scholarly journals Economic (Benefit Cost Ratio) Status of Summer Pearlmillet at Different NPK Levels

Ne ha ◽  
Gautam Ghosh ◽  
Preeti Choudhary ◽  
Shobha Kumari
1994 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-43

In a double-blind placebo-controlled trial, children who had varicella of recent onset received either acyclovir or placebo. Patients treated with acyclovir fared better in number of lesions, duration of onset of new lesions, time to healing, and duration of fever and malaise. Antibody response was unaffected. Side effects of acyclovir were few. Significant complications (neurologic, hepatic) were too rare to be compared. The economic benefit/cost ratio of treating varicella with acyclovir seems to be favorable (ie, parents return to work sooner). In a second study, it was confirmed that zoster is less common following receipt of varicella vaccine than after natural infection with varicella virus.

2011 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 509-521 ◽  
Benjamin C. Warf ◽  
Blake C. Alkire ◽  
Salman Bhai ◽  
Christopher Hughes ◽  
Steven J. Schiff ◽  

Object Evidence from the CURE Children's Hospital of Uganda (CCHU) suggests that treatment for hydrocephalus in infants can be effective and sustainable in a developing country. This model has not been broadly supported or implemented due in part to the absence of data on the economic burden of disease or any assessment of the cost and benefit of treatment. The authors used economic modeling to estimate the annual cost and benefit of treating hydrocephalus in infants at CCHU. These results were then extrapolated to the potential economic impact of treating all cases of hydrocephalus in infants in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Methods The authors conducted a retrospective review of all children initially treated for hydrocephalus at CCHU via endoscopic third ventriculostomy or shunt placement in 2005. A combination of data and explicit assumptions was used to determine the number of times each procedure was performed, the cost of performing each procedure, the number of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) averted with neurosurgical intervention, and the economic benefit of the treatment. For CCHU and SSA, the cost per DALY averted and the benefit-cost ratio of 1 year's treatment of hydrocephalus in infants were determined. Results In 2005, 297 patients (median age 4 months) were treated at CCHU. The total cost of neurosurgical intervention was $350,410, and the cost per DALY averted ranged from $59 to $126. The CCHU's economic benefit to Uganda was estimated to be between $3.1 million and $5.2 million using a human capital approach and $4.6 million–$188 million using a value of a statistical life (VSL) approach. The total economic benefit of treating the conservatively estimated 82,000 annual cases of hydrocephalus in infants in SSA ranged from $930 million to $1.6 billion using a human capital approach and $1.4 billion–$56 billion using a VSL approach. The minimum benefit-cost ratio of treating hydrocephalus in infants was estimated to be 7:1. Conclusions Untreated hydrocephalus in infants exacts an enormous price from SSA. The results of this study suggest that neurosurgical intervention has a cost/DALY averted comparable to other surgical interventions that have been evaluated, as well as a favorable benefit-cost ratio. The prevention and treatment of hydrocephalus in SSA should be recognized as a major public health priority.

2013 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-70 ◽  
SMA Hossain ◽  
MA Baque ◽  
MR Amin

The Imidacloprid insecticide, Gaucho 70 WS at 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5 and 5.5 g/kg seed was used as seed treatment and monocrotophos 40 WSC at 1120 ml/ha was applied as foliar spray on CB9 cotton cultivar to suppress aphid, whitefly and thrips, and impact on their natural enemies during 2008-2011 at the Regional Cotton Research Station, Dinajpur, Bangladesh. The activity of natural enemies, such as ladybird beetle, lacewing, syrphid, and spider population on the sucking pests attacking cotton cultivar CB9 and yield of cotton were recorded. Imidacloprid significantly reduced aphid, whitefly, and thrips population on cotton crops compared to untreated control or foliar spray of monocrotophos 40 WSC at 1120 ml/ha. Ladybird beetles, lacewings, syrphids, and spiders were abundant in the field but their population decreased in the treated plots compared to untreated control. The CB9 cotton cultivar produced significantly higher yield (1.73 t/ha) with a benefit cost ratio 12.47 when seeds were treated with Imidacloprid at 5.5 g/kg fuzzy seed. This study indicated that Imidacloprid (Gaucho 70 WS) used as a seed treatment may be suggested to the cotton growers for controlling sucking pests. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 38(1): 61-70, March 2013 DOI:

