scholarly journals A Computational Intelligence Approach for Predicting Medical Insurance Cost

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Ch. Anwar ul Hassan ◽  
Jawaid Iqbal ◽  
Saddam Hussain ◽  
Hussain AlSalman ◽  
Mogeeb A. A. Mosleh ◽  

In the domains of computational and applied mathematics, soft computing, fuzzy logic, and machine learning (ML) are well-known research areas. ML is one of the computational intelligence aspects that may address diverse difficulties in a wide range of applications and systems when it comes to exploitation of historical data. Predicting medical insurance costs using ML approaches is still a problem in the healthcare industry that requires investigation and improvement. Using a series of machine learning algorithms, this study provides a computational intelligence approach for predicting healthcare insurance costs. The proposed research approach uses Linear Regression, Support Vector Regression, Ridge Regressor, Stochastic Gradient Boosting, XGBoost, Decision Tree, Random Forest Regressor, Multiple Linear Regression, and k-Nearest Neighbors A medical insurance cost dataset is acquired from the KAGGLE repository for this purpose, and machine learning methods are used to show how different regression models can forecast insurance costs and to compare the models’ accuracy. The results shows that the Stochastic Gradient Boosting (SGB) model outperforms the others with a cross-validation value of 0.0.858 and RMSE value of 0.340 and gives 86% accuracy.

Mohamed hanafy ◽  
Omar M. A. Mahmoud

Insurance is a policy that eliminates or decreases loss costs occurred by various risks. Various factors influence the cost of insurance. These considerations contribute to the insurance policy formulation. Machine learning (ML) for the insurance industry sector can make the wording of insurance policies more efficient. This study demonstrates how different models of regression can forecast insurance costs. And we will compare the results of models, for example, Multiple Linear Regression, Generalized Additive Model, Support Vector Machine, Random Forest Regressor, CART, XGBoost, k-Nearest Neighbors, Stochastic Gradient Boosting, and Deep Neural Network. This paper offers the best approach to the Stochastic Gradient Boosting model with an MAE value of 0.17448, RMSE value of 0.38018and R -squared value of 85.8295.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 2848 ◽  
Irina Matijosaitiene ◽  
Anthony McDowald ◽  
Vishal Juneja

This research aims to identify spatial and time patterns of theft in Manhattan, NY, to reveal urban factors that contribute to thefts from motor vehicles and to build a prediction model for thefts. Methods include time series and hot spot analysis, linear regression, elastic-net, Support vector machines SVM with radial and linear kernels, decision tree, bagged CART, random forest, and stochastic gradient boosting. Machine learning methods reveal that linear models perform better on our data (linear regression, elastic-net), specifying that a higher number of subway entrances, graffiti, and restaurants on streets contribute to higher theft rates from motor vehicles. Although the prediction model for thefts meets almost all assumptions (five of six), its accuracy is 77%, suggesting that there are other undiscovered factors making a contribution to the generation of thefts. As an output demonstrating final results, the application prototype for searching safer parking in Manhattan, NY based on the prediction model, has been developed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-214 ◽  
Mahmoud Elish

Purpose Effective and efficient software security inspection is crucial as the existence of vulnerabilities represents severe risks to software users. The purpose of this paper is to empirically evaluate the potential application of Stochastic Gradient Boosting Trees (SGBT) as a novel model for enhanced prediction of vulnerable Web components compared to common, popular and recent machine learning models. Design/methodology/approach An empirical study was conducted where the SGBT and 16 other prediction models have been trained, optimized and cross validated using vulnerability data sets from multiple versions of two open-source Web applications written in PHP. The prediction performance of these models have been evaluated and compared based on accuracy, precision, recall and F-measure. Findings The results indicate that the SGBT models offer improved prediction over the other 16 models and thus are more effective and reliable in predicting vulnerable Web components. Originality/value This paper proposed a novel application of SGBT for enhanced prediction of vulnerable Web components and showed its effectiveness.

Webology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (Special Issue 01) ◽  
pp. 183-195
Thingbaijam Lenin ◽  
N. Chandrasekaran

Student’s academic performance is one of the most important parameters for evaluating the standard of any institute. It has become a paramount importance for any institute to identify the student at risk of underperforming or failing or even drop out from the course. Machine Learning techniques may be used to develop a model for predicting student’s performance as early as at the time of admission. The task however is challenging as the educational data required to explore for modelling are usually imbalanced. We explore ensemble machine learning techniques namely bagging algorithm like random forest (rf) and boosting algorithms like adaptive boosting (adaboost), stochastic gradient boosting (gbm), extreme gradient boosting (xgbTree) in an attempt to develop a model for predicting the student’s performance of a private university at Meghalaya using three categories of data namely demographic, prior academic record, personality. The collected data are found to be highly imbalanced and also consists of missing values. We employ k-nearest neighbor (knn) data imputation technique to tackle the missing values. The models are developed on the imputed data with 10 fold cross validation technique and are evaluated using precision, specificity, recall, kappa metrics. As the data are imbalanced, we avoid using accuracy as the metrics of evaluating the model and instead use balanced accuracy and F-score. We compare the ensemble technique with single classifier C4.5. The best result is provided by random forest and adaboost with F-score of 66.67%, balanced accuracy of 75%, and accuracy of 96.94%.

