCK180 most efficiently. In agreement with this observation, DOCK180 colocalized with SNX5 at endosomes. The RNA interference-mediated knockdowns of SNX5 and DOCK180, but not Rac1, resulted in the redistribution of CI-MPR from TGN to endosomes. Furthermore, expression of the DOCK180 DHR1 domain was sufficient to restore the perturbed CI-MPR distribution in DOCK180 knockdown cells. These data suggest that DOCK180 regulates CI-MPR trafficking via SNX5 and that this function is independent of its guanine nucleotide exchange factor activity toward Rac1.

2010 ◽  
Vol 78 (4) ◽  
pp. 1417-1425 ◽  
Richard Bulgin ◽  
Benoit Raymond ◽  
James A. Garnett ◽  
Gad Frankel ◽  
Valerie F. Crepin ◽  

ABSTRACT Subversion of Rho family small GTPases, which control actin dynamics, is a common infection strategy used by bacterial pathogens. In particular, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, Shigella flexneri, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC), and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) translocate type III secretion system (T3SS) effector proteins to modulate the Rho GTPases RhoA, Cdc42, and Rac1, which trigger formation of stress fibers, filopodia, and lamellipodia/ruffles, respectively. The Salmonella effector SopE is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) that activates Rac1 and Cdc42, which induce “the trigger mechanism of cell entry.” Based on a conserved Trp-xxx-Glu motif, the T3SS effector proteins IpgB1 and IpgB2 of Shigella, SifA and SifB of Salmonella, and Map of EPEC and EHEC were grouped together into a WxxxE family; recent studies identified the T3SS EPEC and EHEC effectors EspM and EspT as new family members. Recent structural and functional studies have shown that representatives of the WxxxE effectors share with SopE a 3-D fold and GEF activity. In this minireview, we summarize contemporary findings related to the SopE and WxxxE GEFs in the context of their role in subverting general host cell signaling pathways and infection.

1997 ◽  
Vol 139 (3) ◽  
pp. 797-807 ◽  
Frank N. van Leeuwen ◽  
Hendrie E.T. Kain ◽  
Rob A. van der Kammen ◽  
Frits Michiels ◽  
Onno W. Kranenburg ◽  

The invasion-inducing T-lymphoma invasion and metastasis 1 (Tiam1) protein functions as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for the small GTPase Rac1. Differentiation-dependent expression of Tiam1 in the developing brain suggests a role for this GEF and its effector Rac1 in the control of neuronal morphology. Here we show that overexpression of Tiam1 induces cell spreading and affects neurite outgrowth in N1E-115 neuroblastoma cells. These effects are Rac-dependent and strongly promoted by laminin. Overexpression of Tiam1 recruits the α6β1 integrin, a laminin receptor, to specific adhesive contacts at the cell periphery, which are different from focal contacts. Cells overexpressing Tiam1 no longer respond to lysophosphatidic acid– induced neurite retraction and cell rounding, processes mediated by Rho, suggesting that Tiam1-induced activation of Rac antagonizes Rho signaling. This inhibition can be overcome by coexpression of constitutively active RhoA, which may indicate that regulation occurs at the level of Rho or upstream. Conversely, neurite formation induced by Tiam1 or Rac1 is further promoted by inactivating Rho. These results demonstrate that Rac- and Rho-mediated pathways oppose each other during neurite formation and that a balance between these pathways determines neuronal morphology. Furthermore, our data underscore the potential role of Tiam1 as a specific regulator of Rac during neurite formation and illustrate the importance of reciprocal interactions between the cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix during this process.

2002 ◽  
Vol 115 (3) ◽  
pp. 629-640 ◽  
Michel Souchet ◽  
Elodie Portales-Casamar ◽  
David Mazurais ◽  
Susanne Schmidt ◽  
Isabelle Léger ◽  

The Rho small GTPases are crucial proteins involved in regulation of signal transduction cascades from extracellular stimuli to cell nucleus and cytoskeleton. It has been reported that these GTPases are directly associated with cardiovascular disorders. In this context, we have searched for novel modulators of Rho GTPases, and here we describe p63RhoGEF a new Db1-like guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF). P63RhoGEF encodes a 63 kDa protein containing a Db1 homology domain in tandem with a pleckstrin homology domain and is most closely related to the second Rho GEF domain of Trio. Northern blot and in situ analysis have shown that p63RhoGEF is mainly expressed in heart and brain. In vitro guanine nucleotide exchange assays have shown that p63RhoGEF specifically acts on RhoA. Accordingly, p63RhoGEF expression induces RhoA-dependent stress fiber formation in fibroblasts and in H9C2 cardiac myoblasts. Moreover, we show that p63RhoGEF activation of RhoA in intact cells is dependent on the presence of the PH domain. Using a specific anti-p63RhoGEF antibody, we have detected the p63RhoGEF protein by immunocytochemistry in human heart and brain tissue sections. Confocal microscopy shows that p63RhoGEF is located in the sarcomeric I-band mainly constituted of cardiac sarcomeric actin. Together, these results show that p63RhoGEF is a RhoA-specific GEF that may play a key role in actin cytoskeleton reorganization in different tissues, especially in heart cellular morphology.

