A Conceptual Analysis of the Nixon Welfare Proposal

1970 ◽  
Vol 51 (3) ◽  
pp. 157-166
George Hoshino

Examination of the plan finds the focus still on the poor person and his presumed shortcomings, not on the societal and economic causes of poverty

Rural History ◽  
1990 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 193-218 ◽  
Jean Robin

The welfare state emerged in 1948 when the National Assistance Act finally abolished the New Poor Law Forty-two years later, as politicians and bureaucrats struggle to keep increasing expenditure within bounds, the existence of the welfare state in its present form is under threat. Just over 150 years ago, the Old Poor Law was presenting parish ratepayers with a similar problem of rising costs, leading in 1834 to a fundamental reorganisation into the New Poor Law It may therefore be profitable to see how effective in practice the New Poor Law was when it replaced a system widely regarded as profligate, and to consider the extent to which benefits payable through the welfare state were available a hundred years or more ago.This study examines in detail how the New Poor Law, and other forms of relief, affected the whole population of the rural parish of Colyton, in south Devonshire, during the thirty years from 1851 to 1881. It will first describe the sources from which a poor person in Colyton in the mid nineteenth century could look for relief; next discuss how widespread poverty was and who the poor were; then look at what kinds of relief were available, under what conditions; and finally assess the comparative importance to the poor of the different agencies providing assistance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (XX) ◽  
pp. 321-335
Alexander Martin Juranek

The main purpose of this article is to refer to the Author’s considerations presented in his doctoral monography entitled “Public law status of an extremely poor person”. First of all, the appropriateness of the research hypotheses and questions adopted by the Author will be analysed with particular emphasis attached to the validity of the conclusions drawn in the context of the current social and economic situation in Poland. The second part is dedicated to considerations of a „strictly content-related nature”: from the analysis of solutions to counteract poverty at the global level, through the regional (European) level, to the national (constitutional) level. At this stage, reference will also be made to the standard of protection of the rights of the extremely poor suggested by the Author. The next part will analyse the extent of the discrepancies between the ‘minimum standard’ of protection suggested by the Author and the factual and legal situation of the poor. Conclusions in this area will be particularly useful for law application practice.

Rebecca Stone

Rights-based theories of private law tend to be wrongs based and defendant focused. But many private law wrongs do not seem like genuine wrongs, at least when the background distribution of resources is unjust. A very poor person, for example, may be held legally liable for breaching a one-sided contract with a very rich person. When such a contract reflects and reproduces existing injustice, it is hard to view the poor person’s breach of such a contract as a genuine wrong against the rich person. Conversely, some obvious moral wrongs do not generate legal liability. There is, for example, no private law duty of rescue in the absence of a prior relationship in many situations in which most would agree that there is a moral duty of rescue. Thus, private legal liability seems not to track moral wrongdoing in significant respects, raising the question what instead justifies such liability. Instead of justifying private liability in terms of the defendant’s wrongdoing, as corrective justice and civil recourse theorists do, we should seek a justification in terms of the plaintiff’s moral permission to enforce her apparent rights. Switching our gaze from the defendant’s wrongdoing to the plaintiff’s moral permission to enforce her rights will not be normatively consequential if the plaintiff’s moral permission arises when and only when the defendant has wronged her. But, I argue, background injustice can drive a wedge between genuine wrongdoing and the plaintiff’s moral permission. Thus, by reconceptualizing private liability in terms of a plaintiff’s moral permission to enforce her apparent rights, private law may be justified by the essential role it plays in constituting non-ideal political morality.

2010 ◽  
Vol 38 (9) ◽  
pp. 1167-1172 ◽  
José Juan Vázquez ◽  
Isabel Pascual ◽  
Sonia Panadero

From information supplied by 1,092 university students from countries with different levels of development, in this work we developed an up-to-date instrument to allow the causes of poverty in developing countries to be studied. Taking the Causes of Third World Poverty Questionnaire (CTWPQ; Harper, 2002), the most widely used instrument for this purpose as the starting point, and taking into account contributions made by other authors, The Causes of Poverty in Developing Countries Questionnaire (CPDCQ) was developed. It is an instrument of 20 items organized into 5 factors: “Blame causes within developing countries”, “Blame causes external to developing countries”, “Blame attributed to developing countries' populations”, “Blame attributed to developing countries' services”, and “Blame attributed to the poor distribution of land in developing countries”.

