The Triple Bottom Line as a Business Basic? Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability: A Rio Tinto Case Study

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Koorosh Gharehbaghi ◽  
Kerry McManus ◽  
Matt Myers

Purpose As a part of adaptive and complex system thinking, geographic information systems (GIS) are beneficial particularly for transportation projects, where uncertainty is frequent. Accordingly, this paper aims to examine the utilization of GIS in line with adaptive and complex system thinking, as the basis of the methodical formulation of perceived gaps within the integrated transportation planning (ITP) specifically for the mega transportation projects. Such a framework is undertaken, as the mega transportation projects although may seem straightforward, however, are problematic and require more consideration than the traditional triple bottom line factors. Using the Sydney Metro as the case study, the outcome demonstrates the significance of the fourth separate dimension of engineering into the aforementioned bottom-line factors. Design/methodology/approach The research examines the utilization of adaptive and complex system thinking, as the basis of the methodical formulation of perceived gaps within the ITP. The use of Sydney’s Metro project is a novel example of the proposed methodical formulation and its empirical assessment and provides a better understanding of the use of mapping and planning tools for mega transportation projects. Findings Aptly, using the developed conceptual framework, this research further validates the inclusion of a separate engineering dimension with the usual triple bottom line factors. Such inclusion is paramount in responding to the existing ITP gaps found within the current literature. Originality/value This research uses GIS and ITP process to support the aforementioned adaptive and complex system thinking. This, in turn, is used as the basis of a methodical formulation framework in dealing with mega rail transportation infrastructure. To support such a proposition, Sydney Metro is examined as the basis of a case study.

Resources ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 70
Prasanna Shrivastava ◽  
Rachana Vidhi

Sustainability for the mining companies is a critical requirement for their ongoing operations. Regulations and licenses generally depend on the companies’ sustainability practices, forcing them to focus on environmental impact and social welfare. While the mining industry has historically been associated with poor working conditions and their unsustainable practices, closer review of the industry suggests that the last few decades have seen improved performance and heightened focus on doing the right thing for the environment and the society. This research is focused on reviewing the sustainability strategy and initiatives of Alcoa and Rio Tinto, two Fortune-500 mining companies. It was found that these companies had started focusing on sustainability a few decades ago, but developed a holistic sustainability strategy as part of their core business only over the last few years. While there are many controversies still facing the companies, particularly around environmental pollution, their continued focus on sustainability will be beneficial for their employees as well as the communities they operate in.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-63
Hem Raj Dhakal

The purpose of this qualitative multi-case study was to explore how the leaders of benefit organisations fulfil the triple bottom line (social, economic, and environmental missions) of social enterprises that were formed as benefit corporations, benefit LLCs (limited liability companies), and certified benefit corporations between 2010 and 2015 in Maryland and Virginia. The theoretical foundation used for this study was the triple bottom line (TBL) model. This research contributed to the existing body of knowledge by investigating the interdependence between the three components of the TBL. Thirteen top leaders of benefit organisations participated in this study. The data were collected from documentation, interviews, and questionnaires. The key findings of this study indicated that leaders of social enterprises used holistic thinking instead of paradoxical thinking to fulfil the TBL. These leaders developed internal and external collaboration and coordination to accomplish the triple missions. Finally, the data of this study revealed the synergistic interrelationships between these missions.

2013 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-131 ◽  
Kathryn Bewley ◽  
Thomas Schneider

ABSTRACT This paper reports the findings of a case study conducted to learn about the information, actors, actions, and processes involved in energy-efficiency investment decisions in the social-housing sector. These decisions draw on environmental, social, and economic factors, which are studied from a “triple bottom line” (TBL) accounting perspective. The quantitative methods we use rely on Levels I, II, and III fair-value measures similar to those used in financial accounting. The qualitative methods rely primarily on interviews conducted and transcribed by the researchers. Our main findings show that a pure financial bottom-line approach would not fully indicate the overall desirability of the type of energy-efficiency investment undertaken in this case. By factoring in other quantitative and qualitative outcomes drawn from the research methods applied, a different conclusion may be reached. Data Availability: Available upon request from the authors.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-75 ◽  
Poonam Arora ◽  
Nicole D. Peterson ◽  
Federico Bert ◽  
Guillermo Podesta

2013 ◽  
Vol 4 (8) ◽  
pp. 387-393
Astrie Krisnawati

This study aims to find a linkage between Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development through implementation of Triple Bottom Line concept. It is a conceptual paper that applies literature review for proposing a conceptual model as the finding of this study. The model describes how a company should manage the knowledge to maintain good relationships with all of its stakeholders in order to achieve sustainable development in creating mutual benefit value for the good of all parties. This study identifies who the company’s stakeholders are, what their interests, and what knowledge the company should have and manage to fulfill the stakeholders’ interests towards sustainability. The conceptual model needs to be examined empirically. A case study implementing this model into a certain company can be considered as the further research.

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