contemporary world
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2022 ◽  
Fernando Vidal

Performing Brains on Screen deals with film enactments and representations of the belief that human beings are essentially their brains, a belief that embodies one of the most influential modern ways of understanding the human. Films have performed brains in two chief ways: by turning physical brains into protagonists, as in the “brain movies” of the 1950, which show terrestrial or extra-terrestrial disembodied brains carrying out their evil intentions; or by giving brains that remain unseen inside someone’s head an explicitly major role, as in brain transplantation films or their successors since the 1980s, in which brain contents are transferred and manipulated by means of information technology. Through an analysis of filmic genres and particular movies, Performing Brains on Screen documents this neglected filmic universe, and demonstrates how the cinema has functioned as a cultural space where a core notion of the contemporary world has been rehearsed and problematized.

أزهار محمد محمد عبد البر

The aim of the research is to identify the personal characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. The research sample consisted of 360 individuals from different spectrums in society. The descriptive and analytical method was used, and a questionnaire was prepared for the personal characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and a questionnaire of the moral and human values in the contemporary world. : The personal characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad were as follows: The Prophet Muhammad, upon him be prayers and peace, was characterized by sincerity, honesty and generosity among his companions. He was characterized by humility, justice, forgiveness and pardon. He was characterized by sincerity in secret, openness and mercy for children. He was never afraid of anyone as long as he was right and his courage increased after the prophetic mission, from the human and moral values that have been agreed upon in the contemporary world: love and defense of the homeland, preservation of sacred places, love for school and appreciation of teachers, rationalization of the use of water and electricity, appreciation of scientific progress Generous hospitality, advising others, visiting patients, appreciating professions and respecting their owners, being kind to others, maintaining order, maintaining the law and respecting rights Child, animal welfare, justice, loyalty, patience, honesty, humility and respect for the rights of others, sympathy for the poor, selflessness, sincerity in work, tolerance for others, seeking lawful earnings, suppressing anger, kindness to animals, generosity, avoiding bad behaviors, Hide anger and do good deeds, love beauty, arts and inventions, appreciate scientific progress, provide advice to others, and the research also found that there is a positive and statistically significant relationship between the personal characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and between the human and moral values in the contemporary world.


En esta sección monográfica se reflexiona acerca de la importancia de la semiótica como metodología para abordar fenómenos recientes como la pandemia por la COVID-19, los problemas de representación provocados por el patriarcado o el papel de las redes sociales en la comunicación política contemporánea. Asimismo, se aprovecha para reflexionar acerca de la propia disciplina y su relación con el concepto actualidad, dando como resultado seis contribuciones desarrolladas por especialistas internacionales del campo de la semiótica que iluminan con sus trabajos temas tan diversos como necesarios de reflexionar en nuestra contemporaneidad. Abstract: This monographic section reflects on the importance of semiotics as a methodology for approaching current issues, such as the pandemic caused by COVID-19, the problems of representation generated by patriarchy, or the role of social networks in contemporary political communication. It also represents an opportunity to reflect on the discipline itself and its relationship with the present. The results are six contributions developed by international specialists in the field of semiotics, who discuss about different central topics related to our contemporary world.

Krishna Kumar Tummala

Fred W. Riggs, whom I called as pitamaha (the great father), as the guru of gurus Bhishma in the Indian epic, Mahabharat was known. Although comparative study is not new (‘ancients’ wrote on that), Riggs made the concept his own, and advocated it very intensely. Here is a brief attempt to run the gamut of his ideas and see how they hold up in today’s world— a world that changed much and comprehensively. This is also an attempt to clear some misconceptions about is contributions as a “comparativist”. Problems may be universal, such as Covid, but the remedies can only be applied contextually and culturally—two concepts Riggs advocated. He was unjustly criticized as an ‘academic imperialist’ when he abhorred dictating to anyone. His was a ‘multicultural’ gift to be used within the ‘glocal’ context. ‘Culture’ and ‘context’ are not to be impediments to development, but essential understanding to reform, adapt and move on. The best lessons I learnt from Riggs are not to be dogmatic but to observe, adapt, protect stable political institutions and, most importantly, learn from past mistakes. In other words, remain a perpetual student.

2022 ◽  
pp. 419-431
Dominic Owusu ◽  
Francis Kabenlah Mensah ◽  
Benedict Ofori Antwi ◽  
Isaac Kwadwo Anim

Unprecedented outbreaks of disease have challenged the contemporary world with substantial adverse consequences on the effectiveness of business models in operations and supply chain management (OSCM). The advent of COVID-19 put a lot of pressure on staff and resources. However, the focus of contributors has been on the pressure on staff managing the various hospital facilities and ignoring inventory, which is one of the key areas where resources required to take care of patients are managed. Using the resource dependency theory, this chapter analyses how COVID-19 affected the inventory practices of hospitals operating in the Western Region of Ghana. It further makes suggestions on how the inventory of hospitals should be managed in order to avert possible shortages and interruptions in healthcare delivery and further relieve hospital staff of the pressure they have to sustain when there is a shortage. The chapter offers suggestions on areas of inventory management practices that management of hospital facilities should pay attention to.

