Synonymies, transferences and redescriptions in Neotropical Acanthocinini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)

Zootaxa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4851 (3) ◽  
pp. 593-600

A new synonymy is proposed for Anisopodesthes Melzer, 1931 (junior synonym of Lathroeus Thomson, 1864), with the consequent new combination for Lathroeus zikani (Melzer, 1931). The following species are transferred from Nealcidion Monné, 1977 to Lathroeus: L. decoratus (Melzer, 1932), comb. nov. (= Alcidion decoratum); L. interrogationis (Bates, 1863), comb. nov. (= Alcidion interrogationis); and L. simillimus (Melzer, 1932), comb. nov. (= Alcidion simillimum). Moreover, a key for the species of Lathroeus is provided and the unknown female of L. zikani is described for the first time. 

Zootaxa ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 2565 (1) ◽  
pp. 55 ◽  

With the purpose of promoting nomenclatural stability, this paper addresses a number of errors, omissions, and controversial conclusions in a recent revision of the green lacewing genus Ceraeochrysa by Freitas et al. (2009). 1. Valid species, new combinations and synonymies: (a) We identified Ceraeochrysa chiricahuae Freitas and Penny (in Freitas et al. 2009), Chrysopa forreri Navás, and Chrysopa intacta Navás as subjective synonyms. Thus, Ceraeochrysa intacta, a species that was previously synonymized under Ceraeochrysa placita (Banks), becomes the valid name of the species [New status, new combination]. Chrysopa forreri is now synonymized under Cer. intacta, not Cer. placita [New synonymy]. And, Cer. chiricahuae becomes a junior synonym of Cer. intacta, not a valid species of Ceraeochrysa [New synonymy]. (b) We enumerate specific internal and external features of the Chrysopa cornuta Navás type that identify it as conspecific with Ceraeochrysa caligata (Banks), not Ceraeochrysa cincta (Schneider) as proposed by Freitas et al. (2009). Thus, Ceraeochrysa cornuta (Navás), which has priority, is reinstated as the valid name [Reinstated status, reinstated combination], and Ceraeochrysa caligata (Banks) is reinstated as a junior subjective synonym of Cer. cornuta, not a valid species [Reinstated synonymy]. (c) We provide documented evidence for reinstating three synonymies that Freitas et al. had reversed [Reinstated synonymies]: (i) Allochrysa parvula Banks is a junior subjective synonym of Ceraeochrysa lineaticornis (Fitch); (ii) Chrysopa columbiana Banks is a junior subjective synonym of Ceraeochrysa lineaticornis (Fitch); (iii) Chrysopa rochina (Navás) is a junior subjective synonym of Ceraeochrysa cincta (Schneider). 2. Generic assignments: (a) Visual evidence is provided for the placement of Ceraeochrysa laufferi (Navás) in Ungla. Therefore, Ungla laufferi (Navás) is reinstated as the valid name [Reinstated combination]. (b) We question Freitas et al.’s rationale for including Cer. placita (Banks) and Cer. intacta (Navás) (as Cer. chiricahuae Freitas and Penny) in the genus Ceraeochrysa; female and larval features of the two species differ markedly from those used to characterize Ceraeochrysa species. As an alternative that recognizes the uncertainty surrounding the generic placement of these species and that avoids additional, unnecessary name changes, we propose including the caveat “genus incertae sedis” with the names, as follows: Ceraeochrysa placita (Banks), genus incertae sedis, and Ceraeochrysa intacta (Navás), genus incertae sedis. 3. Type designations: (a) Errors concerning the Chrysopa furculata Navás type in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris (MNHN), are corrected, and doubts raised by Freitas et al. (2009) concerning the identification of this specimen as the holotype are removed. (b) The earlier designation of the Chrysopa rochina (Navás) type in the MNHN as the lectotype (not holotype) is verified.

Zootaxa ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 2237 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-66 ◽  

The monobasic genus Caenoteleia Kieffer (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) is considered to be a junior synonym of the widespread and common genus Calliscelio Ashmead, new synonymy. Calliscelio elegans (Perkins) is redescribed, transferred to Calliscelio, new combination, and its geographic distribution documented. Originally described from Hawai‘i, this species is widespread through the tropics. The species likely is distributed by human commerce, possibly in association with cricket pests (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) of sugar cane.

