Ami, a new Theraphosid genus from Central and South America, with the description of six new species (Araneae: Mygalomorphae)

Zootaxa ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 1915 (1) ◽  

A new genus Ami Pérez-Miles is proposed for six new species: A. caxiuana Pérez-Miles, Miglio & Bonaldo, from Caxiuanã National Forest, Pará, Brasil, the type species; A. yupanquii Pérez-Miles, Gabriel & Gallon, from the area of Puyo, Equador; A. bladesi Pérez-Miles, Gabriel & Gallon, from Isla Colón, Panamá; A. pijaos Jimenez & Bertani, from Ibagué, Tolima, Colombia; A. amazonica Jimenez & Bertani, from Leticia, Amazonas, Colombia; and A. weinmanni PérezMiles, from La Azulita, Apure, Venezuela. Avicularia obscura (Ausserer 1875) is transferred to Ami and re-diagnosed. Diagnostic characters of Ami are the modification of Type I urticating hairs, with unusually longer area b, and one or two subconical processes on retrolateral face of male palpal tibiae. Females of Ami differ further from those of other theraphosid genera by their highly characteristic spermathecae: paired ventral receptacles attached to an almost discrete, semicircular, sclerotized back-plate.

Zootaxa ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 1805 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  

In this paper we re-evaluate Cyanallagma Kennedy 1920, which currently includes 15 species, and we address another five species that share diagnostic characters with some of them but are currently placed within Leptagrion Selys 1876, Mesamphiagrion Kennedy 1920, and Telagrion Selys 1876. A new genus, Oreiallagma, is described to include five species originally placed in Acanthagrion Selys 1876, Cyanallagma, and Telagrion. These species are O. thelkterion (De Marmels 1997) (type species), O. acutum (Ris 1918), O. oreas (Ris 1918), O. prothoracicum (Kimmins 1945), and O. quadricolor (Ris 1918). The last stadium larva of O. quadricolor is described. The remaining species currently includedin Cyanallagma are allocated to two separate genera: Cyanallagma sensu stricto and Mesamphiagrion. Cyanallagma sensu stricto comprises southern South American species including the type species, Cyanallagma interruptum (Selys 1876). Mesamphiagrion Kennedy 1920 includes a cluster of species from northwestern South America that are considered congeneric with the type species Mesamphiagrion occultum (Ris 1918). Two new species from Ecuador, M. dunklei and M. ecuatoriale, are described and Argia hebdomatica Navás 1934 is found to be a junior synonym of M. ovigerum (Calvert 1909). Synonymic lists, diagnoses, illustrations, keys, and distribution maps for the three genera are provided.

Zootaxa ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 4362 (4) ◽  
pp. 517

A new genus and five new species of odiniids (Odiniidae: Traginopinae) are described from the Brazilian Amazon and Cerrado biomes: Inpauema mirador gen. nov. et sp. nov. (type species), I. catarinae sp. nov., I. gaimarii sp. nov., I. raimundoluizi sp. nov., and I. xavieri sp. nov. The genus is being characterized by a unique combination of diagnostic characters: body predominantly dark brown to black, with silvery-gray pruinose spots on inner margin of eyes, longitudinally along middle of lunule and face, on notopleuron and mesopleuron; postcranium concave from dorsal view; one pair of stout proclinate ocellar setae; postocellar setae absent; lunule shorter than frons; gena lacking upturned seta; antennae separated by a maximum distance of 2X the diameter of a single antennal socket and gonocoxal apodemes directed upward, forming an arch. A key to separate Helgreelia Gaimari, 2007 from Inpauema gen. nov. and for the new species is provided. 