2020 ◽  
Vol 31 (5) ◽  
pp. 996-1008 ◽  
Jun Matsuda ◽  
Mirela Maier ◽  
Lamine Aoudjit ◽  
Cindy Baldwin ◽  
Tomoko Takano

BackgroundPrevious studies showed that Cdc42, a member of the prototypical Rho family of small GTPases and a regulator of the actin cytoskeleton, is critical for the normal development and health of podocytes. However, upstream regulatory mechanisms for Cdc42 activity in podocytes are largely unknown.MethodsWe used a proximity-based ligation assay, BioID, to identify guanine nucleotide exchange factors that activate Cdc42 in immortalized human podocytes. We generated podocyte-specific ARHGEF7 (commonly known as β-PIX) knockout mice by crossing β-PIX floxed mice with Podocin-Cre mice. Using shRNA, we established cultured mouse podocytes with β-PIX knockdown and their controls.ResultsWe identified β-PIX as a predominant guanine nucleotide exchange factor that interacts with Cdc42 in human podocytes. Podocyte-specific β-PIX knockout mice developed progressive proteinuria and kidney failure with global or segmental glomerulosclerosis in adulthood. Glomerular podocyte density gradually decreased in podocyte-specific β-PIX knockout mice, indicating podocyte loss. Compared with controls, glomeruli from podocyte-specific β-PIX knockout mice and cultured mouse podocytes with β-PIX knockdown exhibited significant reduction in Cdc42 activity. Loss of β-PIX promoted podocyte apoptosis, which was mediated by the reduced activity of the prosurvival transcriptional regulator Yes-associated protein.ConclusionsThese findings indicate that β-PIX is required for the maintenance of podocyte architecture and glomerular function via Cdc42 and its downstream Yes-associated protein activities. This appears to be the first evidence that a Rho–guanine nucleotide exchange factor plays a critical role in podocytes.

Endocrinology ◽  
2020 ◽  
Bareket Daniel ◽  
Ariela Livne ◽  
Guy Cohen ◽  
Shirin Kahremany ◽  
Shlomo Sasson

Abstract Insulin secretion from pancreatic beta cells is tightly regulated by glucose and paracrine signals within the microenvironment of islets of Langerhans. Extracellular matrix from islet microcapillary endothelial cells (IMEC) affect beta-cell spreading and amplify insulin secretion. This study was aimed at investigating the hypothesis contact-independent paracrine signals generated from IMEC may also modulate beta-cell insulin secretory functions. For this purpose, conditioned medium (CMp) preparations were prepared from primary cultures of rat IMEC and were used to simulate contact-independent beta cell-endothelial cell communication. GSIS assays were then performed on freshly isolated rat islets and the INS-1E insulinoma cell line, followed by fractionation of the CMp, mass-spectroscopic identification of the factor, and mechanism of action characterization. The IMEC-derived CMp markedly attenuated first- and second-phase GSIS in a time- and dose-dependent manner without altering cellular insulin content and cell viability. Size-exclusion fractionation, chromatographic and mass-spectroscopic analyses of the CMp identified the attenuating factor as the enzyme Triosephosphate Isomerase (TPI). An antibody against TPI abrogated the attenuating activity of the CMp while recombinant human TPI (hTPI) attenuated GSIS from beta cells. This effect was reversed in the presence of tolbutamide in the GSIS assay. In silico docking simulation identified regions on TPI dimer that were important for potential interactions with the extracellular epitopes of the sulfonylurea receptor in the complex. This study supports the hypothesis that an effective paracrine interaction exists between IMEC and beta cells and modulates glucose-induced insulin secretion via TPI- sulfonylurea receptor- KATP channel (SUR1-Kir6.2) complex attenuating interactions.

2013 ◽  
Vol 288 (20) ◽  
pp. 14522-14530 ◽  
Meghana Gupta ◽  
Elena Kamynina ◽  
Samantha Morley ◽  
Stacey Chung ◽  
Nora Muakkassa ◽  

Mutations in the PLEKHG4 (puratrophin-1) gene are associated with the heritable neurological disorder autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxia. However, the biochemical functions of this gene product have not been described. We report here that expression of Plekhg4 in the murine brain is developmentally regulated, with pronounced expression in the newborn midbrain and brainstem that wanes with age and maximal expression in the cerebellar Purkinje neurons in adulthood. We show that Plekhg4 is subject to ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation, and its steady-state expression levels are regulated by the chaperones Hsc70 and Hsp90 and by the ubiquitin ligase CHIP. On the functional level, we demonstrate that Plekhg4 functions as a bona fide guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) that facilitates activation of the small GTPases Rac1, Cdc42, and RhoA. Overexpression of Plekhg4 in NIH3T3 cells induces rearrangements of the actin cytoskeleton, specifically enhanced formation of lamellopodia and fillopodia. These findings indicate that Plekhg4 is an aggregation-prone member of the Dbl family GEFs and that regulation of GTPase signaling is critical for proper cerebellar function.

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