Law Research Review Quarterly
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Published By Universitas Negeri Semarang

2716-3415, 2716-3415

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 445-458
Novia Puspa Ayu Larasati

the present time, the law is still considered discriminatory and not gender-just. Whereas the law should not regard gender to guarantee the fulfillment of women's rights. Women's rights are still not protected. Equality and elimination of discrimination against women are often the center of attention and a shared commitment to implement them. However, in social life, the achievement of equality of women's dignity still has not shown significant progress. So, if there is discrimination against women, it is a violation of women's rights. Women's rights violations occur because of many things, including the result of the legal system, where women become victims of the system. Many women's rights to work still have a lot of conflict about the role of women in the public sector. Today, discrimination against women is still very visible in the world of work. There are so many women who do not get the right to work. This research found that the structure of the company, rarely do we see women who get a place as a leader, in addition to the acceptance of female workers companies put many terms, such as looking attractive, not married, must stay in dormitory and so forth. Their salaries are sometimes different from male workers. Like male workers, women workers also have equal opportunities in the world of work. While there are many legislations governing the rights of women workers, it seems that many companies deliberately do not socialize it and even ignore the legislation just like that.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 473-486
Firqotun Naziah

E-commerce is a form of trade which has its own characteristics that are cross-border trade, not to meet the seller and buyer, use media internet. The birth of Law No. 11 of 2008 is about Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE Law) seems to be the solution to provide protection for consumers. In the ITE Law has set the terms validity of e-commerce transactions, establishing the rights and obligations, prohibited acts, responsibility, legal protection, remedies, and dispute resolution in e-commerce transactions. This study analyzes the dispute settlement for e-commerce dispute in Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 459-472
Chatrin Intan Sari

The purpose of this study is to know how the legal protection for consumers on the circulation of illegal drugs and how the accountability of business actors on the circulation of illegal drugs. By using normative juridical research method this study found that the legal protection to consumers on the circulation of illegal drugs conducted by the government through the Agency of Drugs and Food. The Agency highlighted that the attention that the government has run its supervision. In addition, the protection of consumer law arising from the existence of rights and obligations set forth in Article 4 letters a and c, article 7 letters a and d, article 8 paragraph 1 letter a, d and e of Law Number 8 Year 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. The fulfilment of consumer rights over security, the right to be heard, the correct, clear, and honest information regulated in the UUPK is still not fulfilled. Article 98 paragraph 2, Article 106 paragraph 1 and 2 of Law Number 36 Year 2009 on Health. The business actor is responsible as the manufacturer of the goods because the importer of the goods is not an agent or official importer. The business actor who is an individual shall be liable for the losses incurred even if only as an importer not as a producer of the goods. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 433-444
Faryzuhud Bayu

I write this paper about the death penalty for narcotics dealers, many countries still apply the death penalty like one of them is Indonesia, although many criticize the execution of capital punishment for drug dealers, but the death penalty is still done in Indonesia, because it is believed to be the most appropriate step for the drug dealers who have damaged this generation of Indonesian nation, and in this paper I justify or approve if the drug dealer is sentenced to death because the drugs damage the young generation and damage the nation's morale.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 515-524
Muhamad Abdulah Sidiq

Local government is the authority of the autonomous regions to organize and manage the interests of local people according to their own initiative based on community aspirations in accordance with the laws and regulations. In response to the demands of government reform quite quickly, it has undertaken a sufficiently fundamental breakthrough of the various laws in the political field from the centralist-autoritarian to the autonomous-democratic. After successfully compiling the three laws on the political field that became the basis of the election in 1999 the government immediately followed him with a new law in the field of special politics on power relations between the central and local, namely Law no. 22 of 1999 on Regional Government and Law No. 25 of 1999 on Financial Relations between Central and Regional. The formation of regions is basically intended to improve public services in order to accelerate the realization of community welfare as well as political education at the local level. Considerations and other conditions that enable the area to organize and realize the purpose of the establishment of the region and the granting of regional autonomy. The Government may designate special areas in the autonomous regions to carry out specific government functions that are specific to national and / or national-scale interests "special" for the interests and benefit of Indonesia. One of these special autonomous regions is the Special Region of Yogyakarta that has been recognized special autonomous region in Law No.13 of 2012 on the privilege of Yogyakarta. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 487-504
Ivan Muhammad Fakhrizy

