scholarly journals Chemical Compositions, Somatic Embryogenesis, and Somaclonal Variation in Cumin

2017 ◽  
Vol 2017 ◽  
pp. 1-15 ◽  
Moslem Bahmankar ◽  
Seyed Mohammad Mahdi Mortazavian ◽  
Masoud Tohidfar ◽  
Seyed Ahmad Sadat Noori ◽  
Ali Izadi Darbandi ◽  

This is the first report evaluating the relationship between the chemical compositions of cumin seeds (based on the analysis of the content of catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, proline, protein, terpenic compounds, alcohol/phenols, aldehydes, and epoxides) and the induction efficiency of somatic embryogenesis in two Iranian superior cumin landraces (Golestan and North Khorasan). Cotyledons isolated from Golestan landrace seeds cultivated on MS medium supplemented with 0.1 mg/L kinetin proved to be the best primary explant for the induction of somatic embryogenesis as well as the regeneration of the whole plantlet. Results indicated that different developmental stages of somatic embryos were simultaneously observed on a callus with embryogenic potential. The high content of catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, proline, and terpenic hydrocarbons and low content of alcoholic and phenolic compositions had a stimulatory effect on somatic embryogenesis. Band patterns of RAPD markers in regenerated plants were different from those of the mother plants. This may be related to somaclonal variations or pollination system of cumin. Generally, measurement of chemical compositions can be used as a marker for evaluating the occurrence of somatic embryogenesis in cumin. Also, somaclonal variations of regenerated plants can be applied by the plant breeders in breeding programs.

2020 ◽  
Vol 48 (4) ◽  
pp. 1901-1914
Rujira TISARUM ◽  
Wittaya PROMMEE ◽  
Suriyan CHA-UM

Plant micropropagation via somatic embryogenesis is a powerful technique for rapid mass propagation, especially in para rubber (Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg.). However, somaclonal variations are the major limitation of this process. To date, DNA fingerprinting, i.e., RAPD (Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA), Star Codon Targeted (SCoT), and SSRs (Simple Sequence Repeats), is one of the most successful technologies to detect the genetic fidelity in the somatic embryos. The aim of present study was to induce somatic embryos from inner integument explants of para rubber cv. ‘RRIM 600’ at different developmental stages and subsequent acclimatization and transplantation (under greenhouse and field conditions) of the propagated seedlings. The genetic stability of the plants derived from somatic embryos was also analysed in comparison to the mother plant using RAPD, SCoT and SSRs markers. Somatic embryos derived from inner integuments of 5-week-old immature seeds after pollination were more efficient than older and younger seeds. In addition, para rubber mother plants cv. ‘RRIM600’ and plants derived from somatic embryogenesis demonstrated the same pattern of DNA fragments, as confirmed by three PCR-based techniques, RAPD, SCoT and SSRs, whereas these in the pattern were different from ‘RRIT 226’, ‘PB 235’, ‘PB 251’, ‘PB 255’ and ‘BMP 24’. Interestingly, T2 plant was found to possess somaclonal variations when compared with mother plant. Based on the results, we confirm that the plants derived from somatic embryogenesis of para rubber cv. ‘RRIM 600’ were true-to-type to that of ‘RRIM 600’ master stock.

HortScience ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 41 (4) ◽  
pp. 984D-985
Ahmad Khalighi ◽  
Manijeh Mohammadi Dehcheshmeh ◽  
Esmaeil Ebrahimie ◽  
Manoochehr Sardari ◽  
Rohangiz Naderi ◽  

Fritillaria imperialis and Fritillaria persica are important medicinal and ornamental plants that are native to Iran. Wild populations of Fritillaria are at risk of extinction. For the first time, capability of developmental stages in respect to induction of different morphogenesis pathways from petal tissue was studied in detail. The developmental stages were green unopened flowers, colored unopened flowers, and open flowers. Direct bulblet regeneration and direct somatic embryogenesis were observed from green unopened flowers in both F. imperialis and F. persica. More bulblet regeneration was produced in F. imperialis in contrast with F. persica in colored unopened flowers. Somatic embryogenesis via callus was established in green unopened flowers of F. persica with cold pretreatment. The effect of light on induction of different morphogenesis pathways was nonsignificant except for green unopened flowers of F. persica with cold treatment. Our results showed that the developmental stages of petal explants play a significant role in micropropagation of Fritillaria and induction of different morphogenesis pathways.

