The Effect of Domain on Usage Patterns and Perceptions of the Internet: Focusing on Healthcare Professionals

Julie A. Jacko ◽  
Andrew Sears ◽  
Suellyn J. Sorensen

Several studies have explored user perceptions of the Internet. These studies gathered demographic data, likes, dislikes, and ideas for changes that would make the World-Wide Web more effective and appealing. Unfortunately, the sampling strategies utilized in these previous studies result in biases toward more experienced Internet users. This is acceptable if the users of your system are familiar with the Internet, but provides little useful information about less experienced users. In this study we replicated portions of an earlier study with a new user population by exploring usage patterns and perceptions of the Internet and WWW within the healthcare industry. Our results differ significantly from those reported earlier highlighting the importance of the sampling strategy utilized when gathering such information. When compared to the results of the previous study, healthcare professionals use the Internet less; expressed different likes, dislikes, and difficulties; had less confidence in their knowledge about the WWW tools they use; and felt that different enhancements would be useful.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1(86)) ◽  
Dmytro Yatsiuk

The article examines the state and prospects of development of Internet communications in Ukraine and the world. In particular, popular social networks and communication channels are identified in terms of traffic indicators, as well as the level of income they generate. Thus, more than 70% of e-commerce revenue is generated by organic, paid and direct traffic. The most popular social network is Facebook with 2.7 billion users, and the search network is Google, which generated more than 90% of search traffic. The development of the Internet is analyzed in detail. It was found that in 2020, the growth of Internet users was + 7.3%, which significantly exceeded the growth of the world's population + 1%. One reason for this was the change in user behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to experts, the volume of e-commerce in the world in 2020 reached $2.44 trillion, and in Ukraine ₴107 billion or 9% of total trade, and in 2021 will continue to grow, which is inherent in the global trend. The main trends in the development of the advertising industry in general and Internet communications in particular, show an overall increase in advertising costs. The global market for online advertising in 2020 reached $355.6 billion (+ 6.5% by 2019), and in Ukraine ₴19.91 billion, while experts see a tendency to increase in 2021 by 38% or up to ₴27.5 billion. Thus, advertising in 2021 can be most effective, as prices remain low in combination with more users on the Internet. To effectively use the marketing budget in 2021 you need: 1. View (simplify) the process of buying online. 2. Customize the content to be as relevant as possible to the target audience's queries. 3. Correctly identify advertising channels. 4. Based on the statistics of previous campaigns, specify the target audience. 5. Run an advertising campaign, test and determine the most successful campaign, use it to scale and expand. Thus, such an adaptation of the Internet communications strategy during the crisis can be a stimulus for business and brand growth, and creative ideas and decisions on how to be more effective will eventually lead to a way out of the crisis. At the same time, new restrictions on privacy and the introduction of the IOS14 operating system and FloC technology will affect the algorithms of the largest advertising platforms, such as Facebook and Google. The new rules will provide opportunities to target advertising primarily by interest, respectively, the advertiser will be limited in both the quantity and quality of socio-demographic data about users, which is likely to reduce the effectiveness of advertising.

2019 ◽  
Dijana Kovacevic ◽  
Ljiljana Kascelan

<p> </p> <p>the present study deals with a more detailed, and updated, modified model that allows for the identification of internet usage patterns by gender. The model was modified due to the development of the internet and new access models, on the one hand, and to the fact that previous studies mainly focuses on various individual (non-interactive) influences of certain factors, on the other.</p> <i></i><u></u><sub></sub><sup></sup> <p>The Decision Tree (DT) method, which is used in our study, does not require a pre-defined underlying relationship. In addition, the method allows a great many explanatory variables to be processed and the most important variables are easy to identify. </p><p>Obtained results can serve as to web developers and designers, since by indicating the differences between male and female internet users in terms of their behaviour on the internet it can help in deciding when, where and how to address and appeal to which section of the user base. It is especially important to know their online preferences in order to enable the adequate and targeted placement of information, actions or products and services for the intended target groups.</p><p> <b></b><i></i><u></u><sub></sub><sup></sup><br></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Bikash Pradhan ◽  
Saugat Bhattacharyya ◽  
Kunal Pal

The last decade has witnessed extensive research in the field of healthcare services and their technological upgradation. To be more specific, the Internet of Things (IoT) has shown potential application in connecting various medical devices, sensors, and healthcare professionals to provide quality medical services in a remote location. This has improved patient safety, reduced healthcare costs, enhanced the accessibility of healthcare services, and increased operational efficiency in the healthcare industry. The current study gives an up-to-date summary of the potential healthcare applications of IoT- (HIoT-) based technologies. Herein, the advancement of the application of the HIoT has been reported from the perspective of enabling technologies, healthcare services, and applications in solving various healthcare issues. Moreover, potential challenges and issues in the HIoT system are also discussed. In sum, the current study provides a comprehensive source of information regarding the different fields of application of HIoT intending to help future researchers, who have the interest to work and make advancements in the field to gain insight into the topic.

