Out of the Closet: Nurse Practitioner Faculty Knowledge, Comfort and Willingness to Incorporate LGBTQ2SA Content into the Curriculum

2022 ◽  
pp. 084456212110732
Erin Ziegler ◽  
Erin Charnish ◽  
Natalie DeCiantis

Background To improve the health of LGBTQ2SA individuals, nurse practitioners need to increase their knowledge related to the health needs of sexual and gender minorities. However, nurse practitioners often feel unprepared as a result of a lack of content in their educational training. In order to better understand the current state of nurse practitioner education around sexual and gender minorities, it is critical to assess educational preparedness and faculty knowledge teaching the content. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the knowledge and experience of nurse practitioner faculty in Ontario around LGBTQ2SA health and their comfort level teaching this material in the nurse practitioner program. Methods This quantitative descriptive study used purposeful sampling to recruit faculty from the Ontario Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner Program. Data was collected using a modified survey administered on the Opinio platform. Results Twenty-three individuals completed the study. Most participants felt that LGBTQ2SA health content was important, but rarely or never taught. The most frequently identified strategies to promote faculty readiness to integration of LGBTQ2SA health topics into the curriculum included faculty development seminars, reviewing curriculum to identify gaps and partnering and utilizing LGBTQ2SA specific agencies as clinical sites. Conclusions Results indicate that barriers exist at the faculty level which may limit the extent to which LGBTQ2SA health topics are incorporated into the curriculum. Supporting faculty to develop their knowledge and comfort with this topic will allow them to better educate students to care for LGBTQ2SA clients.

Brandon J. Weiss ◽  
Bethany Owens Raymond

Rates of anxiety disorders are significantly elevated among sexual and gender minorities. In this chapter, the minority stress model is discussed as a framework for conceptualizing anxiety among sexual and gender minorities, and the authors review the literature on the relationships between specific minority stressors and symptoms. The authors examine prevalence rates of anxiety disorders among sexual minorities and gender minorities, separately and in comparison to heterosexual and cisgender individuals. Also reviewed is the literature on anxiety disorders among sexual and gender minorities with a racial or ethnic minority status. Current assessment and treatment approaches are identified and reviewed. Finally, limitations to the current literature base are discussed and recommendations are provided for future studies.

Jason D. Flatt ◽  
Ethan C. Cicero ◽  
Nickolas H. Lambrou ◽  
Whitney Wharton ◽  
Joel G. Anderson ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 817-817
Shana Stites

Abstract Many studies find gender differences in how older adults’ report on their memory, perform on cognitive testing, and manage functional impairments that can accompany cognitive impairment. Thus, understanding gender’s effects in aging and Alzheimer’s research is key for advancing methods to prevent, slow, manage, and diagnosis cognitive impairment. Our study, CoGenT3 – The study of Cognition and Gender in Three Generations – seeks to disambiguate the effects of gender on cognition in order to inform a conceptual model, guide innovations in measurement, and support future study. To accomplish this ambitious goal, we have gathered an interdisciplinary team with expertise in psychology, cognition, sexual and gender minorities, library science, measurement, quantitative methods, qualitative methods, and gender and women’s studies. The team benefits from the intersections of expertise in being able to build new research ideas, gain novel insights, and evaluate a wide-range of actions and re-actions but this novelty can also raise challenges.

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 24-30
Bishnu Kumar Adhikari

The third gender in contemporary societies is viewed from different angle. They have been facing different problems because of their sexuality. The objective of the paper is to explore the working condition, problems and its impact on the health of sexual and gender minorities in community. The descriptive research design was adopted in this study. It was based on field study in Kathmandu valley. Interview schedule has been applied as tool of data collection. The study was delimited to the LGBTI registered under BDS only. Altogether 100 respondents were selected out of total (111) purposively. Most of the LGBT (53.6%) were involved in private sector and 34.56% were working as sex worker. The respondents (38.47%) reported that they were dismissed from the job and 12.5% suffered from sexual exploitation and rape. Similarly, 32.78% suffered from mental tension and 20% suffered from depression. Social support, information education and awareness programs targeting the LGBT and studies covering a diverse population are recommended.

2021 ◽  
Vol 62 (3) ◽  
pp. 318-333
Ning Hsieh ◽  
Stef M. Shuster

Research on the social dimensions of health and health care among sexual and gender minorities (SGMs) has grown rapidly in the last two decades. However, a comprehensive review of the extant interdisciplinary scholarship on SGM health has yet to be written. In response, we offer a synthesis of recent scholarship. We discuss major empirical findings and theoretical implications of health care utilization, barriers to care, health behaviors, and health outcomes, which demonstrate how SGMs continue to experience structural- and interactional-level inequalities across health and medicine. Within this synthesis, we also consider the conceptual and methodological limitations that continue to beleaguer the field and offer suggestions for several promising directions for future research and theory building. SGM health bridges the scholarly interests in social and health sciences and contributes to broader sociological concerns regarding the persistence of sexuality- and gender-based inequalities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 61 (6) ◽  
pp. 758-766 ◽  
Mark Henrickson

The Dame Eileen Younghusband Lecture is presented every two years at the joint world conferences of international social work. In 2016 it was presented in Seoul and was based on the conference theme ‘promoting the dignity and worth of people’. The lecture includes a review of heroes, legal, political and social successes, and challenges for sexual and gender minorities around the world. It challenges the binary of gender and sexuality. The privilege of social work is to choose either to challenge or to reproduce oppression based on sexuality and gender, and protect the dignity and worth of all peoples.

Finn Reygan

While queer theology has foregrounded sexual and gender diversity in faith communities internationally, in South Africa, the emergence of a queer, African theology is necessary given that religion is often not a ‘safe space’ for sexual and gender minorities owing to theological violence. Advocacy for inclusion requires the development of theological capacity in queer communities so as to foster biblical, theological and interpretative resistance. There are a number of approaches available, including demythologising and reclaiming the Bible for queer communities, developing more redemptive interpretative options for queer inclusion and developing alternative discourses that challenge the heteropatriarchy of the Bible. Entry points for this work include Bible study; workshops and seminars for faith communities on sexual and gender diversity; the acceptance of a minimum pastoral threshold (or minimum levels of preparedness) for engaging with issues of sexual and gender diversity; and creating ecumenical spaces, cognizant of the local context, where such engagements can take place. This involves moving beyond a theology of compassion and essentialised notions of sexuality and gender so as to develop a queer, African, people’s theology that recognises the trauma experienced by sexual and gender minorities in faith communities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 51 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-41 ◽  
Wayne Martino ◽  
Jón Ingvar Kjaran

AbstractIn this article we examine accounts of self-identifying Iranian gay men. We draw on a range of evidentiary sources—interpretive, historical, online, and empirical—to generate critical and nuanced insights into the politics of recognition and representation that inform narrative accounts of the lived experiences of self-identifiedgayIranian men, and the constitution of same-sex desire for these men under specific conditions of Iranian modernity. In response to critiques of existinggayinternationalist and liberationist accounts of the Iraniangaymale subject as a persecuted victim of the Islamic Republic of Iran's barbarism, we address interpretive questions of sexuality governance in transnational contexts. Specifically, we attend to human rights frameworks in weighing social justice and political claims made by and on behalf of sexual and gender minorities in such Global South contexts. In this sense, our article represents a critical engagement with the relevant literature on sexuality governance and the politics of same-sex desire for Iraniangaymen that is informed by empirical analysis.

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