scholarly journals Moving Matters: The Causal Effect of Moving Schools on Student Performance

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 419-446 ◽  
Amy Ellen Schwartz ◽  
Leanna Stiefel ◽  
Sarah A. Cordes

Policy makers and analysts often view the reduction of student mobility across schools as a way to improve academic performance. Prior work indicates that children do worse in the year of a school move, but has been largely unsuccessful in isolating the causal effects of mobility. We use longitudinal data on students in New York City public elementary and middle schools to isolate the causal effects of school moves on student performance. We account for observed and time-invariant differences between movers and non-movers using rich data on student sociodemographic and education program characteristics and student fixed effects. To address the potential endogeneity of school moves arising from unobserved, time-varying factors, we use three sets of plausibly exogenous instruments for mobility: first-grade school grade span, grade span of zoned middle school, and building sale. We find that in the medium term, students making structural moves perform significantly worse in both English language arts (ELA) and math, whereas those making nonstructural moves experience a significant increase in ELA performance. In the short term, there is an additional negative effect for structural moves in ELA. These effects are meaningful in magnitude and results are robust to a variety of alternative specifications, instruments, and samples.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-26
Marcus A. Winters ◽  
Brian Kisida ◽  
Ikhee Cho

Abstract Transitions to a new principal are common, especially within urban public schools, and potentially highly disruptive to a school's culture and operations. We use longitudinal data from New York City to investigate if the effect of principal transitions differs by whether the incoming principal was hired externally or promoted from within the school. We take advantage of variation in the timing of principal transitions within an event-study approach to estimate the causal effect of principal changes. Changing principals has an immediate negative effect on student test scores that is sustained over several years regardless of whether hired internally or externally. However, externally hired principals lead to an increase in teacher turnover and a decline in perceptions of the school's learning environment, whereas transitions to an internally promoted principal have no such effects. This pattern of results raises important questions about leadership transitions and the nature of principal effects on school quality.

2019 ◽  
Vol 56 (4) ◽  
pp. 1380-1411 ◽  
Sarah A. Cordes ◽  
Amy Ellen Schwartz ◽  
Leanna Stiefel

Residential mobility is likely to have consequences for student performance, but prior empirical work is largely correlational and offers little insight into its impacts. Using rich, longitudinal data, we estimate the effects of residential mobility on the performance of New York City public school students. Using both student fixed effects and instrumental variables approaches, we find that long-distance moves have negative effects, while short-distance moves improve student performance. These differential effects are partially, but not fully, explained by school mobility. Rather, the positive effects of short-distance moves may be explained by improvements in housing, while the negative impacts of long-distance moves may be explained by lower performance relative to school peers and loss of social capital.

Steven D’Agustino ◽  
Kathleen P. King

This research studied a professional development technology mentoring program serving approximately 500 K-12 teachers in New York City. The teacher training model, designed to improve student outcomes through the integration of technology into instruction, employed school visits by professional development technology mentors, training workshops and an online collaboration environment for participants. With a theoretical basis in transformative learning, the model focused on developing relationships of trust between teachers and professional developers. Findings in the paper discuss how to improve student performance in mathematics and English Language Arts through technology integration and teacher competence in teaching with technology, and they provide new insights into the potential for professional development initiatives incorporating similar perspectives and practices.

Dragana Stojmenovska ◽  
Paula England

Abstract This article answers several related questions: does parenthood affect whether women hold positions of authority? Is there a parenthood effect on authority for men? Is the gender gap in authority explained by a more deleterious effect of parenthood on women’s in comparison to men’s representation in positions of authority? Past studies of the relationship between parenthood and workplace authority have been limited in their ability to assess a causal effect of parenthood because most have employed a static approach, measuring the presence of children and the type of job held concurrently, using cross-sectional data. Using retrospective life course data from four rounds of the Family Survey of the Dutch Population and distributed fixed-effects models, we study within-person changes in having supervisory authority among women and men in the years before, around, and after the birth of their first child. The findings show a moderate negative effect of motherhood on women’s representation in authority, which is entirely explained by a reduction in the number of hours worked. Fatherhood has no effect on men’s representation in authority. The gender gap in supervisory authority between women and men grows over time but is already very large years before the transition to first-time parenthood.

