Using the Virtual-Abstract Instructional Sequence to Support Acquisition of Algebra
Although often considered a more advanced area of mathematics, principles of algebra are taught throughout different mathematical concepts, and algebra is often considered gateway mathematical knowledge for more advanced mathematical concepts. For this reason, attention is needed toward making algebraic instruction more accessible to all types of learners, including students with disabilities who often struggle learning mathematics. Using a multiple probe across behaviors replicated across participants single-case design, this study examined whether an intervention sequence consisting of a virtual manipulative and then abstract (i.e., numerical strategies) instruction could support the acquisition of three algebraic behaviors (i.e., one-step division, two-step addition, two-step subtraction, and/or three-step addition) for four middle school students with disabilities. All four students acquired each of the linear algebra behaviors but struggled to maintain their learning once instruction was not provided prior to performance. These findings and their implications are discussed further.