scholarly journals Cumulative lifetime stress exposure predicts greater impulsivity and addictive behaviors

2020 ◽  
pp. 135910532093705 ◽  
Sara D McMullin ◽  
Grant S Shields ◽  
George M Slavich ◽  
Tony W Buchanan

The study investigated whether lifetime stress exposure is associated with greater impulsivity and addictive behavior. We also examined whether stress and impulsivity interactively predicted food addiction and alcohol-related behavior. Greater lifetime stress exposure was related to more impulsivity and food addictive behaviors, but not alcohol-related consequences. There were no interactions between lifetime stress exposure and impulsivity in predicting addictive behaviors. Exploratory analyses revealed that early and adulthood stress exposure predicted food addiction, whereas only adulthood stress predicted alcohol-related consequences. Therefore, lifetime stress exposure is related to impulsivity and addiction, but these effects differ by addiction outcome and specific timing of stress exposure.

Clemens Dickhut ◽  
Carolin Hase ◽  
Kerstin Gruner‐Labitzke ◽  
Julian W. Mall ◽  
Hinrich Köhler ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Octavian Vasiliu

Food addiction is considered an important link for a better understanding of psychiatric and medical problems triggered by dysfunctions of eating behaviors, e. g., obesity, metabolic syndrome, binge eating disorder, or bulimia nervosa. At behavioral level, food addiction has high degrees of similarity with other eating disorders, a phenomenon that creates difficulties in finding specific diagnostic criteria. Food addiction has been also described as “eating addiction” or “eating dependence” by several researchers, who placed the emphasis on the behavior and not on the food itself. High-sodium foods, artificially flavored-foods, rich carbohydrate- and saturated fats-containing foods are triggers for the activation of the same neural pathways, therefore they act similarly to any drug of abuse. Food addiction is considered a disorder based on functional negative consequences, associated distress and potential risks to both psychological well-being and physical health. A clinical scale was validated for the quantification of the eating addiction severity, namely the Yale Food Addiction Severity Scale (YFAS), constructed to match DSM IV criteria for substance dependence. Using this instrument, a high prevalence of food addiction was found in the general population, up to 20% according to a meta-analytic research. The pathogenesis of this entity is still uncertain, but reward dysfunction, impulsivity and emotion dysregulation have been considered basic mechanisms that trigger both eating dysfunctions and addictive behaviors. Genetic factors may be involved in this dependence, as modulators of higher carbohydrate and saturate fat craving. Regarding the existence of potential therapeutic solutions, lorcaserin, antiepileptic drugs, opioid antagonists, antiaddictive agents are recommended for obesity and eating disorders, and they may be intuitively used in food addiction, but clinical trials are necessary to confirm their efficacy. In conclusion, a better understanding of food addiction's clinical profile and pathogenesis may help clinicians in finding prevention- and therapeutic-focused interventions in the near future.

2014 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 55-74
Christina Viskum Lytken Larsen

