scholarly journals How do prosperity and aspiration underlie leisure tourism expenditure patterns?

2022 ◽  
pp. 135481662110642
Usamah F Alfarhan ◽  
Hossein Olya ◽  
Khaldoon Nusair

This research advances the current knowledge of tourism expenditure by adapting a new analytical approach to understand expenditure differentials along their conditional distributions, based on multiple segmentation criteria. Using data from survey and secondary sources, we approximate tourists’ required utilities via prosperity at their countries of residence, a macro-level criterion, and individual-travel aspirations, a micro-level criterion. Subsequently, expenditure differentials between more and less prosperous/aspired tourists are decomposed into two components. First, group differences in expenditure covariates that represent tourists’ relative consumption behaviors and, second, differences in the estimated returns to those covariates, measuring potential third-degree price discrimination. Our results guide policy makers in the tourism industry to develop pricing strategies capable of generating mark-ups within all viable segmentations.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (10) ◽  
pp. 31 ◽  
Halenur Soysal-Kurt

This study aims to measure relative efficiency of 29 European countries with the data of the year 2013 using input-oriented and constant returns to scale Data Envelopment Analysis and to offer improvement suggestions for the countries found inefficient based on their measured relative efficiency scores. Three input and three output variables are used to assess relative performances of the countries. In this study, tourism expenses, number of employees and number of beds are used as input variables; tourism receipts, tourist arrivals and number of nights spent are used as output variables. As the result of the analysis, 16 countries are found relatively efficient and 13 countries are found relatively inefficient. This study is one of the few publications within the scope of European countries based on data envelopment analysis. Unlike most researches evaluating the efficiency of tourism establishments at the micro level, this paper is thought to contribute to the related literature as it evaluates relative efficiency of the countries at the macro level for tourism industry. Considering the variables used in the analysis, it is expected to give ideas to relatively inefficient European countries on efficiency improvement.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (5) ◽  
pp. 553-565
Reza Kiani Mavi ◽  
Hamed Gheibdoust ◽  
Ahmad A. Khanfar

Nowadays, it is obvious that creative tourism industry has become very essential for countries and societies; therefore, governments work on constituting policies in order to develop this industry. To be successful in improving creative tourism industry, governments should identify the influential factors and focus on ones that are more important rather than investing a bit on many different factors. Because of the interrelations among factors, this research is aiming to prioritize factors that influence strategic policies of creative tourism industry in Iran using analytic network process (ANP). Data were collected during the period of May 2017 to February 2018. Participants in this research are 13 tourism experts with more than 10 years' experience in the field. Results show that the most influential criterion is "business support" and the most influential subcriterion is "supporting midsize businesses." This study helps policy makers to improve creative tourism by emphasizing on those factors that have high priority from the viewpoint of strategic policy-making.

Md. Ziaul Haque

The tourism sector is experiencing numerous challenges as a result of the global economic crisis. After a significant contraction in 2009, tourism rebounded strongly  in  2010  and  in  2011  the  international  tourist  arrivals  and  receipts  are projected to increase substantially. The Tourism industry is expected to show a sustained recovery in 2012. The crisis has particularly strong impact and slightly negative consequences in Bangladesh. The country is undergoing a political crisis, as well, and it seems that the forthcoming elections may be the only solution for the restoration of stability and social peace.  In addition, tourism can be the driving force behind Bangladesh economic recovery. However, for its achievement the country’s policy makers should take several measures towards restructuring and improving the sector. These measures include: enhancement of alternative forms of tourism; environmental protection; creation of quality infrastructure; and boost of competitiveness through a tourism product that offers value for money

Md. Ziaul Haque

The tourism sector is experiencing numerous challenges as a result of the global economic crisis. After a significant contraction in 2009, tourism rebounded strongly  in  2010  and  in  2011  the  international  tourist  arrivals  and  receipts  are projected to increase substantially. The Tourism industry is expected to show a sustained recovery in 2012. The crisis has particularly strong impact and slightly negative consequences in Bangladesh. The country is undergoing a political crisis, as well, and it seems that the forthcoming elections may be the only solution for the restoration of stability and social peace.  In addition, tourism can be the driving force behind Bangladesh economic recovery. However, for its achievement the country’s policy makers should take several measures towards restructuring and improving the sector. These measures include: enhancement of alternative forms of tourism; environmental protection; creation of quality infrastructure; and boost of competitiveness through a tourism product that offers value for money

