Inaccurate Space Perception Seeing Through Fences

Perception ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 49 (9) ◽  
pp. 926-939
Bo Dong ◽  
Airui Chen ◽  
Yuting Zhang ◽  
Changchun Li ◽  
Tianyang Zhang ◽  

According to the sequential surface integration process hypothesis, the fine near-ground-surface representation and the homogeneous ground surface play a vital role in the representation of the ground surface. When an occluding box or opaque wall is placed between observers and targets, observers underestimate egocentric distance. However, in our daily life, many obstacles are perforated and cover the ground surface and targets simultaneously (e.g., fences). Humans see and observe through fences. The images of these fences and targets, projected onto observers’ retinas, overlap each other. This study aims to explore the effects of perforated obstacles (i.e., fences) on space perception. The results showed that observers underestimated the egocentric distances when there was a fence on the ground surface relative to the no-fence condition, and the effect of widely spaced thick wood fences was larger than that of narrowly spaced thin iron fences. We further demonstrated that this effect was quite robust when the target size had a visual angle of 1°, 2°, or 4° in three virtual reality experiments. This study may add support for the notion that the sequential surface integration process hypothesis is applicable even if the obstacle is perforated and covers the target.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (12) ◽  
pp. 2000
Bo DONG ◽  
Chengyu WANG ◽  
Xiuling ZHANG ◽  
Tianyang ZHANG

2008 ◽  
Lei Zhu ◽  
Zijiang J. He ◽  
Teng Leng Ooi

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 127-153
عزمان عبد الرحمن

Fatwa is an explanation on Islamic ruling, which is needed by local society in facing new issues, as a solution in accordance with Shariah. It also plays a vital role to clarify the confusions and misunderstandings that happen in Muslim community. The solutions offered by Fatwa would satisfy the curiosity and internal feeling of Muslim in their daily life. This article will discuss the concept of fatwa and the challenges of its enforcement according to ‘The Administration of Islamic Law (Federal Territory) Act’. Besides, the writer would also identify the relevant authority body which has been given power by the aforementioned Act to enforce the issued fatwa. The article would try to reveal some problems and challenges in enforcing fatwa. Based on writer’s observation, the standard of fatwa enforcement in Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur is still below the normal level as it should to be. The number of officer in the Enforcement Division of Islamic Department is inadequate to make the fatwa as effective law. Hopefully, this article would give a clear picture to Muslim community on the reality of Fatwa enforcement in Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur. Keywords :Flexibility, Zakat, Shariah, Contemporary, Asnaf ملخص تتميز الشريعة الإسلامية بالتكامل والشمول والرونة وصلاحيتها لأي زمان ومكان. والناس بحاجة إليها لتنظيم حياتهم وعلاقاتهم فيما بينهم وبالعالم من حولهم. وبإمعان النظر في هذا العصر يوجد أن هناك عدة مسائل وقضايا مستجدة حدثت ولم تكن موجودة في الاضي وهي بحاجة إلى بيان حكم الشريعة فيها وضبطها بقواعد. ونتيجة لهذا التطور السريع  من الأنظمة والأحكام -خاصة ما كان منها مبنيا ًفي حياة الناس، فإن كثيرا على العرف والصلحة- بحاجة إلى تديد. ومن بي تلك الأمور التي طرأ فيها كثير من الستجدات، مسألة الزكاة، التي هي ركن من أركان الإسلام المسة التي فرضها الله علينا في كتابه النزل على رسوله الأمي. وهناك العديد من القضايا العاصرة حول الزكاة وإدارتها وتنظيمها، خاصة ما يتعلق منها بجباية أموال الزكاة وصرفها والتي تتاج إلى بيان أحكامها وتفصيلها. ومنها قضية نقل الزكاة من بلد إلى بلد آخر حيث ظهرت هذه القضية بسبب وجود فائض في أموال الزكاة في بلد الزكي. ففي بعض الأحيان تبقى أموال للزكاة بعد أن قامت مؤسسة الزكاة بتوزيع جزء منها على الأصناف الثمانية كلها، فهل يتوجب على هذه الؤسسة في هذه الالة أن تقوم بتوزيع كل أموال الزكاة في بلد الزكي وذلك بإعطاء مبالغ كبيرة للمستحقي داخل البلد الذي تمت منه جباية الزكاة، أم يجوز لها أن تنقل بقية أموال الزكاة إلى بلد آخر حيث تعطى للمستحقي في ذلك  : َن ثلاثة مطالبِالبلد؟ هذا ما سيتم بيانه في هذا البحث الذي يتكون م الأول منها عن مفهوم نقل الزكاة، وثانيها عن حكم نقل الزكاة من بلد إلى بلد آخر. أما الثالث فعن فتاوى الفتي وآراء العلماء في حكم نقل الزكاة من بلد إلى بلد آخر كلمة الفتاحية : المرونة, الزكاة, الشريعة, المعاصرة, الأصناف