2010 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
Estelle Dannhauser

The article is a lengthy review of the book Jesus’ resurrection in Joseph’s garden by P.J.W. (Flip) Schutte. The book represents a quest to trace the relationship between Jesus’ resurrection, myth and canon. Schutte finds the origin of events underlying the biblical canon in proclamation. His focus in the book is the proclamation of the death and resurrection of Christ, which, in its developmental stages, hinged on the life and death of the historical Jesus. Proclamation developed into a mythical narrative that became the foundational myth for the Christ cult, validating its existence and rituals. With the growth and institutionalisation of the faith community (church), came an increased production of literature, causing the power-wielding orthodoxy to identify a body of literature containing the ‘truth’ and ‘correct teaching’, thus establishing the authoritative canon. In, through, behind and beyond Jesus of Nazareth, Schutte has perceived a canon behind the canon: a God of love. In Jesus, the man of myth with historical roots who has become to us the observable face of God, Schutte confesses the kerygma to open up before him. The proclamation therefore extends an invitation to join in a mythological experience and an encounter with God whose love is preached in the metaphor called Easter.

2004 ◽  
Vol 94 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-143 ◽  
R. Deml

AbstractHaemolymph and osmeterial secretions of caterpillars of Lymantria monacha (Linnaeus) and L. concolor Walker were analysed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry for low molecular weight secondary metabolites. The similarities of their chemical compositions were determined by means of cluster analysis techniques in order to characterize possible chemical variations related to developmental stage or food of the larvae. For this purpose, two dissimilarity coefficients (Euclidean distances, Canberra metrics) and four clustering methods (UPGMA, WPGMA, WPGMC, single linkage) were combined. The patterns of secondary compounds obtained from the haemolymph and osmeterial secretions studied did not differ statistically significantly between two groups of L. monacha larvae fed with either larch, Larix decidua Mil., or Norway spruce, Picea abies (L.), indicating no relevant influence of plant chemistry. However, haemolymph of penultimate instar larvae of L. concolor fed on Rhododendroncontained a mixture of compounds differing statistically significantly from that of last instar caterpillars. The total compositions of the corresponding gland secretions were statistically identical though the presence/amounts of individual compounds varied. This suggested that the haemolymph composition reflected changing physiological requirements of the successive instars, whereas the composition of the defensive mixtures remained comparatively constant, possibly due to a constant spectrum of potential enemies. A more pronounced age-dependence of larval chemistry was shown by a similar analysis of data from various developmental stages of L. dispar (Linnaeus) and one of its food plants. This analysis suggested plant composition affected the secondary chemistry of early larval instars of L. dispar. The results are discussed in terms of the roles of secondary metabolites in defence against natural enemies.

Reproduction ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 162 (3) ◽  
pp. 181-191
Jessica Ispada ◽  
Aldcejam Martins da Fonseca Junior ◽  
Otávio Luiz Ramos Santos ◽  
Camila Bruna de Lima ◽  
Erika Cristina dos Santos ◽  

