marine traffic
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2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 908
Elyakim Ben-Hakoun ◽  
Eddy Van De Voorde ◽  
Yoram Shiftan

Located in the Middle East, Haifa Port serves both local and international trade interests (from Asia, Europe, America, Africa, etc.). Due to its strategic location, the port is part of the Belt and Road initiative. This research investigates Haifa Port’s emissions contribution to the existing daily emission inventory level in the area. This research is based on a developed full bottom-up model framework that looks at the single vessel daily voyage through its port call stages. The main data sources for vessel movements used in this research are the Israel Navy’s movements log and the Israel Administration of Shipping and Ports’ (ASP) operational vessel movements and cargo log. The Fuel Consumption (FC) data and Sulfur Content (SC) levels are based on official Israel ASP survey data. The observation years in this research are 2010–2018, with a focus on the Ocean-Going Vessel (OGV) type only. The results show that the vessel fleet calling at Israel ports mainly comprises vessels that have a lower engine tier grade (i.e., Tier 0 and 1), which is considered a heavy contributor to nitrogen oxide (NOx) pollution. The study recommends an additional cost charged (selective tariff) to reflect the external social cost linked to the single vessel air pollution combined with supportive technological infrastructure and economic incentive tools (e.g., electric subsidy) to attract or influence vessel owners to assign vessels equipped with new engine tier grades for calls at Israeli ports.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 1-8
John E. Nyberg ◽  
Shachak Pe’eri ◽  
Susan L. Slocum ◽  
Matthew Rice

Abstract. The Cruise Line industry (CLI) is working on plans to recover from the economic impacts of COVID-19. Along with the expected benefits of a post COVID19 surge in cruise tourism, destination ports have an opportunity to mitigate potential impacts that come with the tourist economy. In this study, we expand on our previous work on four CLI destination sites (two in the Caribbean and two meso-American) to a larger regional study area in the Caribbean Sea and investigate the sustainability of destination marine infrastructure and near port transportation resilience. Twenty- Eight destinations were analyzed in the study. All the CLI destinations ports in the study are considered mature for cruise tourism and have tourist attractions of interest (including historic, natural, shopping, and other areas with sociocultural authenticity), which can be reached during a one day ship visit. An analysis of the marine traffic and geographic settings provides a more complete picture on key parameters that can potentially impact the commerce and livelihoods of local communities near destination ports. The results of the study also provide potential solutions for mitigating these impacts. As a baseline for fully operational cruise industry in the Caribbean Sea, the 2019 cruise year was analyzed since it was the last full year without impact from COVID-19. This paper offers a wider empirical view of CLI impacts on the Caribbean region once the industry resumes to full capacity following the COVID-19 pandemic, and it presents results and recommendations to build a framework for continued study of CLI sustainability.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Hiroko Itoh

Abstract The design of new rules on seaways, such as traffic restrictions, requires determining the degree of improvement in marine traffic safety beforehand by considering the occurrence of new hazardous factors. This study proposes a method to predict the future traffic behaviour and ship encounter frequency (EF) with the introduction of a new traffic rule. First, a sensitivity analysis is conducted to identify the factors affecting the EF. A method of predicting future traffic behaviour and EF is presented based on the analysis of changes in the traffic flow in an area with a temporal restriction. Results show that the method appropriately predicts the location and degree of the occurrence of encounters in the sea area. The proposed method contributes to the discussion of future traffic safety, when sailing in a specific area is restricted by new regulations, installations of new offshore wind farms and fishing reefs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (11) ◽  
pp. 607-615
V. M. Grinyak ◽  
A. V. Shulenina ◽  