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 240
Novdin M Sianturi

Abstrak: Pengelolaan sampah di Kota Pematangsiantar masih bertumpu pada pendekatan akhir (kumpul-angkut-buang), dengan tingkat pelayanan yang rendah, sehingga untuk meningkatkan pelayanan sampah, perlu dilakukan pemilahan di tempat penampungan sementara (TPS). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji sistem pengelolaan sampah dengan melakukan pemilihan di TPS dapat meningkatkan pelayanan aset persampahan sampai tahun  2015 secara teknis operasional dan dari aspek keuangan. Analisa teknis operasional aset pengelolaan sampah mulai dari pewadahan, pengumpulan dan pengangkutan sedangkan analisa keuangan dan analisa kelayakan menggunakan Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Benefit/Cost Ratio, dan Payback Period. Dari hasil analisa tersebut diperoleh suatu sistem pengelolaan sampah dengan pemilihan di TPS berdasarkan zona pelayanan dengan skala prioritas secara bertahap daritahun 2013-2017, dapat meningkatkan cakupan pelayanan sampah eksisting rata-rata 6,69 %, cakupan pelayanan TPS eksisting rata-rata 8,29 %, dan cakupan pelayanan truk pengangkut sampah eksisting rata-rata 12,03 %. Investasinya layak, diperoleh Net Cashflow pada tahun 2020 sebesar Rp 1.720.242.284,-, NPV suku bunga 15 % bernilai positif, IRR > MARR 15 %,  B/C Ratio > 1, dan PP 4,7 tahun, lebih pendek dari periode investasi 10 tahun. Dari Metode penelitian ini maka pengumpulan data, observasi lapangan dan pengukuran contoh timbulan sampah dengan sampel 4 TPS perumahan yang terlayani pengangkutan.

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-182
Bime M.J ◽  
Fon D.E ◽  
Ngalim S.B ◽  
Ongla J

Rice production and processing over the years has been on an increase with more small holders entering the business. This study on profitability of processing and marketing of small scale rice processors had as objective to analyse the profitability levels of rice processing and marketing by small scale processors, determine the value added to the commodity at each stage  and also identify the constraints faced by these processors. The study used primary data collected using well-structured questionnaire from millers only, miller traders for white/parboiled rice through a multistage sampling technique. Results showed that the net processing income (3,151,201), value added (8,147,456) and efficiency (138) for miller-traders of white rice was highest, followed by miller-traders for parboiled rice and lastly millers only. Results further showed that millers only had Benefit/cost ratio of 0.4 indicating that milling only is not profitable due to small quantities milled, and high fixed cost. Miller-traders for parboiled rice had a benefit/cost ratio of 2.3 implying that their venture is most profitable. Based on the results, it was recommended that millers only should purchase large quantities of paddy to enable them reduce the overhead cost. Also the services of parboilers should reflect in the sales price of parboiled rice so that the parboiling services can be paid for.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-17
Srijana Pandey ◽  
Sapana Parajuli ◽  
Biplov Oli ◽  
Surya Dhungana

The research was conducted at Beltari Sandhikharka-10, Arghakhanchi district to study about the effect of various doses of boron on growth and yield attributing characters of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) during off-season from February to June in 2020. Five treatments; B0 (control/no application), B1: 2kg/ha, B2: 4kg/ha, B3: 6kg/ha, B4: 8kg/ha which are the different doses of boron application were laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 4 replications. The growth parameters like plant height, number of leaves per plant leaf length and leaf breadth of largest leaf were recorded multiple times with 15 days interval. Days to curd initiation and Days from curd initiation to harvest were recorded by regular field observation. The yield parameters; curd weight with leaves, Marketable curd weight, average curd yield, incidence of hollowing were recorded during harvest. The economics from application of boron doses in cauliflower production was obtained in terms of cost of cultivation, gross returns, net returns, and benefit cost ratio. The result showed that the growth and yield attributing characters of cauliflower were significantly affected by application of boron in which the value of these parameters was found significantly higher in B1 followed by other treatments. The average curd yield of cauliflower in B1 was found to be 12.39 mt/ha which was 48.92% higher than that of B0 with curd yield 8.32 mt/ha. Similarly, the net return was found significantly the highest in B1 and the lowest in B0. The result showed that application of boron in the range of 2-4 kg/ha is preferred to control and higher doses in respect of both productivity and economics.

Wahyu Setiawan ◽  
Atikah Nurhayati ◽  
Titin Herawati ◽  
Asep Agus Handaka

Gill net is one of the fishing gear used by Jatigede Reservoir fisherman. The purpose of this research is to analyzed the feasibility of fish catching business with gill net in Jatigede Reservoir. This research was conducted by used data collection method (observation, questioner, literature study) and method of data analysis (feasibility business analysis). The benefits of this research is expected to be informations and references for the research who will expand a fishing business with gill net at Jatigede Reservoir. The result of feasibility of fish catching business with gill net at Jatigede Reservoir is profit value Rp. 70.890.000, Break Event Point price and production (all species of fish) Rp. 4.154/kg and 2.136kg in a year, Benefit Cost Ratio 3,37, Payback Period 2 months and Net Present Value >1 Rp. 52.820.243, the fish catching business using gill net at Jatigede Reservoir is feasible to be developed.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 38
Rama Dwi Aryandi ◽  
Ari Sandhyavitri ◽  
Reni Suryanita

