social behaviors
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2022 ◽  
Vol 67 ◽  
pp. 101753
Ali Raza ◽  
Muhammad Usman ◽  
Moazzam Ali

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (01) ◽  
pp. 261-284
Mayte Donstrup

The aim of this study is to analyze the attitudes and social behaviors of the protagonists of teen series; that is, fiction series produced for teenagers. With this aim, a content analysis has been carried out, a technique that has allowed the identification of the most common behaviors and consequences in said fiction series. The sample is composed of the first season of the seven series best rated by their audience in the first quarter of 2020: Elite (Netflix: 2018- ), Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (Netflix: 2018- ), Sex Education (Netflix: 2019- ), 13 Reasons Why (Netflix: 2017), I Am Not Okay with This (Netflix: 2020- ), Riverdale (The WC: 2017- ) y Euphoria (HBO: 2019- ). The results indicate a high percentage of scenes of unprotected sex and alcohol consumption with hardly any negative consequences.

Toxics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Ross Gillette ◽  
Michelle Dias ◽  
Michael P. Reilly ◽  
Lindsay M. Thompson ◽  
Norma J. Castillo ◽  

All individuals are directly exposed to extant environmental endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), and indirectly exposed through transgenerational inheritance from our ancestors. Although direct and ancestral exposures can each lead to deficits in behaviors, their interactions are not known. Here we focused on social behaviors based on evidence of their vulnerability to direct or ancestral exposures, together with their importance in reproduction and survival of a species. Using a novel “two hits, three generations apart” experimental rat model, we investigated interactions of two classes of EDCs across six generations. PCBs (a weakly estrogenic mixture Aroclor 1221, 1 mg/kg), Vinclozolin (antiandrogenic, 1 mg/kg) or vehicle (6% DMSO in sesame oil) were administered to pregnant rat dams (F0) to directly expose the F1 generation, with subsequent breeding through paternal or maternal lines. A second EDC hit was given to F3 dams, thereby exposing the F4 generation, with breeding through the F6 generation. Approximately 1200 male and female rats from F1, F3, F4 and F6 generations were run through tests of sociability and social novelty as indices of social preference. We leveraged machine learning using DeepLabCut to analyze nuanced social behaviors such as nose touching with accuracy similar to a human scorer. Surprisingly, social behaviors were affected in ancestrally exposed but not directly exposed individuals, particularly females from a paternally exposed breeding lineage. Effects varied by EDC: Vinclozolin affected aspects of behavior in the F3 generation while PCBs affected both the F3 and F6 generations. Taken together, our data suggest that specific aspects of behavior are particularly vulnerable to heritable ancestral exposure of EDC contamination, that there are sex differences, and that lineage is a key factor in transgenerational outcomes.

2022 ◽  
pp. 846-866
Ji Soo Lim

To understand the influence of video games on the player, several important questions must be answered. First, what accounts for the higher level of engagement in digital games relative to other entertainment media? Furthermore, what kind of experience does the player have during gameplay? Specifically, what does the player think when he or she interacts with other characters in the game? This study examines digital games with a focus on the interaction between the game itself and the person playing it. Among the various social behaviors elicited by digital games, much attention has been given to players' prosocial behavior within the context of a game's virtual world. A multidimensional view of behavior is used to analyze the game's situational contexts and players' interpretation of behavior.

Xi Zhao ◽  
Xianqiang Lian ◽  
Yan Liu ◽  
Liyan Zhou ◽  
Bian Wu ◽  

Social behaviors do not only exist in higher organisms but are also present in microbes that interact for the common good. Here, we report that budding yeast cells interact with their neighboring cells after exposure to DNA damage. Yeast cells irradiated with DNA-damaging ultraviolet light secrete signal peptides that can increase the survival of yeast cells exposed to DNA-damaging stress. The secreted peptide is derived from glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), and it induced cell death of a fraction of yeast cells in the group. The data suggest that the GAPDH-derived peptide serves in budding yeast’s social interaction in response to DNA-damaging stress. Importance Many studies have shown that microorganisms, including bacteria and yeast, display increased tolerance to stress after exposure to the same stressor. However, the mechanism remains unknown. In this manuscript, we report a striking finding that S. cerevisiae cells respond to DNA damage by secreting a peptide that facilitates resistance to DNA-damaging stress. Although it has been shown that GAPDH possesses many key functions in cells aside from its well-established role in glycolysis, this study demonstrated that GAPDH is also involved in the social behaviors response to DNA-damaging stress. The study opens the gate to an interesting research field about microbial social activity for adaptation to a harsh environment.

