The Irish Media

1986 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-40
Glyn Davis

Three companies and one trustee own all the major Irish daily newspapers, though there are a number of independent weekly and regional publications. The state, through the Radio Telefis Eireann (the RTE, a public service broadcasting organisation modelled on the BBC but largely funded through advertising), runs all radio and television stations. At least, the state runs all official radio, for since the late 1970s several pirate radio stations have operated from Dublin. The government of Garret FitzGerald has promised to legitimise these stations through new broadcasting legislation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 427
Dewi Kania Sugiharti ◽  
Muhammad Ziaurahman ◽  
Sechabudin Sechabudin

Universities that apply the concept of Public Service Agency (BLU - PK PTN ) in performing functions as an organ which is engaged in the service infrastructure support through goods or services . As an institution under the auspices of the government and the state budget receives PTN PK - BLU implement mechanisms to acquire goods or services in accordance with the law. However, the procurement process in obtaining goods or services sometimes poses problems that arise as a consequence of the passage of the procurement of goods or services involving the organs in it as PA / KPA , KDP , ULP , and Committee / Receiver Procurement Officer. Rector of the KPA in PK - BLU PTN has the authority to control the organs that carry out the process of procurement of goods / services in the environment . Errors in the procurement process of goods / services performed by the CO and the ULP / Procurement Officer causing state losses due to these errors, either due to negligence or unlawful acts. As the KPA in the process of procurement of goods / services Rector can control the organs in accordance with the authority given. The consequences are acceptable if the authorities ultimately the procurement of goods / services did not heed the warning Rector officials related procurement process of goods / services will receive sanctions. Keywords: Authorized Budget, Financial State.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Tawanda Zinyama ◽  
Joseph Tinarwo

Public administration is carried out through the public service. Public administration is an instrument of the State which is expected to implement the policy decisions made from the political and legislative processes. The rationale of this article is to assess the working relationships between ministers and permanent secretaries in the Government of National Unity in Zimbabwe. The success of the Minister depends to a large degree on the ability and goodwill of a permanent secretary who often has a very different personal or professional background and whom the minster did not appoint. Here lies the vitality of the permanent secretary institution. If a Minister decides to ignore the advice of the permanent secretary, he/she may risk of making serious errors. The permanent secretary is the key link between the democratic process and the public service. This article observed that the mere fact that the permanent secretary carries out the political, economic and social interests and functions of the state from which he/she derives his/her authority and power; and to which he/she is accountable,  no permanent secretary is apolitical and neutral to the ideological predisposition of the elected Ministers. The interaction between the two is a political process. Contemporary administrator requires complex team-work and the synthesis of diverse contributions and view-points.

2014 ◽  
Vol 153 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-40 ◽  
Donald Reid

During 2013, the New Zealand government heralded the launch of the Ultra-Fast Broadband (UFB) and Rural Broadband Initiatives (RBI) as significant tools across a range of economic and social policy areas, including the delivery of education and health services and the promotion of development policies for Maori. Conspicuously absent in the associated political discussion was the issue of public service broadcasting and the possibility for internet-based technologies to provide an efficient and cost-effective platform for the production and delivery of non-commercial public service media. The reason for this omission may be due to the governing National Party's historic disregard for public service broadcasting, as demonstrated by its disestablishment of a number of public broadcasting initiatives since 1999. Drawing on a Habermasian theoretical framework and Dan Hind's concept of ‘public commissioning’, the purpose of this article is to outline an alternative system for public service broadcasting based on a series of referenda and on open public debate. I begin by examining the present public broadcasting system and the traditional centrality of the state in governance and gatekeeping issues. I argue that the communicative potential of social media, enabled by universally accessible ultra-fast broadband, could provide an adequate platform for public gatekeeping, with the state having a significantly reduced role. I make the argument that the technological and resourcing mechanisms for such a system already exist, and the required shift in audience culture is already present in the consumption of entertainment and reality TV texts.