2020 ◽  
Jingyang Zhou ◽  
Feng Xin ◽  
Chuyu Xiao ◽  
Wuyuan Zhou

Abstract Background: In western countries and China, back and neck pain has become a common problem that bothers daily life and severely influences the quality of our daily life. Among all factors that lead to chronic neck and back pain, IDD is the one that couldn’t be easily neglected. Methods: This study aims to figure out the critical genes and pathways involved in the development of IDD and provide a new aspect of following investigations on the etiology of IDD. We firstly systemically searched the GEO database and identified the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) from the expression profile dataset we selected. We secondly constructed the protein-protein interaction (PPI) network for DEGs, identified the top ten hub genes from the whole PPI network and found two statically and medically significant modules from the network, we then performed the GO and KEGG analysis on the DEGs, top ten hub genes, the PPI network and the two statically and medically modules. In the end, we provided the primers of the mRNAs of all DEGs, which will be useful for the validation experiment of this study. Results: FN1, MMP2, POSTN, COL3A1, TIMP3, FBN1, GJA1, TGFBI, EFEMP1 and ID1 were top ten hub genes identified from this study, and they may play a vital role in the development of IDD. Angiogenesis and integrin binging are crucial biological process and molecular function defined in this study, which are worthy of being intensely investigated.Conclusion: More studies on the top ten hub genes, the role of angiogenesis and integrin binding in IDD are urgently needed, which will benefit the prevention, screening, diagnosis and prognosis of IDD.

Nedra Bahri Ammari ◽  
Ines El Hassoumi

What if customer experience was the primary driver of digital transformation? Indeed, new hybrid experiences have emerged thanks to daily-life technologies that fused both digital and physical worlds. This kind of experience uses applications and connected objects (IoT) to adapt and respond to consumer needs. Augmented reality and virtual reality are one of the most functionally and emotionally memorable phygital experiences that create value for customers. In this chapter, the authors chose heritage tourism as the study field for different reasons. While the adoption of augmented and virtual reality is gaining grownd, cultural heritage sites have started to consider the possibilities offered by these new and innovative technologies. This industry is starting to integrate AR and VR in several ways to attract more people. However, it is necessary to study how modern technology can be developed and implemented in a meaningful way to improve the tourist's experience. An AR- and VR-based mobile application has been developed and tested at Antonine's Baths in Carthage, Tunisia.

2020 ◽  
pp. 573-580
Philippe Delespaul ◽  
Catherine van Zelst

This chapter is about a redesign of mental healthcare, as it evolves in a changing world. It focuses on digital transformations and their impact on social relationships, networks, and communities. It intends to demonstrate better responses to the needs of service users in society. It first defines terminologies to access the changing world and focus on how to understand health, recovery, and well-being in people with lived experience of psychosis. These central elements can be accessed or maintained using eHealth, including mHealth, virtual reality, and eCommunities. It also discuss strengths, challenges, and pitfalls in developing and applying innovative interventions in the context of daily life. It reviews these trends and how these relate to the therapeutic relationship in general, and the mental health practitioner’s role in particular.

2018 ◽  
Vol 35 (10) ◽  
pp. 831-845 ◽  
BoYu Gao ◽  
Byungmoon Kim ◽  
Jee-In Kim ◽  
HyungSeok Kim

Perception ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 33 (7) ◽  
pp. 789-806 ◽  
Zijiang J He ◽  
Bing Wu ◽  
Teng Leng Ooi ◽  
Gary Yarbrough ◽  
Jun Wu

Thomas Rousset ◽  
Christophe Bourdin ◽  
Cedric Goulon ◽  
Jocelyn Monnoyer ◽  
Jean-Louis Vercher

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