2008 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 171-187
Damir Kovac ◽  
Rudolf Rozkošný

AbstractAll Oriental and Australasian/Oceanic species of Pegadomyia are re-examined. A detailed study of the generic characters shows that Pegadomyia actually contains two easily diagnosed genera: Pegadomyia Kertész, 1916 and Pseudopegadomyia gen. n. Pegadomyia now includes the type species P. pruinosa Kertész, 1916 (occurring in Malaysia, Taiwan and Thailand) and three new species: P. ceylonica sp.n. (from Sri Lanka), P. nana sp.n. (from Laos) and P. nasuta sp.n. (from Malaysia). Pseudopegadomyia contains Ps. jamesi sp.n. (based on a type series from the Philippines) and two species originally belonging to Pegadomyia: Ps. glabra (Bezzi, 1928), comb.n. (Fiji Is.) and Ps. nuda (James, 1948), comb.n. (Australasian Region and Philippine Is.). Figures of the diagnostic characters of all treated species are included. Identification keys and a map showing the distribution of all species of both genera are presented.

Zootaxa ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 3409 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  

The Aclopinae from Argentina and Chile are revised and a redescription of the subfamily and type genus Aclopus Erichsonare presented. Aclopus vittatus Erichson is designated as the type species of Aclopus. Two new genera, GracilaclopusOcampo and Mondaca new genus, and Desertaclopus Ocampo and Mondaca new genus, are described. Gracilaclopusincludes eight species: G. bidentulus Ocampo & Mondaca new species, G. caceresi Ocampo & Mondaca new species, G.candelariae Ocampo & Mondaca new species, G. crepuscularis Ocampo & Mondaca new species, G. electricus Ocampo& Mondaca new species, G. morochus Ocampo & Mondaca new species, G. nigroscutatus Ocampo & Mondaca newspecies, and G. parvulus (Ohaus) new combination. The genus Desertaclopus includes three species: D. atacamensisOcampo & Mondaca new species, D. lucasi Ocampo & Mondaca new species, and D. marcosi Ocampo & Mondaca newspecies. A neotype is designated for Aclopus parvulus Ohaus (now G. parvulus). A key and diagnostic characters for allArgentinean and Chilean aclopine genera and species are provided. Based on a detailed morphological study, theAustralian Phaenognatha Hope and the Neotropical Neophaenognatha Allsopp are removed from the Aclopinae and transferred to Scarabaeidae incertae sedis.

2003 ◽  
Vol 135 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-212 ◽  
M. Pilar Mier Durante ◽  
Juan M. Nieto Nafría ◽  
Jaime Ortego

AbstractThe species of Aphidini living on Senecio L. in South America are reviewed. Pehuenchaphisgen. nov. is described; it is an Aphidina genus characterized mainly by the siphunculi on abdominal segment VI when present and by its radicicolous way of life. The type species of the genus Pehuenchaphis agilissimasp. nov. is described and the new combination Pehuenchaphis americana for Sene ciobium americana Mier Durante and Ortego is established. Aphis senecionicoides E.E. Blanchard is redescribed and its neotype is established. Aphis papillosasp. nov. with very large marginal papillae and Aphis malalhuinasp. nov. with short siphunculi are described and differentiated from the previously known Aphis intrusa Ortego and A. senecionicoides. A key for the apterous viviparous females of these seven species and Andinaphis paradoxa Mier Durante et al. is given.

Biologija ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 67 (3) ◽  
Jonas R. Stonis ◽  
Arūnas Diškus ◽  
Andrius Remeikis ◽  
Brigita Paulavičiūtė ◽  
Liliana Katinas ◽  

We describe a new genus, Neotischeria Diškus & Stonis, gen. nov., and four new species of trumpet moths. Three of them are trophically associated with Asteraceae plants: Neotischeria ochripennata Diškus & Remeikis, sp. nov. and N. longa Diškus & Stonis, sp. nov., discovered from the western part of the equatorial Andes, N. conexa Diškus & Stonis, sp. nov., discovered from the eastern part of the central Andes, and N. poseidonia Diškus & Stonis, sp. nov., discovered from Guatemala (the host plant is unknown; it is presumed to be a Malvaceae plant). We briefly discuss the diagnostics of Neotischeria gen. nov. by differentiating it from the most similar Paratischeria Diškus & Stonis and Astrotischeria Puplesis & Diškus. We also newly combine seven formerly Paratischeria species, including P. neotropicana Diškus & Stonis, with Neotischeria and designate the latter species as the type species of a new genus. The new species are illustrated with photographs of the male and, if available, the female genitalia and the leaf mines. We also provide the first documentation of the hitherto little-known Peruvian Neotischeria capnota (Meyrick) deposited at NHMUK (London).

