In Vitro and in Vivo Studies of Erythropoiesis during Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis

1983 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 94-96 ◽  
Silvano Lamperi ◽  
Silvia Carozzi ◽  
Andrea Icardi

In order to understand the effect of CAPD on the anemia of chronic renal failure, we studied the behaviour of some hematological parameters and of the colony-formation capacity of bone marrow cells in in vitro cultures in patients undergoing this therapy. Our studies showed a rise in hematocrit, hemoglobin and reticulocyte values, which showed a significant correlation with a recovery of the erythroid cell proliferative activity. Since serum erythropoietin levels do not change, the improvement of bone-marrow function appears to be due to a better clearance (by CAPD) of substances, which inhibit the response of bone marrow to the erythropoietin.

Blood ◽  
1998 ◽  
Vol 91 (2) ◽  
pp. 406-418 ◽  
Tomasz Skorski ◽  
Malgorzata Nieborowska-Skorska ◽  
Pawel Wlodarski ◽  
Mariusz Wasik ◽  
Rossana Trotta ◽  

To determine the possible role of the BCR/ABL oncoprotein SH3 domain in BCR/ABL-dependent leukemogenesis, we studied the biologic properties of a BCR/ABL SH3 deletion mutant (▵SH3 BCR/ABL) constitutively expressed in murine hematopoietic cells. ▵SH3 BCR/ABL was able to activate known BCR/ABL-dependent downstream effector molecules such as RAS, PI-3kinase, MAPK, JNK, MYC, JUN, STATs, and BCL-2. Moreover, expression of ▵SH3 BCR/ABL protected 32Dcl3 murine myeloid precursor cells from apoptosis, induced their growth factor-independent proliferation, and resulted in transformation of primary bone marrow cells in vitro. Unexpectedly, leukemic growth from cells expressing ▵SH3 BCR/ABL was significantly retarded in SCID mice compared with that of cells expressing the wild-type protein. In vitro and in vivo studies to determine the adhesive and invasive properties of ▵SH3 BCR/ABL-expressing cells showed their decreased interaction to collagen IV- and laminin-coated plates and their reduced capacity to invade the stroma and to seed the bone marrow and spleen. The decreased interaction with collagen type IV and laminin was consistent with a reduced expression of α2 integrin by ▵SH3 BCR/ABL-transfected 32Dcl3 cells. Moreover, as compared with wild-type BCR/ABL, which localizes primarily in the cytoskeletal/ membrane fraction, ▵SH3 BCR/ABL was more evenly distributed between the cytoskeleton/membrane and the cytosol compartments. Together, the data indicate that the SH3 domain of BCR/ABL is dispensable for in vitro transformation of hematopoietic cells but is essential for full leukemogenic potential in vivo.

Blood ◽  
1998 ◽  
Vol 91 (2) ◽  
pp. 406-418 ◽  
Tomasz Skorski ◽  
Malgorzata Nieborowska-Skorska ◽  
Pawel Wlodarski ◽  
Mariusz Wasik ◽  
Rossana Trotta ◽  

Abstract To determine the possible role of the BCR/ABL oncoprotein SH3 domain in BCR/ABL-dependent leukemogenesis, we studied the biologic properties of a BCR/ABL SH3 deletion mutant (▵SH3 BCR/ABL) constitutively expressed in murine hematopoietic cells. ▵SH3 BCR/ABL was able to activate known BCR/ABL-dependent downstream effector molecules such as RAS, PI-3kinase, MAPK, JNK, MYC, JUN, STATs, and BCL-2. Moreover, expression of ▵SH3 BCR/ABL protected 32Dcl3 murine myeloid precursor cells from apoptosis, induced their growth factor-independent proliferation, and resulted in transformation of primary bone marrow cells in vitro. Unexpectedly, leukemic growth from cells expressing ▵SH3 BCR/ABL was significantly retarded in SCID mice compared with that of cells expressing the wild-type protein. In vitro and in vivo studies to determine the adhesive and invasive properties of ▵SH3 BCR/ABL-expressing cells showed their decreased interaction to collagen IV- and laminin-coated plates and their reduced capacity to invade the stroma and to seed the bone marrow and spleen. The decreased interaction with collagen type IV and laminin was consistent with a reduced expression of α2 integrin by ▵SH3 BCR/ABL-transfected 32Dcl3 cells. Moreover, as compared with wild-type BCR/ABL, which localizes primarily in the cytoskeletal/ membrane fraction, ▵SH3 BCR/ABL was more evenly distributed between the cytoskeleton/membrane and the cytosol compartments. Together, the data indicate that the SH3 domain of BCR/ABL is dispensable for in vitro transformation of hematopoietic cells but is essential for full leukemogenic potential in vivo.