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Dina Ali Mohamed El-Besomey El Besomey

The role of advertising animation film as a political motivate in the contemporary reality strategy through multimedia in the research scale of universal unilateral force" America". and this reflection on the animation industry, which made the US authorities and capital owners as a political motivate towards political trends and political changes within and outside America worldwide , And this impact and reflection of our country Egypt and monitoring the effects and results of modern political changes in the contemporary Egyptian reality, and the need to presence of an national Egyptian defensing resistant to Western ideologies, especially the American ideology, which push the changes towards her interests and her advantages as well as the need for writing the history of our contemporary reality by Ourselves via all multimedia forms until they are not forging for the facts or the history with different ideology of the good Egyptian thought. Referring to the futurology, which was concentered with it by the century . As "Dr./ salah Qunsoua "pointed at introduction Book, entitled" the clash of Civilizations" Composed by: Samuil Hentgton - In response to what the current events causes in the world ,like problems and questions, do not find their solutions, or responses in previous models, samples, tribes, familiar and accepted theories until recently. As the contemporary world status, which America - Western Europe present the motivate of what facts happen and destroy the theories stabilized from the analysis of an interpretation.Keywords: Advertisement –Animation-multimedia -Advertising American presidency election campaign, – the USA president-"Barack Obama"- "Donald Trump "- the Simpsons- propaganda- Video clip entitled "He's Barack Obama He's Come to Save the Day"-advertising animation film"Donald Trump will destroy America".

2022 ◽  
pp. 40-62

This chapter will examine the contemporary world order that has been characterized by global cooperation and interdependence, which have spurred a backlash of nationalist ideologies around the world as a reaction to increased immigration and perceived degradation of the cultural identity of the homeland. The chapter will also highlight contemporary issues facing the global community that international cooperation will be necessary to resolve.

interactions ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-101
Luiza Prado de Oliveira Martins

This forum focuses on the topic of coloniality, investigating the ways in which it shapes the contemporary world. We will look at how colonial structures of power shape the development of new technologies, as well as emergent manifestations of anti-colonial resistance. --- Luiza Prado de Oliveira Martins, Editor

2021 ◽  
Vol 60 ◽  
pp. 82-94
Łukasz Piaskowski

Pejzaż myśli. Warszawa Chopina i początek polskiej nowoczesności [A landscape of thoughts: Chopin’s Warsaw and the beginning of Polish modernity] by Michał Kuziak is a book combining the values of a scholarly work and a work whose main task is to popularise knowledge both about Frédéric Chopin himself and about the world that surrounded him and that shaped him. The dissertation is not only the context for the composer’s life; it is also part of a broader stream of research on the beginnings of Polish modernity. The book is therefore about Warsaw understood not only as the place where young Frédéric grew up, but also as the area where the foundations of Polish modernity were laid. Chopin functioned in a kind of intellectual melting pot within which there was a conflict between tradition and modernity, between progress and conservatism. The author precisely delineates the chronological framework within which he moves. These are the years 1810–1830, that is, the first 20 years of the composer’s life. However, the book does not only focus on the person of Chopin, so it is not “Chopin-centric.” The work consists of three parts, each of them marked with a significant title: 1. “City and people”; 2. “Institutions and people”; 3. “Thoughts and people.” This arrangement is a good example of the author’s main idea: to show Chopin among people, and also people within the city, municipal institutions and the thoughts that developed there. For the author of the book, Warsaw was a crucible and a cosmos of thoughts: on the one hand, there is a constant offensive of scientifi c and technical thought related to the Enlightenment tradition, and on the other, the birth of the world of spirit and religion. Polish modernity is an eclectic mixture in which there are still remnants of the noble world, but the foundations of the bourgeois world are also being laid. Kuziak, drawing an image of Warsaw at that time, emphasises the importance of key cultural institutions, such as literary salons and cafés. For Chopin, cafés, where he met with representatives of the contemporary world of literature and poetry, were of particular importance. Warsaw’s intellectual climate, inspired by the French Enlightenment, was giving way more and more to the influences of German culture associated with Romanticism. Kuziak writes that the modernity of the Romantic type was shaped by German culture. He regards the considerations of Kazimierz Brodziński and Maurycy Mochnacki as the two largest projects of modern Polish identity. Importantly, both of these authors were closely associated with the Polish musical culture which the young Chopin absorbed. The author of the book makes a reservation that it is difficult to conclusively confi rm what influence the institutional and intellectual shape of Warsaw at that time had on Chopin. He states with certainty that Chopin’s trips outside the city, and thus getting to know Masovian folklore, had a decisive impact on his imagination. The book does not, however, determine how the then Warsaw shaped the composer’s later life. The author brilliantly reconstructed the background on which Chopin’s shadow moved, but he chose not to answer the most important question: did the city, people, institutions and intellectual climate ultimately form the composer’s modern world view? This question remains open.

Open Screens ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Maya Nedyalkova

This article focuses on issues of representation and belonging, in an attempt to uncover how popular cinema in Bulgaria caters to national sensitivities while at the same time making the link with the global film industries. The Bulgarian popular feature (Ilian Djevelekov, 2011) is an example of the shift towards treating filmmaking in Bulgaria as a business as much as a cultural venture. It emerged as part of broader European trends, which put an emphasis on film development, marketing and stars, with the aim to counter Hollywood’s dominant market position. focuses on the role of the Internet as facilitating love, relations and communication in the contemporary world. On a textual level, and similarly to Love Actually (Richard Curtis, 2003), it explores the six degrees of separation theory, implicitly advocating for a world of interconnectedness. Contextually, created a sense of virtual belonging among the local online community, allowing them to participate in the film’s development and engage with its interactive marketing. Transnational stars provided a further point of contact and involvement. Through its mixed cast featuring home-grown and locally popular foreign actors, both channelled and challenged Hollywood, positioning European cinema as similar in glamour and attraction but different in identity.

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