2019 ◽  
pp. 1818-1839
Hosnieh Rafiee ◽  
Christoph Meinel

With the increased use of the Internet to share confidential information with other users around the world, the demands to protect this information are also increasing. This is why, today, privacy has found its important place in users' lives. However, Internet users have different interpretations of the meaning of privacy. This fact makes it difficult to find the best way to address the privacy issue. In addition, most of the current standard protocols in use over the Internet do not support the level of privacy that most users expect. The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the best balance between users' expectation and the practical level of privacy to address user privacy needs and evaluate the most important protocols from privacy aspects.

2011 ◽  
pp. 273-285 ◽  
Alev M. Efendioglu ◽  
Vincent F. Yip

The number of Internet users around the world has been steadily growing and this growth has provided the impetus and the opportunities for global and regional e-commerce. However, as with the Internet, different characteristics (infrastructure and socio-economic) of the local environment have created a significant level of variation in the acceptance and growth of e-commerce in different regions of the world. Our research focuses on the impact of these infrastructure and socio-economic factors on e-commerce development in China and the findings provide insights into the role of culture in e-commerce, and the factors that may impact a broader acceptance and development of e-commerce in China. In this chapter, we present and discuss our findings, and propose some strategies for success for e-commerce in China.

There are very few surveys conducted worldwide regarding internet users' opinions about internet regulation. What's more, the authors have already discussed the importance of measuring public opinion around the world in their endeavour to design and propose a fair IRS that will be accepted by the internet users at a national level. In this chapter, the authors discuss the design of their questionnaire and how it was evolved from the initial 2007 UK questionnaire to the current one that was used for conducting surveys in six different countries. This chapter presents the procedure that was used for collecting responses and what kinds of “safeguard” measures were taken in order to avoid deterioration of the gathered survey data. What's more, the analysis procedure of the gathered data is being presented, and the authors discuss the possibility of biased questionnaires and how the latter can be tackled further in future research.

Xiaobin Li

A recent report from China Internet Network Information Center indicates that by the end of June 2015, 668 million Chinese have used the internet, which places China as the country with the most internet users in the world. As more Chinese get online, the internet has been integrated into providing education in China, where the age group using the internet the most often is between the ages of 20 and 29. Many of these youth are higher education students. With 34.6 million students the Chinese higher education system is the largest in the world, in which a significant proportion of the students' learning has been impacted by information and communication technology (ICT). The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of how the development of ICT in China has influenced higher education, what opportunities ICT offers for higher education, and what challenges Chinese face in further developing higher education with ICT.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 125
Andri Veno ◽  
Tulus Prijanto ◽  
Nurkholis Nurkholis

E-Commerce is an affiliation of E-bisnis in electronic media era, which is fifth industry revolution era (digital era). It is shown by many companies using internet as the most effective means to advertise and promote products produced competing either nationally or globally. Indonesia is one of potential market in Asia even in the world with the fifth largest population in the world in 2017, which the population are more than 263 million people; while the internet users up to 30 June 2017 in Indonesia are more than 132 million people. Of 200 respondents, which the mean of age was 18-24 years old. The respondents consisted of 110 male and 90 female, thus the average gender in Solo was male. The result of analysis showed that Trust was positively and significantly influence Purchase intention, Website Quality was positively significantly influence the Purchase intention, and Percived Risk was positively and significantly influence the Purchase intention, so that each improvement of Percived Risk score would improve Purchase intention.

HortScience ◽  
1994 ◽  
Vol 29 (5) ◽  
pp. 579a-579
Tim Rhodus

Effective communication of horticultural information over long distances requires the ability to present and receive not only text-based information but also images, sounds, and live-action video. Until recently, the Internet enabled users to communicate in each of these four modes, but not simultaneously. However, as a result of the World-Wide Web (WWW) project and the creation of NCSA Mosaic software, Internet users are able to access and deliver practically any form of communication, as long as it can be digitized. Information from around the world on literally thousands of subjects is now available 24 hours a day. Opportunities to communicate with the general public, primary and secondary science students, or practicing horticulturists are no longer limited by publication delays, travel distances, or media limitations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 42
Austin Liu

The information transfer protocol that supports the modern Internet with its hundreds of thousands of petabytes per month to billions of Internet users across the world was designed in 1981, and it lacks the capacity to properly ensure the security and stability of the Internet today. Features such as the prevention of network attacks, a large address space for the increasing number of devices, verification of the source of an Internet request, and so on are all absent from the current architecture. This paper seeks to review, summarize, and compare six proposals submitted to address the issues IP faces: the Accountable Internet Protocol, the Expressive Internet Architecture, MobilityFirst, Passport, StopIt, and the Traffic Validation Architecture. Finally, the paper details a protocol design that not only is feasible to adopt with the present infrastructure/computing power but also addresses some of the pressing issues of IP, with particular focus on the address space, mitigation of network attacks, and source verification.

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