Chinese New Age milieu and the emergence of homo sentimentalis in the People’s Republic

2020 ◽  
pp. 0920203X2093923
Anna Iskra

The accelerating speed of economic, social, and cultural reforms in the past three decades in mainland China has created an atmosphere of moral uncertainty that encouraged many people to search for happiness by turning inwards. Shen xin ling (身心灵, translated as Body-Heart-Soul) fever refers to the growing interest among Chinese urbanites in various seminars that creatively transform the guiding principles of the Euro-American New Age movement, incorporating China into transnational networks of alternative spiritualities. This anthropological investigation into the shen xin ling milieu locates its genealogy in the progression of several post-Maoist self-cultivation fevers, most notably the recent ‘psycho-boom’. It focuses on Chinese New Agers’ practices of emotional release, conceptualizing them as ‘psy-venting’ spaces where the emotions that could result in resentment at those who perpetuate structural inequalities are released, dispersed, and channelled back to the individual. In so doing, these affective flows become carriers for Chinese state discourses related to therapeutic governing. This process is characterized by tensions as shen xin ling practitioners find themselves positioned at the intersections of state-endorsed discourses on consumerism, entrepreneurialism, the re-traditionalization of gender roles, and anxieties over multilevel marketing schemes and accusations of ‘evil cult’.

2018 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Mohammad Takdir

<p class="Iabstrak"><strong>Abstract:</strong> <em>This research aims to explain the phenomenon of Lia Eden community which is a new spiritual movement in the dynamics of religious life in Indonesia. Some points to be described in this research are related with a background of the birth and development of the Lia Eden community, teaching, and transformative vision in the public sphere. This research is a case study of the Lia Eden community that became of the New Age movement in the wake of belief in formal religions that considered failure in overcoming the modern human crisis. This research shows that Lia Eden community is a new spiritual movement </em><em>who tried to awaken a spirit of all religions so that able to overcome of a social problem in society. This movement is not ambitions to establish a new religious institution with a strict and doctrinal organization, but effort to transmit spiritual power at the individual level to become a reflection of the mystical movement that brought changes to human life.</em></p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan fenomena komunitas Lia Eden yang merupakan gerakan spiritualitas baru dalam dinamika kehidupan beragama di Indonesia. Beberapa poin yang ingin dijabarkan dalam penelitian ini adalah berkaitan dengan latar belakang kelahiran dan perkembangan komunitas Lia Eden, ajaran, dan visi transformatifnya dalam ruang publik. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus dari komunitas Lia Eden yang menjadi bagian dari Gerakan Zaman Baru (<em>New Age Movement</em>) di tengah memudarnya kepercayaan terhadap agama formal yang dianggap gagal dalam mengatasi krisis kemanusian modern. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa komunitas Lia Eden merupakan gerakan spiritualitas baru yang berupaya membangkitkan roh dari semua agama agar berperan dalam mengatasi masalah sosial di masyarakat. Gerakan ini tidak berambisi untuk mendirikan institusi baru yang bersifat keagamaan dengan organisasi yang ketat dan bersifat doktrinal, melainkan berupaya untuk men­transmisikan kekuatan spiritual pada level individu hingga menjadi cerminan dari gerakan mistik yang membawa perubahan bagi kehidupan manusia.

Kelly E. Hayes

This chapter examines the role of gender in the Valley of Dawn, a New Age movement headquartered in Brazil with a growing international presence. Known for its eclectic cosmology and collective rituals performed by adepts dressed in ornate garments, the Valley proposes that men and women embody complementary energetic forces that, when harmonized, promote spiritual evolution on the individual and cosmic levels. However, despite the Valley’s rhetorical emphasis on gender complementarity and male-female partnerships, in practice it systematically subordinates women to men’s authority. While this movement is indeed uplifting and meaningful for many participants, in reinforcing traditional ideas of masculinity and femininity by projecting them onto a spiritual plane, it gives supernatural sanction to a heteronormative model of gender.