This paper is about maritime safety. The system of vessel traffic schemas is one of the key elements of sea traffic control at the arias with heavy traffic. Such system based on a set of rules and guidelines defined by traffic schemas for certain water areas. From the classic approach, vessels that are not following the guidelines do not necessarily create alarming situations at the moment, however, could lead to complex danger navigation situations with the time passed. The problem of ship route planning through the area with highly intensive traffic is considered in this paper. The importance of the problem becomes more significant these days when taking in account development of self-navigating autonomous vessels. It is expected to respect area navigation limitations while planning vessel path through the areas with identified traffic schema. One of the ways to identify navigation limitations could be trajectory pattern recognition at certain sea areas based on retrospective traffic analysis. Model representation for such task could be based on vessel moving parameters clustering. The presented model is based on solving the shortest path problem on weighted graph. There are several ways to create such weighted graphs are suggested in the paper: regular grid of vertices and edges, layer grid of vertices and edges, random grid of vertices and edges, vertices and edges identified based on retrospective data. All edges are defined as a weighted function of "desirability" of one or another vessel course for each location of sea area with consideration of identified trajectory patterns. For that the area is divided into sub areas where courses and velocity clustering is evaluated. Possible ways of clustering are discussed in the paper and the choice made in favor of subtractive clustering that does not require predefining of cluster count. Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) could be used as data source for the traffic at certain sea areas. The possibility of using AIS data available on specialized public Internet resources is shown in the paper. Although such data typically has low density, they still could well represent vessel traffic features at the certain sea area. In this paper are presenting samples of route panning for Tsugaru Straight ang Tokyo Bay.

2021 ◽  
Vol 239 ◽  
pp. 109884
Tu Nam Luong ◽  
Soojin Hwang ◽  
Namkyun Im

Elyakim BenHakoun ◽  
Eddy Van de Voorde ◽  
Yoram Shiftan

This research investigates Haifa ports emissions’ contribution to the existing daily emission inventory level in the area. This research based on developed full bottom-up model framework that looks at the single vessel daily voyage through its port call stages. The main data sources for vessels movements used in this research are the Israel Navy`s movements log and Israel Administration of Shipping and Ports’ (ASP) operational vessel movements and cargo log. The Fuel Consumption (FC) data and Sulfur Content (SC) levels are based on an official Israel ASP survey data. Observation years in this research are 2010 - 2018 with focus on the Ocean-Going Vessels (OGV) type only. The results show that the vessel fleet calling at Israel ports is mainly vessels that have a lower engine Tier grade (i.e., Tier 0 and 1) which is considered a heavy contributor to Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) pollutant. The study recommends on an additional cost charged (selective tariff) to reflect the external social cost linked to the single vessel air pollution combined with supportive technological infrastructure and economic incentive tools (e.g. electric subsidy) to attract or influence vessel owners to assign vessels equipped with new engine Tier grades for calls at Israeli ports.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Yingyu Chen ◽  
Shenhua Yang ◽  
Yongfeng Suo ◽  
Minjie Zheng

To improve the accuracy of ship track prediction, the improved Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) and Support Vector Regression (SVR) models are incorporated for ship track prediction. The hunting strategy of dimensional learning was used to optimize the move search process of GWO and balance exploration and exploitation while maintaining population diversity. Selection and updating procedures keep GWO from being stuck in locally optimal solutions. The optimal parameters obtained by modified GWO were substituted into the SVR model to predict ship trajectory. Dimension Learning Grey Wolf Optimizer and Support Vector Regression (DLGWO-SVR), Grey Wolf Optimized Support Vector Regression (GWO-SVR), and Differential Evolution Grey Wolf Optimized Support Vector Regression (DEGWO-SVR) model trajectory prediction simulations were carried out. A comparison of the results shows that the trajectory prediction model based on DLGWO-SVR has higher prediction accuracy and meets the requirements of ship track prediction. The results of ship track prediction can not only improve the efficiency of marine traffic management but also prevent the occurrence of traffic accidents and maintain marine safety.

