How Transformational Leadership Supports Intrinsic Motivation and Public Service Motivation: The Mediating Role of Basic Need Satisfaction

2017 ◽  
Vol 48 (6) ◽  
pp. 535-549 ◽  
Ulrich Thy Jensen ◽  
Louise Ladegaard Bro

Motivating public service employees to greater effort is a key issue for managers and scholars. Transformational leadership concerns behaviors to develop, share, and sustain a vision for the organization and has been suggested as an important lever in this respect. However, we know little about the processes by which transformational leadership may stimulate work motivation. Integrating transformational leadership, public service motivation (PSM), and self-determination theory, this article sheds light on the psychological mechanisms underlying the motivational effects of transformational leadership. According to structural equation modeling, the relationships between transformational leadership and two types of autonomous work motivation—intrinsic motivation and PSM—are mediated by the satisfaction of the basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Our findings support the claim that the motivational effects of transformational leadership are mediated by need satisfaction, but also that satisfaction of individual needs is not equally important for intrinsic motivation and PSM, respectively.

Qiang Ren ◽  
Shan Jiang

Acculturation stress is prevalent among migrant populations. The current study examines whether acculturation stress influences migrant children’s mental health through the mediators of the satisfaction and frustration of basic psychological needs for autonomy, relatedness, and competence. A sample of 484 migrant children is obtained in Kunming, China using a multi-stage cluster random sampling. Data are analyzed through structural equation modeling in Mplus 8.0. Results indicate that acculturation stress has a direct impact on children’s depression but no significant direct effect on children’s happiness. Acculturation stress also has indirect effects on depression and happiness via the mediators of need satisfaction and frustration. Acculturation stress is negatively associated with need satisfaction and positively associated with need frustration, which is further significantly predictive of children’s happiness and depression. Overall, this study validates the basic psychological needs theory in the context of China’s internal migration. Findings contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms that underlie the relationship between acculturation stress and psychological outcomes and provide practical implications for future interventions.

Maxime Mastagli ◽  
Aurélie Van Hoye ◽  
Jean-Philippe Hainaut ◽  
Benoît Bolmont

Purpose: The present study investigated the relationship between an empowering motivational climate and pupils’ concentration and distraction in physical education, mediated by basic psychological needs satisfaction and by positive and negative affect. Method: The participants were 425 French pupils (Mage = 15.36, SDage = 0.82) from 21 high schools, who filled in a questionnaire regarding the study variables. This cross-sectional study used multilevel structural equation modeling to examine the hypothesized relationships. Results: Good fit indices were found in the data from the theoretical model. An empowering motivational climate was found to be related to concentration. Competence need satisfaction was related to concentration and distraction. This association was mediated by positive and negative affect, which in turn was related to concentration and distraction. Conclusion: Teachers can improve pupils’ concentration and positive affect and reduce distraction and negative affect by supporting an empowering motivational climate and fostering competence need satisfaction.

2019 ◽  
Vol 38 (3) ◽  
pp. 398-410
Hanggara Budi Utomo ◽  
Dewi Retno Suminar ◽  
Hamidah Hamidah

Teaching motivation of teachers is very important for student’s development. The purpose of this study is to test the teaching motivation of teachers in disadvantaged areas affected by the school climate and self-concept through the satisfaction of basic psychological needs. The subjects of this research were 241 teachers. Data collection techniques used instruments in the form of a school climate scale, a scale of self-concept, a scale of basic psychological need satisfaction, and a scale of teaching motivation. The data analysis techniques used a structural equation modeling. The results showed that the attention of teachers who teach in disadvantaged areas shows that the school climate and teacher’s self-concept differently provide an important role in teaching motivation mediated by the basic psychological needs satisfaction. This means that teaching motivation is a result of the role of the school climate as an external factor and satisfaction of basic psychological needs and self-concept as an internal factor. The implication of this research is the need for programs to develop teacher motivation in disadvantaged areas by optimizing and considering school climate, self-concept, and satisfaction of basic psychological needs as influential factors.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (13) ◽  
pp. 3742 ◽  
Hanri Taljaard ◽  
Nadine Sonnenberg