Zootaxa ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 1226 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  

Forty species in 19 genera are recorded from Yemen. Three new genera are described: Paglianotilla gen. nov. (type species P. hogenesi sp. nov.), Rasnitsynitilla gen. nov. (type species R. brachyptera sp. nov.), and Vanhartenidia gen. nov. (type species V. felix sp. nov.). Ten new species are described: Arnoldtilla achterbergi sp. nov. (Yemen), Dentilla ehrenbergi sp. nov. (Yemen, Saudi Arabia), P. hogenesi sp. nov. (Yemen), R. brachyptera sp. nov. (Yemen), R. invreai sp. nov. (Yemen), R. schmideggeri sp. nov. (Yemen), V. arabica sp. nov. (Yemen), V. felix sp. nov. (Yemen), V. tihama sp. nov. (Yemen), and Spinulomutilla yemenita sp. nov. (Yemen). Hitherto unknown females are recognized for Arnoldtilla Nonveiller, Omotilla Invrea, and Tropidotilla milmili (Magretti). New synonymy is proposed for Omotilla Invrea 1943 = Conjunctotilla Nonveiller 1996, syn. nov.; Pseudophotopsis aurea (Klug 1829) = Mutilla kassalina Magretti 1898, syn. nov., P. continua arabica Hammer 1962, syn. nov. New status is proposed for Arnoldtilla Nonveiller, Myrmilla rubida Magretti, M. parvula Magretti, Glossotilla djiboutiensis Bischoff, V. kassalana (Bischoff), V. pyrrhospilota (Bischoff). New combination is proposed for: A. bischoffi (Arnold), A. silvestris (Arnold), O. conjuncta (Klug), O. conjunctoides (Magretti), O. grazianii (Invrea), Dentilla arabica (Hammer), V. dives (Smith), V. kassalana (Bischoff), V. pyrrhospilota (Bischoff), V. tricolor (Klug), and V. unguiculata (Magretti). Eleven genera are recorded for the first time from Yemen: Arnoldtilla Nonveiller, Omotilla Invrea, Macromyrme Lelej, Ronisia Costa, Strangulotilla Nonveiller, Tropidotilla Bischoff, Dentilla Lelej, Glossotilla Bischoff, Dentotilla Nonveiller, Spinulomutilla Nonveiller, and Dasylabris Radoszkowski. Seventeen species are recorded for the first time from Yemen: Pseudophotopsis maura Bischoff, P. mascatiana Invrea, Myrmilla parvula Magretti, M. rubida Magretti, T. bellii (Magretti), T. carinulifera Bischoff, T. frontalis (Klug), T. milmili (Magretti), Strangulotilla samharica (Magretti), Ronisia idonea (André), Dentilla testacea (Klug), Glossotilla djiboutiensis Bischoff, Dentotilla auricoma (Bischoff), Dasylabris biblica Invrea, Tricholabiodes niloticus Suárez, T. pedunculatoides Bischoff, and T. sudanensis Suárez. Dentilla testacea (Klug) and Tricholabiodes chloroticus (Gribodo) are recorded for the first time from Saudi Arabia. Tricholabiodes sudanensis Suárez is recorded for the first time from Oman. Glossotilla djiboutiensis Bischoff is recorded for the first time from Eritrea. Keys to eight species of Vanhartenidia and three species of Rasnitsynitilla are given.

Zootaxa ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 1070 (1) ◽  
pp. 49 ◽  

Neopamera procerula Berg is transferred to genus Paromius: Paromius procerulus (Berg), new combination. Neopamera sororcula (Berg) is relegated to a junior synonym. The adults are redescribed and illustrated, and the eggs and nymphs are described and illustrated for the first time.

