Regulation of alpha-ketoisocaproate binding to albumin in vivo by free fatty acids

1982 ◽  
Vol 242 (1) ◽  
pp. E67-E71
S. L. Nissen ◽  
J. M. Miles ◽  
J. E. Gerich ◽  
M. W. Haymond

The importance of alpha-keto acid binding to plasma proteins was investigated both in vitro and in vivo using alpha-ketoisocaproate (KIC), the alpha-keto acid of leucine. Gel chromatography indicated that 65% of the radioactivity comigrated with serum albumin. An ultrafiltration assay was developed to estimate the percentage of free and bound KIC. These percentages, along with total plasma KIC concentrations, were used to calculate the circulating concentrations of free and bound KIC. KIC or free fatty acids (FFA) displaced [14C]KIC bound to bovine albumin or whole plasma. KIC was totally displaced from plasma proteins by 10 mM oleate, stearate, and myristate; whereas the alpha-keto acids of isoleucine and value were 50 and 85%, respectively, as effective as KIC. To determine whether increased plasma FFA concentrations alter the binding of KIC to plasma proteins in vivo, five postabsorptive humans were infused with triglyceride and heparin during the simultaneous administration of somatostatin, glucagon, and insulin. During the FFA elevation, plasma leucine decreased by 9% (P less than 0.02). Total plasma KIC remained constant, whereas free KIC increased (P less than 0.02) and bound KIC decreased (P less than 0.001). These results indicate that KIC is bound to plasma albumin in vivo and suggests that FFA, by altering circulating free KIC concentrations, may influence protein metabolism in man.

1986 ◽  
Vol 112 (1) ◽  
pp. 100-104 ◽  
R. Gross ◽  
P. Mialhe

Abstract. The isolated perfused duck pancreas was used to study the effect of free fatty acids (FFA) on pancreatic function in vitro and to determine whether the FFA-glucagon negative feedback mechanism resulted from a direct inhibitory effect of FFA on the pancreatic A cell. Oleate, 2 mmol/l, increased the output rates of pancreatic somatostatin, glucagon and insulin. As there is poor morphological evidence in the duck for somatostatin to act as a paracrine intra-islet modulator, we reproduced in the pancreatico-duodenal artery, the rise in somatostatin level obtained in the pancreatic effluent after oleate. In these conditions the rises in glucagon and insulin secretions after oleate treatment were, respectively, reversed and suppressed, thereby reproducing observations previously made in vivo. Consequently, we may assume that the negative FFA-glucagon feedback mechanism that operates in vivo for physiological FFA variations does not result from a direct effect of FFA on the A cell, but may rather be mediated by an increase in pancreatic somatostatin secretion.

1981 ◽  
Vol 36 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 62-70 ◽  
Margrit Bertrams ◽  
Käthe Wrage ◽  
Ernst Heinz

Abstract De novo-synthesis of glycerolipids in chloroplasts is initiated by a stroma enzyme which catalyzes the formation of lyso-phosphatidic acid from glycerophosphate and acyl-CoA. When these substrates are added to isolated, intact chloroplasts, only glycerophosphate can readily pass through the chloroplast envelope which represents a permeation barrier for acyl-CoA, although higher thioester concentrations destroy this membrane system. At low concentrations of acyl-CoA, which do not impair the envelope, intact chloroplasts metabolize exogenous acyl-CoA in two ways to give free fatty acids and labelled phosphatidyl choline. This indicates that the envelope thioesterase can use exogenous substrates. Isolated, intact chloroplasts fixing radioactive CO2 label free fatty acids and acylglycerols but not galactolipids, since they cannot convert 3-phosphoglycerate into UDP-galactose which in vivo is supplied by the cytoplasm. This cooperation was simulated in vitro by adding all enzymes and cofactors necessary for conversion of 3-phosphoglycerate into UDP-galactose to intact chloro­plasts which then formed labelled monogalactosyl diacylglycerol from labelled CO2. The time required to transfer envelope-made galactolipids from the envelope into thylakoids was studied by incubating intact chloroplasts with radioactive UDP-galactose, subsequent osmotic disruption of organelles with concomitant enzymatic degradation of UDP-galactose followed by separation of envelopes and thylakoids. Only after short times (< 1min) appreciable proportions 920-30%) of radioactive galactolipid export from envelopes into thylakoids.

