Direct measurement of basolateral membrane potentials from cells of the macula densa

1989 ◽  
Vol 257 (3) ◽  
pp. F463-F468 ◽  
P. D. Bell ◽  
J. Y. Lapointe ◽  
J. Cardinal

At the present time, little is known concerning the electrophysiology of the cells of the macula densa and whether or not these cells are electrically responsive to alterations in luminal fluid composition. To investigate this issue, cortical thick ascending limbs (CTAL) containing macula densa and attached glomeruli were dissected from rabbit kidney and the CTAL perfused in vitro. Basolateral membrane potential (Vbl) was measured with microelectrodes in macula densa cells and, for comparison, in cells of the CTAL. Macula densa Vbl averaged -56.5 +/- 7.6 mV (n = 4) at a (n = 22) at 20 mM NaCl, -35.6 +/- 3.9 mV (n = 16) at 45 mM NaCl, and -25.5 +/- 2.6 mV (n = 32) at 150 mm NaCl. Thus macula densa Vbl depolarized markedly (31 mV) when luminal perfusate [NaCl] was increased from low to high values. In contrast, Vbl measured in CTAL cells averaged -62 +/- 6.1 mV (n = 6) in 45 mM NaCl and did not change significantly as perfusate NaCl was increased to 150 mM. In the presence of 150 mM NaCl, luminal application of furosemide (50 microM) produced a small (3.5 +/- 1.1 mV, n = 16) but statistically significant (P less than 0.02) hyperpolarization in macula densa cells, whereas CTAL cell Vbl hyperpolarized markedly (20 +/- 5.7 mV, n = 6) with addition of furosemide. Finally, neither macula densa cells nor the CTAL cells changed Vbl when 45 mM NaCl solution was made hypotonic by removing mannitol.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

1981 ◽  
Vol 240 (3) ◽  
pp. F200-F210 ◽  
B. Biagi ◽  
T. Kubota ◽  
M. Sohtell ◽  
G. Giebisch

Conventional microelectrodes were used to measure the basolateral membrane potential (VBL) in isolated perfused superficial proximal convoluted (sPCT) and superficial proximal straight (sPST) tubules of the rabbit kidney. Stable recordings for periods up to 2 h can be obtained. The mean +/- SE (n = number of cells) values of VBL were sPCT = -51.0 +/- 1.63 (24) and sPST = -47.0 +/- 0.97 (94) mV. Inhibitors of active transport, ouabain (10(-5) M) and low bath potassium (0.1 mM), caused a significant depolarization of VBL in sPST. In contrast, short-duration bath cooling (10 degrees C) had no significant effect. Removal of luminal glucose caused a larger hyperpolarization in sPCT (-13.9 +/- 1.77 (9) mV) than in sPST (-3.8 +/- 1.02 (5) mV). Removal of luminal glucose and alanine resulted in an even larger hyperpolarization of VBL in sPCT (-19.0 +/- 0.44 (6) mV). Perfusion of the lumen with a solution resembling late proximal tubular fluid in sPST resulted in hyperpolarization of VBL (-4.3 +/- 0.85 (4) mV). Reducing bath pH to 6.7 depolarized VBL (39.9 +/- 1.77 (13) mV). This effect can be associated with a decrease in the relative potassium permeability of the basolateral membrane. These results demonstrate the feasibility of using intracellular electrical measurements to determine both luminal and basolateral membrane characteristics in isolated proximal tubular segments.

1986 ◽  
Vol 250 (2) ◽  
pp. F261-F266 ◽  
B. A. Biagi ◽  
M. Sohtell

Conventional microelectrodes were used to study the effects of bath pH and bicarbonate concentrations on the basolateral membrane potential (Vbl) of cells from the superficial proximal convoluted (PCT) and proximal straight (PST) tubules of the rabbit kidney perfused in vitro. Bathing solution pH was varied over the range of 5.9-7.4 using either control (22-25 mM) or low bicarbonate (5.0-6.6 mM) Ringer solutions and the appropriate CO2 tensions. The results show a strong pH dependence of the steady-state values of Vbl in both the convoluted and straight tubule segments. The pH-dependent depolarization was approximately 35 mV/pH unit change of the bathing solution in the acid direction and could be demonstrated in CO2-free HEPES-buffered solutions. A depolarizing response to increased bath potassium concentration (HK) was observed that was linearly related to the absolute value of the Vbl under control conditions. Under acidotic conditions, reduced HK depolarizations indicate that a decrease in the relative potassium permeability of the basolateral membrane is the principle mechanism underlying the effects of bath pH on Vbl.

