Long-Term Changes in the Living Arrangements of Children in the Netherlands

2009 ◽  
Vol 30 (5) ◽  
pp. 653-669 ◽  
Ruben van Gaalen ◽  
Frans van Poppel

The demographic and social processes of the past 150 years have radically changed the number of parents that children grow up with. This article uses two unique data sets to illustrate long-term changes in the living arrangements of children born between 1850 and 1985 in the Netherlands. Changes are described in terms of whether fathers, mothers, and stepparents lived with these children at birth and at age 15. A massive shift occurred in the living arrangements of the 1850-1879 cohort compared with the 1880-1899 cohort of children, and there is only a slight return to 19th-century conditions in the most recent birth cohort. Researchers and politicians should be careful when comparing contemporary family life with the extraordinary situation Western families were in just after World War II. To some degree, contemporary complexities are more comparable to those in the 19th century, although the sources of these complexities are different.

2001 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 279-303 ◽  

This article describes the long-term trends in marital status mortality differences in the Netherlands using a unique dataset relating to the period 1850–1970. Poisson regression analysis was applied to calculate relative mortality risks by marital status. For two periods, cause-of-death by marital status could be used. Clear differences in mortality by marital status were observed, with strongly increasing advantages for married men and women and a relative increase in the mortality of widowed compared with non-married people. Excess mortality among single and formerly married men and women was visible in many cause-of-death categories, and this became more widespread during the last decades of the nineteenth century. Hypotheses are formulated that might explain why married men and women underwent a stronger decrease in mortality up until the end of World War II.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Elisa Laschi ◽  
Serafina Perrone ◽  
Chiara Lembo ◽  
Giuseppe Buonocore

The begin of modern neonatology takes place in the 1940s, when physicians first started to have interest in the newborn so that the primary responsibility for the neonate passed from the obstetricians to the neonatologists. In the 19th century the term premature grouped together the concept of “preterm and weak infants”, meant as babies suffering from poor energy and vitality. The idea that premature infants could be treated was introduced in the second half of the 19th century, when crucial fields signed the basis for neonatal care over the last century, such as thermoregulation, Apgar score, respiratory support, prenatal corticosteroids, metabolic screening and jaundice. From then on, advances in neonatology have resulted in the reduction of infant mortality worldwide. To date, scientific evidences have shown that the environmental conditions experienced in early life can profoundly influence human biology and long-term health. Chemical contaminants in water and diet, tobacco smoke, air pollution, gestational diabetes, hypertension and pre-eclampsia are all conditions that lead to the lowest common denominator oxidative stress. Fetuses and newborns -especially preterm- are particularly susceptible to oxidative stress mediated damage. Recently, the “omics” sciences represent the major area of growing interest and research in neonatology. The analysis of the metabolic profile detectable in a human biological fluid allows to instantly identifying changes in the composition of endogenous and exogenous metabolites caused by the interaction between specific physiopathological states, gene expression, and environment. From metabolomics studies comes the need of individualized and tailored medicine.

2016 ◽  
Vol 48 (2) ◽  
pp. 382-386 ◽  
Nell Gabiam

The term humanitarianism finds its roots in 19th-century Europe and is generally defined as the “impartial, neutral, and independent provision of relief to victims of conflict and natural disasters.” Behind this definition lies a dynamic history. According to political scientists Michael Barnett and Thomas G. Weiss, this history can be divided into three phases. From the 19th century to World War II, humanitarianism was a reaction to the perceived breakdown of society and the emergence of moral ills caused by rapid industrialization within Europe. The era between World War II and the 1990s saw the emergence of many of today's nongovernmental and intergovernmental organizations. These organizations sought to address the suffering caused by World War I and World War II, but also turned their gaze toward the non-Western world, which was in the process of decolonization. The third phase began in the 1990s, after the end of the Cold War, and witnessed an expansion of humanitarianism. One characteristic of this expansion is the increasing prominence of states, regional organizations, and the United Nations in the field of humanitarian action. Their increased prominence has been paralleled by a growing linkage between humanitarian concerns and the issue of state, regional, and global security. Is it possible that, in the 21st century, humanitarianism is entering a new (fourth) phase? And, if so, what role have events in the Middle East played in ushering it in? I seek to answer these questions by focusing on regional consultations that took place between June 2014 and July 2015 in preparation for the first ever World Humanitarian Summit (WHS), scheduled to take place in Istanbul in May 2016.