1973 ◽  
Vol 134 (4) ◽  
pp. 1067-1081 ◽  
Anthony McAllister ◽  
S. P. Allison ◽  
Philip J. Randle

1. The extractions of glucose, lactate, pyruvate and free fatty acids by dog heart in vivo were calculated from measurements of their arterial and coronary sinus blood concentration. Elevation of plasma free fatty acid concentrations by infusion of intralipid and heparin resulted in increased extraction of free fatty acids and diminished extractions of glucose, lactate and pyruvate by the heart. It is suggested that metabolism of free fatty acids by the heart in vivo, as in vitro, may impair utilization of these substrates. These effects of elevated plasma free fatty acid concentrations on extractions by the heart in vivo were reversed by injection of dichloroacetate, which also improved extraction of lactate and pyruvate by the heart in vivo in alloxan diabetes. 2. Sodium dichloroacetate increased glucose oxidation and pyruvate oxidation in hearts from fed normal or alloxan-diabetic rats perfused with glucose and insulin. Dichloroacetate inhibited oxidation of acetate and 3-hydroxybutyrate and partially reversed inhibitory effects of these substrates on the oxidation of glucose. In rat diaphragm muscle dichloroacetate inhibited oxidation of acetate, 3-hydroxybutyrate and palmitate and increased glucose oxidation and pyruvate oxidation in diaphragms from alloxan-diabetic rats. Dichloroacetate increased the rate of glycolysis in hearts perfused with glucose, insulin and acetate and evidence is given that this results from a lowering of the citrate concentration within the cell, with a consequent activation of phosphofructokinase. 3. In hearts from normal rats perfused with glucose and insulin, dichloroacetate increased cell concentrations of acetyl-CoA, acetylcarnitine and glutamate and lowered those of aspartate and malate. In perfusions with glucose, insulin and acetate, dichloroacetate lowered the cell citrate concentration without lowering the acetyl-CoA or acetylcarnitine concentrations. Measurements of specific radioactivities of acetyl-CoA, acetylcarnitine and citrate in perfusions with [1-14C]acetate indicated that dichloroacetate lowered the specific radio-activity of these substrates in the perfused heart. Evidence is given that dichloroacetate may not be metabolized by the heart to dichloroacetyl-CoA or dichloroacetylcarnitine or citrate or CO2. 4. We suggest that dichloroacetate may activate pyruvate dehydrogenase, thus increasing the oxidation of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA and acetylcarnitine and the conversion of acetyl-CoA into glutamate, with consumption of aspartate and malate. Possible mechanisms for the changes in cell citrate concentration and for inhibitory effects of dichloroacetate on the oxidation of acetate, 3-hydroxybutyrate and palmitate are discussed.

1985 ◽  
Vol 54 (02) ◽  
pp. 418-421 ◽  
S H Goodnight ◽  
S B Inkeles ◽  
N L Kovach ◽  
W E Connor

SummaryThe anti-thrombotic effect of prostacyclin (PGI2) may be determined not only by its synthetic rate but also by its subsequent survival in blood. After its release from the vascular wall, prostacyclin binds to plasma albumin which stabilizes the molecule and prolongs its inhibitory effects on platelets. In vitro studies have shown that free fatty acids compete for the same albumin binding sites and may therefore displace PGI2 and substantially shorten its survival. To see if this competition could also occur in vivo, we produced a three-fold rise of plasma free fatty acid concentrations in ten normal volunteers by four days of fasting, which led to a significant reduction in prostacyclin survival as measured by a functional assay based on inhibition of ADP-induced platelet aggregation. The shortening of prostacyclin survival was associated with evidence of increased platelet reactivity as measured by the circulating platelet aggregate ratio test. Diseases that produce marked elevations of free fatty acids such as acute myocardial infarction may also lead to shortened PGI2 survival with potentiation of platelet mediated thrombosis.

1962 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 189-198 ◽  

SUMMARY The quantity of free fatty acids (FFA) released from rat epididymal fat pads in vitro and their concentration within the tissue were determined. The addition of adrenaline, adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and growth hormone (GH) each increased the release of FFA, and their respective minimum effective concentrations were 0·125, 0·004, 0·5 and 1·25 μg./ml. of medium. In every case, the increased release of FFA was associated with a rise in the quantity present within the pads, and the amount released closely paralleled their concentration within the tissue. It is suggested that the stimulatory effect of all four hormones on the release of FFA from adipose tissue is largely a manifestation of their activity of increasing the concentration of FFA within the cells, and this they do by facilitating the net conversion of storage triglyceride to fatty acid. The significance of the relative activities of the hormones in vitro is discussed and compared with their fatty acid mobilizing effects in vivo.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 493-505 ◽  
Arpna Sharma ◽  
Vijay Simha Baddela ◽  
Frank Becker ◽  
Dirk Dannenberger ◽  
Torsten Viergutz ◽  