Formålet med herværende artikel er at undersøge sammenhængen mellem den samfundsmæssige udvikling og sociale problemer i Grønland eksemplificeret ved afhængighed af pengespil. Der tages udgangspunkt i en sociologisk forståelse af begrebet sociale patologier og social transition. Afhængighed af pengespil sættes ligeledes i relation til misbrug af alkohol og hash. Data er indsamlet i byer og bygder i hele Grønland som led i det internationale forskningsprojekt Inuit Health in Transition og bestod dels af en klinisk undersøgelse, samt interview og et selvudfyldt skema. I alt 2.454 personer deltog i interviewundersøgelsen (63%) og heraf udfyldte 2.189 personer det selvudfyldte spørgeskema (56%). Analysen af afhængighed af pengespil i relation til social transition viser, at afhængighed af pengespil forekommer i et mindre omfang blandt fangere og fiskere i bygderne samt de veluddannede professionelle i byerne sammenlignet med de øvrige sociale grupper i samfundet. Blandt problemspillere er både alkohol- og hashmisbrug udbredt. Den lavere forekomst af problemspil blandt fangere/fiskere i bygder samt blandt professionelle i byer kan være et tegn på, at social integration i den dominerende livsstil, der hvor man bor, har betydning for afhængigheden af pengespil. Sammenfaldet mellem misbrug viser desuden, at det ikke giver mening at betragte spilleafhængigheden som et isoleret problem. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Christina Viskum Lytken Larsen: Pathological Gambling Among Greenland Inuit – A Sociological Approach to Addictive Behavior in a Society Undergoing Rapid Transition The aim of this paper is to analyze the social problems in Greenland in relation to the rapid transition which characterizes the Greenlandic society by using a sociological perspective on social pathologies and social transition. Pathological gambling is used as an example of the high prevalence of social problems that proposes a current challenge in modern Greenland. The association between pathological gambling, use of alcohol and marijuana is also analyzed. Data was collected in towns and villages across Greenland as a part of the international study Inuit Health in Transition. A total of 2454 persons were interviewed and 2189 of these also filled out a self-administered questionnaire. The study shows that the prevalence of pathological gambling is lower among hunters and fishermen in villages and professionals in towns than in other social groups. In addition the prevalence of harmful use of alcohol and marijuana among pathological gamblers was relatively high. A significant association between pathological gambling and social groups defined by their involvement in the ongoing social transition suggests that people caught between tradition and modern ways of life are especially vulnerable. Furthermore, the association between pathological gambling and other addictive behaviors underlines the importance of a comprehensive approach in understanding these phenomena. Keywords: gambling, inuit, Greenland, social pathology, addictive behavior.

Medicina ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 16
Darius Leskauskas ◽  
Rima Gudaitytė ◽  
Inga Kiudulaitė ◽  
Virginija Adomaitienė

The aim of this study was to evaluate the attitudes of Lithuanian secondary school children toward addictive behaviors, their promoting and preventive factors with regard to the age. Material and Methods. The study sample consisted of all 5th-, 9th-, and 12th-grade schoolchildren of 6 secondary schools in Kaunas and Šakiai (N=856). Schoolchildren were surveyed with a questionnaire consisting of the questions about their attitudes and experience regarding addictive behaviors and factors promoting and preventing such behaviors. Results. Smoking (82.8%), use of illegal drugs (81.0%), and consumption of strong alcoholic beverages (80.6%) were most often indicated as addictive behaviors. Consumption of light alcoholic beverages and computer gaming were least often indicated as addictive behaviors: by 67.2% and 57.1% of respondents, respectively. Less than one-third (32.7%) of respondents answered that they had one or more of potentially addictive behaviors: computer gaming (27.8%), consumption of light alcoholic beverages (24.6%), smoking (16.3%), and consumption of strong alcoholic beverages (12.1%). The most significant difference was observed between the answers of schoolchildren of 5th and 9th grades. Friends (38.4%), TV (37.9%), and Internet (24.6%) were most often mentioned as influencing a wish to try and abstain from addictive behaviors. Fear for one’s health (74.4%) and possible impediment for the life (71.4%) were the most frequently mentioned reasons for abstaining from addictive behaviors. Conclusions. Involvement in potentially addictive behaviors and acknowledgement of their risks were found to increase with the age of schoolchildren, most significantly from 5th to 9th grades. Consumption of light alcoholic beverages was the second most prevalent behavior among respondents, highly noticed in advertising, but least often acknowledged as addictive behavior. TV and Internet were most often mentioned by respondents as mass media influencing their wish to try or abstain from trying addictive behaviors. Reasons for abstaining from addictive behaviors differed with regard to the age but fears for health and life impediment were most prevalent in all grades.

