scholarly journals Are continued public sector and CGIAR investments on wheat crop improvement research justifiable? A Moroccan case

2021 ◽  
pp. 003072702110230
Yigezu A Yigezu ◽  
Tamer El-Shater ◽  
Zewdie Bishaw ◽  
Abdoul Aziz Niane ◽  
Mohamed Boughlala ◽  

In Morocco, the adoption of recent improved wheat varieties is low, casting doubt on whether investments in wheat research are paying off. This paper generates estimates of the returns to the national and international investment in wheat research for Morocco. The benefits are estimated by applying the endogenous switching regression model to data from a nationally representative sample survey of 2,296 wheat fields, whereas costs were estimated using data on public and CGIAR (INRA-CG) investments on wheat research in Morocco. Considering all the benefits and costs of wheat research investment in Morocco, we estimated a conservative benefit-cost ratio (BCR) of 19.64 with 623 thousand tons (14.8%) of additional wheat supply from domestic production and net economic benefit of US$355 million. We also estimated that institutional problems in the seed system identified by past research are causing the country to lose at least 746.6 thousand tons (17.7%) wheat production and net economic benefit of US$75.2 million. These results show that despite the institutional challenges, wheat research in Morocco is still paying off and the country has sufficient incentives to address the problems in the seed sector that prevent the development and uptake of recent varieties.

1994 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-43

In a double-blind placebo-controlled trial, children who had varicella of recent onset received either acyclovir or placebo. Patients treated with acyclovir fared better in number of lesions, duration of onset of new lesions, time to healing, and duration of fever and malaise. Antibody response was unaffected. Side effects of acyclovir were few. Significant complications (neurologic, hepatic) were too rare to be compared. The economic benefit/cost ratio of treating varicella with acyclovir seems to be favorable (ie, parents return to work sooner). In a second study, it was confirmed that zoster is less common following receipt of varicella vaccine than after natural infection with varicella virus.

2011 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 509-521 ◽  
Benjamin C. Warf ◽  
Blake C. Alkire ◽  
Salman Bhai ◽  
Christopher Hughes ◽  
Steven J. Schiff ◽  

Object Evidence from the CURE Children's Hospital of Uganda (CCHU) suggests that treatment for hydrocephalus in infants can be effective and sustainable in a developing country. This model has not been broadly supported or implemented due in part to the absence of data on the economic burden of disease or any assessment of the cost and benefit of treatment. The authors used economic modeling to estimate the annual cost and benefit of treating hydrocephalus in infants at CCHU. These results were then extrapolated to the potential economic impact of treating all cases of hydrocephalus in infants in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Methods The authors conducted a retrospective review of all children initially treated for hydrocephalus at CCHU via endoscopic third ventriculostomy or shunt placement in 2005. A combination of data and explicit assumptions was used to determine the number of times each procedure was performed, the cost of performing each procedure, the number of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) averted with neurosurgical intervention, and the economic benefit of the treatment. For CCHU and SSA, the cost per DALY averted and the benefit-cost ratio of 1 year's treatment of hydrocephalus in infants were determined. Results In 2005, 297 patients (median age 4 months) were treated at CCHU. The total cost of neurosurgical intervention was $350,410, and the cost per DALY averted ranged from $59 to $126. The CCHU's economic benefit to Uganda was estimated to be between $3.1 million and $5.2 million using a human capital approach and $4.6 million–$188 million using a value of a statistical life (VSL) approach. The total economic benefit of treating the conservatively estimated 82,000 annual cases of hydrocephalus in infants in SSA ranged from $930 million to $1.6 billion using a human capital approach and $1.4 billion–$56 billion using a VSL approach. The minimum benefit-cost ratio of treating hydrocephalus in infants was estimated to be 7:1. Conclusions Untreated hydrocephalus in infants exacts an enormous price from SSA. The results of this study suggest that neurosurgical intervention has a cost/DALY averted comparable to other surgical interventions that have been evaluated, as well as a favorable benefit-cost ratio. The prevention and treatment of hydrocephalus in SSA should be recognized as a major public health priority.