Zootaxa ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 2866 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
CELSO O. Azevedo ◽  

Nineteen Epyris species are recorded from Korea. Ten new species: E. aequalis Lim et S. Lee, sp. nov., E. breviclypeatus Lim et S. Lee, sp. nov., E. dulicus Lim et S. Lee, sp. nov., E. finitus Lim et S. Lee, sp. nov., E. jeonbukensis Lim et S. Lee, sp. nov., E. limatulus Lim et S. Lee, sp. nov., E. longiantennatus Lim et S. Lee, sp. nov., E. mureungensis Lim et S. Lee, sp. nov., E. yetus Lim et S. Lee, sp. nov., and E. sudosanensis Lim et S. Lee, sp. nov. are described from Korea. Hitherto unknown females are described for E. fuscipes (Kieffer 1906) and E. yamatonis Terayama 1999. New synonymy is proposed for E. sauteri (Enderlein 1920) = E. formosus Terayama 2006, syn. nov. New combination is proposed for E. fuscipes (Kieffer 1906), comb. nov. (from Rhabdepyris). Seven species: E. asura Terayama 2006, E. darani Terayama 2006, E. fuscipes (Kieffer 1906), E. idaten Terayama 2006, E. niwoh Terayama 2006, E. sauteri (Enderlein 1920), and E. yamatonis Terayama 1999 are recorded for the first time from Korea. Descriptions, illustrations of diagnostic characteristics for each species are presented with a key to the Korean Epyris species.

Zootaxa ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 2133 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-63 ◽  

Cryptachaea blattea (Urquhart 1886) new combination, a cosmopolitan species of the spider family Theridiidae, is redescribed, including notes on its distribution and DNA sequences from the mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1. Based on morphological evidence and mitochondrial DNA sequences, Cryptachaea acoreensis Berland 1932 is a junior synonym of Cryptachaea blattea.

2015 ◽  
Vol 105 (4) ◽  
pp. 439-452
Juliana M. S. Rodrigues ◽  
José Ricardo M. Mermudes

ABSTRACT In order to solve the affinities of the species of Isotes Weise, 1922, a detailed morphological comparative study was carried out based on type-species of Isotes and its junior synonym,Synbrotica Bechyné, 1956. Isotes tetraspilota (Baly, 1865) and Isotes borrei (Baly, 1889) had their morphology of mouthparts, endosternites, wings and both male and female genitalia compared by the first time. A new synonymy is established between Isotes borrei (Baly, 1889) and Isotes crucigera (Weise, 1916) syn. nov. based on external and genitalia morphology. New structures for Section Diabroticites Chapuis, 1875 are presented and discussed.

Zootaxa ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 3126 (1) ◽  
pp. 28 ◽  

The tribe Lethaeini Stål from China is reviewed. Seventeen species in seven genera are recognized. Four genera, Adauctus Distant, Atkinsonianus Distant, Lamproceps Reuter, and Lethaeus Dallas; and five species, Adauctus cupreus Distant, Atkinsonianus reticulatus Distant, Lamproceps antennatus (Scott), Lamproceps bipunctatus (Bergroth), and Lethaeus taprobanes Kirkaldy are reported for the first time from China (new records). Diniella yinae Zheng & Liu is treated as a junior synonym of Lamproceps antennatus (Scott) (new synonymy). A key to Chinese genera and species of the tribe is given. Diagnoses of the genera, habitus photos, male genitalia illustrations, additional distributions, biology (if possible), and taxonomic remarks of the species are also presented.

Zootaxa ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 522 (1) ◽  
pp. 1

The female of Elachista bipunctella (Sinev & Sruoga) is described and illustrated for the first time. New distributional records are given for Elachista cingillella (Herrich-Sch ffer) and E. sasae Sinev & Sruoga. Elachista planicara Kaila is considered a junior synonym of E. sasae Sinev & Sruoga, syn. n.

Zootaxa ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 4236 (2) ◽  
pp. 269 ◽  

The chelodesmid genus Atlantodesmus Hoffman, 2000 is revised and considered a senior synonym of Iemanja Hoffman, 2000. Currently the genus contains five species, all of them are herein redescribed: Atlantodesmus eimeri (Attems, 1898), Atlantodesmus itapurensis (Schubart, 1943), Atlantodesmus pickeli (Schubart, 1946), Atlantodesmus pintoi (Schubart, 1946), and the transferred species from Iemanja, Atlantodesmus teresa (Hoffman, 2000), new combination. The female of Atlantodesmus teresa is described for the first time. Examination of the type material of Leptodesmus buecherli Schubart, 1955 revealed that this species is a junior synonym of A. itapurensis. A key to males and a distribution map of all species are included. 

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