Julian Oliver Dörr ◽  
Georg Licht ◽  
Simona Murmann

AbstractCOVID-19 placed a special role on fiscal policy in rescuing companies short of liquidity from insolvency. In the first months of the crisis, SMEs as the backbone of Germany’s economy benefited from large and mainly indiscriminate aid measures. Avoiding business failures in a whatever-it-takes fashion contrasts, however, with the cleansing mechanism of economic crises: a mechanism which forces unviable firms out of the market, thereby reallocating resources efficiently. By focusing on firms’ pre-crisis financial standing, we estimate the extent to which the policy response induced an insolvency gap and analyze whether the gap is characterized by firms which were already struggling before the pandemic. With the policy measures being focused on smaller firms, we also examine whether this insolvency gap differs with respect to firm size. Our results show that the COVID-19 policy response in Germany has triggered a backlog of insolvencies that is particularly pronounced among financially weak, small firms, having potential long-term implications on entrepreneurship and economic recovery.Plain English Summary This study analyzes the extent to which the strong policy support to companies in the early phase of the COVID-19 crisis has prevented a large wave of corporate insolvencies. Using data of about 1.5 million German companies, it is shown that it was mainly smaller firms that experienced strong financial distress and would have gone bankrupt without policy assistance. In times of crises, insolvencies usually allow for a reallocation of employees and capital to more efficient firms. However, the analysis reveals that this ‘cleansing effect’ is hampered in the current crisis as the largely indiscriminate granting of liquidity subsidies and the temporary suspension of the duty to file for insolvency have caused an insolvency gap that is driven by firms which were already in a weak financial position before the crisis. Overall, the insolvency gap is estimated to affect around 25,000 companies, a substantial number compared to the around 16,300 actual insolvencies in 2020. In the ongoing crisis, policy makers should prefer instruments favoring entrepreneurs who respond innovatively to the pandemic instead of prolonging the survival of near-insolvent firms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 1378
María del Carmen Galera-Quiles ◽  
Laura Piedra-Muñoz ◽  
Emilio Galdeano-Gómez ◽  
Angel Carreño-Ortega

Growing environmental awareness in recent years has led to greater efforts by companies and governments to promote eco-innovation, which is becoming an increasingly competitive factor in international supply chains. However, the interrelationships between exports and eco-innovation have not yet been studied in sufficient depth. As such, the purpose of this work is to analyze the influence that exists between these two variables, both at a business or micro level and at a country/region or macro level, and the most influential factors, such as country of origin and sector of activity, among others. To this end, 60 publications have been reviewed from 1996 to 2019 from a global perspective, to analyze the characteristics that define them and both the existing relationship and impact generated by the two variables being studied within international supply chains. The results show that, in general, there is a positive bidirectional relationship, influenced by several factors, such as social performance, environmental regulation, cooperation strategies, employment level, or business size. Additionally, there is a growing interest in this issue within the agrifood sector, as the benefits of an appropriate environmental policy based on innovation to promote exports are of great importance. Finally, a series of recommendations are made for future research that is able to serve scholars, companies and also policy makers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 87 ◽  
pp. 103119
Stroma Cole ◽  
Agung Wardana ◽  
Wiwik Dharmiasih

2021 ◽  
pp. 135481662110300
Usamah F Alfarhan ◽  
Khaldoon Nusair ◽  
Hamed Al-Azri ◽  
Saeed Al-Muharrami ◽  
Nan Hua

Tourism expenditures are determined by a set of antecedents that reflect tourists’ willingness and ability to spend, and de facto incremental monetary outlays at which willingness and ability is transformed into total expenditures. Based on the neoclassical theoretical argument of utility-constrained expenditure minimization, we extend the current literature by applying a sustainability-based segmentation criterion, namely, the Legatum Prosperity IndexTM to the decomposition of a total expenditure differential into tourists’ relative willingness to spend and an upper bound of third-degree price discrimination, using mean-level and conditional quantile estimates. Our results indicate that understanding the price–quantity composition of international inbound tourism expenditure differentials assists agents in the tourism industry in their quest for profit maximization.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 236
Shanna K. Kattari ◽  
Brittanie Atteberry-Ash ◽  
Christopher Collins ◽  
Leonardo Kattari ◽  
Vern Harner

Forced sex and dating violence are too common among young people and rates are higher for young transgender and gender diverse (TGD) individuals. However, the TGD youth population has differential experiences across gender, race, age, sexual orientation, and other identity factors. This study, using data from the 2015 Healthy Kids Colorado Survey, explores these differential within-group experiences of forced sex and dating violence. Findings indicate that sexual minorities who are also TGD are 2.45–3.73 times more likely to experience forced sex and physical dating violence than their TGD heterosexual peers. Individuals who are transfeminine (4.49 times), transmasculine (2.52 times), and nonbinary (3.86 times) are more likely to experience forced sex, as well as physical dating violence (transfeminine (4.01 times), transmasculine (2.91 times), and nonbinary (4.77 times)), as compared to those individuals questioning their gender. Black individuals (3.93 times) and Multiracial individuals (2.39 times) are more likely to experience dating violence than their White counterparts. Age was related to increased experience of forced sex, with individuals being 1.34 times more likely to have experienced this per year increase of age. These findings indicate the need for more trans-inclusive youth programing around sexual violence and dating violence, as well as taking a more intersectional and personalized approach to prevention work.

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