Group-Based Parent Education Intervention for Nonresident Fathers

2021 ◽  
pp. 104973152110036
Armon R. Perry ◽  
Cheri Langley

Research indicates that children with involved fathers fare better than children with disengaged fathers. In response, 4 Your Child provides fatherhood-specific parent education and solution-focused case management services aimed at helping nonresident fathers increase their capacity for taking more active roles in their children’s lives. The purpose of this study was to present the results of preliminary analyses from a sample of 508 nonresident fathers enrolled in 4 Your Child. The results reveal high levels of participant satisfaction and statistically significant increases in parenting knowledge and conflict resolution skills for program participants from pre- to postintervention. Recommendations for future research and practice are also included.

Jens K. Roehrich ◽  
Beverly B. Tyler ◽  
Jas Kalra ◽  
Brian Squire

Contracts are a formal mode of governing interorganizational relationships. They specify the terms and conditions of the agreement between two parties, interpret and adapt the relevant legal and industrial norms, serve as framing devices, and establish the rules and norms underpinning the relationship. The objective of this chapter is to synthesize the extant literature on interorganizational contracting to guide future research and practice. This chapter focuses on the three phases of contracting: (1) designing the contracting portfolio; (2) negotiating initial contracts; and (3) managing the relationship using contracts. The chapter explores the key decisions in each phase and the criteria involved in making these decisions. In doing so, it draws on existing research and theoretical frameworks that have contributed to the development of the contracting literature. The chapter also identifies some important and interesting directions for future contracting research and offers suggestions regarding how selected theoretical lenses might guide these endeavors. The principal conclusion is that while the existing research has primarily focused on the structural issues guiding contracting design, a more processual, social, and behavioral focus is required in future developments of the contracting literature.

2021 ◽  
pp. 019394592110089
Jee Young Joo ◽  
Megan F. Liu

This scoping review aimed to examine telehealth-assisted case management for chronic illnesses and assess its overall impact on health care delivery. Guided by the PRISMA statement, this review included 36 empirical studies published between 2011 and 2020. This study identified three weaknesses and four strengths of telehealth-assisted case management. While the weaknesses were negative feelings about telehealth, challenges faced by patients in learning and using telehealth devices, and increased workload for case managers, the strengths included efficient and timely care, increased access to health care services, support for patients’ satisfaction, and cost savings. Future research can be designed and conducted for overcoming the weaknesses of telehealth-assisted case management. Additionally, the strengths identified by this review need to be translated from research into case management practice for chronic illness care. This review not only describes the value of such care strategy, but also provides implications for future nursing practice and research.

2021 ◽  
pp. 000494412110034
Lucy Corbett ◽  
Philayrath Phongsavan ◽  
Louisa R Peralta ◽  
Adrian Bauman

Professional development (PD) provides an opportunity to promote the psychological, social, and physical health tools teachers require to maintain teacher wellbeing. Despite their potential, little is known about PD programs targeting the health and wellbeing of Australian teachers. This study aimed to summarize the characteristics of Australian PD programs targeted at teacher wellbeing, identify gaps in existing PD and make recommendations for future research and practice. Three search strategies, (1) search engine results, (2) a manual search of known Australian education websites, and (3) requests for information from Australian education organizations, were combined to ensure a comprehensive inventory of PD programs was compiled. This study found 63 PD programs promoting health and wellbeing that currently exist for Australian teachers. Of these, only three provided evidence of their evaluation indicating programs are advertised and implemented without evidence of their effectiveness. Future PD should be evaluated with findings of the evaluations reported publicly so evidence-based programs promoting teacher’s health and wellbeing can be recommended and implemented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-61
Francesc Fusté-Forné ◽  
Tazim Jamal

Research on the relationship between automation services and tourism has been rapidly growing in recent years and has led to a new service landscape where the role of robots is gaining both practical and research attention. This paper builds on previous reviews and undertakes a comprehensive analysis of the research literature to discuss opportunities and challenges presented by the use of service robots in hospitality and tourism. Management and ethical issues are identified and it is noted that practical and ethical issues (roboethics) continue to lack attention. Going forward, new directions are urgently needed to inform future research and practice. Legal and ethical issues must be proactively addressed, and new research paradigms developed to explore the posthumanist and transhumanist transitions that await. In addition, closer attention to the potential of “co-creation” for addressing innovations in enhanced service experiences in hospitality and tourism is merited. Among others, responsibility, inclusiveness and collaborative human-robot design and implementation emerge as important principles to guide future research and practice in this area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Wendy Z. W. Teo ◽  
Xiaoke Dong ◽  
Siti Khadijah Bte Mohd Yusoff ◽  
Soumen Das De ◽  
Alphonsus K. S. Chong