1991 ◽  
Vol 260 (6) ◽  
pp. F856-F860 ◽  
J. Y. Lapointe ◽  
P. D. Bell ◽  
A. M. Hurst ◽  
J. Cardinal

It has recently been shown that membrane ionic transport pathways of macula densa cells can be measured using conventional microelectrodes. To determine if conductances could be identified at the basolateral membrane of macula densa cells, cortical thick ascending limbs (CTAL) with attached glomeruli were continuously perfused with a 25 mM NaCl bicarbonate-free Ringer solution. Individual basolateral Na+, Cl-, NaCl, and K+ concentrations were altered by isosmotic replacement with N-methyl-D-glucamine and/or cyclamate. Reduction in basolateral [Na+] from 150 to 25 mM hyperpolarized basolateral membrane potential (Vbl) by 9.9 +/- 1.3 mV (n = 10; all data are corrected for changes in liquid junction potential at bath electrode). A decrease in bath [Cl-] from 150 to 25 mM depolarized Vbl by 20 +/- 2.4 mV (n = 13), whereas decreases in bath [NaCl] from 150 to 25 mM depolarized Vbl by 29 +/- 6.8 mV (n = 5). In the presence of 150 mM NaCl bathing solution, a stepwise increase in [K+] from 5 to 15 mM (by replacement of 10 mM NaCl with 10 mM KCl) depolarized Vbl by 3.3 +/- 1.1 mV (n = 8). After correction for individual transepithelial diffusion potentials, Cl conductance averaged 59 +/- 19% of the total basolateral conductance, whereas K+ (23 +/- 8%) and Na+ (17 +/- 10%) contributed significantly less to the overall basolateral conductance. These results indicate that membrane potential of macula densa cells may be very sensitive to alterations in intracellular Cl- activity and suggest that apical transport of NaCl through a furosemide-sensitive Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl- transporter may affect membrane potential in macula densa cells via a change in intracellular Cl- activity.

1984 ◽  
Vol 246 (6) ◽  
pp. F889-F896 ◽  
S. Sasaki ◽  
C. A. Berry

To clarify the mechanism(s) of HCO-3 movement across the basolateral membrane, rabbit proximal convoluted tubules were perfused in vitro. Two possible mechanisms were examined: neutral HCO-3 exit coupled to chloride and rheogenic HCO-3 exit. A complete C1- substitution with isethionate in the lumen and bath did not affect HCO-3 reabsorption, suggesting that HCO-3 exit is not coupled to chloride. Addition of 2 mM Ba2+ to the bath, which has been shown to depolarize the basolateral membrane potential difference, caused a 42% inhibition of HCO-3 reabsorption and a 32% inhibition of volume flux, suggesting that HCO-3 exit is rheogenic. Ba2+ did not affect the volume flux when HCO-3 reabsorption was inhibited by acetazolamide, suggesting that the Ba2+ effect is not due to a general inhibition of cell metabolism. From these data we propose that HCO-3 exits the basolateral membrane by a rheogenic, chloride-independent mechanism.

1990 ◽  
Vol 63 (4) ◽  
pp. 663-675 ◽  
P. Calabresi ◽  
N. B. Mercuri ◽  
G. Bernardi

