scholarly journals Healthcare in the news media: The privileging of private over public

2017 ◽  
Vol 54 (4) ◽  
pp. 574-590 ◽  
Sophie Lewis ◽  
Fran Collyer ◽  
Karen Willis ◽  
Kirsten Harley ◽  
Kanchan Marcus ◽  

This article reports on a discourse analysis of the representation of healthcare in the print news media, and the way this representation shapes perspectives of healthcare. We analysed news items from six major Australian newspapers over a three-year time period. We show how various framing devices promote ideas about a crisis in the current public healthcare system, the existence of a precarious balance between the public and private health sectors, and the benefits of private healthcare. We employ Bourdieu’s concepts of field and capital to demonstrate the processes through which these devices are employed to conceal the power relations operating in the healthcare sector, to obscure the identity of those who gain the most from the expansion of private sector medicine, and to indirectly increase health inequalities.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2016 ◽  
pp. 1-8 ◽  
Felippe Leopoldo Dexheimer Neto ◽  
Regis Goulart Rosa ◽  
Bruno Achutti Duso ◽  
Jaqueline Sanguiogo Haas ◽  
Augusto Savi ◽  

Purpose.The long-term outcomes of patients after discharge from tertiary ICUs as they relate to the public versus private healthcare systems in Brazil have not yet been evaluated.Materials and Methods.A multicenter prospective cohort study was conducted to compare the all-cause mortality and the physical functional status (PFS) 24 months after discharge from the ICU between adult patients treated in the public and private healthcare systems. A propensity score- (PS-) matched comparison of all causes of mortality and PFS 24 months after discharge from the ICU was performed.Results.In total, 928 patients were discharged from the ICU including 172 (18.6%) patients in the public and 756 (81.4%) patients in the private healthcare system. The results of the PS-matched comparison of all-cause mortality revealed higher mortality rates among the patients of the public healthcare system compared to those of the private healthcare system (47.3% versus 27.6%,P=0.003). The comparison of the PS-matched Karnofsky performance and Lawton activities of daily living scores between the ICU survivors of the public and private healthcare systems revealed no significant differences.Conclusions.The patients of private healthcare system exhibited significantly greater survival rates than the patients of the public healthcare system with similar PFS following ICU discharge.

Stephen Cantarutti ◽  
Emmanuel M. Pothos

Abstract Background According to recent polling, public trust in the healthcare sector remains low relative to other industries globally. The implications of low healthcare trust permeate throughout the industry in a number of ways, most visibly by discouraging therapy compliance. Methods This study investigated four putative determinants of trust in healthcare-related scenarios: individuals vs. collective groups as communicators of healthcare advice; expert vs. laypeople as providers of healthcare communication; public vs. private healthcare sector; and positive vs. negative information. Two hundred seventy-four participants were recruited via Prolific Academic and were presented with four statements in random order, related to a positive reflection of the public healthcare sector, a negative reflection of the public healthcare sector, a positive reflection of the private healthcare sector and a negative reflection of the private healthcare sector. According to these reflection, participants were repeatedly asked to rate the system on its trustworthiness. Trust outcomes were constructed using a four-dimension framework, consisting of benevolence, reliability, competence and predictability. Results Claims relating to the public sector had a significantly stronger impact on benevolence and reliability than claims relating to the private sector; claims from individuals had a significantly stronger impact on all trust variables than claims from collectives; and claims from laypeople had a significantly greater impact on reliability and competence ratings than claims from experts. Conclusions The findings in this study offer insight into the patterns with which trust decisions are made in healthcare contexts. More importantly, this research offers a novel perspective of how different factors interact to affect the various facets of trust. These results provide a foundation for future study in this evolving area, and offer insights into designing effective communication strategies that cultivate greater levels of individual trust in the healthcare sector.