Muzikologija ◽  
2016 ◽  
pp. 27-50
Kristina Parezanovic

This research focuses on the development of art music, music pedagogy and teaching solf?ge in Serbia in the long period stretching from the second half of the 19th century until the present day. In this article I present a chronology of the institutionalisation of the music education system in Serbia; then, I discuss the origins of the influence of Western European artistic-pedagogical practices on Serbian teaching, through the testimonies by Stevan Hristic, Berthold Hartmann, Miloje Milojevic, Stanislav Vinaver, Milan Grol and others. I finish with the presentation of the most important Serbian music pedagogues and their achievements in the period before World War II (Stevan Stojanovic Mokranjac, Isidor Bajic, Miloje Milojevic, Miodrag Vasiljevic) in parallel with the results and practices of the Western European and global music pedagogy. My goal is to observe Serbian approaches to music pedagogy in relation to the question of the possibilities, realistic or hypothetical, to use the educational principles which were in expansion in Europe at the end of the 19 th and beginning of the 20th centuries in Serbian music pedagogy. After examining the methods of teaching solf?ge in the period from the end of World War II until today, I conclude that Serbia has developed its own pedagogic style (even though it is based on the complementarity of several autochthonous and foreign methodical solutions), built upon and supperted by the experience and knowledge of Serbian and foreign attainments in music pedagogy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 210-218
Libor Ižvolt ◽  
Peter Dobeš

AbstractMost of the railway lines in Slovakia were built in the second half of the 19th century, or until 1918 (the establishment of Czechoslovakia). Except for the post-World War II period, when approximately 71 % of the Slovak lines had to be renewed, limited funds have been spent on repair and reconstruction works on the lines located in the Slovak territory. As some trans-European corridors cross the Slovak territory and the Slovak Republic assumed obligations arising from the AGC and AGTC agreements, the line modernization is more than desirable. The primary objective of the modernisation of railway lines in the territory of Slovakia is to ensure a high-quality and safe railway, which by its qualitative parameters corresponds to the standards of developed European countries. In this context, the paper deals with a section of the modernised corridor no. Va, specifically the section Považská Teplá - Žilina. During the period 2014-2017, quality diagnostics of the performed work was carried out on the sub-ballast layers of the above-mentioned line. Consequently, we carried out an analysis of the obtained values of the deformation resistance of the subgrade surface, as the weakest element in the construction of the sub-ballast layers.

Jeffrey S. Librett

I examine the relation between anxiety and the COVID-19 pandemic.  For context, I begin by sketching the rise of anxiety as a theme from the 19th century to the post-World War II era, as a mood of the individual in a world without absolutes.  Then, I characterize the current moment as the age of the anxiety of the global contagion.  Next, I examine the most general effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the individual ego, as simultaneous radical separation from and connection with others.  I proceed to juxtapose this situation with Freud’s anxiety theory, which likewise involves simultaneous separation and connection.  The social ego today thus appears, from a Freudian perspective, as in an exacerbated anxiety-state.  I claim that this exacerbation helps us understand more clearly Freud’s anxiety theory, and vice versa.  I then consider where this anxiety takes place, and so I examine the Freudian “site” of anxiety—the ego. This examination clarifies two aspects of Freud’s ego-theory: both the sense in which the Freudian ego is (post)modern, and the sense in which Freud’s linkage of anxiety with the ego is not occasional, but constitutive.  That is, the ego is the site of anxiety, in that anxiety characterizes the ego as such, because the ego is a (post) modern liminal structure.  I suggest in conclusion that the affirmation and acceptance of anxiety as a fundamental experience of the ego, and of the psyche more generally, constitutes an ethical imperative for psychoanalysis in general, and especially in the contemporary age of the global contagion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 9-29
Māris Baltiņš

Pētījumā aplūkots privātdocenta statuss, kas pasaulē tika ieviests 18. gadsimtā un, sākot no 19. gadsimta otrās puses līdz Otrā pasaules kara beigām, pastāvēja arī Latvijā. Privātdocenta statuss salīdzināts ar citu pasaules valstu, galvenokārt vācu tipa universitātēm. Jēdzienu «venia legendi» un «privātdocents» skaidrojumi ar piemēriem no Rīgas Politehnikuma (RP) mācībspēku darbības atspoguļo šos jēdzienus no dažādiem aspektiem, lai 21. gadsimtā būtu saprotams to lietojums iepriekšējos gadsimtos. Autors pētījumam izmantojis arhīvu dokumentus un bibliotēku krājumus, balstoties ne tikai Latvijas, bet arī Krievijas, Vācijas un citu valstu zinātnieku atziņās. The study examines the status of a private docent, the academic position which was introduced across the world in the 18th century and which also existed in Latvia from the second half of the 19th century until the end of World War II. The status of the private docent as it used to be understood in Latvia is compared with other countries, mainly considering German-type universities. Definition of the terms «venia legendi» and «private docent» providing examples of academic activity of the lecturers of Riga Polytechnicum (RP) allow considering these concepts from various perspectives in order to make their meaning and usage in the previous centuries transparent for the users in the 21st century. Conducting the present research, the author has used archival documents and library collections, the theoretical framework includes the findings of not only the Latvian scientists, but also researchers from Russia, Germany and other countries.

1948 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 576-577

The keynote of the book is found in the preface where it is stated that "the central thesis of the authors is the inextricable interweaving of nursing service with all other branches of human culture." The development of nursing is traced through the record of human history starting with primitive times and ending with the problems facing the world at the conclusion of World War II. Up to the middle of the 19th century, nursing was under the auspices of religious orders. After the Protestant revolt, nursing as a profession for lay people began to take root.

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