2012 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-127 ◽  
Mark R Rosenzweig

In Poor Economics, Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo eschew grand theorizing about poverty reduction in favor of an approach in which intelligently designed and tested small interventions, based on a scientific understanding of the lives of the poor, marginally improve their welfare. In so doing, they describe the findings from the recent large literature describing the behavior and institutions of the poor and the consequences of policy and experimental interventions targeted to poverty populations. In this review, I assess whether “thinking small” with its associated policy regime of transfers, subsidies, and nudges, is both a practical and effective policy prescription for “fighting” poverty and whether the set of studies that have focused on populations that have not escaped poverty has improved our fundamental understanding of both the consequences and causes of poverty. (JEL I32, I38, O15)

Asyari Asyari

<em>Poverty is the enemy of the government in order to create public welfare. The policies and programs undertaken by the government for the purpose of reducing poverty. Policies and programs exist that succeed in reducing poverty but there is also spawned new poverty. The following article is a literature study on the model of survival of poor households that are not touched by the poverty alleviation program. The method used is to examine some of the results of studies that have been published in journals that describe how poor households to survive and get out of the winding poverty. The findings of this study to inform the causes of poverty are many. This is because poverty is a multidimensional concept. Forms of survival (survival) and exit (exit) on poverty conducted by the poor and poor households will vary according to the cause of poverty. Reduce poor households is not a program and policy apart from the causes of poverty. A separate program will create new poverty because the program did not aim at poverty reduction.</em> Kemiskinan adalah musuh pemerintah dalam rangka menciptakan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Berbagai kebijakan dan program dilakukan oleh pemerintah untuk tujuan mengurangi angka kemiskinan. Kebijakan dan program tersebut ada yang berhasil dalam mengurangi angka kemiskinan namun ada pula yang melahirkan kemiskinan baru. Tulisan berikut adalah studi literature tentang model bertahan hidup rumah tangga miskin yang tidak tersentuh oleh program pengentasan kemiskinan. Metode yang digunakan adalah menelaah beberapa hasil-hasil penelitian yang pernah dimuat di jurnal-jurnal yang menjelaskan bagaimana rumah tangga miskin bertahan hidup dan keluar dari lilitan kemiskinan. Temuan penelitian ini menginformasikan penyebab kemiskinan sangat banyak dan beragam. Hal ini karena kemiskinan merupakan konsep yang multidimensi. Bentuk-bentuk bertahan hidup (survival) dan keluar (exit) dari kemiskinan yang dilakukan oleh orang miskin dan rumah tangga miskin beragam sesuai dengan penyebab kemiskinan. Mengurangi rumah tangga miskin bukanlah dengan program dan kebijakan yang terpisah dari penyebab kemiskinan. Program yang terpisah tersebut akan membuat kemiskinan baru karena program tersebut tidak menyasar pengurangan kemiskinan.

2004 ◽  
Vol 47 ◽  
pp. 77-112 ◽  
Christine Jackson

In December 1624, the London draper and merchant adventurer, John Kendrick (Fig. 1), died leaving a large proportion of his considerable fortune to charitable causes. Like other early seventeenth-century metropolitan benefactors, he sought to attack the causes of poverty as well as to relieve its impact, and his legacies included the sums of £7,500 and £4,000, bequeathed respectively to the Berkshire towns of Reading and Newbury, to establish workhouses for the employment of the poor. Workhouses were a relatively new public institution at this date. In the wake of the dissolution of both monasteries and religious guilds in the 1530s and 1540s, and consequent decline in charitable support to the poor, urban authorities experimented with a range of measures to relieve poverty. A small number of towns and cities, including York (1567) and Chester (1577), used charitable funds and locally raised poor rates to establish workhouses to provide work and training to the poor. The workhouses were not residential and in some cases merely acted as distribution points for raw materials to be processed at home. In a parallel development, other towns and cities, including London (1555) and Ipswich (1569) established houses of correction to punish vagrants and to force them to work. Some also provided training schools for the young. The state moved quickly to endorse such measures. Legislation was introduced in 1576 requiring justices of the peace to supply stocks of wool, hemp, flax, iron or other materials to provide work for the poor and to establish houses of correction in each county for incorrigible rogues and those who refused to work. Penalties for non-compliance with the legislation were introduced in 1610.

Seher Cesur-Kiliçaslan ◽  
Toprak Işik

In this chapter, the authors define poverty in general terms before including statistics for a detailed, Turkey-specific discussion. Once the authors elaborate on the causes of poverty, they introduce behavioural economics and game theory, the fundamental aim of the chapter being to examine how these two theories affect perceptions of poverty and the struggle against poverty. Another issue that enters into the scope of this chapter is to what extent the poor themselves are responsible for their own poverty. On this question, game theory and behavioural economics can potentially be marshalled against the poor. However, we also argue that, by using a different approach, both theories can be interpreted in the poor's favour. We examine the double-sided nature of these two theories in detail and stress how important it is in the study of poverty to consider the disadvantageous position in which the poor find themselves.

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