2006 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 119-125
KH Devkota

A survey study was conducted to study the benefit-cost analysis of apiculture enterprise in Jutpani VDC, Chitwan district. Data were collected by interviewing randomly selected 18 beekeepers for sample survey. Benefit : Cost (BC) ratio of apiculture was computed by including and excluding the revenue obtained from colony selling. Only 61.11% of beekeepers sold bee colonies for earning income. The study revealed that BC ratios of apiculture were 2.41 and 1.58 in the case of inclusion and exclusion of the income received from the colony selling, respectively. It showed that apiculture industry was running in profit in both cases. In the former case, the BC ratio ranged from 0.97 to 6.22 and about 88.88% beekeepers were in profit. The BC ratio in the later case ranged from 0.43 to 3.41 and about 77.77% beekeepers were in profit. The number of colonies ranged from 2 to 54 with an average of 21.33 colonies per bee farm. In the former case, average annual income was Rs. 70758.33 (US$ 969.29 approximately) per farm and Rs. 49588.31 (US$ 679.29 approximately) in the later case. Likewise, the average income per colony per annum was Rs. 3317.31 (US$ 45.44) and Rs. 1777.65 (US$ 24.35 approximately) in the former and later case, respectively. Key words : Apiculture, benefit-cost ratio, beekeeper J. Inst. Agric. Anim. Sci. 27:119-125 (2006)

1970 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 481-492 ◽  
MAZ Sarker ◽  
PK Malaker ◽  
M Bodruzzaman ◽  
NCD Barma

An experiment was conducted with three wheat varieties of varying seed sizes at five seed rates in medium and high management at Wheat Research Centre, Dinajpur during 2004-05 Rabi season to determine the appropriate seed rates for the varieties under different management practices. On an average, high management increased grain yield by 18.4%, but the benefit-cost ratio (BCR) was higher in medium management. Higher grain yield was obtained from varieties Shatabdi (medium sized seed) and Prodip (large sized seed) compared to Sufi (small sized seed) in high management, whereas in medium management, all the varieties produced similar grain yield. Considering yield performance and BCR analysis, the seed rates of Sufi and Shatabdi might be 100 and 120 kg/ha, respectively, for both the managements. Seed rates of Prodip might be 120 and 140 kg/ha for medium and high management, respectively. Key Words: Management, seed rate, seed size, variety. DOI: 10.3329/bjar.v34i3.3975 Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 34(3) : 481-492, September 2009

The experiment was conducted in two consecutive crop seasons (2015-16 and 2016-17) at Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Hathazari, Chattogram during Rabi season (November to March) with 3 duplicate laid out Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) to compare the rehearsal of high-placed outcome, early maturing and heat tolerant varieties under increasing temperature. BARI released early maturing wheat varieties were used for optimum sowing time and heat tolerance as an adaptive mechanism suffering from terminal heat stress. Six heat-tolerant early maturing wheat varieties were (BARI Gom 25, BARI Gom 26, BARI Gom 27, BARI Gom 28, BARI Gom 29, and BARI Gom 30). The highest crop output was gained from BARI Gom 30 (4.33 t/ha) followed by BARI Gom 26 (4.06 t/ha) in a couple of years. The lowest yield was found from BARI Gom 27 (2.66t/ha) followed by BARI Gom 29 (3.53 t/ha), BARI Gom 28 (3.36 t/ha), and BARI Gom 25 (3.13 t/ha) both years. Crop output of wheat and amount of spike showed significant difference and rest of the parameters were insignificant. The earliest maturing variety was BARI Gom 30 and produced a maximum crop yield than others. BARI Gom 30 showed a maximum benefit-cost ratio (BCR) of 1.73 and BARI Gom 27exhibited the lowest benefit-cost ratio (BCR) of 1.06. This result of the experiment showed that early high yielding variety and the best adaptive variety was BARI Gom 30 among the six varieties in Chattogram.

2010 ◽  
pp. 124-131
M Shahe Alam ◽  
MA Quayum

A study was conducted to determine the magnitude of area shifting to different crops over the years, assess the profitability of maize cultivation and to evaluate the factors determining area devotion to maize cultivation in Bangladesh. Sample survey was done in five districts capturing both favourable and drought prone production environment. Two villages under each district were chosen in consultation with local extension experts. A total of 240 farmers were finally selected for interview. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were employed in analyzing the data. Analysis indicated that the level of area shifting to MV Boro increased to 6% and 19% in drought prone and favourable area respectively during 2007-08 compared to 2003-04. Although the area under MV Aus increased marginally in drought prone area but in favourable areas the decrease was almost 16%. The area devoted to other crops like maize, ground nut, vegetables and chilli increased over the study period. The area under Aman rice increased by 2% in drought prone area but a reverse picture appeared in the favourable area i.c, the magnitude of area shifting from rice to non-rice under favourable area was negative. The per hectare costs of maize cultivation in drought prone and favourable area were similar. The net return and benefit cost ratio (BCR) in maize production were higher in favourable area compared to drought prone area. The study further indicated that, farm size, family agricultural labor and market availability were the vital determinants of area devotion to maize cultivation. Nearly 68 % of the sample farmers devoted their lands to maize production considering it as a profitable enterprise. Similarly, about 40% farmers adopted maize as an alternate crop since it involves much less irrigation cost.

