scholarly journals Declaring the Global Economy a Status Confessionis?

2019 ◽  
Vol 84 (2) ◽  
pp. 194-219
Menno R. Kamminga

This article revisits theologian Ulrich Duchrow’s three-decade-old use of the Protestant notion of status confessionis to denounce the capitalist global economy. Scholars quickly dismissed Duchrow’s argument; however, philosopher Thomas Pogge has developed a remarkable “negative duty”—based critique of the current global economic order that might help revitalize Duchrow’s position. The article argues that sound reasons exist for the churches to declare the contemporary world economy a—provisionally termed—status confessionis minor. After explaining the inadequacy of Duchrow’s original position and summarizing Pogge’s account, the article develops a twofold argument. First, Pogge’s in-depth inquiry into the world economy gives Duchrow’s call for a status confessionis a strong yet narrowing economic foundation. Second, to declare the world economy a status confessionis minor is theological-ethically justifiable if the limited though indispensable “prophetic” significance of doing so is acknowledged. Thus, Duchrow’s approach is justified, but only partially.

2013 ◽  
pp. 97-116 ◽  
A. Apokin

The author compares several quantitative and qualitative approaches to forecasting to find appropriate methods to incorporate technological change in long-range forecasts of the world economy. A?number of long-run forecasts (with horizons over 10 years) for the world economy and national economies is reviewed to outline advantages and drawbacks for different ways to account for technological change. Various approaches based on their sensitivity to data quality and robustness to model misspecifications are compared and recommendations are offered on the choice of appropriate technique in long-run forecasts of the world economy in the presence of technological change.

Руслан Гринберг ◽  
Ruslan Grinberg ◽  
Леонид Гринин ◽  
Leonid Grinin ◽  
Андрей Коротаев ◽  

The modern deflationary phenomena in the western and global economy are attributed to the fact that currently it is at the downward phase of the fifth long K-wave. Deflation has always been typical for the depressive periods in economy; presently it also manifests itself as the world economy has turned global, yet it lacks any control mechanisms. The authors suppose that a new economic crisis will break out in the western economy in the second half of 2018–2019 and that the depressive and deflationary trends will continue for another number of years.

This volume documents the intellectual influence of the United Nations through its flagship publication, the World Economic and Social Survey (WESS) on its seventieth anniversary. Prepared at the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) and first published in 1948 as the World Economic Report (subsequently renamed the WESS), it is the oldest continuous post-World War II publication of this kind, recording and analysing the performance of the global economy and social development trends, and offering relevant policy recommendations. This volume highlights how well WESS has tracked global economic and social conditions, and how its analyses have influenced and have been influenced by the prevailing discourse over the past seven decades. The volume critically reflects on its policy recommendations and their influence on actual policymaking and the shaping of the world economy. Although world economic and social conditions have changed significantly over the past seven decades and so have the policy recommendations of the Survey, some of its earlier recommendations remain relevant today; recommendations in WESS provided seven decades ago seem remarkably pertinent as the world currently struggles to regain high levels of employment and economic activity. Thus, in many ways, WESS was ahead of the curve on many substantive issues. Publication of this volume will enhance the interest of the wider community of policymakers, academics, development practitioners, and members of civil society in the analytical work of the UN in general and UN-DESA in particular.

1998 ◽  
Vol 165 ◽  
pp. 35-42
Nigel Pain

Developments in the Asian economies have clearly begun to be felt in the wider global economy in recent months. It has always been expected that the OECD economies would be affected by the aftermath of the capital market turmoil last year, although the timing and magnitude of the impact was difficult to predict. Domestic demand in the affected Asian economies has proved much weaker than expected, with the effects magnified by a continued downturn in Japan. GDP fell by 5¾ per cent in Korea in the first quarter of this year and by 1¼ per cent in Japan. The aggregate volume of merchandise imports in Asia is expected to decline by around 5½ per cent this year, with falls of up to 25 per cent in countries such as Korea, Thailand and Indonesia. This largely accounts for our projected decline in world trade growth to under 6 per cent this year from an estimated 9¾ per cent in 1997.

