Radiative Impacts on the Growth of Drops within Simulated Marine Stratocumulus. Part II: Solar Zenith Angle Variations

2005 ◽  
Vol 62 (7) ◽  
pp. 2339-2351 ◽  
Christopher M. Hartman ◽  
Jerry Y. Harrington

Abstract The effects of solar heating at a variety of solar zenith angles (Θo) on the vapor depositional growth of cloud drops, and hence the potential for collection enhancement, is investigated. A large eddy simulation (LES) model is used to predict the evolution of marine stratocumulus clouds subject to changes in Θo. During the course of each simulation, LES output is stored for 600 parcel trajectories and is used to drive an offline microphysical model that includes the influence of radiation on drop growth. Smaller Θo, such as when the sun is overhead, provide strong solar heating, which tends to confine circulations to the cloud layer and leads to long in-cloud residence times for cloud drops. At larger Θo, when solar heating is weak, circulations are stronger and penetrate through the depth of the boundary layer, which causes much shorter in-cloud residence times for cloud drops. Simulations show that this leads to a more rapid collection process in strongly, as compared to weakly solar-heated clouds provided that the liquid water contents of each cloud are similar. When drop vapor growth includes radiative effects, three main results emerge: 1) Solar heating at smaller Θo (0° to 45°) dominates over longwave cooling effects causing a suppression of collection for lower drop concentrations (100 to 200 cm−3). 2) At larger drop concentrations (≳300 cm−3) longwave cooling dominates over solar heating and collection is enhanced. 3) At large Θo (60° to 90°), solar heating is ineffective at modifying the drop size spectrum thus allowing longwave cooling to significantly enhance collection at all drop concentrations above approximately 100 cm−3.

2005 ◽  
Vol 62 (7) ◽  
pp. 2323-2338 ◽  
Christopher M. Hartman ◽  
Jerry Y. Harrington

Abstract The effects of solar heating and infrared cooling on the vapor depositional growth of cloud drops, and hence the potential for collection enhancement, is investigated. Large eddy simulation (LES) of marine stratocumulus is used to generate 600 parcel trajectories that follow the mean motions of the cloud. Thermodynamic, dynamic, and radiative cloud properties are stored for each trajectory. An offline trajectory ensemble model (TEM) coupled to a bin microphysical model that includes the influences of radiation on drop growth is driven by the 600-parcel dataset. In line with previous results, including infrared cooling causes a reduction in the time for collection onset. This collection enhancement increases with drop concentration. Larger concentrations (400 cm−3) show a reduction in collection onset time of as much as 45 min. Including infrared cooling as well as solar heating in the LES and microphysical bin models has a number of effects on the growth of cloud drops. First, shortwave (SW) heating partially offsets cloud-top longwave (LW) cooling, which naturally reduces the influence of LW cooling on drop growth. Second, SW heating dominates over LW cooling at larger drop radii (≳200 μm), which causes moderately sized drops to evaporate. Third, unlike LW cooling, SW heating occurs throughout the cloud deck, which suppresses drop growth. All three of these effects tend to narrow the drop size spectrum. For intermediate drop concentrations (100–200 cm−3), it is shown that SW heating primarily suppresses collection initiation whereas at larger drop concentrations (≳250 cm−3) LW cooling dominates causing enhancements in collection.

2013 ◽  
Vol 70 (5) ◽  
pp. 1423-1436 ◽  
Yefim Kogan

Abstract A microphysical parameterization for shallow cumulus and boundary layer stratocumulus clouds has been developed. Similar to the Khairoutdinov and Kogan parameterization for stratocumulus clouds, the new parameterization is based on an explicit microphysical large-eddy simulation (LES) model as a data source and benchmark for comparison. The predictions of the bulk model using the new parameterization were tested in simulations of shallow cumulus and boundary layer stratocumulus clouds; in both cases the new parameterization matched the predictions of the explicit microphysics LES quite accurately. These results show the importance of the choice of the dataset in parameterization development and the need for it to be balanced by realistic dynamic conditions. The strong sensitivity to representation of rain evaporation is also demonstrated. Accurate formulation of this process, tuned for the case of cumulus convection, has substantially improved precision of rain production.