AbstractSpaced-learning refers to teaching spread over time, compared to mass-learning where the same duration of teaching is completed in one session. Our hypothesis is that spaced-learning is better than mass-learning in retaining microsurgical suturing skills. Medical students were randomized into mass-learning (single 8-h session) and spaced-learning (2-h weekly sessions over 4 weeks) groups. They were taught to place 9 sutures in a 4 mm-wide elastic strip. The primary outcome was precision of suture placement during a test conducted 1 month after completion of sessions. Secondary outcomes were time taken, cumulative performance, and participant satisfaction. 42 students (24 in the mass-learning group; 18 in spaced-learning group) participated. 3 students in the spaced-learning group were later excluded as they did not complete all sessions. Both groups had comparable baseline suturing skills but at 1 month after completion of teaching, the total score for suture placement were higher in spaced-learning group (27.63 vs 31.60,p = 0.04). There was no statistical difference for duration and satisfaction in either group. Both groups showed an improvement in technical performance over the sessions, but this did not differ between both groups. Microsurgical courses are often conducted in mass-learning format so spaced learning offers an alternative that enhances retention of complex surgical skills.

2021 ◽  
pp. 107755952199417
Katherine R. Brendli ◽  
Michael D. Broda ◽  
Ruth Brown

It is a common assumption that children with disabilities are more likely to experience victimization than their peers without disabilities. However, there is a paucity of robust research supporting this assumption in the current literature. In response to this need, we conducted a logistic regression analysis using a national dataset of responses from 26,572 parents/caregivers to children with and without disabilities across all 50 states, plus the District of Columbia. The purpose of our study was to acquire a greater understanding of the odds of victimization among children with and without intellectual disability (ID), while controlling for several child and parent/adult demographic correlates. Most notably, our study revealed that children with ID have 2.84 times greater odds of experiencing victimization than children without disabilities, after adjusting for the other predictors in the model. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-215 ◽  
Chris Hackley ◽  
Amy Rungpaka Hackley

In the media convergence era, brands are embracing hybrid forms of advertising communication such as branded content, product placement and sponsored TV ‘pods’, brand blogs, shareable video, programmatic advertising, ‘native’ advertising and more, as alternatives to, and extensions of, traditional mass media advertising campaigns. In this article, we draw on Genette’s theory of transtextuality to reframe this phenomenon from a paratextual purview. We suggest that the analogy of the paratext articulates the iterative, ambiguous, participative and intertextual character of much contemporary brand communication. We describe extended examples of paratextual advertising and promotion that illustrate the fluid and mutually contingent relation of advertising text to paratext, and we outline an analytical framework for future research and practice.

2017 ◽  
Vol 61 (3) ◽  
pp. 172-182 ◽  
David Yun Dai

This article presents a new theory of talent development, evolving complexity theory (ECT), in the context of the changing theoretical directions as well as the landscape of gifted education. I argue that gifted education needs a new foundation that provides a broad psychosocial basis than what the notion of giftedness can afford. A focus on talent development rather than giftedness should be based on a theory of talent development that is truly developmental, treating the developing person as an open, dynamic, and adaptive system, changing oneself adaptively while interacting with environmental opportunities and challenges. To introduce ECT, I first delineate the meaning and significance of four dimensions or “parameters” of talent development undergirding this new theory: domain, person, development, and culture. I then describe how ECT explicates the developmental processes and transitions as the result of human adaptations to environmental opportunities and challenges. More specifically, ECT uses the constructs of characteristic and maximal adaptation to elucidate how domain, person, development, and culture jointly shape a particular line of talent development, and how cognitive, affective, and social processes interact to push and sustain a critical transition from characteristic adaptation to maximal adaptation, eventually leading to high-caliber performance and creative productivity. I finally discuss the theoretical contributions and practical utilities of ECT for future research and practice.

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