scholarly journals Generalized Timelike Mannheim Curves in Minkowski Space-Time

2011 ◽  
Vol 2011 ◽  
pp. 1-19 ◽  
M. Akyig~it ◽  
S. Ersoy ◽  
İ. Özgür ◽  
M. Tosun

We give the definition of generalized timelike Mannheim curve in Minkowski space-time . The necessary and sufficient conditions for the generalized timelike Mannheim curve are obtained. We show some characterizations of generalized Mannheim curve.

1955 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 263-273 ◽  
John G. Kemeny

The question of what constitutes fairness in betting quotients has been studied by Ramsey, deFinetti, and Shimony. Thanks to their combined efforts we now have a satisfactory definition of fairness.On the other hand, the explication of the concept of degree of confirmation (inductive probability) has progressed rapidly in recent years, thanks primarily to Carnap. This explication has usually proceeded by laying down the axioms for frequency-probabilities, and elaborating on these. While in the case where a frequency interpretation is intended these axioms are clearly justified, in our case they have been laid down without any justification. Carnap's presentation has been criticized for just this reason.The purpose of this paper is to show that the probability axioms are necessary and sufficient conditions to assure that the degrees of confirmation form a set of fair betting quotients. In addition it will be shown that one additional, highly controversial, axiom is precisely the condition needed to assure that not only deFinetti's weaker criterion but Shimony's criterion of fairness is also satisfied.

Kris van der Pas

This article conceptualises the term “strategic litigation” in order to provide for a definition of it. Strategic litigation is a tool increasingly used in Europe by individuals and organisations to attain different objectives. Next to that, there is increasing academic attention for the topic. Nevertheless, the exact definition of “strategic litigation” remains unclear. Therefore, this article uses the research method of conceptualisation as well as a database research and additional literature to provide for a definition. It looks firstly at the background concept, involving the range of meanings associated with the term “strategic litigation”, after which a systematised concept is formed. Thereby, use is made of the “necessary and sufficient conditions” (NSC) approach, to develop the conditions necessary and/or sufficient for a case to fit within the category of strategic litigation. Moreover, the external conceptual relations of the term are explored.

Symmetry ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (10) ◽  
pp. 1634
Nikita E. Barabanov

We consider smooth binary operations invariant with respect to unitary transformations that generalize the operations of the Beltrami–Klein and Beltrami–Poincare ball models of hyperbolic geometry, known as Einstein addition and Möbius addition. It is shown that all such operations may be recovered from associated metric tensors that have a canonical form. Necessary and sufficient conditions for canonical metric tensors to generate binary operations are found. A definition of algebraic isomorphism of binary operations is given. Necessary and sufficient conditions for binary operations to be isomorphic are provided. It is proved that every algebraic automorphism gives rise to isomorphism of corresponding gyrogroups. Necessary and sufficient conditions in terms of metric tensors for binary operations to be isomorphic to Euclidean addition are given. The problem of binary operations to be isomorphic to Einstein addition is also solved in terms of necessary and sufficient conditions. We also obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for binary operations having the same function-parameter in the canonical representation of metric tensors to be isomorphic.

1975 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-17 ◽  
O. S. Bellamy ◽  
H. W. Ellis

In this note our principal interest is in using nets to give spaces of non-absolutely convergent integrals as extensions of the spaces of absolutely convergent Riemann and Lebesgue integrals. For this purpose we develop a general theory of extensions, by nets, of functions defined on the open intervals with closures in the complement of a fixed closed set, the nets being directed by inclusion for finite disjoint collections of such intervals. Two cases are considered leading to open extension (OE-) and conditional open extension (COE-) nets, the latter being subnets of the former. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the convergence of the OE- and COE-nets are given, those for the COE-nets being similar to conditions that arise in the definition of the restricted Denjoy integral. Properties of inner continuity, weak additivity and the existence of a continuous integral are defined and studied. These relate to the more specialized nets that are suitable for the extension of integrals.

1978 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
pp. 783-796 ◽  
George Cross

It is known that the Pn-tegral as originally defined is not additive on abutting intervals. This paper offers a slight modification in the definition of the integral and develops necessary and sufficient conditions for the integral to be additive.

Martin Schechter ◽  
Kyril Tintarev

We present the most general definition of the linking of sets in a Banach space and discuss necessary and sufficient conditions for sets to link.

2013 ◽  
Vol 336-338 ◽  
pp. 2359-2362
Dong Li Chen ◽  
Yan Zhang ◽  
Chun Hui Ma

By the method of nonstandard analysis, the definition of *-finite graph is given, and necessary and sufficient conditions of *-finite graph are obtained. Further, by the Transfer Principle, we apply the theory of finite graph to *-finite graph, embed given infinite graph into some *-finite graph, and finally obtain the related results of infinite graph.

Zhen-Bo Li ◽  
Yong Su ◽  
Hua-Wen Liu

In this paper we generalize (U,N)-implications. First we introduce (US, N)-operation by replacing the uninorm U with a semi-uninorm US in the definition of a (U, N)-operation. Then the necessary and sufficient conditions that a (US, N)-operation is a implication are given out. Furthermore, we characterize the (US, N)-implications. Last we generalize the definition of rotation invariant and investigate the intersection between the residual implications and (US,N)-implications derived from some semi-uninorms with the generalized rotation invariant.

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 ◽  
Ali UÇUM ◽  
Çetin Camcı ◽  
Kazım İlarslan

In this article, a new approach is given for Mannheim curves in 3-dimensional Euclidean space. Thanks to this approach, the necessary and sufficient conditions including the known results have been obtained for a curve to be Mannheim curve in E³. In addition, related examples and graphs are given by showing that there can be Mannheim curves in Salkowski or anti-Salkowski curves as well as giving Mannheim mate curves, which are not in literature. Finally, the Mannheim partner curves are characterized in E³.

Filomat ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 33 (19) ◽  
pp. 6459-6468
Zhou Wang

In this paper, we introduce the definition of the generalized inverse f(2)T,S, which is an outer inverse of the homomorphism f of right R-modules with prescribed image T and kernel S. Some basic properties of the generalized inverse f(2)T,S are presented. It is shown that the Drazin inverse, the group inverse and the Moore-Penrose inverse, if they exist, are all the generalized inverse f 2) T,S. In addition, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of the generalized inverse f(1,2)T,S.

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