Structure-property-processing relationships in extruded liquid crystal polymer film
Liquid crystal polymers (LCPs) derive favorable mechanical, chemical, and electrical behavior from long-range molecular ordering. The microstructure gives rise to anisotropic bulk properties that are problematic for industrial applications, and thus the ability to model the polymer directionality is essential to the design of isotropic material manufacturing processes. This investigation proposes a modeling methodology to simulate the 3D director field in full-scale film extrusion geometries. Wide-angle x-ray scattering (WAXS) is used to validate the predicted orientation for a standard coat-hanger die, and is compared with macroscopic mechanical, thermal, and dielectric testing of LCP film to illustrate the morphological dependence of the polymer properties. The highly anisotropic orientation state resulting from cast film extrusion is both predicted by the model and confirmed experimentally, and this preferred orientation is shown to correlate with observed anisotropy in the bulk properties. Additionally, a practical implementation of the modeling tool is presented to simulate directionality in two alternative die geometries designed to improve bulk isotropy, and it is demonstrated that the model is capable of simulating the resulting order for large, irregular domains typical of industrial processing.