Edorodion Agbon Osa

Founded on the philosophy of advancing the course of democracy and acting as a stimulus for socio-cultural transformation at the community level, community broadcasting provides access to the public sphere by making its audience the main characters in the production and dissemination of its messages thus serving as a platform for the expression of the divergent views and opinions that exist at the community level. But almost a century after broadcasting was introduced to Nigeria as part of British imperialism, this grassroots form of broadcasting is yet to fully take off. Starting with a broad examination of public service broadcasting, this chapter discusses the state of community broadcasting in Nigeria, using Habermas' concept of the public sphere, and recommends its improvement given the crucial roles of community broadcasting in the society.

Tempo ◽  
1947 ◽  
pp. 10-14 ◽  
H. W. Heinsheimer

Broadcasting in the United States is a business—and a very big one. Radio stations are privately owned and are operated for profit. Broadcasting is just as much a business as is running a theatre on Br adway or making a picture in Hollywood. The state and the government have nothing to do with it. To be sure, the Federal Communications Commission in Washington lays down certain rules of operations, and controls and allots wavelengths to the various networks and stations. But after the F.C.C. has given you a licence and a wavelength, and as long as you comply with their rules and conduct yourself accordingly, you can buy a piece of ground to-morrow, build a station and go into the radio business. And it is a good business to be in.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 503-516
Marcin Mielnik

In this work, the study of the title issue will be continued and the focus will be on the boundaries of transparency of public action in the sphere of enacting and implementing the law. As a result of the actions taken, the author intends to find answers to questions relat-ed to the policy of informing citizens and possibilities of finding information on the func-tioning of the state. The research was carried out by conducting a source query and source analysis. The author in the main part of the work defined the bodies responsible for creat-ing the law. Then, he introduced individual governmental dailies, such as Dziennik Praw or daily newspapers issued in individual districts of the country (departments). The starting point was to discuss the policy of disseminating the content of the law also in the uncon-stitutional period before the first copies of the government press were issued. Next, the author discussed the results of research on specific issues such as the content of journals, with particular emphasis on the main topics, such as the justification for the implementation of the Napoleon Code and its analysis in terms of practicality. Finally, niche topics like hounds and tips are presented.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (74) ◽  
pp. 64
Kitija Bite

The author in the article researches alcohol as one of the reasons to terminate public service employment relationships at the State Police and employment relationships. The legislation provides different regulatory approach to alcohol intoxication as a reason for terminating the employment relationships and the legal application of this reason. In practice, detecting of alcohol intoxication and denunciation of employment relationship or retiring from the public service is problematic. The government regulations in Latvia define the inspection procedure of the influence of alcohol, narcotic, psychotropic or toxic substance, however, there is no legislative act defining the term ‘alcohol intoxication’, while it is essential in employment relationships. There are several issues that emerge from the case-law: firstly, the employer must legally differentiate alcohol intoxication from alcohol influence in order to be able to terminate the employment; secondly, the employer must legally/judicially detect and record the presence of alcohol. The author suggests to define the state of ‘alcohol intoxication’ as well as make alterations in the Labour Law giving the liberty to the employer to terminate the employment relationship in case of alcohol influence. A Chief of Public Institution should be appointed to develop An Internal Regulations Act in order to detect alcohol intoxication or influence. Such alterations in Law would allow the employer to apply disciplinary penalty or denunciation in the cases of alcohol intoxication, and would clearly define the inspection procedure for the employees upon suspicion of being present at work or public service under the influence of alcohol.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 39-43
Kenneth Goga Riany

E-Administration remains a key E-Government strategy that seeks to ensure the management of the government institutions and organizations if effectively done to enhance effectiveness and proper service delivery. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of E-Administration on the public service delivery among state agencies in Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive research design to collect data from the target population comprising of 4230 employees within the management cadre at 132 specific government state agencies. Convenient sampling technique was used by the study to sample the respondents within the 132 specific government state agencies. A sampling formula was applied to calculate the sample size of 365 employees and self-developed questionnaires were used to collect data from the sample. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study found that E-Administration had a significant and positive influence on public service delivery by the state agencies in Kenya. The study further established that strategy execution had a significant moderating effect on the relationship between E-Administration and public service delivery by the state agencies in Kenya. The study recommended that the government through the state agencies should embrace E-Administration as a way of enhancing public service delivery. The management of state agencies should furthermore embrace strategy execution practices so as to enable success of E-Administration.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Imas Novita Juaningsih ◽  
Muhammad Saef El-Islam ◽  
Adit Nurrafi