2021 ◽  
Geum Joon Cho ◽  
Jiae Kim ◽  
Ji Young Kim ◽  
Sung Won Han ◽  
Soo Bin Lee ◽  

Abstract Purpose Adverse pregnancy outcomes (APOs) are associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease (CVD) and metabolic syndrome (MS), in the future. We designed a large-scale cohort study to evaluate the influence of APOs (preeclampsia, gestational diabetes mellitus [GDM], stillbirth, macrosomia, and low birth weight) on the incidence of chronic diseases, body measurements, and serum biochemistry in the future and investigate whether combinations of APOs had additive effects on chronic diseases.Methods We used health examinee data from the Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study (KoGES-HEXA) and extracted data of parous women (n = 30,174; mean age, 53.02 years) for the analysis. A logistic regression model was used to estimate adjusted odds ratios (aORs) and 95% confidence intervals.Results The prevalence rate of APOs was 17.4% (5,264 women). Univariate analysis revealed that women with APOs were more frequently diagnosed with chronic diseases and had a family history of chronic diseases compared with women without APOs. In logistic regression analysis, composite APOs were associated with an increased risk of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, angina pectoris, stroke, and MS (aOR: 1.093, 1.379, 1.269, 1.351, 1.414, and 1.104, respectively), after adjustment for family history and social behaviors. Preeclampsia and GDM were associated with an increased risk of some chronic diseases; however, the combination of preeclampsia and GDM did not have an additive effect on the risk.Conclusion APOs moderately influenced the future development of maternal CVD and metabolic derangements, independent of family history and social behaviors.

2021 ◽  
Jumpei Matsumoto ◽  
Kouta Kanno ◽  
Masahiro Kato ◽  
Hiroshi Nishimaru ◽  
Tsuyoshi Setogawa ◽  

Ultrasonic vocalizations in mice have recently been widely investigated as social behavior; however, using existing sound localization systems in home cages, which allow observations of more undisturbed behavior expressions, is challenging. We introduce a novel system, named USVCAM, that uses a phased microphone array and demonstrate novel vocal interactions under a resident-intruder paradigm. The extended applicability and usability of USVCAM may facilitate investigations of social behaviors and underlying physiological mechanisms.

2021 ◽  
Maxwell Burton-Chellew ◽  
Victoire D'Amico ◽  
Claire Guérin

The strategy method is often used in public goods games to measure individuals’ willingness to cooperate depending on the level of cooperation by others (conditional cooperation). However, while the strategy method is informative, it risks being suggestive and inducing elevated levels of conditional cooperation that are not motivated by concerns for fairness, especially in uncertain or confused participants. Here we make 845 participants complete the strategy method two times, once with human and once with computerized groupmates. Cooperation with computers cannot rationally be motivated by concerns for fairness. Worryingly, 69% of participants conditionally cooperated with computers, whereas only 7% conditionally cooperated with humans while not cooperating with computers. Overall, 83% of participants cooperated with computers, contributing 89% as much as towards humans. Results from games with computers present a serious problem for measuring social behaviors.

Lucia Gavriliţă

This study represents a system of experiments and data accompanied by scientifi c and methodological interpretations, of attachment patterns. Secure attachment is considered by many authors to be a source of parental competence. These quintessences express both, the conception of parental education and their attitude towards the typical child or the child with disabilities. Studies show that some parents adapt better than others to the child’s particularities. The family, specifi cally, off ers the child the climate of emotional security and is the fi rst social group in which the child practices social behaviors and discovers himself.

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