overburden pressure
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Yukun Ji ◽  
Guoqing Zhou ◽  
Matthew R. Hall ◽  
Veerle Vandeginste ◽  
Xiaodong Zhao

2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Diana Che Lat ◽  
Ismacahyadi Bagus Mohamed Jais ◽  
Nazri Ali ◽  
Nor Zurairahetty Mohd Yunus ◽  
Nor Hibatul Wafi Nor Zarin ◽  

ABSTRACT: Consolidation settlement occurs when a saturated soil is subjected to an increase in overburden pressure that causes a volume change in the soil. When a lightweight material is used as a ground improvement, the stress is reduced as the soft soil is partially removed and replaced by the lightweight material. In addition, the improved ground with lightweight material has a potential to uplift due to the buoyancy of lightweight material. The uplift force reduces the stress imposed on the underlying soil as it acts in the upward direction, thus further reducing the consolidation settlement. This study is executed to produce an alternative equation for consolidation settlement incorporating the buoyancy effect for lightweight polyurethane (PU) foam as a ground improvement method. A Rowe Cell consolidation laboratory test was conducted on untreated marine clay soil as well as on improved marine clay with different thicknesses of lightweight PU foam. Validation of the laboratory test results was done by finite element analysis, PLAXIS 2D. The thickness of PU foam governs the buoyancy and the hydrostatic pressure of water displaced by PU foam, which is incorporated in the alternative equation.  The alternative consolidation settlement equation is applicable for ground improved with lightweight polyurethane foam and found to be more economical and practical as the buoyancy is taken into account in the equation. ABSTRAK: Mendapan pengukuhan berlaku apabila tanah tepu mengalami peningkatan tekanan beban yang menyebabkan perubahan isipadu tanah. Apabila bahan ringan digunakan sebagai penambahbaikan tanah, tekanan akan berkurang kerana sebahagian tanah lembut dikeluarkan dan diganti dengan bahan ringan. Selain itu, tanah yang diperbaiki dengan bahan ringan berpotensi untuk terangkat ke atas keranan daya apung bahan ringan. Daya angkat bahan ringan mengurangkan tekanan yang dikenakan ke atas tanah kerana daya bertindak ke arah atas, dan seterusnya megurangkan mendapan pengukuhan. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menghasilkan persamaan alternatif bagi mendapan pengukuhan dan digabungkan dengan kesan daya apung untuk busa poliuretena ringan (PU) sebagai kaedah penambahbaikan tanah. Ujian makmal mendapan pengukuhan menggunakan peralatan Rowe Cell dilakukan pada tanah liat marin yang asal serta yang diperbaiki dengan ketebalan busa PU ringan yang berbeza. Pengesahan hasil ujian makmal dilakukan dengan analisis elemen terhingga, PLAXIS 2D. Ketebalan busa PU mempengaruhi daya apung dan tekanan hidrostatik bagi kedalaman air yang disesarkan oleh busa PU dan digabungkan dalam persamaan alternatif. Persamaan alternatif mendapan pengukuhan tersebut boleh digunapakai untuk pembaikan tanah menggunakan bahan ringan busa poliuretena dan didapati menjimatkan kos dan praktikal kerana keapungan diambilkira didalam persamaan tersebut.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (24) ◽  
pp. 12124
Zaven G. Ter-Martirosyan ◽  
Armen Z. Ter-Martirosyan ◽  
Huu H. Dam

This article presents a solution for the quantitative evaluation of the stress–strain state (SSS) and the bearing capacity of rectangular foundations, factoring in the unit weight of the soil mass and different values of pre-overburden pressure (POP). In order to assess the SSS of the soil subgrade below a rigid rectangular footing under a uniformly distributed load, the authors applied the Boussinesq basic solution for an elastic half-space subjected to a vertical point load on its surface. As a result, the formulas for vertical stress, mean stress, shear strain, and volumetric strain for any point in Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) and foundation settlement were determined. Additionally, the application of Hencky’s system of physical equations, with non-linear dependencies between mean stress and volumetric strain as well as deviator stress and shear strain, along with the experimental curves, depicts the relationships between bulk modulus and volume stress, and shear modulus and shear stress. The authors point out the non-linear behavior of the subgrade soil and propose a method for estimating the bearing capacity of a rigid rectangular foundation.

2021 ◽  
Ali Al-Taq ◽  
Abdullah Alrustum ◽  
Basil Alfakher ◽  
Hussain Al-Ibrahim

Abstract It is challenging to control water production in horizontal wells or in vertical wells having oil and water produced from the same zone using conventional methods such as through-tubing bridge plugs or other mechanical means. Relative permeability modifiers (RPMs), known to selectively reduce the relative permeability to water with minimum impact on the relative permeability to oil or gas, are considered a promising technology for solving this problem. The current generation of RPMs, unlike the old ones, can tolerate high hardness and so have higher success rates. An extensive experimental work was carried out to evaluate three RPMs for water control in gas and oil wells. Test conditions included gas flow in sandstone cores with temperatures of up to 300°F, and oil flow in carbonate cores with temperatures as high as 220°F. The effect of initial core permeability to brine, RPM concentration, flow rate, and water-wetting surfactants on the effectiveness of RPM to reduce water production was investigated using sandstone and carbonate cores. Coreflood experiments were undertaken at downhole conditions. The end-point relative permeabilities to various phases were measured. A back pressure of 500 psi, an overburden pressure of 3,500 to 5,000 psi and flow rates of 0.1 to 5 cm3/min were used. The concentration of RPM polymers was monitored in the core effluent using total organic carbon (TOC) analyzer to determine polymer retention in the core. The results revealed that temperature adversely affected the effectiveness of all RPMs evaluated. A better reduction in permeability to water was obtained at 220°F compared to that obtained at 300°F. The use of RPM at the right concentrations was found to significantly reduce permeability to water. A better water reduction was obtained at higher polymer injection rates, which was attributed to flow-induced polymer retention. Adsorption of RPM polymer tended to alter wettability of a carbonate rock to more water-wet. This paper discusses the effects of the above parameters on the performance of RPM in sandstone and carbonate reservoirs, and it gives some recommendations for improving the success rate of these chemical applications in the field.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (23) ◽  
pp. 11506
Parvesh Kumar ◽  
Amit Kumar Shrivastava