Consumers’ clothing consumption is the cause of many social and environmental consequences, especially in emerging economies where consumption continues to escalate. It is therefore vital that consumers adopt more voluntary simplistic lifestyles with sustainable clothing practices. This study relies on the self-determination theory to explore the influence of basic psychological needs (i.e., competence, autonomy, and connectedness) and self-determined motivation (i.e., identified- and integrated regulation as well as intrinsic motivation) on female consumers’ voluntary simplistic clothing practices. Data were derived from 469 online questionnaires and structural equation modeling was employed to test the hypotheses. Competence was identified as the most influential basic psychological need, followed by the need for connectedness and autonomy. Moreover, intrinsic motivation is the strongest predictor of voluntary simplistic clothing practices, while integrated regulation is deemed insignificant and identified regulation has a negative association with the practices in question. In summary, it would seem that female consumers are keen on adopting voluntary simplistic clothing behaviors. This may be due to their intrinsic motivation and competence rather than their exposure to extrinsic influences. This study provides valuable insight into the motivational determinants of voluntary simplistic clothing consumption in South Africa and may thus serve as a platform for further investigation into other emerging markets.

2014 ◽  
Vol 19 (5) ◽  
pp. 526-547 ◽  
Anja Van den Broeck ◽  
Coralia Sulea ◽  
Tinne Vander Elst ◽  
Gabriel Fischmann ◽  
Dragos Iliescu ◽  

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to add to the understanding of the qualitative job insecurity, i.e. the insecurity about the continuity of valued job aspects in future. Specifically, the paper examines whether qualitative job insecurity is related to counterproductive work behavior (CWB), both directed to the organization (i.e. CWB-O) and other individuals at work (i.e. CWB-I), and whether frustration of the basic psychological needs of autonomy, belongingness and competence, as defined in self-determination theory, may account for these relationships. Design/methodology/approach – The hypothesis were examined using structural equation modeling in heterogeneous sample of Romanian employees. Findings – Results support the hypotheses showing that feeling insecure about one's valued job aspects associates with high levels of need frustration and, therefore, also with both CWB-O and CWB-I. While each of the accounted for the associations of qualitative insecurity and CWB-O, only frustration of the need for autonomy explained its detrimental association with CWB-I. Originality/value – This study is innovative, as it integrates and extends three different fields and has high practical relevance. The authors detail qualitative job insecurity, an increasing, but understudied job stressor. The authors extend research on the antecedents of CWB by focussing on environmental factors. The authors develop need satisfaction, as integrative theoretical underlying mechanism.

2020 ◽  
Vol 49 (7) ◽  
pp. 1363-1379
Vishal Gupta

PurposeIntegrating the behavioral theory of leadership, the componential theory of creativity and the self-determination theory (SDT), the study tests the relationships between leadership, work motivation (intrinsic motivation, integrated extrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation) and employee-level innovation (innovative work behavior and innovation outcomes) in a work setting.Design/methodology/approachData were collected using a survey questionnaire from 493 scientists working in India's largest civilian research and development (R&D) organization. The structural equation modeling (SEM) method was used to test the hypothesized relationships between the study variables.FindingsThe study found evidence for positive relationships between leadership, employee autonomous motivation (intrinsic and integrated extrinsic motivation) and employee-level innovation. The study shows that extrinsic motivation is positively related to innovation only when the value of rewards is integrated to one's sense of self (integrated extrinsic motivation). Extrinsic motivation, otherwise, is not related to innovation.Research limitationsThe study was cross-sectional, so inferences about causality are limited.Practical implicationsFirst, while extrinsic motivation is considered bad for innovation, the study provides evidence that integrated extrinsic motivation complements intrinsic motivation and encourages employee-level innovation. Second, the study shows that leaders can aid the process of development of autonomous motivation by displaying positive behaviors. Third, the study validates the mediating role of autonomous motivation for the leadership–innovation relationship.Originality/valueThe study provides an insight into the underlying process through which leaders can impact innovation at the workplace. To the best of the author's knowledge, such a study is the first of its kind undertaken in an organizational context.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Sinan Yildirim ◽  
Ziya Koruç