V. B. Smelikova

Статтю присвячено проблемі викладання морської англійської мови майбутнім судноводіям за допомогою новітніх технологій. У статті розглядаються актуальність цієї проблеми та ефективність використання Інтернет-ресурсів в опануванні студентами іноземної мови. Сучасний швидкий розвиток інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій надає викладачам унікальну можливість розширити свій арсенал методів, форм та засобів викладання, традиційно використовуваних у педагогіці. У статті охарактеризовано і наведено приклади застосування Інтернет-ресурсів та інформаційних технологій (від програмного забезпечення, первісно призначеного для навчальних цілей, до створених лише для професійних потреб), які ефективно впроваджуються на заняттях з морської англійської мови: система управління навчанням Moodle, онлайн-сервіси Learning Apps та Kahoot, що дають змогу створювати інтерактивні вправи та вікторини, перевернуте навчання, віртуальні інтерактивні дошки, мобільні телефони, клікери, деякі професійні сайти (Passage Weather, Marine Traffic). Вибір інструментів та методів для включення в навчальний процес залежить від творчості та гнучкості вчителя, а також готовності студентів брати на себе відповідальність за власне навчання. Виявлено, що використання онлайн-ресурсів на практичних заняттях з морської англійської мови сприяє реалізації активних методів та креативних підходів. Розроблено власний онлайн-курс «Морська англійська мова» на платформі Moodle з використанням Інтернет-ресурсів для вдосконалення професійної комунікативної компетентності майбутніх судноводіїв. Можливості платформи Moodle також полегшують рутинну роботу викладача з перевірки тестів, іспитів та багатьох інших завдань, які мають адміністративний характер. Результати дослідження свідчать про те, що Інтернет-ресурси та інформаційні технології значно розширюють потенціал навчального матеріалу, сприяють розвитку рівня мотивації студентів та диференціації методів, форм і засобів навчання з урахуванням індивідуальних особливостей студентів. Умовою ефективної роботи сучасного викладача є використання Інтернет-ресурсів та інформаційних технологій у поєднанні з традиційними методами навчання, що підвищує якість засвоєння студентами нового матеріалу, розвиваючи у них уміння критично мислити для вирішення комплексних завдань.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
Heleen E. Eisen ◽  
Joachim E. Van der Lei ◽  
Joost Zuidema ◽  
Thomas Koch ◽  
Elenna R. Dugundji

In 2022, a new sea lock at IJmuiden is expected to open, permitting an increase in marine traffic of larger ships from the sea to the port. In the interest of facilitating operations, we evaluate the impact of the current first-come, first-served (FCFS) admittance policy in the context of berth allocation for a wet bulk terminal in the port. Four model types are constructed: optimal FCFS; no FCFS with fixed arrival times; 48-h arrival time relaxation; and complete arrival time relaxation. Comparison of the model types is done by means of a rolling time window: of each day within the time frame, a schedule was created for the following 2 weeks, after which the objective value was calculated. When comparing the average of all objective values, it was found that the optimal FCFS model already shows an improvement compared to the historical situation. Between the FCFS and the no FCFS model, there are no considerable differences, because the vessels are constrained to be scheduled on/after their arrival time at the port. When relaxation is allowed, a considerable efficiency gain is possible, especially if larger ships arrive at the port.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (8) ◽  
pp. 790
Yaseen Adnan Ahmed ◽  
Mohammed Abdul Hannan ◽  
Mahmoud Yasser Oraby ◽  
Adi Maimun

As the number of ships for marine transportation increases with the advancement of global trade, encountering multiple ships in marine traffic becomes common. This situation raises the risk of collision of the ships; hence, this paper proposes a novel Fuzzy-logic based intelligent conflict detection and resolution algorithm, where the collision courses and possible avoiding actions are analysed by considering ship motion dynamics and the input and output fuzzy membership functions are derived. As a conflict detection module, the Collision Risk (CR) is measured for each ship by using a scaled nondimensional Distance to the Closest Point of Approach (DCPA) and Time to the Closest Point of Approach (TCPA) as inputs. Afterwards, the decisions for collision avoidance are made based on the calculated CR, encountering angle and relative angle of each ship measured from others. In this regard, the rules for the Fuzzy interface system are defined in accordance with the COLREGs, and the whole system is implemented on the MATLAB Simulink platform. In addition, to deal with the multiple ship encounters, the paper proposes a unique maximum-course and minimum-speed change approach for decision making, which has been found to be efficient to solve Imazu problems, and other complicated multiple-ship encounters.

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