2012 ◽  
Vol 152-154 ◽  
pp. 1313-1318
Tao Lu ◽  
Su Mei Liu ◽  
Ping Wang ◽  
Wei Yyu Zhu

Velocity fluctuations in a mixing T-junction were simulated in FLUENT using large-eddy simulation (LES) turbulent flow model with sub-grid scale (SGS) Smagorinsky–Lilly (SL) model. The normalized mean and root mean square velocities are used to describe the time-averaged velocities and the velocities fluctuation intensities. Comparison of the numerical results with experimental data shows that the LES model is valid for predicting the flow of mixing in a T-junction junction. The numerical results reveal the velocity distributions and fluctuations are basically symmetrical and the fluctuation at the upstream of the downstream of the main duct is stronger than that at the downstream of the downstream of the main duct.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 319-333
Ian Boutle ◽  
Wayne Angevine ◽  
Jian-Wen Bao ◽  
Thierry Bergot ◽  
Ritthik Bhattacharya ◽  

Abstract. An intercomparison between 10 single-column (SCM) and 5 large-eddy simulation (LES) models is presented for a radiation fog case study inspired by the Local and Non-local Fog Experiment (LANFEX) field campaign. Seven of the SCMs represent single-column equivalents of operational numerical weather prediction (NWP) models, whilst three are research-grade SCMs designed for fog simulation, and the LESs are designed to reproduce in the best manner currently possible the underlying physical processes governing fog formation. The LES model results are of variable quality and do not provide a consistent baseline against which to compare the NWP models, particularly under high aerosol or cloud droplet number concentration (CDNC) conditions. The main SCM bias appears to be toward the overdevelopment of fog, i.e. fog which is too thick, although the inter-model variability is large. In reality there is a subtle balance between water lost to the surface and water condensed into fog, and the ability of a model to accurately simulate this process strongly determines the quality of its forecast. Some NWP SCMs do not represent fundamental components of this process (e.g. cloud droplet sedimentation) and therefore are naturally hampered in their ability to deliver accurate simulations. Finally, we show that modelled fog development is as sensitive to the shape of the cloud droplet size distribution, a rarely studied or modified part of the microphysical parameterisation, as it is to the underlying aerosol or CDNC.

2020 ◽  
Simon Unterstrasser

<p>The Lagrangian Cirrus Module (LCM) is a Lagrangian (also known as particle-based) ice microphysics code that is fully coupled to the large-eddy simulation (LES) code EULAG. The ice phase is described by a large number of simulation particles (order 10<sup>6</sup> to10<sup>9</sup>) which act as surrogates for the real ice crystals. The simulation particles (SIPs) are advected and microphysical processes like deposition/sublimation and sedimentation are solved for each individual SIP. More specifically, LCM treats ice nucleation, crystal growth, sedimentation, aggregation, latent heat release, radiative impact on crystal growth, and turbulent dispersion. The aerosol module comprises an explicit representation of size-resolved non-equilibrium aerosol microphysical processes for supercooled solution droplets and insoluble ice nuclei.</p><p>First, an general introduction to particle-based microphysics coupled to a grid-based (Eulerian) LES model is given.<br>In the following, emphasis is put on highlighting the benefits of the Lagrangian approach by presenting a variety of simulation examples.</p>

2012 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 761-772 ◽  
O. Thouron ◽  
J.-L. Brenguier ◽  
F. Burnet

Abstract. A new parameterization scheme is described for calculation of supersaturation in LES models that specifically aims at the simulation of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activation and prediction of the droplet number concentration. The scheme is tested against current parameterizations in the framework of the Meso-NH LES model. It is shown that the saturation adjustment scheme, based on parameterizations of CCN activation in a convective updraft, overestimates the droplet concentration in the cloud core, while it cannot simulate cloud top supersaturation production due to mixing between cloudy and clear air. A supersaturation diagnostic scheme mitigates these artefacts by accounting for the presence of already condensed water in the cloud core, but it is too sensitive to supersaturation fluctuations at cloud top and produces spurious CCN activation during cloud top mixing. The proposed pseudo-prognostic scheme shows performance similar to the diagnostic one in the cloud core but significantly mitigates CCN activation at cloud top.