Ching Siang Tan ◽  
Saim Lokman ◽  
Yao Rao ◽  
Szu Hua Kok ◽  
Long Chiau Ming

AbstractOver the last year, the dangerous severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has spread rapidly around the world. Malaysia has not been excluded from this COVID-19 pandemic. The resurgence of COVID-19 cases has overwhelmed the public healthcare system and overloaded the healthcare resources. Ministry of Health (MOH) Malaysia has adopted an Emergency Ordinance (EO) to instruct private hospitals to receive both COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients to reduce the strain on public facilities. The treatment of COVID-19 patients at private hospitals could help to boost the bed and critical care occupancy. However, with the absence of insurance coverage because COVID-19 is categorised as pandemic-related diseases, there are some challenges and opportunities posed by the treatment fees management. Another major issue in the collaboration between public and private hospitals is the willingness of private medical consultants to participate in the management of COVID-19 patients, because medical consultants in private hospitals in Malaysia are not hospital employees, but what are termed “private contractors” who provide patient care services to the hospitals. Other collaborative measures with private healthcare providers, e.g. tele-conferencing by private medical clinics to monitor COVID-19 patients and the rollout of national vaccination programme. The public and private healthcare partnership must be enhanced, and continue to find effective ways to collaborate further to combat the pandemic. The MOH, private healthcare sectors and insurance providers need to have a synergistic COVID-19 treatment plans to ensure public as well as insurance policy holders have equal opportunities for COVID-19 screening tests, vaccinations and treatment.

Jussiely Cunha Oliveira ◽  
Laís Costa Souza Oliveira ◽  
Jeferson Cunha Oliveira ◽  
Ikaro Daniel de Carvalho Barreto ◽  
Marcos Antonio Almeida-Santos ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 462-480 ◽  
Saad Ahmed Javed ◽  
Sifeng Liu

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to analyse the relationship between outpatient satisfaction and the five constructs of healthcare projects’ service quality in Pakistan using Deng’s grey incidence analysis (GIA) model, absolute degree GIA model (ADGIA), a novel second synthetic degree GIA (SSDGIA) model and two approaches of decision-making under uncertainty.Design/methodology/approachThe study proposes a new synthetic GIA model and demonstrates its feasibility on data (N=221) collected from both public and private sector healthcare projects of Punjab, the most populous province of Pakistan, using a self-administered questionnaire developed using the original SERVQUAL approach.FindingsThe results of decision analysis approach indicated that outpatients’ satisfaction from the private sector healthcare projects is higher as compared to the public healthcare projects’. The results from the proposed model revealed that tangibility and reliability play an important role in shaping the patient satisfaction in the public and private sectors, respectively.Originality/valueThe study is pioneer in evaluating a healthcare system’s service quality using grey system theory. The study proposes the SSDGIA model as a novel method to evaluate parameters comprehensively based on their mutual association (given by absolute degree of grey incidence) and inter-dependencies (given by Deng’s degree of grey incidence), and tests the new model in the given scenario. The study is novel in terms of its analysis of data and modelling. The study also proposes a comprehensive structure of the healthcare delivery system of Pakistan.

2009 ◽  
Vol 25 (03) ◽  
pp. 374-382 ◽  
Sue P. O'Malley ◽  
Ernest Jordan

Objectives:In 1998, a formal process using full health technology assessments (HTAs) was implemented to determine the suitability for public subsidy of new and emerging medical technologies in the Australian private healthcare sector. This process is overseen by the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC). In 2004, horizon scanning was introduced in Australia with the stated objective of identifying new and emerging medical technologies into the public healthcare sector, with consideration to the publicly subsidized private healthcare sector. How well horizon scanning works in identifying new and emerging technologies suitable for government subsidized funding in the private healthcare sector is examined in this study.Methods:A descriptive evaluation of the impact of horizon scanning as an early alert and awareness system identifying new and emerging technologies before these technologies are submitted to MSAC for a full HTA. All MSAC HTAs commenced after the introduction of horizon scanning in 2004 were cross-checked with the list of Prioritizing Summaries or Horizon Scanning Reports to determine whether a prior Prioritizing Summary or Horizon Scanning Report had been carried out.Results:Of the forty-three technologies that were the subject of a full MSAC HTAs in the time period examined, only eleven had been the subject of either a Prioritizing Summary or Horizon Scanning Report. As a result of a full MSAC HTA, twelve of the technologies that were not the subject of a Prioritizing Summary or Horizon Scanning Report were given positive recommendations for public funding.Conclusions:Horizon scanning was set up to scan the introduction of new and emerging medical technologies into the public healthcare sector, with consideration to the publicly subsidized private healthcare sector. Based on the number of new and emerging technologies that have been the subject of a full MSAC HTA without first being subjected to either a Prioritizing Summary or Horizon Scanning Report, horizon scanning in Australia does not function as an “early alert and awareness system” for funding in the publicly subsidized private healthcare sector in Australia.