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat pelayanan simpang berdasarkan data lalu lintas simpang tersebut apakah derajat jenuhnya sudah melewati ambang batas DS = 0,75, jika nilai DS>0,75, akan dikaji penerapan beberapa alternatif penanganan untuk meningkatkan tingkat pelayanan simpang, untuk kemudian dipilih lagi alternatif terbaik untuk jangka pendek, menengah dan panjang. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode traffic counting, sedangkan untuk pengkajian alternatif penanganan simpang secara teknik menggunakan metode MKJI 1997, secara ekonomi menggunakan metode LAPI ITB, analisa nilai waktu dengan nilai waktu hasil penelitian Dirjen Bina Marga dan analisa biaya investasi dengan analisa Benefit Cost Ratio dan Net Present Value.  Dari tiga alternatif manajemen lalu lintas yang diajukan, hanya alternatif ke-3 yaitu kombinasi peniadaan hambatan samping, pelarangan belok kiri dan optimasi traffic light  yang menghasilkan nilai DS<0,75 untuk kondisi eksisting, sedangkan untuk tahun 2020 nilai DS-nya adalah 0,79 untuk Hari Selasa dan 0,83 untuk Hari Rabu. Sedangkan dengan alternatif pembangunan flyover, untuk jangka pendek atau 5 tahun nilai BCR dan NPV-nya 1,25 dan 48,9 milyar rupiah, tahun ke-10  2,29 dan 256,4 milyar rupiah, serta tahun ke-15 3,35 dan 472,19 milyar rupiah, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembangunan flyover adalah solusi penanganan terbaik untuk menignkatkan kinerja Simpang Pasar Pagi Arengka.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (01) ◽  
KAMINI KUMARI S. Bhadauria ◽  

In Haryana (India) cotton is generally sown with conventional tillage practices witnesses poor germination and plant establishment. Poor plant stand is attributed by burning of emerging plants due to very high temperature at the time of planting, which is further worsen by crust formation due to pre-monsoon showers. Keeping these points in view, an experiment was conducted with farmers' participatory research mode in village Hajwana of Kaithal district. Cotton sown with zero tillage technique resulted in approximately five percent higher yield i.e. 136.3 kg ha-1 over conventional tillage. Mean returns over variable cost of all the three years were 10.8 percent i.e. Rs. 11794 ha-1 more in zero tillage over conventional tillage. Benefit: cost ratio were 3.86, 3.86 and 4.61 in conventional method of planting, bed planting and zero tillage technique, respectively. Zero tillage planting of cotton reduced fuel consumption by 93.4 % and 91.7 % compared to bed planting and conventional planting respectively.

2014 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
Dwi Satryawan ◽  
Emy Kernalis ◽  
Arnoldy Arby

Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk; 1) mengetahui kondisi usahatani padi sawah dan usahatani kedelai; 2) biaya, penerimaan dan pendapatan usahatani padi sawah dan usahatani kedelai; 3) kelayakan dari usahatani padi sawah dan usahatani kedelai di Kelurahan Simpang Kecamatan Berbak Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur..Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari rata-rata produksi 616,335 Kg per hektar pada usahatani padi sawah dan pada usahatani kedelai rata-rata produksi sebesar 1.113,592 Kg per hektar. Rata-rata pendapatan yang diperoleh dari usahatani padi sawah sebesar Rp. 470.494,01 per hektar dan dari usahatani kedelai adalah Rp. 3.105.018,63 per hektar. Dari usahatani padi sawah didapatkan pendapatan kerja petani sebesar Rp.1.981.662,01 per hektar, penghasilan kerja petani Rp. 3.153.177,16 per hektar serta pendapatan kerja keluarga sebesar Rp. 3.171.965,04 per hektar. Sedangkan pada usahatani kedelai, pendapatan kerja petani yang diperoleh adalah Rp.4.922.739,387 per hektar, penghasilan kerja petani Rp. 6.079.579,009 per hektar serta pendapatan kerja keluarga sebesar Rp. 6.116.135,613 per hektar. Dari analisa kelayakan menggunakan Revenue Cost Ratio, Benefit Cost Ratio dan Break Even Point dapat dikatakan bahwa usahatani padi sawah dan usahatani kedelai yang diusahakan petani menguntungkan dan layak untuk diusahakan serta dikembangkan. Kata Kunci :Usahatani,Pendapatan, Kelayakan

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