Metabolic and molecular profiles were reported as different for bovine embryos with distinct kinetics during the first cleavages. In this study, we used this same developmental model (fast vs slow) to determine if the relationship between metabolism and developmental kinetics affects the levels of acetylation or tri-methylation at histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9ac and H3K9me3, respectively). Fast and slow developing embryos presented different levels of H3K9ac and H3K9me3 from the earliest stages of development (40 and 96 hpi) and up to the blastocyst stage. For H3K9me3, both groups of embryos presented a wave of demethylation and de novo methylation, although it was more pronounced in fast than slow embryos, resulting in blastocysts with higher levels of this mark. The H3K9ac reprogramming profile was distinct between kinetics groups. While slow embryos presented a wave of deacetylation, followed by an increase in this mark at the blastocyst stage, fast embryos reduced this mark throughout all the developmental stages studied. H3K9me3 differences corresponded to writer and eraser transcript levels, while H3K9ac patterns were explained by metabolism-related gene expression. To verify if metabolic differences could alter levels of H3K9ac, embryos were cultured with sodium-iodoacetate (IA) or dichloroacetate (DCA) to disrupt the glycolytic pathway or increase acetyl-CoA production, respectively. IA reduced H3K9ac while DCA increased H3K9ac in blastocysts. Concluding, H3K9me3 and H3K9ac patterns differ between embryos with different kinetics, the second one explained by metabolic pathways involved in acetyl-CoA production. So far, this is the first study demonstrating a relationship between metabolic differences and histone post-translational modifications in bovine embryos.

1999 ◽  
Vol 202 (20) ◽  
pp. 2823-2830 ◽  
O. Castanon-Cervantes ◽  
B. Battelle ◽  
M.L. Fanjul-Moles

The present study investigated developmental circadian changes in the content of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) in two structures proposed to contain pacemakers in crayfish Procambarus clarkii: the cerebral ganglion and the eyestalks. Crayfish (N=260) from three developmental stages were divided into two groups: (1) animals subjected to 12 h:12 h light:dark cycles for 10 days and (2) animals treated as described above, then exposed to 72 h of continuous dim light. Crayfish from both groups were killed at different times of day, and the cerebral ganglion and the eyestalks of each were assayed for 5-HT by reversed-phase HPLC with electrochemical detection. In all stages of development, 5-HT content (expressed as (μ)g g(−)(1)wet mass tissue) showed circadian variations in both structures analyzed; rhythms continued to free-run under constant illumination, and total 5-HT content was higher in the brain (0.581+/−0.36 (μ)g g(−)(1); mean +/− s.e.m.) than in the eyestalks (0.299+/−0.15 (μ)g g(−)(1)). As development advances, the percentage of the rhythm that shows periods of 24 h diminishes, while the percentage of the rhythm that shows periods of 9 to 12 h increases. This seems to indicate that pulsatile variations in 5-HT content are superimposed in a circadian component. The relationship between the 5-HT rhythm and electroretinogram and motor activity rhythms during development is discussed.

Minerals ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 199 ◽  
Dehai Wu ◽  
Jiayong Pan ◽  
Fei Xia ◽  
Guangwen Huang ◽  
Jing Lai

The Huangsha uranium mining area is located in the Qingzhangshan uranium-bearing complex granite of the Middle Nanling Range, Southeast China. This uranium mining area contains three uranium deposits (Liangsanzhai, Egongtang, and Shangjiao) and multiple uranium occurrences, showing favorable mineralization conditions and prospecting potential for uranium mineral resources. Chloritization is one of the most important alteration types and prospecting indicators in this mining area. This study aims to unravel the formation environment of chlorites and the relationship between chloritization and uranium mineralization, based on detailed field work and petrographic studies of the wallrock and ore samples from the Huangsha uranium mining area. An electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA) was used in this study to analyze the paragenetic association, morphology, and chemical compositions of chlorite, to classify chemical types and to calculate formation temperatures and n(Al)/n(Al + Mg + Fe) values of chlorite. The formation mechanism and the relationship with uranium mineralization of the uranium mining area are presented. Some conclusions from this study are: (1) There are five types of chlorites, including the chlorite formed by the alteration of biotite (type-I), by the metasomatism of feldspar with Fe–Mg hydrothermal fluids (type-II), chlorite vein/veinlet filling in fissures (type-III), chlorite closely associated with uranium minerals (type-IV), and chlorite transformed from clay minerals by adsorbing Mg- and Fe-components (type-V). (2) The chlorite in the Huangsha uranium mining area belongs to iron-rich chlorite and is mainly composed of chamosite, partly clinochlore, which are the products of multiple stages of hydrothermal action. The original rocks are derived from argillite, and their formation temperatures vary from 195.7 °C to 283.0 °C, with an average of 233.2 °C, suggesting they formed under a medium to low temperature conditions. (3) The chlorites were formed under reducing conditions with low oxygen fugacity and relatively high sulfur fugacity through two formation mechanisms: dissolution–precipitation and dissolution–migration–precipitation; (4) The chloritization provided the required environment for uranium mineralization, and promoted the activation, migration, and deposition of uranium.