2021 ◽  
pp. 966-981
Sergey Gennadyevich Kapkanshchikov

The article uses the methodology of systemic global analysis and the theory of systemic cycles of capital accumulation to argue that we are now at a turning point of the modern era in connection with the unfolding change in the dominant world economic order. Based on the methodological approach, within the framework of which there is a hegemonic country and the rest of the world, the forecast regarding the forthcoming multipolarity of the world economy is rejected. Various stages of capital and financial expansion with their inherent, respectively, dirigistic and liberal models of state regulation of the economy are compared to each other. A chronological overview of the Spanish-Genoese, Dutch, British, American and Asian accumulation cycles is presented. The patterns of their change in the course of the formation of new technological structures are revealed. The place of Russia in the process of natural evolution of world economic structures is also identified. The objective and subjective reasons for the longterm hegemony of the United States, as well as factors of the upcoming completion of the American cycle of capital accumulation in the foreseeable future, are revealed. The author outlines the tactics employed by the American authorities to counteract the objective hegemonic cycles. The reasons for the movement of the center of the world economy to the East Asian region are revealed, with the justification of the need for a natural inclusion of Russia in the functioning of the Asian world economic order.

Oksana Melnichuk

The relevance of the study is due to the growing role of services in the world economy. Trade in services has become the dominant driver of economic growth and development in both developed and developing economies. Since the 1980s, data suggest that there is a stronger relationship between trade in services and gross domestic product (GDP) than in the case of commodity growth and GDP. It is noted that the quality of policies, regulations and institutional frameworks is a key factor in determining the effectiveness of services. As services are increasingly subject to liberalization through multilateral and regional trade agreements, it is important that countries develop harmonized approaches to internal regulation and trade liberalization in the services sector. The article identifies the features and characteristics of the service sector as a factor of multifaceted development and growth. The dynamics of international trade in services by geographical structure and types of development of countries is studied on the basis of statistical data of international organizations, taking into account the impact of the pandemic. It is noted that international trade in services is becoming an increasingly important part of global commerce. The problematic aspects of the activity of small business entities to enter foreign markets of services are considered. The issue of urgency of digital economy development for the sphere of services and contribution to world markets is outlined. Opening up the services sector has the potential to bring great benefits and deserves more attention. Further prospects for the realization of entrepreneurial potential in a comprehensive global economy are outlined. It is noted that services are an important part of the world economy, generating more than two-thirds of world gross domestic product (GDP), attracting more than three-quarters of foreign direct investment in developed economies, and creating most of new jobs worldwide. Establishing effective coordination mechanisms between trade negotiators, policymakers and regulators will be an important tool for the development of the global economy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (199) ◽  
pp. 9-17
V.A. Noskov ◽  

The purpose of the publication is to assess the world experience of post-industrial development and deindustrialization in the economies of both developed and developing countries. The importance of the crisis of the post-industrial paradigm for the development of the world economy, the application of this experience in the process of import substitution and the unfolding reindustrialization in Russia is noted. The analysis of the world experience of post-industrial development and deindustrialization of the economy, its macro-regional features is carried out in the context of maintaining and developing Russia's economic security. The author's understanding of the problems and prospects of the development of import substitution and reindustrialization processes in the world is proposed. Import substitution is considered as part of the strategy of economic development and ensuring the national security of the country. It is proposed to build recommendations for improving the policy of import substitution and reindustrialization carried out by Russia, taking into account the author's developments.

2018 ◽  
Vol 74 (4) ◽  
pp. 402-419
Krishnakumar S.

With Donald Trump as President of United States, multilateralism in the world economy is facing an unprecedented challenge. The international economic institutions that have evolved since the fifties are increasingly under the risk of being undermined. With the growing assertion of the emerging and developing economies in the international fora, United States is increasingly sceptical of its ability to maneuvre such institutions to suit its own purpose. This is particularly true with respect to WTO, based on “one country one vote” system. The tariff rate hikes initiated by the leader country in the recent past pose a serious challenge to the multilateral trading system. The paper tries to undertake a critical overview of the US pre-occupation of targeting economies on the basis of the bilateral merchandise trade surpluses of countries, through the trade legislations like Omnibus Act and Trade Facilitation Act. These legislations not only ignore the growing share of the United States in the growing invisibles trade in the world economy, but also read too much into the bilateral trade surpluses of economies with United States and the intervention done by them in the foreign exchange market.

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