High-yielding dairy cows postpartum face the challenge of negative energy balance leading to elevated free fatty acids levels in the serum and follicular fluid thus affecting the ovarian function. Here, we investigated effects of physiological concentrations of palmitic acid (PA), stearic acid (SA) and oleic acid (OA) on the viability, steroid production and gene expression in a bovine granulosa cell (GC) culture model. Treatment with individual and combined fatty acids increased the CD36 gene expression, while no significant apoptotic effects were observed. Both PA and SA significantly upregulated the expression of FSHR, LHCGR, CYP19A1, HSD3B1, CCND2 and increased 17β-estradiol (E2) production, while OA downregulated the expression of these genes and reduced E2. Interestingly, STAR was equally downregulated by all fatty acids and combination treatment. E2 was significantly reduced after combination treatment. To validate the effects of OA, in vivo growing dominant follicles (10–19 mm) were injected with bovine serum albumin (BSA) with/without conjugated OA. The follicular fluid was recovered 48 h post injection. As in our in vitro model, OA significantly reduced intrafollicular E2 concentrations. In addition, expression of CD36 was significantly up- and that of CYP19A1 and STAR significantly downregulated in antral GC recovered from aspirated follicles. The ovulation rates of OA-injected follicles tended to be reduced. Our results indicate that elevated free fatty acid concentrations specifically target functional key genes in GC both in vitro and in vivo. Suggestively, this could be a possible mechanism through which elevated free fatty acids affect folliculogenesis in dairy cows postpartum.

1978 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 125-131 ◽  
J. D. Edwards-Webb ◽  
S. Y. Thompson

1. The lipolysis of cow's milk fat by salivary lipase (EC in the preruminant calf has been studied in vitro by a simulated abomasal digestion, and also in vivo by examining the abomasal effluent collected over 12 h after giving whole milk to a calf.2. In the in vitro experiment the liquid drained from the clot contained a higher proportion of short-chain fatty acids than the abomasal effluent in the in vivo experiment. This was considered to indicate the absorption of short-chain free fatty acids from within the abomasum.3. Preferential release of short-chain fatty acids both in vitro and in vivo was observed.4. The outflow of butyric acid from the abomasum of the calf was initially rapid, but had levelled off at approximately 6 h, whereas the outflow of a typical long-chain fatty acid (palmitic) was fairly constant over the 12 h.Butyric acid predominated in the free fatty acids of abomasal effluent 0.5 h after feeding (668 mmol/mol total free fatty acids) but had become a minor component by 12 h (15 mmol/mol total free fatty acids).5. The mean amounts of free and esterified fatty acids (mmol/mol fatty acid ingested) present in the abomasal effluent from the 12 h collection period were: triglyceride 465, diglyceride 215, monoglyceride 68, free fatty acid 252. These values showed that only one-third of esterified fatty acids ingested are lipolysed to absorbable products by salivary lipase.

1990 ◽  
Vol 36 (4) ◽  
pp. 611-613 ◽  
R Sapin ◽  
J L Schlienger ◽  
F Grunenberger ◽  
F Gasser ◽  
J Chambron

Abstract To compare in vitro and in vivo effects of increased concentrations of free fatty acids (FFA) on free thyroxin (FT4) values, we measured FT4 in three pooled sera supplemented with oleate and in serum from 18 euthyroid patients before and after an infusion of fat emulsion (Intralipid). We used five FT4 RIA kits: two two-step methods [Gammacoat, Baxter (GC); Ria-gnost, Behring (RG)], two analog RIAs [Amerlex-M, Amersham (AM); Coat-Ria, BioMérieux (CR)], and one kit with labeled antibodies [Amerlex-MAB*, Amersham (AA)]. In vitro, at the maximum oleate addition of 5 mmol/L, FT4 increased when measured by the GC and RG kits, decreased by the AM kit, and showed no significant change by the CR and AA kits. In vivo, post-Intralipid, FFA concentrations rose significantly and the FT4 changes agreed with the results of the in vitro experiments, except for the RG kit, for which FT4 increased in only nine patients. We conclude that in vitro oleate addition is useful to predict the in vivo effect of increased FFA on FT4 values; moreover, in serum from euthyroid subjects with high concentrations of FFA, FT4 analyzed with the CR or AA kits should better agree with normal results for thyrotropin than FT4 values measured with the other kits.

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