language arts
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2022 ◽  
pp. 320-343
Sam von Gillern ◽  
Carolyn Stufft ◽  
Rick Marlatt ◽  
Larysa Nadolny

This research examines the perceptions and instructional ideas of preservice teachers as relates to using Minecraft, a popular video game, to facilitate game-based learning opportunities in their future elementary classrooms. The participants were 21 preservice teachers who played Minecraft as part of a teacher preparation program course and then completed essays on their experiences with the game and its potential to support student learning in the elementary English language arts classroom. These essays were coded and analyzed for themes. Three primary results were found in data analysis. First, three groups emerged from the data with each group indicating either no interest, some interest, or high interest in using Minecraft in their future teaching. Second, the preservice teachers illustrated various potential instructional strategies for integrating the game into the classroom, and third, participants identified a variety of ways that Minecraft integration can support English language arts instruction and learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 ◽  
pp. 39-69
Jong-Hwan Choi ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 154
Kevin Kai-Wing Chan ◽  
William Ko Wai Tang

In this report, we investigate the use of a radio drama competition to boost motivation, self-confidence, and cooperation in language learning for primary and secondary school students in Hong Kong. The results suggest the radio drama competition had a positive impact on increasing motivation, collaboration, and confidence in language learning.  For the study, we used online surveys and interviews with students and teachers who participated in the radio drama competition to examine their perceptions of the competition. We have included the surveys and interview results of two competitions in consecutive years, and both years’ results indicate students had positive views about their experience. Both students and teachers believed the competition enhanced collaboration and teamwork, confidence, and communication skills most.  This paper contributes to the literature by shedding light on the pedagogical implications of English teachers incorporating more radio drama and language arts into their classrooms to improve students’ language learning. Well-selected language arts materials could increase students’ language learning process as well as their motivation and self-confidence to learn the target language.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (10(5)) ◽  
pp. 1630-1644
Jan Hendrik (Manna) Stander ◽  
Luke Alan Sandham ◽  
Gustav Visser

South African arts festivals have been the subject of considerable research, with a focus on the economics, attendee patterns and impacts on local communities. Importantly, numerous role-players (stall holders, artists, festival attendees, amongst others) contribute to the diversity, origin and character of these arts festivals. Despite this, little is known of their mobility, spatiality and geographies. To this end, artists and stall holders across five large Afrikaans Language Arts festivals were interviewed to establish their itineraries, travel behaviours, festival involvement and cultural expression. On this basis, this study hopes to enable a better understanding of the geographies of Afrikaans arts festivals. Results suggest that artists and stall holders contribute significantly to shaping the geographies of these arts festivals as they are the most mobile of all participants. Their mobility creates a shared or communal festival geography – albeit now severely disrupted by COVID-19 – across Afrikaans arts festival boundaries. Unfortunately, this shared geography may also undermine the local flavour, authenticity, and regional diversity of such arts festivals.

Scriptorium ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. e42168
Patrick Bizzaro ◽  
Marina Soares Nogara

Tradução do artigo “Teacher as Writer and Researcher: The Poetry Dilemma”, de Patrick Bizzaro,2 publicado originalmente em 1983, na revista Language Arts (v. 60, n. 7). No artigo, o autor reflete sobre suas práticas de ensino de escrita de poesia em relação à sua própria escrita poética, ou seja, sobre as implicações da personalidade multifacetada do professor de Escrita Criativa – teórico, escritor e pesquisador – em suas formas de ensinar. Num primeiro momento, embasa suas reflexões nas três abordagens utilizadas no ensino de escrita de poesia levantadas por Lucky Jacobs no artigo “Three Approaches to the Teaching of Poetry Writing” (1977): abordagem por modelos, abordagem por atividades e abordagem por modelos e atividades. Em seguida, reflete sobre o próprio processo de criação, analisando diferentes estágios da composição de um de seus poemas. Por fim, discute as descobertas proporcionadas pelo processo de autoanálise empreendido, estabelecendo pontes entre pesquisa, ensino e criação. Apesar de ter sido publicado há quase 40 anos, o artigo é uma contribuição relevante para o campo acadêmico da Escrita Criativa no Brasil, em seu atual momento de consolidação e expansão.

2021 ◽  
pp. 0013161X2110548
Paul Bruno ◽  
Colleen M. Lewis

Purpose: We aim to better understand the curricular, staffing, and achievement trade-offs entailed by expansions of high-school computer science (CS) for students, schools, and school leaders. Methods: We use descriptive, correlational, and quasi-experimental methods to analyze statewide longitudinal course-, school-, and staff-level data from California, where CS course taking has expanded rapidly. Findings: We find that these rapid CS course expansions have not come at the expense of CS teachers’ observable qualifications (namely certification, education, or experience). Within-school course taking patterns over time suggest that CS enrollment growth has come at the expense of social studies, English/language arts (ELA), and arts courses, as well as from other miscellaneous electives. However, we find no evidence that increased enrollment of students in CS courses at a school has a significant effect on students’ math or ELA test scores. Implications: Flexible authorization requirements for CS teachers appear to have allowed school leaders to staff new CS courses with teachers whose observable qualifications are strong, though we do not observe teachers’ CS teaching skill. Increasing CS participation is unlikely to noticeably improve school-level student test scores, but administrators also do not need to be overly concerned that test scores will suffer. However, school leaders and policymakers should think carefully about what courses new CS courses will replace and whether such replacements are worthwhile.

Kathleen A. Gormley ◽  
Peter McDermott

Literacy journals provide an important resource for teachers’ professional development. Although school districts offer in-service education for their faculty and teachers often attend conferences and workshops sponsored by professional teaching organizations, journal reading remains an important source of information for teachers’ ongoing learning. In this study we examined what elementary teachers would learn about teaching critical literacy from reading major journals in literacy education. Critical literacy served as our focus because of the increasing importance of readers knowing how to recognize political, social and cultural perspectives embedded in the texts that they read. Content analysis served as our research method in which all volumes of The Reading Teacher and Language Arts published between 2011 and 2020 were examined. Results yielded 20 manuscripts meeting our criteria, and these clustered into two categories: (1) manuscripts describing effective critical literacy projects in elementary classrooms; (2) manuscripts discussing the use of children’s literature for teaching critical literacy. Given recent national events relating to racial and ethnic injustice throughout the country, we recommend that literacy journals place greater emphasis in publishing manuscripts that help teachers include a critical literacy lens into the lessons they teach children.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 72-89
Shelby Boehm ◽  
Kathleen Colantonio-Yurko ◽  
Kathleen Olmstead ◽  
Henry “Cody” Miller

In this article we offer curricular suggestions for teaching Elana K. Arnold’s young adult title Damsel, a subverted fairytale rewrite, using a critical literacy framework. In doing so, we outline how English curriculum has often upheld oppressive systems that harm women, and how our teaching can challenge such systems. We situate this work through the retelling of a fairytale trope given the ubiquity of such stories in secondary students’ lives. Our writings have teaching implications for both secondary English language arts classrooms and higher education fields such as English, folklore, mythology, and gender studies. We end by noting the limitations of such teaching.

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