Communication Metrics for Human-Autonomy Teaming: Lessons Learned from us Army Gunnery Field Experiments

Anthony L. Baker ◽  
Sean M. Fitzhugh ◽  
Daniel E. Forster ◽  
Kristin E. Schaefer

The development of more effective human-autonomy teaming (HAT) will depend on the availability of validated measures of their performance. Communication provides a critical window into a team’s interactions, states, and performance, but much remains to be learned about how to successfully carry over communication measures from the human teaming context to the HAT context. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to discuss the implementation of three communication assessment methodologies used for two Wingman Joint Capabilities Technology Demonstration field experiments. These field experiments involved Soldiers and Marines maneuvering vehicles and engaging in live-fire target gunnery, all with the assistance of intelligent autonomous systems. Crew communication data were analyzed using aggregate communication flow, relational event models, and linguistic similarity. We discuss how the assessments were implemented, what they revealed about the teaming between humans and autonomy, and lessons learned for future implementation of communication measurement approaches in the HAT context.

Anthony L. Baker ◽  
Sean M. Fitzhugh ◽  
Lixiao Huang ◽  
Daniel E. Forster ◽  
Angelique Scharine ◽  

AbstractEvaluation of team communication can provide critical insights into team dynamics, cohesion, trust, and performance on joint tasks. Although many communication-based measures have been tested and validated for human teams, this review article extends this research by identifying key approaches specific to human-autonomy teams. It is not possible to identify all approaches for all situations, though the following seem to generalize and support multi-size teams and a variety of military operations. Therefore, this article will outline several key approaches to assessing communication, associated data requirements, example applications, verification of methods through HAT use cases, and lessons learned, where applicable. Some approaches are based on the structure of team communication; others draw from dynamical systems theory to consider perspectives across different timescales; other approaches leverage features of team members’ voices or facial expressions to detect emotional states that can provide windows into other workings of the team; still others consider the content of communication to produce insights. Taken together, these approaches comprise a varied toolkit for deriving critical information about how team interactions affect, and are affected by, coordination, trust, cohesion, and performance outcomes. Future research directions describe four critical areas for further study of communication in human-autonomy teams.

2014 ◽  
Vol 38 (3) ◽  
pp. 64-75 ◽  
Eric Lyon ◽  
R. Benjamin Knapp ◽  
Gascia Ouzounian

The mapping problem is inherent to digital musical instruments (DMIs), which require, at the very least, an association between physical gestures and digital synthesis algorithms to transform human bodily performance into sound. This article considers the DMI mapping problem in the context of the creation and performance of a heterogeneous computer chamber music piece, a trio for violin, biosensors, and computer. Our discussion situates the DMI mapping problem within the broader set of interdependent musical interaction issues that surfaced during the composition and rehearsal of the trio. Through descriptions of the development of the piece, development of the hardware and software interfaces, lessons learned through rehearsal, and self-reporting by the participants, the rich musical possibilities and technical challenges of the integration of digital musical instruments into computer chamber music are demonstrated.

1996 ◽  
Vol 53 (1_suppl) ◽  
pp. 65-76 ◽  
Eileen Peterson ◽  
Deborah Shatin ◽  
Douglas Mccarthy

This article describes collaborative health services research and performance evaluation activities at United HealthCare Corporation, a national health care management services company. We outline the development of a research capacity within our company, the principal data sources used, and the types of research conducted. The importance of health services research within a managed care system is illustrated using two projects as examples. finally, we discuss issues faced by organizations such as ours in defining appropriate research priorities, ensuring health plan participation, and disseminating research findings. Lessons learned should be of interest to health services researchers working in or collaborating with managed care organizations as well as others seeking to understand the dynamics of research in private-sector health care companies.

