Sulu-Sulawesi Seas Patrol: Lessons from the Malacca Straits Patrol and Other Similar Cooperative Frameworks

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (4) ◽  
pp. 799-826 ◽  
Hadyu Ikrami

Abstract On 19 June 2017, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines launched the Sulu-Sulawesi Seas Patrol (SSSP), a framework of maritime security cooperation aimed at protecting the Sulu Sea and Sulawesi (Celebes) Sea from maritime crimes. The three nations had announced that their cooperation might be modelled on the Malacca Straits Patrol (MSP), a similar form of cooperation between Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand to safeguard the Straits of Malacca and Singapore. This article primarily compares both cooperative frameworks, and argues that the SSSP should be modelled on the MSP, subject to certain conditions. Where there are insufficient best practices in the MSP, this article contrasts the SSSP with other similar cooperative frameworks, including the Combined Maritime Forces and the ECOWAS Integrated Maritime Strategy. In addition, this article also discusses the relationship between the SSSP and MSP on one hand, and the ASEAN maritime security mechanisms on the other hand.

Energies ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (14) ◽  
pp. 3514
Hazleen Aris ◽  
Iskandar Shah Mohd Zawawi ◽  
Bo Nørregaard Jørgensen

Malaysia is in the process of liberalising its electricity supply industry (ESI) further, with the second reform series announced in September 2018. If everything goes as planned, Malaysia would be the third country in the Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN) to have a fully liberalised ESI after the Philippines and Singapore. A number of initiatives have been in the pipeline to be executed and a lot more will be planned. At this juncture, it is important for Malaysia to look for the best practices and lessons that can be learnt from the experience of other countries that have successfully liberalised their ESIs. Being in the same region, it is believed that there is a lot that Malaysia can learn from the Philippines and Singapore. This paper therefore presents and deliberates on the chronological development of the countries’ progressive journeys in liberalising their ESIs. The aim is to discern the good practices, the challenges as well as the lessons learnt from these transformations. Analysis is being made and discussed from the following four perspectives; legislative framework, implementation phases, market components and impact on renewable energy penetration. Findings from this study would provide useful insight for Malaysia in determining the course of actions to be taken to reform its ESI. Beyond Malaysia, the findings can also serve as the reference for the other ASEAN countries in moving towards liberalising their ESIs.

Erina L. MacGeorge ◽  
Lyn M. Van Swol

This chapter highlights cross-cutting themes from the research reviewed in this Handbook. Areas for theoretical integration across contexts and levels of analysis are also suggested. In addition, it summarizes the variety of methods used to study advice and makes suggestions for methodological synthesis and advancement. Finally, some of the best practices for giving advice offered by the other chapters in this volume are synthesized. The chapter concludes with reflections on the relationship between theory and application.

Brandon Prins ◽  
Ursula Daxecker

With piracy in the Greater Gulf of Aden seemingly eradicated, some analysts suggest that attacks against shipping no longer remains a salient global security concern. Indeed, the number of attacks attributable to Somali pirates dropped dramatically from 2011 to 2015, and small private maritime security firms have begun to go out of business as demand for armed guards on ships has diminished. But recent increases off the coast of Nigeria and around the Straits of Malacca confirm that the threat has not been entirely eliminated. In fact, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines recently agreed to conduct coordinated naval patrols to stem the rise in attacks in and around their waters and some Indonesian elites warn that the problem will only grow worse (Jensen & Kapoor, 2016). While the international community mounted a significant counter-piracy response to attacks in the Greater Gulf of Aden beginning in 2009 and shipping companies started to implement protective measures to safeguard their transports, piracy endures because the conditions driving it persist. Successful attacks against ships produce sizable payoffs and the risk of capture remains low in most places. Further, the continued presence of fragile governments, corrupt elites, joblessness, and illegal foreign fishing ensure that pirates will continue to pose a threat to marine traffic. Current research efforts focus on the microlevel drivers of pirate attacks. While structural (country-level) indicators of poverty and institutional fragility correlate with piracy, local conditions on land proximate to anchorages and shipping lanes where incidents occur will likely provide additional leverage in explaining where pirates locate and why piracy endures. Existing research also suggests piracy may be connected to armed insurgency. As rebels seek resources to help fund their anti-state or separatist campaigns, piracy, like gemstones, oil, and narcotics, may serve as a means to pay fighters and purchase weapons. Spatially and temporally disaggregated analyses as well as the synthesis of research on civil war and maritime piracy will open up new lines of inquiry into the relationship between lootable resources and armed conflict.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 114-143
Ayu Laksmi Saraswati ◽  
Ni Komang Desy Arya Pinatih