1. The effects of intrinsic membrane properties on the spontaneous and synaptically evoked activity of neostriatal neurons were studied in an in vitro slice preparation with the use of intracellular recordings. The recorded neurons did not show spontaneous action potentials at rest; depolarizing current pulses triggered a tonic firing pattern. 2. Subthreshold spontaneous depolarizing potentials (SDPs) were observed in 52% of the recorded neurons. The amplitude of these potentials at rest ranged between 2 and 15 mV, and their duration between 4 and 100 ms. The frequency and the amplitude of the SDPs were functions of the membrane potential: membrane depolarization by constant positive current increased the frequency of the SDPs and reduced their amplitude; hyperpolarization of the membrane decreased their frequency and increased their amplitude. Often, at membrane potentials more negative than -90 mV, SDPs were completely suppressed. 3. SDPs were blocked by low calcium-cobalt containing solutions. In the presence of tetrodotoxin (TTX, 1-3 microM), SDPs were completely abolished in 50% of the tested neurons; in the remaining neurons, small (1-4 mV) TTX-resistant SDPs were observed. In most of the neurons, bicuculline (BIC, 10-100 microM) and low concentrations of tetanus toxin (5-10 micrograms/ml) did not clearly affect the SDPs. Higher concentrations of tetanus toxin (100 micrograms/ml) blocked the SDPs as well as the synaptic potentials evoked by intrastriatal stimulation. 4. At resting membrane potential, intrastriatal stimulation produced a fast depolarizing postsynaptic potential (EPSP) that was reduced by BIC (10-100 microM). The relationship between EPSP amplitude and membrane potential was studied either by utilizing K(+)-chloride electrodes or by the use of cesium-chloride electrodes. In both these cases, the reversal potential for the EPSPs was between 0 and -14 mV. In cesium-loaded neurons, the decrease of the EPSP, usually observed at negative membrane potentials (below -85 mV), was clearly reduced. Internal cesium prolonged the duration of the SDPs and the EPSPs evoked by intrastriatal stimulation. 5. The relationship between spontaneous and evoked synaptic activity and membrane potential was studied in the presence of different external potassium blockers. 4-Aminopyridine (4AP, 0.1-1 mM) increased the EPSP amplitude and the frequency of the SDPs, but did not decrease membrane rectification and the shunt of the EPSPs present at negative membrane potentials. On the contrary, rectification of the membrane and the shunt of the EPSPs below -85 mV were clearly reduced by tetraethylammonium (TEA, 10-20 mM).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

1991 ◽  
Vol 261 (1) ◽  
pp. G92-G103
M. J. Rutten ◽  
C. D. Moore

The effects of low doses of luminal ethanol on the amiloride-sensitive apical membrane potential of Necturus antral mucosa were studied using conventional microelectrode techniques. Luminal ethanol (0.250-4.0% vol/vol) caused a dose-dependent hyperpolarization of the apical membrane potential (Vmc), an increase in transepithelial resistance (Rt) and resistance ratio (Ra/Rb), and a decrease in transepithelial potential (Vms). Luminal amiloride (100 microM) to 4% ethanol-treated antra did not cause any additional hyperpolarization of Vmc. Compared with luminal 2% ethanol-Ringer, an equivalent osmotic mannitol solution depolarized Vmc and basolateral potential (Vcs), decreased Rt and Ra/Rb, and increased Vms. A single dose of 0.50% ethanol attenuated the effects of a second 2% ethanol exposure on Vmc. No change in periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)-positive mucous granule content could be found between control and 2% ethanol-treated antra. The Ca2+ ionophores A23187 or ionomycin (0.25-5.0 microM) dose dependently hyperpolarized the Vmc and Vcs, increased Rt and Ra/Rb, and decreased Vms. Luminal Ca(2+)-free Ringer had no effect on luminal 2.00% ethanol-induced changes in membrane potentials or resistances. Pretreatment with BAPTA blocked by approximately 70 and 55% the Vmc hyperpolarization of 2 and 4% ethanol, respectively. Pretreatment with ruthenium red (10-50 microM) also dose dependently reduced the 2% ethanol-induced changes in Vmc. The data indicate that 1) low doses of luminal ethanol and Ca2+ ionophores have similar effects on Necturus gastric antral membrane potentials and resistances, 2) ethanol-induced hyperpolarizations of the Vmc are partially mediated through an alteration in intracellular Ca2+, and 3) low doses of luminal ethanol do not cause the release of antral epithelial mucous granules at the time when significant changes are occurring in the Vmc.