2020 ◽  
Vol 58 (9) ◽  
pp. 38-47
Kiyan Qulam Javadi Tarziloo ◽  

Therapies based on mindfulness and acceptance are known as CBT’s third wave. Interventions based on mindfulness and acceptance which are backed by evidence and experience include acceptance and commitment therapy, dialectic behavior therapy, mindfulness based cognitive therapy, mindfulness based stress reduction. Third wave of psycho therapies are mainly sprung from cognitive behavioral psycho therapies and with a mixture of spiritual traditions from east, such as meditation techniques and witness thought with classic cognitive behavior therapy is formed. Third wave of cognitive behavior therapy include new approaches through care and renewal of addictive behaviors such as addiction to drugs. New research which a descriptive and analystic approach and with an applimental goal seeks inspection of the therapy’s effects based on third wave in the treatment of complicated addictive behaviors. New research looks into not only psychotherapy of the third wave on addictive behavior, but also the differences between third wave (ACT) and first and second waves(CBT) in the treatment method of negative addiction with substitution of positive behaviors. Psychoanalysis and cognitive therapy addiction is of high importance and is one of main processes in addiction treatment, prevention of relaps and rehabilitation with application of third wave psychotherapy. Key words: psychotherapy, CBT third wave, addictive behavior

2020 ◽  
Vol 225 ◽  
pp. 6-11
L.R. Aptikieva ◽  

The growth of addictive behavior in the teenage environment is caused by a number of reasons (economic, political, demographic, social stability). One of the groups of addictive behavior is eating disorders of adolescents: anorexia nervosa and bulimia. The problem of eating disorders in adolescence is gaining worldwide scope because it leads to impaired health, death, which necessitates a comprehensive study of it and the search for modern, effective methods of work in this direction, which is the aim of the study. My theoretical research allowed me to identify modern, effective methods of working with adolescents with eating disorders (group therapy, family, rational, behavioral, hypnosis); identify risk factors for eating disorders of adolescents (genetic, family, biological, age, personality, cultural, factors of stressful events); consider types of food addictions in adolescents (anorexia nervosa and bulimia). A common symptom for adolescents with food addiction is dysmorphomania; loss of perception of hunger and satiety; low self-esteem; decrease in the circle of interests; violation or loss of social ties; the predominance of depressed, depressive mood; the appearance of obsessive thoughts on food and calories; decreased interest in the opposite sex and sexual sphere. Types of food addiction in adolescents are: anorexia nervosa and bulimia – a common concern is the control of one’s body weight, a distortion of his image, a change in nutritional value in the hierarchy of values, the formation of a stable vomiting reflex, irritability of the intestines, and nervousness. Difference: anorexia leads to severe weight loss; represents a complete rejection of food (bulimia – a constant desire to consume food); is deadly. Prevention of addiction is early prevention; effective working methods: group therapy, family, rational, behavioral, hypnosis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 225 ◽  
pp. 6-11
L.R. Aptikieva ◽  

The growth of addictive behavior in the teenage environment is caused by a number of reasons (economic, political, demographic, social stability). One of the groups of addictive behavior is eating disorders of adolescents: anorexia nervosa and bulimia. The problem of eating disorders in adolescence is gaining worldwide scope because it leads to impaired health, death, which necessitates a comprehensive study of it and the search for modern, effective methods of work in this direction, which is the aim of the study. My theoretical research allowed me to identify modern, effective methods of working with adolescents with eating disorders (group therapy, family, rational, behavioral, hypnosis); identify risk factors for eating disorders of adolescents (genetic, family, biological, age, personality, cultural, factors of stressful events); consider types of food addictions in adolescents (anorexia nervosa and bulimia). A common symptom for adolescents with food addiction is dysmorphomania; loss of perception of hunger and satiety; low self-esteem; decrease in the circle of interests; violation or loss of social ties; the predominance of depressed, depressive mood; the appearance of obsessive thoughts on food and calories; decreased interest in the opposite sex and sexual sphere. Types of food addiction in adolescents are: anorexia nervosa and bulimia – a common concern is the control of one’s body weight, a distortion of his image, a change in nutritional value in the hierarchy of values, the formation of a stable vomiting reflex, irritability of the intestines, and nervousness. Difference: anorexia leads to severe weight loss; represents a complete rejection of food (bulimia – a constant desire to consume food); is deadly. Prevention of addiction is early prevention; effective working methods: group therapy, family, rational, behavioral, hypnosis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 74-88
Liudmyla Krupelnytska ◽  
Anton Zagumenov ◽  

