parental reactions
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2021 ◽  
pp. 002202212110541
GeckHong Yeo ◽  
Vaishali V. Raval ◽  
Charissa S. L. Cheah

Limited research has examined parental emotion socialization across Asian cultural contexts. Guided by the theoretical frameworks of family change and self-construal, this study examined cultural orientation toward independence-interdependence, parental emotion socialization processes, and their relations with adolescents’ psychological adjustment across three Asian cultural contexts—rural families in South India, suburban families in China, and families in Singapore. Participants included 300 Indian adolescents ( Mage = 15.58 years; 57.3% male) and their parents, 310 Chinese adolescents ( Mage = 13.04 years; 46.3% female) and their parents, and 241 Singaporean adolescents ( Mage = 14.44 years; 48.3% female) and their parents. Both adolescents and parents completed self-report measures of cultural orientation and emotion socialization, and adolescents completed a measure of their psychological adjustment. We first established construct validation for two emotion socialization processes and found that the factor structure for parental reactions varied across Asian contexts and parent versus adolescent reports, while the factor structure for parental emotion expressivity varied only across informants. Second, we tested whether the two parental emotion socialization processes mediated the association between cultural orientation toward independence-interdependence and adolescent behavior problems, and found differential relations across the three Asian contexts. Our data supported the model of family change and showed that across the Asian societies, the variations in independence-interdependence orientation provide different models of parental emotion socialization with nuances in meaning and function, as revealed by the construct validation of parental reactions and emotional expressivity and their implications for adolescents’ socio-emotional functioning.

Behaviour ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-21
Rahel K. Brügger ◽  
Judith M. Burkart

Abstract The reproductive costs of cooperatively breeding callitrichid mothers are remarkable, and they have to rely on fathers and other group members to raise their offspring. Consequently, maternal responsiveness to and investment in infants tends to be conditional, and especially sensitive to infant cues and signals of vigour. Since fathers do not bear the same excessive reproductive costs, their threshold to invest in a dying immature may be lower than in mothers. We present an anecdotal report of reactions of a first-time breeding pair of captive common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) to their dying infant. We found a male bias in all interactions with the dying infant that did not show typical cues of infant vigour. These results show that the dying infant elicited more investment by the father than the mother. Because of this conditional maternal investment, infants of cooperatively breeding primates may be under selection to advertise their viability, in particular to their mothers.

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