2006 ◽  
Vol 66 (1a) ◽  
pp. 85-93 ◽  
M. I. Hamann

From December 1995 to November 2000, the seasonal maturation of Glypthelmins vitellinophilum Dobbin, 1958, in its definitive host, the frog Lysapsus limellus Cope, 1862, was studied in a subtropical permanent pond in northeastern Argentina. The objectives of this study were: 1) to determine the infrapopulation dynamics of the parasite, analyzing the seasonal maturation cycle throughout the years; and 2) to examine the relationship between the intensity of trematode infection in different developmental stages (recruitment, growth and maturation) and the host's body length. Of a total of 1,400 frogs examined over 60 months (5 years), 38% were found to be infected with G. vitellinophilum, and the intensity of infection was 1-15 trematodes per frog. Specimens of G. vitellinophilum were present in L. limellus throughout the years, but did not show a pronounced seasonal maturation cycle. Possible reasons for these findings are discussed with reference to climatic fluctuations and biotic factors. The infective period of the parasite (stage I) occurred in summer, autumn and spring, coinciding with the time each frog cohort appeared. These infections were found principally in small body sizes (classes 1 and 2) of L. limellus. Juvenile and nongravid specimens of worms (stage II and III) were found in frogs of different body sizes throughout the period of investigation. Gravid specimens of the parasite (stage IV) were generally recorded in autumn, winter and spring, mainly in the bodies of larger frogs. The body length of Trematodes in stages I and IV was significantly and positively correlated with that of the frogs.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1236-1241
Gustavo H. Sera ◽  
Filipe G. Carvalho ◽  
Inês C. de B. Fonseca ◽  
Luciana H. Shigueoka ◽  
Santino A. da Silva ◽  

The aim of this study was to prove that Arabica coffee introgressed with C. liberica, have resistance to Meloidogyne paranaensis (Mp). Open pollinated fruits were harvested from mother plants of 29 Arabica coffee genotypes from the IAPAR germplasm bank. Seeds were collected from the fruits and were sown to obtain seedlings to test the resistance to Mp. The experiment was set up in a completely randomized design with 29 coffee genotypes, 8 replications, and one plant per plot. Cultivars Catuaí Vermelho IAC 99 and IPR 100 were used as susceptible and resistant checks, respectively. Seedlings with three to four pairs of leaves were inoculated with 1,400 eggs and juveniles J2 of Mp (IP). At 120 days after inoculation, seedlings were evaluated by counting the nematodes per gram of roots, and the final nematodes population was obtained (FP). The reproduction factor (RF) was calculated using the formula: RF = FP/IP. The reproduction factor reduction was used to classify the resistance levels of genotypes, which were classified as highly resistant (HR), resistant (R), moderately resistant (MR), moderately susceptible (MS), susceptible (S) an highly susceptible (HS). All genotypes differed from Catuaí in resistance factor (RF), five of which did not differ from IPR 100 for RF, and only the line IAPAR 15242 had RF < 1.0. Out of 28 Arabica genotypes introgressed with C. liberica, five HR, 11 R, 11 MR and one MS were identified. However, only IAPAR 15242 and IPR 100 were classified as HR and presented 100% of HR plants, but only the first showed an RF < 1.0. Results revealed that these Arabica coffee genotypes with introgression of C. liberica genes have great potential to be used in breeding programs and they are a new alternative as a source of resistance.

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