1987 ◽  
Vol 252 (1) ◽  
pp. F11-F18 ◽  
S. Sasaki ◽  
T. Shiigai ◽  
N. Yoshiyama ◽  
J. Takeuchi

To clarify the mechanism(s) of HCO3- (or related base) transport across the basolateral membrane, rabbit proximal straight tubules were perfused in vitro, and intracellular pH (pHi) and Na+ activity (aiNa) were measured by double-barreled ion-selective microelectrodes. Lowering bath HCO3- from 25 to 5 mM at constant PCO2 depolarized basolateral membrane potential (Vbl), and reduced pHi. Most of these changes were inhibited by adding 1 mM 4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (SITS) to the bath. Total replacement of bath Na+ with choline also depolarized Vbl and reduced pHi, and these changes were also inhibited by SITS. Reduction in aiNa was observed when bath HCO3- was lowered. Taken together, these findings suggest that HCO3- exists the basolateral membrane with Na+ and negative charge. Calculation of the electrochemical driving forces suggests that the stoichiometry of HCO3-/Na+ must be larger than two for maintaining HCO3- efflux. Total replacement of bath Cl- with isethionate depolarized Vbl gradually and increased pHi slightly, implying the existence of a Cl(-)-related HCO3- exit mechanism. The rate of decrease in pHi induced by lowering bath HCO3- was slightly reduced (20%) by the absence of bath Cl-. Therefore, the importance of Cl(-)-related HCO3- transport is small relative to total basolateral HCO3- exit. Accordingly, these data suggest that most of HCO3- exits the basolateral membrane through the rheogenic Na+/HCO3- cotransport mechanism with a stoichiometry of HCO3-/Na+ of more than two.

1985 ◽  
Vol 248 (4) ◽  
pp. F500-F506 ◽  
B. M. Koeppen

Segments of outer medullary collecting duct were dissected from the inner stripe of the rabbit kidney (OMCDi) and perfused in vitro. The conductive properties of the tubule epithelium and individual cell membranes were determined by means of cable analysis and intracellular voltage-recording microelectrodes. In 35 tubules the transepithelial voltage (VT) and resistance (RT) averaged 17.2 +/- 1.4 mV, lumen positive, and 58.6 +/- 5.3 k omega X cm, respectively. The basolateral membrane voltage, (Vbl) was -29.2 +/- 2.1 mV (n = 23). The apical cell membrane did not contain appreciable ion conductances, as evidenced by the high values of apical cell membrane fractional resistance (fRa = Ra/Ra + Rb), which approached unity (0.99 +/- 0.01; n = 23). Moreover, addition of amiloride or BaCl2 to the tubule lumen was without effect on the electrical characteristics of the cell, as was a twofold reduction in luminal [Cl-]. The conductive properties of the basolateral cell membrane were assessed with bath ion substitutions. A twofold reduction in bath [Cl-] depolarized Vbl by 14.7 +/- 0.4 mV (theoretical, 17 mV), while a 10-fold increase in bath [K+] resulted in only a 0.9 +/- 0.4 mV depolarization (theoretical, 61 mV). Substituting bath Na+ with tetramethylammonium (from 150 to 75 mM) was without effect. Reducing bath [HCO-3] from 25 to 5 mM (constant PCO2) resulted in a steady-state depolarization of Vbl of 8.4 +/- 0.4 mV that could not be attributed to conductive HCO-3 movement. Thus, the basolateral cell membrane is predominantly Cl- selective.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

1980 ◽  
Vol 76 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-81 ◽  
J Narvarte ◽  
A L Finn

Membrane potentials and the electrical resistance of the cell membranes and the shunt pathway of toad urinary bladder epithelium were measured using microelectrode techniques. These measurements were used to compute the equivalent electromotive forces (EMF) at both cell borders before and after reductions in mucosal Cl- concentration ([Cl]m). The effects of reduction in [Cl]m depended on the anionic substitute. Gluconate or sulfate substitutions increased transepithelial resistance, depolarized membrane potentials and EMF at both cell borders, and decreased cell conductance. Iodide substitutions had opposite effects. Gluconate or sulfate substitutions decreased apical Na conductance, where iodide replacements increased it. When gluconate or sulfate substitutions were brought about the presence of amiloride in the mucosal solution, apical membrane potential and EMF hyperpolarized with no significant changes in basolateral membrane potential or EMF. It is concluded that: (a) apical Na conductance depends, in part, on the anionic composition of the mucosal solution, (b) there is a Cl- conductance in the apical membrane, and (c) the electrical communication between apical and basolateral membranes previously described is mediated by changes in the size of the cell Na pool, most likely by a change in sodium activity.

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