The Sulu Sea, one of Indonesia's seas located in the strategic area of ALKI II (Indonesian Archipelagic Sea Lane), directly borders Malaysia and the Philippines. As a busy trade route, the sea is also vulnerable to threats such as maritime piracy. This research aims to see Indonesia's maritime security strategy in the Sulu Sea over maritime piracy cases in the area during 2016. In this research, the writer uses the Maritime Security concept proposed by Chris Rahman to explain Indonesia's maritime security strategy in the Sulu Sea. The author using three variables, including (1) security of the sea itself: conservation and protection; (2) ocean governance; (3) maritime border protection; (4) military activities at sea, and (5) security regulation of the transport marine system in their correlation with each other. The author then concludes that out of five variables, only two are suitable and effective for implementing piracies in the Sulu Sea, namely maritime border protection and military activities at sea.

Crisis ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 32 (5) ◽  
pp. 246-253 ◽  
Gretchen E. Ely ◽  
William R. Nugent ◽  
Julie Cerel ◽  
Mholi Vimbba

Background: The relationship between suicidal thinking and adolescent dating violence has not been previously explored in a sample of adolescent abortion patients. Aims: This paper highlights a study where the relationship between dating violence and severity of suicidal thinking was examined in a sample of 120 young women ages 14–21 seeking to terminate an unintended pregnancy. Methods: The Multidimensional Adolescent Assessment Scale and the Conflict in Adolescent Relationships Scale was used to gather information about psychosocial problems and dating violence so that the relationship between the two problems could be examined, while controlling for the other psychosocial problems. Results: The results suggest that dating violence was related to severity of suicidal thinking, and that the magnitude of this relationship was moderated by the severity of problems with aggression. Conclusions: Specifically, as the severity of participant’s general problems with aggression increased, the magnitude of the relationship between dating violence and severity of suicidal thinking increased. Limitations of the study and implications for practice are discussed.

Melanie K. T. Takarangi ◽  
Deryn Strange

When people are told that their negative memories are worse than other people’s, do they later remember those events differently? We asked participants to recall a recent negative memory then, 24 h later, we gave some participants feedback about the emotional impact of their event – stating it was more or less negative compared to other people’s experiences. One week later, participants recalled the event again. We predicted that if feedback affected how participants remembered their negative experiences, their ratings of the memory’s characteristics should change over time. That is, when participants are told that their negative event is extremely negative, their memories should be more vivid, recollected strongly, and remembered from a personal perspective, compared to participants in the other conditions. Our results provide support for this hypothesis. We suggest that external feedback might be a potential mechanism in the relationship between negative memories and psychological well-being.