This paper presents a new testing method for the problems encountered in field testing. To this end, single-tunnel and twin-tunnel small-scale rock models are prepared in the laboratory. A new methodology is proposed to encounter problems that are faced during field testing. The test results show that rock strength characteristics, overburden pressure, and tunnel spacing have important effects on the stability of underground structures. For rocks with poor strength properties, the damage degree is greater. When the strength property of rock changes, the deformation value of unlined tunnels changes from 21.05% to 27.58%, while that of lined tunnels changes from 11% to 21.42%. Also, in the twin tunnel, the deformation value reduces from 20% to 15.78% when the spacing between the tunnels is increased. For the measurement of stress and deformation in tunnels, the results obtained from experiments are analyzed. The method adopted in this study helps determine the tunnel’s design parameters to make it safe under overlying static loads. Finally, the key factors affecting the stability of underground structures are determined by simulating the field conditions through experimental research.

2021 ◽  
pp. 327-341
Chiranjib Sarkar ◽  
Sibapriya Mukherjee ◽  
N. Kumar Pitchumani

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Wei Xiao ◽  
Enlong Liu ◽  
Xiao Yin ◽  
Guike Zhang ◽  
Chong Zhang ◽  

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to perform the thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) numerical analysis in order to study the thawing process for frozen soil and to predict the thawing settlement.Design/methodology/approachA new one-dimensional multi-field physical coupled model was proposed here to describe the thawing process of saturated frozen soil, whereby the void ratio varied linearly with effective stress (Eq. 10) and hydraulic conductivity (Eq. 27b). The thawing process was simulated with different initial and boundary conditions in an open system with temperature variations. The mechanical behavior and water migration of the representative cases were also investigated.FindingsThe comparisons of representative cases with experimental data demonstrated that the model predicts thawing settlement well. It was found that the larger temperature gradient, higher overburden pressure and higher water content could lead to larger thawing settlement. The temperature was observed that to distribute height linearly in both frozen zone and unfrozen zone of the sample. Water migration forced to a decrease in the water content of the unfrozen zone and an increase in water content at the thawing front.Research limitations/implicationsIn this study, only the one-directional thawing processes along the frozen soil samples were investigated numerically and compared with test results, which can be extended to two-dimensional analysis of thawing process in frozen soil.Originality/valueThis study helps to understand the thawing process of frozen soil by coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical numerical simulation.

Lithosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (Special 4) ◽  
Qingliang Chang ◽  
Qiang Leng ◽  
Xikui Sun ◽  
Guichen Li ◽  
Biao Zhang

Abstract The aim of this study is to explore a safe mining method to effectively excavate the deep thick coal seams in rockburst-prone mines. Based on the theory of elastic foundation and geological conditions of the Xinhe Coal Mine, the cemented paste backfill (CPB) is proposed to prevent rockburst. In this study, the roof fracture mechanism of block caving mining (BCM) and CPB methods are established. Then, the stress evolution of the surrounding rock and the subsidence of roof strata with these two methods are compared. The results show that the maximum bending moment appears in the middle of the roof, and the value is far below the critical bending moment of the roof by using the CBP. While using the BCM, this value exceeds the critical bending moment of the roof, which may trigger rockburst-related problems. In addition, there is no first weighting and periodic weighting phenomena by using the CPB method as the overburden pressure is gradually transferred to the backfill body, resulting in a safer mining condition. Furthermore, the engineering application indicates that the frequency of daily microseismic events and the burst energy are significantly reduced by using the CPB.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Ahmed M. Ebid ◽  
Kennedy C. Onyelowe ◽  
Emmanuel E. Arinze

Numerical and computational analyses surrounding the behavior of the bearing capacity of soils near or adjacent to slopes have been of great importance in earthwork constructions around the globe due to its unique nature. This phenomenon is encountered on pavement vertical curves, drainages, and vertical infrastructure foundations. In this work, multiple data were collected on the soil and footing interface parameters, which included width of footing, depth of foundation, distance of slope from the footing edge, soil bulk density, slope and frictional angles, and bearing capacity factors of cohesion and overburden pressure determined for the case of a foundation on or adjacent to a slope. The genetic programming (GP), evolutionary polynomial regression (EPR), and artificial neural network (ANN) intelligent techniques were employed to predict the ultimate bearing capacity of footing on or adjacent to a slope. The performance of the models was evaluated as well as compared their accuracy and robustness with the findings of Prandtl. The results were observed to show the superiority of GP, EPR, and ANN techniques over the computational works of Prandtl. In addition, the ANN outclassed the other artificial intelligence methods in the exercise.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 296-301
Yuka Kakihara ◽  
Yoshiaki Kikuchi ◽  
Shohei Noda ◽  
Takamune Yamaguchi ◽  
Risa Tomimatsu ◽  

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