MIU Mollah ◽  
MSU Bhuiya ◽  
MH Kabir

An experiment was conducted at the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur during Rabi season 2001-02 and 2002-03 to determine the effects of bed width, plant row number bed-1 and seed rate on the agro-economic productivity of wheat under bed planting in rice-wheat cropping system. Bed planting in 70, 80 and 90 cm wide beds with two and three plant rows bed-1 along with conventional method and 60, 90, 120 and 150 kg ha-1 seed rates were tested. Seventy-centimeter wide beds increased grain yield of wheat up to 21% over conventional method. It increased the number of panicles m-2, number of grains panicle-1 and 1000-grain weight of wheat. Sterility percentage was lower in bed than conventional method. Weed infestation was less in bed planting. It saved 41-48 % irrigation water. The cost of cultivation was lower and gross return, gross margin and benefit-cost ratio were higher in bed planting than conventional method. Key words: Bed planting, wheat, crop establishment. DOI: 10.3329/jard.v7i1.4418 J Agric Rural Dev 7(1&2), 23-31, June 2009

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. e1201-e1201
Muhammad R. Sajjad ◽  

Aim of study: A field experiment was executed, under rainfed conditions from 2014-15 to 2017-18, to study the role of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) in rainwater harvesting to enhance the wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield. Area of study: Rain-fed area of Pothwar region Punjab Pakistan. Material and methods: We designed three treatments (T1: control; T2: cowpea grown after conventional tillage and incorporated into soil to act as “green manure”; and T3: grown without any tillage practice, cut with sickle and spread as “mulch”). The effect of these treatments on soil moisture conservation was studied against conventional farmer’s practice, wherein no host crop is grown before wheat sowing. Main results: Available soil water remained highest in T2 during first three years when sufficient rainfall was received contrary to fourth year with low rainfall. The results revealed that cowpea biomass of 15.2 t/ha and 13.72 t/ha, from T3 and control respectively, were produced during 2015 corresponding to 213 mm rainfall. Whereas, these quantities increased to 25.69 t/ha and 24.29 t/ha during 2017 with 390 mm of rainfall. The study revealed that net income from wheat crop under T2 was Rs. 6000 and Rs. 17000 per hectare higher than that of control during the first two years respectively. Contrarily, net income from T2 was found negative and benefit-cost ratio reduced to 0.79 when very low rainfall was received during the last year. Research highlights: Use of cowpea as green manure gave maximum net return if sufficient rainfall is received during decomposition of cowpea and hence recommended for in-situ rainwater harvesting.

2013 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-70 ◽  
SMA Hossain ◽  
MA Baque ◽  
MR Amin

The Imidacloprid insecticide, Gaucho 70 WS at 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5 and 5.5 g/kg seed was used as seed treatment and monocrotophos 40 WSC at 1120 ml/ha was applied as foliar spray on CB9 cotton cultivar to suppress aphid, whitefly and thrips, and impact on their natural enemies during 2008-2011 at the Regional Cotton Research Station, Dinajpur, Bangladesh. The activity of natural enemies, such as ladybird beetle, lacewing, syrphid, and spider population on the sucking pests attacking cotton cultivar CB9 and yield of cotton were recorded. Imidacloprid significantly reduced aphid, whitefly, and thrips population on cotton crops compared to untreated control or foliar spray of monocrotophos 40 WSC at 1120 ml/ha. Ladybird beetles, lacewings, syrphids, and spiders were abundant in the field but their population decreased in the treated plots compared to untreated control. The CB9 cotton cultivar produced significantly higher yield (1.73 t/ha) with a benefit cost ratio 12.47 when seeds were treated with Imidacloprid at 5.5 g/kg fuzzy seed. This study indicated that Imidacloprid (Gaucho 70 WS) used as a seed treatment may be suggested to the cotton growers for controlling sucking pests. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 38(1): 61-70, March 2013 DOI:

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