D.C. Smeaton ◽  
P.V. Rattray

Aspects of the above theme were investigated in 5 trials. Trial 1 compared the effects of high and low nutrition during pregnancy and lactation on ewe and iamb production. Ewe live weight was substantially affected by nutrition treatment during pregnancy but carry-over effects on live weight at weaning were small. Nutrition during lactation strongly affected both lamb and ewe weaning weights. Ewe and lamb losses were not affected by nutrition at any stage. The results implied that ewes can be quite severely restricted on pasture during pregnancy in order to save feed for the much more important lactation period. Trials 2 and 3 investigated the management of ewes fed at maintenance levels in mid-pregnancy. The treatments consisted of various grazing durations where the ewes were shifted from one pasture break to another after a specific grazing duration, as defined by their treatment. These treatments consisted of grazing durations ranging from 3 to 56 days. Liveweight differences occurred during the 56-dav trial period but at the end there was only 2.5kg difference between extreme treatments. This suggests that where ewes are on restricted feeding during pregnancy to conserve pasture reserves, grazing duration has little consistent impact on final ewe live weight and performance. However, for several reasons, a shorter duration (3-7 days) is preferred. Trials 4 and 5 compared several winter-spring management treatments. Ewes on a 35day (short) rotation during pregnancy versus those on a 70day (long) rotation had less pasture on their farmlet at lambing (930 V. 1030 kg/ha). As a consequence the short rotation ewes were 1.5 kg lighter at weaning. Their lambs ware 2.3 kg lighter. In another comparison, set-stocking ewes 4 weeks before lambing compared with at lambing disadvantaged the ewes and lambs by 2-3 kg at weaning. The ewes set-stocked 4 weeks before lambing had consumed most of their winter reserves by lambing. In Trial 5, rotational grazing after lambing until weaning versus set-stocking, disadvantaged the ewes and iambs by 4 and 3 kg respectively at weaning. This was probably because the rotation length of 21 days in the rotational group was too long. Management implications from these results are discussed. Keywords: winter, spring, nutrition, grazing management, ewes, lambs, pregnancy, lactation, grazing duration, rotational grazing, set stocking.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-68
Matthew Kabel ◽  
Jiyung Hwang ◽  
Jiwon Hwang

As the use of technology has become more prevalent within the educational environment over the past decade, the emergence of the use of virtual manipulatives to support student learning in math has made transitioning to technology-infused math instruction unavoidable. Students in rural areas, however, have tended to receive far less technology-infused instruction due to the many challenges faced by rural schools that can adversely affect academic opportunities and disrupt equity in learning and teaching. In the current paper, we report on a classroom study conducted to examine whether the previously proven effects of concrete manipulatives can carry over into those of virtual manipulatives when teaching math fact fluency in multiplication and explored the potential for virtual manipulatives in rural classrooms from the teacher’s perspective.  Quantitative and qualitative results both indicated a promising potential for usage of virtual manipulatives, with meaningful implications for practitioners. The educational implications for designing and planning effective instruction incorporating virtual manipulatives are discussed.

2006 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 251-255
Luís Fernando Guedes Pinto ◽  
Marcos Silveira Bernardes ◽  
Antônio Roberto Pereira

Agroforestry systems are indicated as an alternative for sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) cultivation in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, however there are not many field experiments on plant performance under these conditions in the world. The objective of this work was to assess crop yield and partitioning in a sugarcane-rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) interface in on-farm conditions. The availability of irradiance for the crop along the interface was simulated and its effe ct over sugarcane dry matter production was tested. Crop yield was negatively affected by distance of the trees, but development and sucrose were not affected. Above ground dry matter increased from 16.6 to 51.5 t ha-1 from trees. Partitioning did not have a defined standard, as harvest index increased from 0.85 to 0.93, but specific leaf area was not significant along the transect, ranging from 13.48 to 15.73 m² kg-1. Light is the main factor of competition between the trees and the crop, but the relative importance of below ground interactions increases closer to the trees. Feasibility of the system depends on maturity of the trees and management strategies.