1979 ◽  
K. L. Kellar ◽  
B. L. Evatt ◽  
C. R. McGrath ◽  
R. B. Ramsey

Liquid cultures of bone marrow cells enriched for megakaryocytes were assayed for incorporation of 3H-thymidine (3H-TdR) into acid-precipitable cell digests to determine the effect of thrombopoietin on DNA synthesis. As previously described, thrombopoietin was prepared by ammonium sulfate fractionation of pooled plasma obtained from thrombocytopenic rabbits. A control fraction was prepared from normal rabbit plasma. The thrombopoietic activity of these fractions was determined in vivo with normal rabbits as assay animals and the rate of incorporation of 75Se-selenomethionine into newly formed platelets as an index of thrombopoietic activity of the infused material. Guinea pig megakaryocytes were purified using bovine serum albumin gradients. Bone marrow cultures containing 1.5-3.0x104 cells and 31%-71% megakaryocytes were incubated 18 h in modified Dulbecco’s MEM containing 10% of the concentrated plasma fractions from either thrombocytopenic or normal rabbits. In other control cultures, 0.9% NaCl was substituted for the plasma fractions. 3H-TdR incorporation was measured after cells were incubated for 3 h with 1 μCi/ml. The protein fraction containing thrombopoietin-stimulating activity caused a 25%-31% increase in 3H-TdR incorporation over that in cultures which were incubated with the similar fraction from normal plasma and a 29% increase over the activity in control cultures to which 0.9% NaCl had been added. These data suggest that thrombopoietin stimulates DNA synthesis in megakaryocytes and that this tecnique may be useful in assaying thrombopoietin in vitro.

Blood ◽  
1977 ◽  
Vol 50 (5) ◽  
pp. 857-866
BJ Torok-Starb ◽  
NS Wolf ◽  
DR Boggs

Cellulose acetate membranes (CAM) placed in the peritoneal cavity of mice develop a macrophage layer capable of supporting in vivo hematopoietic colonies from intraperitoneally injected bone marrow cells. Modifications allowing for routine morphologic identification of colonies showed that both erythrocytic (E) and granulocytic (G) colonies occur with a consistent E:G ratio of 0.19 +/- 0.037. Stimulating recipients by bleeding or phenylhydrazine injection did not produce a significant change in the total number of colonies and a reduction in granulocytic colonies so that the E:G ratio significnatly increased. Hypertransfusion of donor animals had no effect on the number of erythroid colonies that grew on CAM of average recipients. The total colony-forming ability of bone marrow cells from genetically anemic W/WV mice was found not to differ from that of normal +/+ littermates; however, the E:G ratio of W/WV marrow in bled recipients was significantly lower (p less than 0.01) then that of +/+ marrow. These studies suggest that a CAM system supports an erythroid progenitor which is not affected by hypotransfusion of the donor animal, yet is dependent upon erythropoietin for colony formation, and that it is defective in the W/WV mouse.

Cytotherapy ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 13 (9) ◽  
pp. 1140-1152 ◽  
Monica Gunetti ◽  
Alessio Noghero ◽  
Fabiola Molla ◽  
Lidia Irene Staszewsky ◽  
Noeleen de Angelis ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Yuzaburo Shimizu ◽  
Joy Gumin ◽  
Feng Gao ◽  
Anwar Hossain ◽  
Elizabeth J. Shpall ◽  

OBJECTIVE Delta-24-RGD is an oncolytic adenovirus that is capable of replicating in and killing human glioma cells. Although intratumoral delivery of Delta-24-RGD can be effective, systemic delivery would improve its clinical application. Bone marrow–derived human mesenchymal stem cells (BM-hMSCs) obtained from healthy donors have been investigated as virus carriers. However, it is unclear whether BM-hMSCs can be derived from glioma patients previously treated with marrow-toxic chemotherapy or whether such BM-hMSCs can deliver oncolytic viruses effectively. Herein, the authors undertook a prospective clinical trial to determine the feasibility of obtaining BM-hMSCs from patients with recurrent malignant glioma who were previously exposed to marrow-toxic chemotherapy. METHODS The authors enrolled 5 consecutive patients who had been treated with radiation therapy and chemotherapy. BM aspirates were obtained from the iliac crest and were cultured to obtain BM-hMSCs. RESULTS The patient-derived BM-hMSCs (PD-BM-hMSCs) had a morphology similar to that of healthy donor–derived BM-hMSCs (HD-BM-hMSCs). Flow cytometry revealed that all 5 cell lines expressed canonical MSC surface markers. Importantly, these cultures could be made to differentiate into osteocytes, adipocytes, and chondrocytes. In all cases, the PD-BM-hMSCs homed to intracranial glioma xenografts in mice after intracarotid delivery as effectively as HD-BM-hMSCs. The PD-BM-hMSCs loaded with Delta-24-RGD (PD-BM-MSC-D24) effectively eradicated human gliomas in vitro. In in vivo studies, intravascular administration of PD-BM-MSC-D24 increased the survival of mice harboring U87MG gliomas. CONCLUSIONS The authors conclude that BM-hMSCs can be acquired from patients previously treated with marrow-toxic chemotherapy and that these PD-BM-hMSCs are effective carriers for oncolytic viruses.

Blood ◽  
1980 ◽  
Vol 55 (6) ◽  
pp. 1040-1046 ◽  
J Tumen ◽  
LB Kline ◽  
JW Fay ◽  
DC Scullin ◽  
EG Reisner ◽  

Abstract Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) is an acquired disorder in which erythrocytes, granulocytes, and platelets are defective, as shown by increased susceptibility of RBCs, WBCs, and platelets to complement- mediated lysis in vitro. The purpose of this study is to determine the sensitivity to complement lysis of PNH and non-PNH erythroid and myeloid precursors using the release of 59Fe and myeloperoxidase as specific markers to monitor the lytic action of complement on erythroid and myeloid cell precursors, respectively. Erythroid cell precursors in four of four PNH patients demonstrated increased sensitivity to complement-mediated lysis. Myeloid cell precursors in four of five PNH patients also exhibited increased sensitivity to complement and antibody. In addition, CFU-c growth was below normal in the marrow of seven PNH patients. These findings support the hypothesis that the defect in PNH occurs at the level of the hematopoietic stem cell.

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