The current study focuses on the effect of transformational leadership on athletes’ performance in the mediation of psychological need satisfaction, burnout, competition anxiety, life satisfaction, and positive–negative affect. The sample consisted of 391 soccer players aged between 16 and 20 years. Six scales were used in this study: Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, Needs Satisfaction Scale, Athlete Burnout Measure, Satisfaction with Life Scale, Positive and Negative Affect Scale, and Sport Competition Anxiety Test. The method of Vallerand was preferred to measure performance, and structural equation modeling was employed to analyze data. The model data fit was also verified. It was found that the transformational leadership behaviors of coaches signally influence athletes’ performance either directly or indirectly. From another perspective, increasing the psychological health or well-being of  athletes has important effects on sport performance.

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (4/5) ◽  
pp. 345-357 ◽  
Anja Hagen Olafsen ◽  
Claus Wiemann Frølund

Purpose The purpose of this paper was to test a model that differentiated between two types of job demands in relation to basic psychological need satisfaction, work motivation, and, in turn, employee well-being. In particular, job challenges and job hindrances were hypothesized to relate to this motivational process in different ways. Design/methodology/approach Survey data from a sample of 160 entrepreneurs were used in path analyses to test the hypothesized relations. Findings The results showed that job challenges related positively to autonomy- and competence need satisfaction as well as to autonomous work motivation, while job hindrances related negatively to satisfaction of the needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness. Further, satisfaction of the need for autonomy, competence and relatedness related positively to autonomous work motivation. Finally, all of the three basic psychological needs as well as autonomous work motivation related directly and positively to vitality. Originality/value These results support a view on job challenges and job hindrances as distinct within the job demands-resources model by showing how they are differently related to basic psychological needs, autonomous work motivation and, subsequently, worker well-being.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 151
Desi Ulpa Anggraini ◽  
Wibowo Wibowo ◽  
Hanes Riyadi ◽  
Husein Umar

The objectives of this study is to analyze the factors affecting Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Nonacademic Employees in Private Universities in South Sumatra. The research design used in the study is explanatory design which explains the causal relationship among variables and scoring all indicators for each variables. The study location is in South Sumatra Province while the research objects are 13 Private Universities with 200 nonacademic employees as respondents. This dissertation used primary data from questionnaire filled out by the respondents. The sample selection used simple random sampling. The method of research used descriptive statistics using SPSS and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The descriptive analysis shows that the level of OCB, Work Satisfaction, Transformation Leadership, Work Motivation, and Organization Culture are at a positive level. The results of relationship among variables stated that the Transformational Leadership has no significant impact on OCB, Work Motivation has significant impact on OCB, Organization Climate has significant impact on OCB, Work Motivation has significant impact on Work Satisfaction, Organization Climate has significant impact on Work Satisfaction, Transformational Leadership has significant impact on Work Satisfaction, Transformational Leadership has no significant impact on Work Motivation, Organization Climate has significant impact on Work Motivation, and Work Satisfaction has significant impact on OCB.

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 550-571
Leslie C. Hafer ◽  
Nicole M. Gibson ◽  
Travis T. York ◽  
Herbert R. Fiester ◽  
Rudo Tsemunhu

The purpose of this study was to develop a retention model specific to the 2-year college environment using factors not typically combined with the study of student retention. The study operationalized factors representing the basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness combined with elements of Bean and Metzner’s nontraditional student attrition model. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling techniques. The results indicated acceptable model fit and small to moderate effects were noted for competence and autonomy with grade point average (GPA). GPA exhibited the sole direct effect on student retention. The results further indicated the student characteristics of full-time enrollment and completion of 30 or more college-level credits combined with GPA explained a higher variance on student retention than did the factors of autonomy, competence, relatedness, external pull, or external support combined.

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