2021 ◽  
Matthias Schwarz ◽  
Julien Savre ◽  
Annica Ekman

<p>Subtropical low-level marine stratocumulus clouds effectively reflect downwelling shortwave radiation while having a small effect on outgoing longwave radiation. Hence, they impose a strong negative net radiative effect on the Earth’s radiation balance. The optical and microphysical properties of these clouds are susceptible to anthropogenic changes in aerosol abundance. Although these aerosol-cloud-climate interactions (ACI) are generally explicitly treated in state-of-the-art Earth System Models (ESMs), they are accountable for large uncertainties in current climate projections.</p><p>Here, we present preliminary work where we exploit Large-Eddy-Simulations (LES) of warm stratocumulus clouds to identify and constrain processes and model assumptions that affect the response of cloud droplet number concentration (N<sub>d</sub>) to changes in aerosol number concentration (N<sub>a</sub>). Our results are based on simulations with the MISU-MIT Cloud-Aerosol (MIMICA, Savre et al., 2014) LES, which has two-moment bulk microphysics (Seifert and Beheng, 2001) and a two-moment aerosol scheme (Ekman et al., 2006). The reference simulation is based on observations made during the Dynamics and Chemistry of Marine Stratocumulus Field Study (DYCOMS-II, Stevens et al., 2003) which were used extensively during previous LES studies (e.g., Ackerman et al., 2009).</p><p>Starting from the reference simulation, we conduct sensitivity experiments to examine how the susceptibility (β=dln(N<sub>d</sub>)/dln(N<sub>a</sub>)) changes depending on different model setups. We run the model with fixed and interactive aerosol concentrations, with and without saturation adjustment, with different aerosol populations, and with different model parameter choices. Our early results suggest that β is sensitive to these choices and can vary roughly between 0.6 to 0.9 depending on the setup. The overall purpose of our study is to guide future model developments and evaluations concerning aerosol-cloud-climate interactions.  </p><p> </p><p><strong>References</strong></p><p>Ackerman, A. S., vanZanten, M. C., Stevens, B., Savic-Jovcic, V., Bretherton, C. S., Chlond, A., et al. (2009). Large-Eddy Simulations of a Drizzling, Stratocumulus-Topped Marine Boundary Layer. Monthly Weather Review, 137(3), 1083–1110. https://doi.org/10.1175/2008MWR2582.1</p><p>Ekman, A. M. L., Wang, C., Ström, J., & Krejci, R. (2006). Explicit Simulation of Aerosol Physics in a Cloud-Resolving Model: Aerosol Transport and Processing in the Free Troposphere. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 63(2), 682–696. https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS3645.1</p><p>Savre, J., Ekman, A. M. L., & Svensson, G. (2014). Technical note: Introduction to MIMICA, a large-eddy simulation solver for cloudy planetary boundary layers. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 6(3), 630–649. https://doi.org/10.1002/2013MS000292</p><p>Stevens, B., Lenschow, D. H., Vali, G., Gerber, H., Bandy, A., Blomquist, B., et al. (2003). Dynamics and Chemistry of Marine Stratocumulus—DYCOMS-II. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 84(5), 579–594. https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-84-5-579</p>

Alaa Hasan ◽  
Tarek ElGammal ◽  
Ryoichi S. Amano ◽  
Essam E. Khalil

Accurate control of thermal conditions in large space buildings like an underground metro station is a significant issue because passengers’ thermal comfort must be maintained at a satisfactory level. The large eddy simulation (LES) model was adopted while using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software “STAR CCM+” to set up a CFD station model to predict static air temperature, velocity, relative humidity and predicted mean vote (PMV), which indicates the passengers’ thermal comfort. The increase in the number of passengers using the model station is taken into consideration. The studied cases covered all the possible modes of the station box, these modes are (1) the station box is empty of trains, (2) the presence of one train inside the station box, (3) the presence of two trains inside the station box. The objective is to bring the passengers’ thermal comfort in all modes to the acceptable level. The operation of under platform exhaust (UPE) system is considered in case of train presence inside the station box. The use of UPE is more energy efficient than depending entirely on the air conditioning system to maintain the thermal conditions comfortable.

Murase Kagenobu ◽  
Oshima Nobuyuki ◽  
Takahashi Yusuke

This paper focuses on the numerical simulation of Sandia National Laboratories “the piloted methane/air burner flame D.” Large Eddy Simulation and 2-scalar flamelet approach are applied for the turbulent and partially premixed combustion field, which is expressed by the LES filtered equations of scalar G for tracking the flame surfaces and mixture fraction of a fuel and an oxidizer. The flamelet data consists of temperature, specific volume and laminar flame speed are calculated by the detail chemical reaction with GRI-Mech 3.0. Two kinds of flamelet data are validated; one is “equilibrium flamelet data” calculated by 0-dimensional equilibrium solution based on equilibrium model; the other is “diffusion flamelet data” calculated by 1-dimensional counter flow solution based on laminar flamelet model. Consequently, the “diffusion flamelet data” gives better result in this type of combustion field.

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