1985 ◽  
Jobe R. Martin
New Age ◽  

Mikhail Konstantinov

The aim of the article is to concretize the concept of political ideology in the aspect of its matrix structure and in the context of the cognitive-evolutionary approach. Based on Michael Frieden's morphological approach to the analysis of ideological consciousness, the concept of cognitive-ideological matrices is introduced, which allows us to describe the process of transition from proto-ideological to ideological concepts proper, especially at the level of individual consciousness. The identification of the ideological concept as the main “gene” of conceptual variability and inheritance made it possible to describe the main parameters of the evolution of political ideologies and associate it with changes taking place at the individual consciousness level. The described concept was tested in a series of sociological studies of youth consciousness conducted in 2015-2016 and 2018-2020. As a result of the study, it was possible to first identify the “zero level” of ideology, at which the minds of young respondents are potentially open to the influence of diverse and often mutually exclusive ideological orientations, and second, to pinpoint the changes that have occurred in the cognitive ideological matrices of Rostov-on-Don students over the past five years. This study was conducted by scientists from the southern Federal University.

Bijdragen ◽  
1997 ◽  
Vol 58 (4) ◽  
pp. 426-436
New Age ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (24) ◽  
pp. 4506-4536 ◽  
Iris E. Allijn ◽  
René P. Brinkhuis ◽  
Gert Storm ◽  
Raymond M. Schiffelers

Traditionally, natural medicines have been administered as plant extracts, which are composed of a mixture of molecules. The individual molecular species in this mixture may or may not contribute to the overall medicinal effects and some may even oppose the beneficial activity of others. To better control therapeutic effects, studies that characterized specific molecules and describe their individual activity that have been performed over the past decades. These studies appear to underline that natural products are particularly effective as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. In this systematic review we aimed to identify potent anti-inflammatory natural products and relate their efficacy to their chemical structure and physicochemical properties. To identify these compounds, we performed a comprehensive literature search to find those studies, in which a dose-response description and a positive control reference compound was used to benchmark the observed activity. Of the analyzed papers, 7% of initially selected studies met these requirements and were subjected to further analysis. This analysis revealed that most selected natural products indeed appeared to possess anti-inflammatory activities, in particular anti-oxidative properties. In addition, 14% of the natural products outperformed the remaining natural products in all tested assays and are attractive candidates as new anti-inflammatory agents.

Abbie J. Shipp

Temporal focus is the individual tendency to characteristically think more or less about the past, present, and future. Although originally rooted in early work from psychology, research on temporal focus has been steadily growing in a number of research areas, particularly since Zimbardo and Boyd’s (1999) influential article on the topic. This chapter will review temporal focus research from the past to the present, including how temporal focus has been conceptualized and measured, and which correlates and outcomes have been tested in terms of well-being and behavior. Based on this review, an agenda for research is created to direct temporal focus research in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
Gerhard Johan Klopper ◽  
Oladele Vincent Adeniyi ◽  
Kate Stephenson

Abstract Background The larynx has multiple composite functions which include phonation, airway protection, and sensory control of respiration. Stenosis of the larynx and trachea were first recorded by O’Dwyer in 1885 and by Colles in 1886, respectively. Initially, the aetiology of laryngotracheal stenosis was predominantly infective. Currently, the leading cause is iatrogenic injury to the laryngotracheal complex secondary to prolonged ventilation in an intensive care unit. Main body Laryngotracheal stenosis is a complex and diverse disease. It poses a major challenge to the surgeon and can present as an airway emergency. Management typically demands the combined involvement of various disciplines including otorhinolaryngology, cardiothoracic surgery, anaesthesiology, interventional pulmonology, and radiology. Both the disease and its management can impact upon respiration, voice, and swallowing. The incidence of iatrogenic laryngotracheal stenosis has reflected the evolution of airway and intensive care whilst airway surgery has advanced concurrently over the past century. Correction of laryngotracheal stenosis requires expansion of the airway lumen; this is achieved by either endoscopic or open surgery. We review the relevant basic science, aetiopathogenesis, diagnosis, management, and treatment outcomes of LTS. Conclusion The choice of surgical procedure in the management of laryngotracheal stenosis is often dictated by the individual anatomy and function of the larynx and trachea, together with patient factors and available facilities. Regardless of how the surgeon chooses to approach these lesions, prevention of iatrogenic laryngotracheal damage remains of primary importance.

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