The online study involved 48 people. The study was conducted using three methods: Method for diagnostics on tendency to 13 types of addiction (G. Lozova, 2007); Five-factor personality questionnaire (adaptation by A. Khromov, 2000); Purpose-in-Life Test (adaptation by D. Leontiev, 2000). The offer to participate in the study was distributed on the Internet using the Telegram-messenger. Among the subjects were 32 women and 16 men aged 15 to 30 years. 89.7% of respondents are persons aged 19 to 21 years. It was found that 10.4% of respondents have a high level, 68.7% of respondents have average level and 20.8% of respondents have low level of general tendency to addictive behaviors. Tendencies to Alcohol Addiction, Love Addiction, Food Addiction, Work Addiction, Computer Addiction, Addiction on Healthy Lifestyle occur in more than half of the subjects. Manifestations of tendency to certain types of addictive behavior differ in the male and female parts of the sample. According to the high rates of Tendencies to Love, Food, and Work Addictions, the proportion of men is almost one third higher than the proportion of women. According to the high rates of Tendency to Computer Addiction, the proportion of men is five times higher than the corresponding proportion of women. According to the Alcohol Addiction scale, the percentage of men with an average rate is significantly higher than the corresponding percentage of women, while the percentage of women with a high rate on this scale is almost three times higher than the percentage of men (18.8 and 6.3, respectively). On the scales Game Addiction, Drug Addiction, Smoking Addiction, General Addiction there are significantly more men with both medium and high rates. The Tendency to Religious Addiction, Drug Addiction and Addiction on Healthy Lifestyle is mostly "female". The Tendency to TV Addiction is not expressed in either the male or female parts of the sample. It was found that people with a low level of meaningful in life have Tendencies to Love Addiction and Computer Addiction. Their level of General Tendency to Addictive Behavior is higher. People with a higher rate of meaningful in life differ from people with a low rate in such personal qualities as dominance, search for impressions, extroversion, persistence, responsibility, curiosity, artistry, sensitivity, expressiveness. A low rate of meaningful in life is associated with emotional instability, anxiety, depression, self-criticism, tension. It is established that the Tendency to Computer Addiction and the General Tendency to Addiction are inversely related to the goals, process, performance of life, locus of control-I, locus of control-life and meaningful in life; the Tendency to Computer Addiction is inversely related to persistence, and the General Tendency to Addiction is inversely related to dominance and responsibility. The factor structure of Tendency to Addictive Behavior contains the following components: Meaning as a Protective Factor; Chemical Addictions, Self-Control, Health as Super-Value, Eating Your Emotional Instability, Intersexual Addiction vs Alcohol Addiction and Symbiotic Love.

N. M. Kaptalan

In the conditions of modern social and social transformations, various manifestations of addictive behavior, such as alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling, eating disorders and others, have significantly increased.The article is devoted to the analysis of the state of development of the problem of dependent behavior of the individual and the selection of the main socio-personal determinants of this phenomenon. It is shown that the specifics of modern social life of the individual, psycho-emotional loads, incomplete and individual problems and other aspects of subjective space provoke states of internal tension and discomfort, significantly increase the constant psychological pressure felt by the subject, which is realized in violations eating behavior. The purpose of the article is to consider the main approaches to dependent personality behavior In today’s world, the problem of addictive behavior is one of the most difficult and difficult for society. It is extremely important for every state to have such a community, which would consist of people who are developed, intelligent, have goals and understand how to achieve them. Summarizing the scientific material on different types of addictive behavior, we can, firstly, divide them into socially acceptable and socially unacceptable types, and secondly, chemical and non-chemical, noting that food addiction occupies an intermediate place. Analyzing the existing scientific material, we can say that addictive behavior is not only a purely medical, but also a social and cultural problem of modern society.

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