2007 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 251-292
Tor A. Åfarli ◽  
Jarosław Jakielaszek ◽  
Iwona Witczak-Plisiecka ◽  
Wiktor Pskit ◽  
Jolanta Szpyra-Kozłowska ◽  

Nikolaus P. Himmelmann, Eva F. Schultze-Berndt (eds), Secondary Predication and Adverbial Modification: The Typology of Depictives, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. xxv + 448 pages Edward L. Keenan, Edward P. Stabler, Bare Grammar: Lectures on Linguistic Invariants. Stanford: CSLI Publications, 2003. 192 pp. Siobhan Chapman, Thinking about Language. Theories of English. Houndsmills and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. X + 174 pages. pb (Series: Perspectives on the English Language) Judith Rodby, W. Ross Winterowd, The Uses of Grammar, Oxford: Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. xiv + 274 pp. Laura J. Downing, Alan T. Hall and Renate Raffelsiefen (eds), Paradigms in Phonological Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. 349 pages. Max W. Wheeler, The Phonology of Catalan. (The Phonology of the World’s Languages). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. XI + 387 pp. Jan-Olof Svantesson, Anna Tsendina, Anastasia Karlson, and Vivan Franzén, The Phonology of Mongolian. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Pp. xix + 314. Cliff Goddard, The Languages of East and Southeast Asia. An Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. pp. xvi + 315.

Katherine K. Preston

This chapter focuses on the philanthropist Jeannette Thurber, who founded the American (National) Opera Company (1885) to encourage high-caliber performances of continental operas translated into English. Her company was heavily subsidized by New York society and supported by establishment music critics. But both Thurber and her musical director Theodore Thomas misunderstood the American opera audience, and mounted serious works designed for cultural uplift, to the neglect of Italian and French operas that were popular among the general public. Society members were not interested in English-language opera because it was not sufficiently exclusive; middle-class operagoers were repelled both by the trappings of elitism and the expensive tickets. A close reinterpretation of the company’s failure reveals much about American operatic taste; it is also important in the context of this book because scholars have blamed the company’s spectacular demise on a general lack of support for English-language opera.

George L. Parker

This chapter discusses the history of fiction publishing in Canada since 1950. It begins with the arrival of New York publisher Alfred Knopf in Canada in August 1955, a month after the Canadian Writers' Conference was held at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario. During the conference, the sorry plight of the English-language book scene was tackled: bookstores, for example, were dominated by British and American authors, and Canadian literature was practically ignored in schools and universities. The chapter examines how many of these complaints were resolved by the 2000s. It considers changes in Canadian fiction from traditional realism towards modernism and postmodernism, and the importance of the New Canadian Library quality paperback series (1958). It also describes other significant developments that reshaped the Canadian book market, including the emergence of independent small presses, Harlequin Enterprises, the proliferation of international conglomerates, the marketing of e-books, and the rise of Amazon.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
E. Caitlin Lloyd ◽  
Hannah M. Sallis ◽  
Bas Verplanken ◽  
Anne M. Haase ◽  
Marcus R. Munafò

Abstract Background Evidence from observational studies suggests an association between anxiety disorders and anorexia nervosa (AN), but causal inference is complicated by the potential for confounding in these studies. We triangulate evidence across a longitudinal study and a Mendelian randomization (MR) study, to evaluate whether there is support for anxiety disorder phenotypes exerting a causal effect on AN risk. Methods Study One assessed longitudinal associations of childhood worry and anxiety disorders with lifetime AN in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children cohort. Study Two used two-sample MR to evaluate: causal effects of worry, and genetic liability to anxiety disorders, on AN risk; causal effects of genetic liability to AN on anxiety outcomes; and the causal influence of worry on anxiety disorder development. The independence of effects of worry, relative to depressed affect, on AN and anxiety disorder outcomes, was explored using multivariable MR. Analyses were completed using summary statistics from recent genome-wide association studies. Results Study One did not support an association between worry and subsequent AN, but there was strong evidence for anxiety disorders predicting increased risk of AN. Study Two outcomes supported worry causally increasing AN risk, but did not support a causal effect of anxiety disorders on AN development, or of AN on anxiety disorders/worry. Findings also indicated that worry causally influences anxiety disorder development. Multivariable analysis estimates suggested the influence of worry on both AN and anxiety disorders was independent of depressed affect. Conclusions Overall our results provide mixed evidence regarding the causal role of anxiety exposures in AN aetiology. The inconsistency between outcomes of Studies One and Two may be explained by limitations surrounding worry assessment in Study One, confounding of the anxiety disorder and AN association in observational research, and low power in MR analyses probing causal effects of genetic liability to anxiety disorders. The evidence for worry acting as a causal risk factor for anxiety disorders and AN supports targeting worry for prevention of both outcomes. Further research should clarify how a tendency to worry translates into AN risk, and whether anxiety disorder pathology exerts any causal effect on AN.

David Granlund

AbstractThis paper studies responses to competition with the use of dynamic models that distinguish between short- and long-term price effects. The dynamic models also allow lagged numbers of competitors to become valid and strong instruments for the current numbers, which enables studying the causal effects using flexible specifications. A first parallel trader is found to decrease prices of exchangeable products by 7% in the long term. On the other hand, prices do not respond to the first competitor that sells therapeutic alternatives; but competition from four or more competitors that sell on-patent therapeutic alternatives decreases prices by about 10% in the long term.

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