Public services as the basic needs of the community in the form of service activities facilitated by the state are considered not optimal and effective. One of the implementations of public services, especially in terms of the implementation of democracy is in the holding of elections through conventional mechanisms facilitated by the state through the General Election Commission. There are several problems in its implementation such as high levels of fraud, human error, and budget. Based on these problems, it has implications for the damage to the principle of election and the decline in the level of community satisfaction with the implementation of elections. Considering that Indonesia has entered the era of revolution 4.0, public service reform is needed in order to effectively establish election principles. The purpose of this paper is to find out the mechanism and problem of organizing elections as one form of public service in Indonesia. The theoretical foundation that we use is good and clean governance which is a fundamental principle in the administration of public and election services. Thus, the writer uses the juridical normative research method, through a case approach, comparative approach and conceptual approach. Therefore, the authors initiated the concept of e-voting in elections as an effective and efficient solution in rebuilding people's trust in the government in terms of public services. So, based on this research it can be concluded that currently public services in the holding of elections are considered not able to run well, causing the level of public satisfaction with the holding of elections to decline. keywords: Public Service, General Election, Industrial Revolution 4.0, e-votingAbstrakPelayanan publik sebagai kebutuhan dasar masyarakat berupa kegiatan pelayanan yang di fasilitasi oleh negara dinilai belum optimal dan efektif. Salah satu implementasi pelayanan publik terutama dalam hal pelaksanaan demokrasi yaitu dalam penyelenggaraan pemilu melalui mekanisme konvensional yang difasilitasi negara melalui Komisi Pemilihan Umum. Terdapat beberapa problematika dalam penyelenggaraannya seperti tingginya tingkat kecurangan, human error, dan pendanaan yang tinggi. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut berimplikasi kepada pencederaan asas pemilu dan turunnya tingkat kepuasan masyarakat terhadap pelaksanaan pemilu. Mengingat Indonesia telah memasuki era revolusi 4.0 diperlukan reformasi pelayanan publik agar terciptanya asas-asas pemilu secara efektif. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui mekanisme dan problematika penyelenggaraan pemilu sebagai salah satu bentuk pelayanan publik di Indonesia. Landasan teori yang penulis gunakan yaitu good and clean governance yang merupakan asas fundamental dalam penyelenggaraan pelayanan publik maupun pemilu. Dengan demikian penulis memakai metode penelitian normative yuridis, melalui pendekatan kasus (case approach), pendekatan komparasi (comparation approach) dan pendekatan konsep (conceptual approach). Oleh karena itu penulis menggagas konsep e-voting dalam pemilu sebagai solusi yang efektif dan efisien dalam membangun kembali kepercayaan masyarakat kepada pemerintah dalam hal pelayanan publik. Maka berdasarkan penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa dewasa ini pelayanan publik dalam penyelenggaraan pemilu dinilai belum mampu berjalan dengan baik, sehingga menyebabkan tingkat kepuasan masyarakat terhadap penyelenggaraan pemilu menurun. Sehingga penulis merekomendasikan untuk merubah penyelenggaraan pemilu secara konvensional menjadi e-voting dan merevisi Undang-undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2017 tentang Pemilihan Umum.Kata Kunci: Pelayanan Publik, Pemilu, Revolusi Industri 4.0, e-voting 

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 123-140
Miftakhul Ihwan

The government with all its tools as the main pillars of state administrators is increasingly faced with several problems. There needs to be unity between government elements in solving a problem, one of which is corruption, corruption is generally carried out by people who have power in a position, so that the characteristics of corruption crimes are always related to the misuse of organized power. in looking at corruption belonging to organized crime. The task of the State Administration in the welfare state according to Lemaire is mentioned as the bestuurzorg task and its function is to carry out public welfare. To achieve the goals of the state various supporting facilities are needed, in this case one of them is a legal means. The strategy offered in the perspective of  State Administrative Law is to eradicate corruption, namely Public Service Bureaucracy Reform and Accountability, Eligible General Principles of Government, Good Govermance, and Eradication of the End of  Corruption in a State Administrative Law Perspective.

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