Eric L. Akers ◽  
Richard S. Stansbury ◽  
Torry L. Akins ◽  
Arvin Agah

2021 ◽  
Babar Kamal ◽  
Abdul Saboor ◽  
Graeme MacFarlane ◽  
Frank Kernche

Abstract Significant depletion in reservoir pressure, huge uncertainties in pore and fracture pressure, high overburden pressure on top of reservoir, Narrow Mud Weight Window (NMWW) and Partial/Total losses whilst entering the reservoir made these HPHT (High Pressure High Temperature) wells conventionally un-drillable. Due to these substantial challenges these wells were considered not only costly but also carry a high probability of failure to reach well TD (Total Depth). MPD (Managed Pressure Drilling) is a safer and more effective drilling technique as compared to conventional drilling, especially in wells with NMWW and downhole hazards. The precise determination and dynamic downhole pressure management was imperative to complete these wells without well control incidents. The Constant Bottom Hole Pressure (CBHP) variant in combination of automated MPD system was deployed with a mud weight statically underbalanced while dynamically managed above formation pore pressure to minimize the overbalance across the open hole. MPD enabled the operator to efficiently navigate Equivalent Circulation Density (ECD) through the pore and fracture pressure window, allowed significant improvements throughout the entire campaign. This paper discusses the challenges faced during the last three wells drilled in the campaign which includes equipment issues, commissioning delays, losses whilst drilling, Managed Pressure Cementing (MPC), 7" drill-in-liner and plugged/blocked lines due to weather and mud conditions. The paper describes HPHT infill drilling experience, specific techniques, practices as well as lessons learned from each well during the campaign were implemented to address challenges and to improve performance. The MPD system commissioning was optimized by repositioning the lines which saved significant critical rig time. The blowdown points were added on the lines that were not operational continuously therefore a procedure was developed for flushing to avoid plugging. Optimized drilling strategy was also developed where MW was further reduced to avoid losses as observed in previous wells and CBHP was maintained by manipulating Surface Back Pressure (SBP) from surface. This paper also discusses continuous improvements /upgrades in MPD operating software which assisted the operator in accurate monitoring of flow, SBP and BH-ECD to save significant rig cost in terms of invisible Non-Productive Time (NPT). MPD is a drilling enabler and performance enhancer which saved 80 days of Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) on this challenging HPHT campaign.

1971 ◽  
Sherman Weisinger

2010 ◽  
Vol 2010 (DPC) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Geun Sik Kim ◽  
Kai Liu ◽  
Flynn Carson ◽  
Seung Wook Yoon ◽  
Meenakshi Padmanathan

IPD technology was originally developed as a way to replace bulky discrete passive components, but it¡¯s now gaining popularity in ESD/EMI protection applications, as well as in RF, high-brightness LED silicon sub-mounts, and digital and mixed-signal devices. Already well known as a key enabler of system-in-packages (SiPs), IPDs enable the assembly of increasingly complete and autonomous systems with the integration of diverse electronic functions such as sensors, RF transceivers, MEMS, power amplifiers, power management units, and digital processors. The application area for IPD will continue to evolve, especially as new packaging technology, such as flipchip, 3D stacking, wafer level packaging become available to provide vertical interconnections within the IPD. New applications like silicon interposers will become increasingly significant to the market. Currently the IPD market is being driven primarily by RF or wireless packages and applications including, but not limited to, cell phones, WiFi, GPS, WiMAX, and WiBro. In particular, applications and products in the emerging RF CMOS market that require a low cost, smaller size, and high performance are driving demand. In order to get right products in size and performance, packaging design and technology should be considered in device integration and implemented together in IPD designs. In addition, a comprehensive understanding of electrical and mechanical properties in component and system level design is important. This paper will highlight some of the recent advancements in SiP technology for IPD and integration as well as what is developed to address future technology requirements in IPD SiP solutions. The advantage and applications of SiP solution for IPD will be presented with several examples of IPD products. The design, assembly and packaging challenges and performance characteristics will be also discussed.

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