2022 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 849-859
K. Kiruthika Devi ◽  
G. A. Sathish Kumar

2021 ◽  
pp. 289-301
B. Martín ◽  
J. González–Arias ◽  
J. A. Vicente–Vírseda

Our aim was to identify an optimal analytical approach for accurately predicting complex spatio–temporal patterns in animal species distribution. We compared the performance of eight modelling techniques (generalized additive models, regression trees, bagged CART, k–nearest neighbors, stochastic gradient boosting, support vector machines, neural network, and random forest –enhanced form of bootstrap. We also performed extreme gradient boosting –an enhanced form of radiant boosting– to predict spatial patterns in abundance of migrating Balearic shearwaters based on data gathered within eBird. Derived from open–source datasets, proxies of frontal systems and ocean productivity domains that have been previously used to characterize the oceanographic habitats of seabirds were quantified, and then used as predictors in the models. The random forest model showed the best performance according to the parameters assessed (RMSE value and R2). The correlation between observed and predicted abundance with this model was also considerably high. This study shows that the combination of machine learning techniques and massive data provided by open data sources is a useful approach for identifying the long–term spatial–temporal distribution of species at regional spatial scales.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 358-372
E. V. Orlova ◽  

The article considers the problem of reducing the banks credit risks associated with the insolvency of borrowers — individuals using financial, socio-economic factors and additional data about borrowers digital footprint. A critical analysis of existing approaches, methods and models in this area has been carried out and a number of significant shortcomings identified that limit their application. There is no comprehensive approach to identifying a borrowers creditworthiness based on information, including data from social networks and search engines. The new methodological approach for assessing the borrowers risk profile based on the phased processing of quantitative and qualitative data and modeling using methods of statistical analysis and machine learning is proposed. Machine learning methods are supposed to solve clustering and classification problems. They allow to automatically determine the data structure and make decisions through flexible and local training on the data. The method of hierarchical clustering and the k-means method are used to identify similar social, anthropometric and financial indicators, as well as indicators characterizing the digital footprint of borrowers, and to determine the borrowers risk profile over group. The obtained homogeneous groups of borrowers with a unique risk profile are further used for detailed data analysis in the predictive classification model. The classification model is based on the stochastic gradient boosting method to predict the risk profile of a potencial borrower. The suggested approach for individuals creditworthiness assessing will reduce the banks credit risks, increase its stability and profitability. The implementation results are of practical importance. Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the existing and the proposed methodology for assessing credit risk showed that the new methodology provides predictive ana­lytics of heterogeneous information about a potential borrower and the accuracy of analytics is higher. The proposed techniques are the core for the decision support system for justification of individuals credit conditions, minimizing the aggregate credit risks.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (23) ◽  
pp. 3925
Ivan Pilaš ◽  
Mateo Gašparović ◽  
Alan Novkinić ◽  
Damir Klobučar

The presented study demonstrates a bi-sensor approach suitable for rapid and precise up-to-date mapping of forest canopy gaps for the larger spatial extent. The approach makes use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) red, green and blue (RGB) images on smaller areas for highly precise forest canopy mask creation. Sentinel-2 was used as a scaling platform for transferring information from the UAV to a wider spatial extent. Various approaches to an improvement in the predictive performance were examined: (I) the highest R2 of the single satellite index was 0.57, (II) the highest R2 using multiple features obtained from the single-date, S-2 image was 0.624, and (III) the highest R2 on the multitemporal set of S-2 images was 0.697. Satellite indices such as Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index (ARVI), Infrared Percentage Vegetation Index (IPVI), Normalized Difference Index (NDI45), Pigment-Specific Simple Ratio Index (PSSRa), Modified Chlorophyll Absorption Ratio Index (MCARI), Color Index (CI), Redness Index (RI), and Normalized Difference Turbidity Index (NDTI) were the dominant predictors in most of the Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. The more complex ML algorithms such as the Support Vector Machines (SVM), Random Forest (RF), Stochastic Gradient Boosting (GBM), Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), and Catboost that provided the best performance on the training set exhibited weaker generalization capabilities. Therefore, a simpler and more robust Elastic Net (ENET) algorithm was chosen for the final map creation.

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