Sergey V. Golovin

Subject. The organisational and methodological aspects of the institutional control of financial and business operations and other types of institutional control carried out by executive authorities in relation to their subordinate institutions. Purpose. The study aims to determine the position of the institutional control of financial and business operations within the system of financial control of the Russian Federation, to study the existing organisational models of certain types of institutional control using the example of the public healthcare system of the Voronezh Region, to identify issues of concern, and to offer possible solutions. Method. The study used data from the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation and the budgets of state extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation for 2020, the consolidated budget of state medical organisations of the Voronezh Region, and other financial indicators of the healthcare system in the Voronezh Region for the same period. The methods of the investigation included analysis, observation, generalisation, comparison, grouping, classification, etc. Results. The organisational structure of control (supervision) in the field of healthcare and the financial control of the public healthcare sector was developed and the powers and functions of the executive authorities were investigated. The analysis of the main types of control revealed a relationship between external and internal control as elements of a unified system. The paper provides examples of typical violations identified as a result of the institutional control of state medical organisations in the Voronezh Region. Conclusions. The hypothesis was confirmed that it is necessary to implement institutional control of the financial and business operations as part of the system of state (municipal) management by using financial control tools with due consideration for industry specifics.

2018 ◽  
Natalie Davies

Background Currently, chiropractic is not incorporated into the South African public healthcare sector despite its emphasis on the values of wellness and health. This is due to a poor relationship with mainstream medical practitioners, the construct of chiropractic education and its long standing isolation within the healthcare system within South Africa. The public healthcare sector in South Africa is strained. Low back pain is one of the main reasons patients seek medical attention from primary medical doctors. A growing body of evidence is now emerging which supports the role of chiropractic in post-­surgical rehabilitation and the treatment of extraspinal non-­pathological musculoskeletal conditions. Based on the findings of these studies, an argument could be made for the transition of chiropractic from a mainly private practice base to one that would enable it to reach to the wider population in the public healthcare sector. Aim The aim of the research study was to explore and describe the perceptions that chiropractors have about the integration of the chiropractic profession into the South African public healthcare sector. Method A descriptive exploratory qualitative approach was used to guide the study. In-­ depth interviews were conducted with ten chiropractors within the eThekwini municipality. The main research question for this study was “What are the perceptions of chiropractors in the eThekwini Municipality on the integration of chiropractic into the public healthcare sector of South Africa?” The data was analysed through thematic analysis. Results The main themes that emerged were the role of chiropractic in the healthcare system, the integration of chiropractic into the healthcare sector and the challenges facing chiropractors in the healthcare system. The themes and sub-­ themes were as follows;; • Theme 1 Role of chiropractic in the healthcare system Sub-­theme 1.1 Primary contact for neuromuscular medicine. • Theme 2 Integration of chiropractors into the public healthcare sector Sub-­theme 2.1 Relief of overworked healthcare workers. Sub-­theme 2.2 Decrease costs in surgical and medication use. Sub-­theme 2.3 Increased learning opportunities. Sub-­theme 2.4 Use of chiropractic in post-­surgical care. Sub-­theme 2.5 Need for pre-­surgical assessment. Sub-­theme 2.6 Integration facilitated by the Chiropractic Association of South Africa (CASA). • Theme 3 Challenges facing chiropractors in the public healthcare sector Sub-­theme 3.1 Opposition from medical doctors. Sub-­theme 3.2 Opposition from within the chiropractic profession. Sub-­theme 3.3 Inability to function as the primary practitioners. Sub-­theme 3.4 Unfamiliar structure of the public health care sector. Conclusion A lack of clarity on the identity and role of chiropractic in the public healthcare sector emerged from the findings of this study. Individual chiropractors, the professional body (CASA) and the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa (AHPCSA) need to engage in active roles in the integration of chiropractic into the public healthcare sector of South Africa.

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