scholarly journals Romantic involvement and mental health in sexual and gender minority emerging adults assigned female at birth

2020 ◽  
Vol 37 (4) ◽  
pp. 1340-1361
Sarah W. Whitton ◽  
Lisa M. Godfrey ◽  
Shariell Crosby ◽  
Michael E. Newcomb

We examined whether romantic relationship involvement, a well-established protective factor against mental health problems among heterosexual adults, is also protective for sexual and gender minority emerging adults assigned female at birth (SGM-AFAB), a group at high risk for mental health issues. Using cross-sectional data from a community sample of 222 SGM-AFAB ages 18–20 years, we assessed associations between current relationship involvement and five mental health variables: depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, alcohol use problems, cannabis use problems, and illicit drug use. There were no differences by romantic involvement in problematic cannabis use or other illicit drug use. Overall, participants in a relationship reported fewer depressive symptoms, fewer anxiety symptoms, and less problematic alcohol use than participants who were single. Some associations differed, however, by participant gender identity, sexual orientation identity, and partner gender. Specifically, relationship involvement was associated with fewer depressive and anxiety symptoms for cisgender female participants ( n = 154) but not for gender minority participants ( n = 68) and for lesbian participants ( n = 38) but not for bisexual/pansexual participants ( n = 134) or those with other sexual orientation identities ( n = 50). Participants romantically involved with a cisgender female partner ( n = 43) had fewer depressive and anxiety symptoms than single participants ( n = 100), those with a cisgender male partner ( n = 56), and those with a gender minority partner (n = 23). Together, these findings suggest that romantic involvement may promote mental health for many, but not all, SGM young adults, highlighting the importance of attending to differences among SGM subgroups in research and efforts to reduce mental health and substance use disparities.

2021 ◽  
pp. 088626052199744
Maria Cecilia Zea ◽  
Andrew P. Barnett ◽  
Ana María del Río-González ◽  
Benjamin Parchem ◽  
Veronica Pinho ◽  

Colombia endured 70 years of internal conflict, but despite a peace agreement, violence continues to be significant in the post-conflict era. Violence degrades the health and well-being of affected populations and it engenders psychological distress. Little is known about the impact of violence on the mental health of sexual and gender minority populations in Colombia. This study aimed to examine the frequency and sources of violence among cisgender men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women and their association with depressive symptoms and substance use. We administered a survey to 942 MSM and 58 transgender women recruited using respondent-driven sampling. We estimated the relationship between mental health indicators and experiences of violence using stepwise logistic and linear regressions, controlling for income, education, age, race, and mistreatment for being effeminate when younger. Respondent-driven sampling adjusted prevalence of any type of violence was 60.9% for the total sample, 59.8% for MSM, and 75.1% for transgender women. Experiences of violence were significantly related to depressive symptoms, binge drinking and drug use for the MSM sample. Violence perpetrated by family members or acquaintances was associated with greater depressive symptoms, and violence perpetrated by partners and strangers was associated with increased binge drinking and drug use. These results provide significant evidence of the negative association of experiences of violence and the mental health of sexual and gender minority people, a vulnerable population in Colombia. This study addresses issues of diversity regarding sexual orientation and gender identity in a Latin American middle-income country.

Jessica N. Fish ◽  
Laura Baams ◽  
Jenifer K. McGuire

Sexual and gender minority (SGM) young people are coming of age at a time of dynamic social and political changes with regard to LGBTQ rights and visibility around the world. And yet, contemporary cohorts of SGM youth continue to evidence the same degree of compromised mental health demonstrated by SGM youth of past decades. The authors review the current research on SGM youth mental health, with careful attention to the developmental and contextual characteristics that complicate, support, and thwart mental health for SGM young people. Given a large and rapidly growing body of science in this area, the authors strategically review research that reflects the prevalence of these issues in countries around the world but also concentrate on how mental health concerns among SGM children and youth are shaped by experiences with schools, families, and communities. Promising mental health treatment strategies for this population are reviewed. The chapter ends with a focus on understudied areas in the SGM youth mental health literature, which may offer promising solutions to combat SGM population health disparities and promote mental health among SGM young people during adolescence and as they age across the life course.

Esther D. Rothblum

The Oxford Handbook of Sexual and Gender Minority Mental Health provides an overview of the current research on the mental health of sexual and gender minority (SGM) populations. It is aimed at researchers conducting studies on the mental health of SGM populations, clinicians and researchers interested in psychiatric disorders that affect SGM populations, clinicians using evidence-based practice in the treatment of SGM patients/clients, students in mental health programs (clinical psychology, psychiatry, clinical social work, and psychiatric nursing), and policymakers. This chapter defines some terms and provides an overview of current and past SGM research methods.

Gary W. Harper ◽  
Jessica Crawford ◽  
Katherine Lewis ◽  
Caroline Rucah Mwochi ◽  
Gabriel Johnson ◽  

Background: Sexual and gender minority (SGM) people in Kenya face pervasive socio-cultural and structural discrimination. Persistent stress stemming from anti-SGM stigma and prejudice may place SGM individuals at increased risk for negative mental health outcomes. This study explored experiences with violence (intimate partner violence and SGM-based violence), mental health outcomes (psychological distress, PTSD symptoms, and depressive symptoms), alcohol and other substance use, and prioritization of community needs among SGM adults in Western Kenya. Methods: This study was conducted by members of a collaborative research partnership between a U.S. academic institution and a Kenyan LGBTQ civil society organization (CSO). A convenience sample of 527 SGM adults (92.7% ages 18–34) was recruited from community venues to complete a cross-sectional survey either on paper or through an online secure platform. Results: For comparative analytic purposes, three sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) groups were created: (1) cisgender sexual minority women (SMW; 24.9%), (2) cisgender sexual minority men (SMM; 63.8%), and (3) gender minority individuals (GMI; 11.4%). Overall, 11.7% of participants reported clinically significant levels of psychological distress, 53.2% reported clinically significant levels of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, and 26.1% reported clinically significant levels of depressive symptoms. No statistically significant differences in clinical levels of these mental health concerns were detected across SOGI groups. Overall, 76.2% of participants reported ever using alcohol, 45.6% home brew, 43.5% tobacco, 39.1% marijuana, and 27.7% miraa or khat. Statistically significant SOGI group differences on potentially problematic substance use revealed that GMI participants were less likely to use alcohol and tobacco daily; and SMM participants were more likely to use marijuana daily. Lifetime intimate partner violence (IPV) was reported by 42.5% of participants, and lifetime SGM-based violence (SGMV) was reported by 43.4%. GMI participants were more likely than other SOGI groups to have experienced both IPV and SGMV. Participants who experienced SGMV had significantly higher rates of clinically significant depressive and PTSD symptoms. Conclusions: Despite current resilience demonstrated by SGM adults in Kenya, there is an urgent need to develop and deliver culturally appropriate mental health services for this population. Given the pervasiveness of anti-SGM violence, services should be provided using trauma-informed principles, and be sensitive to the lived experiences of SGM adults in Kenya. Community and policy levels interventions are needed to decrease SGM-based stigma and violence, increase SGM visibility and acceptance, and create safe and affirming venues for mental health care. Political prioritization of SGM mental health is needed for sustainable change.

2019 ◽  
Vol 54 (13) ◽  
pp. 2198-2206
Thomas E. Guadamuz ◽  
Doug H. Cheung ◽  
Pimpawun Boonmongkon ◽  
Timo T. Ojanen ◽  
Thasaporn Damri ◽  

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