Zootaxa ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 1842 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  

A new genus, Drepanoneura (type species Drepanoneura loutoni sp. nov.), is described to include Epipleoneura letitia Donnelly, Protoneura peruviensis Fraser, and six new congeneric species from South America: D. donnellyi, D. flinti, D. janirae, D. loutoni, D. muzoni, and D. tennesseni. Drepanoneura is similar to Epipleoneura and Epipotoneura in venational characters, but differs from them in morphology of male cercus, genital ligula, female pronotum, and epiproct. A new species of Epipleoneura from Venezuela, E. demarmelsi, and a new species of Epipotoneura from Brazil, E. machadoi, are described, and diagnostic illustrations for the poorly known Epipotoneura nehalennia Williamson are also presented. A generic characterization, diagnoses, and keys for species of Drepanoneura are provided, as well as diagnostic illustrations and distribution maps for all involved species.

Crustaceana ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 90 (5) ◽  
pp. 535-570 ◽  
Santiago Gaviria ◽  
Danielle Defaye ◽  
Paulo H. C. Corgosinho

The genusColombocarisis proposed for a new species discovered on submerged mosses of a high Andean lake in Colombia. The diagnostic characters of the genus mainly concern the morphology of legs, particularly the endopod of leg 2, leg 3, the endopodite of leg 4 and the peculiar leg 5, the cuticular windows of body segments and the morphology of the furca. The new genusNoodtcarisis proposed for three species of theParastenocaris columbiensis-group, viz.,P. columbiensis,P. kubitzkiiandP. roettgeri, described from the Colombian Llanos Orientales, and forP. tapajosensisfrom the Brazilian Amazonas. This genus is well defined by the ornamentation of the caudal rami and the morphology of legs 2 to 5. The absence of endopod on female leg 3 is a diagnostic character at least for the Colombian species. A key for the identification of the species composing the new genera is provided.

Zootaxa ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 4303 (1) ◽  
pp. 131 ◽  

An ongoing review of Neotropical Xyleborini (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae) has revealed a new genus, Dinoxyleborus gen. nov. (type species Dinoxyleborus cognatoi sp. nov.), from South America. Two new species are described and one new combination is proposed: Dinoxyleborus cognatoi, sp. nov., D. infernus sp. nov., and D. sexnotatus (Schedl), 1970. A modification of Wood’s 2007 key to Neotropical Xyleborini genera and a key to Dinoxyleborus species are given. 

Zootaxa ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 4291 (1) ◽  
pp. 117 ◽  

The new genus Medionops is proposed for a group of caponiid spiders found in South America and Panama. Nops simla Chickering and Nops cesari Dupérré are transferred to this new genus. Additionally, five new species are described: the type species Medionops blades n. sp. from Colombia; Medionops claudiae n. sp., Medionops murici n. sp. and Medionops ramirezi n. sp. from Brazil; and Medionops tabay n. sp. from Venezuela. All of these species belong to the subfamily Nopinae and have the three membranous translucent modifications found in some other nopine genera. However, in this new genus, the ventral translucent keel on the anterior metatarsi (crista herein) is very short, almost unnoticeable or even absent in some species. The translucent extension of the membrane between the anterior metatarsi and tarsi (gladius herein) retains the same shape, but it is absent in M. murici n. sp. Also, Medionops n. gen. species have an unpaired claw on all tarsi, which is elongate and dorsally reflexed, and is associated with a membranous globose translucent lobe (arolium herein); a structure present only in Nops MacLeay and Nopsides Chamberlin. Beside the characteristics mentioned above, members of this new genus differ from other nopine in the shape of labium and endites and in the conformation of male and female genitalia. The three membranous translucent modifications on legs of some nopine genera are discussed and their terminologies are standardized. 

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