Corruption has been regarded as commonplace, under the pretext of "being in line with procedures". Corruptors no longer have a sense of shame and fear, instead of showing off their demonstrative corruption results. A crime corruption is a violation of social rights and economic rights of society, so that crime corruption can no longer be classified as ordinary crimes but has become a crime extra-ordinary crimes. So in the effort to eradicate it seems still require the struggle is heavy and can no longer be done "as usual", but it takes "extraordinary ways" (extraordinary crimes). Given the actions by law enforcement officials, it is hoped that the crime of corruption is not increasing expanding. If law enforcement is not as good as it is today, crime is growing, corruption more rampant, bribery cases happening everywhere, abuse of narcotics, and so can only be controlled from a penitentiary. Finally, as well as any existing legislation on ultimately depending on law enforcement officers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 505-514
Hesty Dian Yustikarini

The phenomenon of prostitution in Indonesia has become a negative specter that refers to its dilapidated moral society. This polemic is one of several different dimensions. Stewardship is also felt because law enforcement is not entirely. Prostitution is a name given to indicate the act in which a woman sends herself to relate to the opposite sex in need of money or other forms of payment. Inspired by the rampant sexual gratification cases among state officials. Ratification process and goods but sadness gratification in expanding sexual section. Added the sexy offender (female) underage. Previously gratification is already in Law Number 20 the Year 2001 on Corruption Eradication in article 12 B, but not yet directly in the scope of sex gratification. Thus there needs to be a legal reform synchronized with the rules and protection of human rights for working women. Until now the sexy gratification case is still taboo because it is considered apathetically State has not been possible to do and provide a deterrent effect for service providers, separation and distribution for the perpetrators of sexual. This is the polemic that must be emphasized from the rising. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 403-416
Herning Setyowati

Technical skills education in the field of law that neglects the aspect relating to the responsibility of a person to the person entrusted to him and his profession in general and the values and ethical measures that should be guidelines in carrying out his profession will only produce skilled handyman in the field of law and his profession. Such circumstances not only make the clinical education incomplete because the prospective member of the profession does not know how he should use his acquired technical skills. In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that technical skills education without the education of professional and ethical responsibility is dangerous. In general, it can be said that every profession puts the expert concerned in a special circumstance, both because of the extraordinary powers entrusted to him (such as judges and prosecutors) as well as the fate of the interested person entrusted to him (in the case of the defense). When viewed in the framework of law enforcement as a matter of public interest, that responsibility is essentially also a trust mandate concerning public interest (public trust). It is undeniable that certain positions or professions have special positions or duties because they are subject to more severe conditions than are generally applicable for good practice rather than their duties or functions and the protection of those concerned.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 417-432
Slamet Supriadi

Refugees are defined as people who are due to a reasonable fear of persecution, caused by reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership in certain social groups and political parties, are outside their nationality, and do not want protection from the country. When refugees leave their home country or residence, they leave their lives, homes, possessions, and family. The refugees cannot be protected by their home country because they are forced to leave their country. Therefore, protection and assistance to them is the responsibility of the international community. In countries receiving refugees, they often experience inhumane treatment such as rape, assault, discrimination, repatriation by force, which lead to the violation of human rights. There has been regulation for human rights in refugee issues both internationally and regionally, for instance, the Convention related to Status of Refugee 1951 and The Protocol relating to the Status of Refugee 1967. There are at least five basic rights of refugees, they are the right to be protected from returning to the country of origin forcibly (non-refoulement), the right to seek asylum, the right to obtain equality and non-discrimination, the right to live, and to be secured, as well as the right to return home.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 383-402
Olawale Olufemi Akinrinde ◽  
Usman Tar

Several scholarly and scientific attentions have indeed been geared towards the studies on xenophobia in South Africa, but little and very limited interrogation have been devoted to its precipitating politics. Extant works and studies on xenophobia in South Africa, in addition to their differing perspectives, have focused more on how to address the xenophobic reality rather than trying to understand why the politics of xenophobia has persisted unabatedly despite several remedial interventions from government and key stakeholders. This study bridges the gap by attempting to, very importantly, understand and advance reasons as to why the politics has continued against all efforts geared towards addressing it. While Brown Harry’s scapegoating thesis, Pillay’s relative deprivation of South African blacks and Crush’s cultural explanation amongst many others have attempted to offer empirical views on the manifestation of xenophobia in South Africa, that which is central to the understanding of the xenophobic phenomenon was innocently overlooked. The study therefore sees “politics” has been central to any attempt to understanding the manifestation of xenophobia in South Africa. The overwhelming scientific discourses and perspectives offered by this study on the politics of xenophobia would therefore help in bridging the gap in the extant literature and the body of knowledge.

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