1994 ◽  
Vol 72 (01) ◽  
pp. 058-064 ◽  
Goya Wannamethee ◽  
A Gerald Shaper

SummaryThe relationship between haematocrit and cardiovascular risk factors, particularly blood pressure and blood lipids, has been examined in detail in a large prospective study of 7735 middle-aged men drawn from general practices in 24 British towns. The analyses are restricted to the 5494 men free of any evidence of ischaemic heart disease at screening.Smoking, body mass index, physical activity, alcohol intake and lung function (FEV1) were factors strongly associated with haematocrit levels independent of each other. Age showed a significant but small independent association with haematocrit. Non-manual workers had slightly higher haematocrit levels than manual workers; this difference increased considerably and became significant after adjustment for the other risk factors. Diabetics showed significantly lower levels of haematocrit than non-diabetics. In the univariate analysis, haematocrit was significantly associated with total serum protein (r = 0*18), cholesterol (r = 0.16), triglyceride (r = 0.15), diastolic blood pressure (r = 0.17) and heart rate (r = 0.14); all at p <0.0001. A weaker but significant association was seen with systolic blood pressure (r = 0.09, p <0.001). These relationships remained significant even after adjustment for age, smoking, body mass index, physical activity, alcohol intake, lung function, presence of diabetes, social class and for each of the other biological variables; the relationship with systolic blood pressure was considerably weakened. No association was seen with blood glucose and HDL-cholesterol. This study has shown significant associations between several lifestyle characteristics and the haematocrit and supports the findings of a significant relationship between the haematocrit and blood lipids and blood pressure. It emphasises the role of the haematocrit in assessing the risk of ischaemic heart disease and stroke in individuals, and the need to take haematocrit levels into account in determining the importance of other cardiovascular risk factors.

2014 ◽  
pp. 147-153
P. Orekhovsky

The review outlines the connection between E. Reinert’s book and the tradition of structural analysis. The latter allows for the heterogeneity of industries and sectors of the economy, as well as for the effects of increasing and decreasing returns. Unlike the static theory of international trade inherited from the Ricardian analysis of comparative advantage, this approach helps identify the relationship between trade, production, income and population growth. Reinert rehabilitates the “other canon” of economic theory associated with the mercantilist tradition, F. Liszt and the German historical school, as well as a reconside ration of A. Marshall’s analysis of increasing returns. Empirical illustrations given in the book reveal clear parallels with the path of Russian socio-economic development in the last twenty years.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 291-317
Burak Çavuş

Bu çalışmada, 1960-1990 yılları arasında yayınlanan ve Avrupa’ya işçi göçünü konu edinen romanlar izleksel bağlamda incelenmiştir. Romanlardaki temel izlekler çerçevesinde göç süreci irdelenmiş, inceleme, göçmenlerin tanımlanmasında ve adlandırılmasında kullanılan Gastarbeiter (konuk işçi) Auslander (yabancı) kavramları ve Almanlar tarafından Türk kimliğine atfedilen çağrışımlar üzerinden yürütülmüştür. Göçmenlere yönelik politikalarda ve yaklaşımlarda onların nasıl tanımlandığının etkili olduğuna ve yazınsal süreçte de bu politika ve yaklaşımların belirleyici olduğu savından hareket edilmiştir. Bu noktada adlandırmaların, tanımlamaların göç olayı çerçevesinde biz ve öteki ilişkisi üzerindeki etkisine odaklanılmış; toplum ve yazın ilişkisi temelinde incelenen romanlar üzerinden göç ve göçmenlik meselesine dair çıkarımlar yapılmıştır. Bunlar arasında, ayrımcılık, kötü çalışma koşulları, hak ihlalleri, ırkçılık ve ötekileştirme gibi başat sorunların bu eserlerde merkezi konumda olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Böylece çalışmanın amacı olan göç yazınını oluşturan temel izleklere ulaşılmış; sosyolojik ve tarihsel gerçekliğin yazınsal gerçekliğe aktarılmasında etkili olan unsurlar ön plana çıkarılmıştır. ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH Main Patterns in Migration Novels In this study, the novels published between 1960-1990 and dealing with the migration of workers to Europe were examined in a contextual context. The process of immigration has been examined within the framework of the basic lines in the novels, through the concepts of Gastarbeiter (guest worker), Auslander (foreigner) used in the identification and naming of immigrants and connotations attributed to Turkish identity was conducted. The argument is that how they are defined is effective in policies and approaches towards immigrants and that these policies and approaches are determinative in the literary process. At this point, the effect of naming definitions on us and the other relationship within the framework of migration has been focused; there are inferences about the issue of migration and immigration through the novels examined on the basis of the relationship between society and literature. Among these, it has been determined that dominant problems such as discrimination, poor working violations, racism and marginalization are central to these works. Thus, the basic themes that constitute the migration literature, which is the aim of the study have been reached and the factors that are effective in transferring the sociological and historical reality have been brought the fore.

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