scholarly journals Sacral neuromodulation implanted patients: Patient concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic and practical modifications

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 ◽  
pp. 175628722199813
Mai Ahmed Banakhar

Objective: To study the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on sacral neuromodulation (SNM) implanted patients and examine patient concerns. Methodology: A web-based survey was sent to all SNM patients, including those with implants and who had a cancelled operation because of the pandemic. The survey consisted of 15 questions in Arabic language, which sought to evaluate outcomes, as well as patient concerns and preferences during the COVID-19 pandemic. Results: A total of 66 patients were contacted, and of which, 62 replied. Most of the patients ( n = 51; 82.3%) had the device implanted, and 11 (17.7%) patients had a postponed operation secondary to the pandemic. There were 20 males and 42 females. The mean age was 34 years ± SD 16.5 (9–62 years). Indications for sacral neuromodulation therapy were refractory overactive bladder OAB 35 (56.5%), retention 17 (27.4%), OAB + retention 3 (4.8%). When questioning the effect of the lockdown on patients, most reported no effect (43.5%), while 14.5% had some programming difficulties. The patients preferred telephone calls for device emergencies and clinic follow-up with 88.7% and 98.4%, respectively. Most patients had no concerns regarding their Interstim device during the pandemic and found it manageable; 8.1% had insurance concerns due to the economic changes. Conclusion: Patients with implanted SNM for lower urinary tract symptoms were mainly concerned with device programming. Telemedicine is a great solution for continuous care in this group.

2003 ◽  
Lori Foster Thompson ◽  
Eric A. Surface ◽  
Don L. Martin ◽  
Gary B. Barrett

2021 ◽  
pp. 039156032110229
Amit Sharma ◽  
Deepak Biswal ◽  
Satyadeo Sharma ◽  
Siddhant Roy

Case: We present a case of spontaneous extra-peritoneal rupture of an acquired diverticulum an elderly male with symptoms of bladder outlet obstruction who presented in emergency with acute abdomen. Outcome: The acute phase was managed conservatively with bladder drainage and intravenous antibiotics. He recently underwent Transurethral Resection of Prostate. He is asymptomatic on follow-up. Conclusions: Acquired bladder diverticulum are rare in adults and are mostly seen in patients with high pressure bladder due to bladder outlet obstruction. Atraumatic extraperitoneal ruptures of diverticulum are uncommonly reported.

CJEM ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-52 ◽  
Lauren Lacroix ◽  
Lisa Thurgur ◽  
Aaron M. Orkin ◽  
Jeffrey J. Perry ◽  
Ian G. Stiell

AbstractObjectivesRates of opioid-related deaths have reached the level of national public health crisis in Canada. Community-based opioid overdose education and naloxone distribution (OEND) programs distribute naloxone to people at risk, and the emergency department (ED) may be an underutilized setting to deliver naloxone to these people. The goal of this study was to identify Canadian emergency physicians’ attitudes and perceived barriers to the implementation of take-home naloxone programs.MethodsThis was an anonymous Web-based survey of members of the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians. Survey questions were developed by the research team and piloted for face validity and clarity. Two reminder emails were sent to non-responders at 2-week intervals. Respondent demographics were collected, and Likert scales were used to assess attitudes and barriers to the prescription of naloxone from the ED.ResultsA total of 459 physicians responded. The majority of respondents were male (64%), worked in urban tertiary centres (58.3%), and lived in Ontario (50.6%). Overall, attitudes to OEND were strongly positive; 86% identified a willingness to prescribe naloxone from the ED. Perceived barriers included support for patient education (57%), access to follow-up (44%), and inadequate time (37%). In addition to people at risk of overdose, 77% of respondents identified that friends and family members may also benefit.ConclusionsCanadian emergency physicians are willing to distribute take-home naloxone, but thoughtful systems are required to facilitate opioid OEND implementation. These data will inform the development of these programs, with emphasis on multidisciplinary training and education.

Trials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Lena Violetta Krämer ◽  
Nadine Eschrig ◽  
Lena Keinhorst ◽  
Luisa Schöchlin ◽  
Lisa Stephan ◽  

Abstract Background Many students in Germany do not meet recommended amounts of physical activity. In order to promote physical activity in students, web-based interventions are increasingly implemented. Yet, data on effectiveness of web-based interventions in university students is low. Our study aims at investigating a web-based intervention for students. The intervention is based on the Health Action Process Approach (HAPA), which discriminates between processes of intention formation (motivational processes) and processes of intention implementation (volitional processes). Primary outcome is change in physical activity; secondary outcomes are motivational and volitional variables as proposed by the HAPA as well as quality of life and depressive symptoms. Methods A two-armed randomized controlled trial (RCT) of parallel design is conducted. Participants are recruited via the internet platform StudiCare ( After the baseline assessment (t1), participants are randomized to either intervention group (immediate access to web-based intervention) or control group (access only after follow-up assessment). Four weeks later, post-assessment (t2) is performed in both groups followed by a follow-up assessment (t3) 3 months later. Assessments take place online. Main outcome analyses will follow an intention-to-treat principle by including all randomized participants into the analyses. Outcomes will be analysed using a linear mixed model, assuming data are missing at random. The mixed model will include group, time, and the interaction of group and time as fixed effects and participant and university as random effect. Discussion This study is a high-quality RCT with three assessment points and intention-to-treat analysis meeting the state-of-the-art of effectiveness studies. Recruitment covers almost 20 universities in three countries, leading to high external validity. The results of this study will be of great relevance for student health campaigns, as they reflect the effectiveness of self-help interventions for young adults with regard to behaviour change as well as motivational and volitional determinants. From a lifespan perspective, it is important to help students find their way into regular physical activity. Trial registration The German clinical trials register (DRKS) DRKS00016889. Registered on 28 February 2019

2021 ◽  
Majdi Sabahelzain ◽  
Rik Crutzen ◽  
Mohamed Moukhyer ◽  
Hans Bosma ◽  
Bart van den Borne

BACKGROUND WHO described Vaccine hesitancy in 2019 as one of the top 10 threats to global health in high, and low, and middle-income countries. Various communication approaches have been used to engage the public about vaccines and immunization such as mass media and e-health strategies. With the expansion in the use of communication technologies in health in recent years, websites have increasingly been used to support vaccine acceptance and demand and thus increase vaccine uptake. We recently established a web-based intervention called the Tat3im initiative website in Sudan. It aims to increase uptake of vaccines in Sudan by increasing knowledge and addressing issues related to vaccine hesitancy and vaccine safety in the Arabic language OBJECTIVE This article describes the processes that we used to develop and improve this website including the creation of its content. METHODS These processes were informed by using and combining three sources including, Garrett’s user experience framework as a basis for the development, the WHO Vaccine Safety Net's (VSN) criteria for good information practices (i.e. credibility, content (quality and quantity), design and accessibility criteria), and previous relevant research that assessed the local context in Sudan. RESULTS We found that using such evidence as well as combining the VSN's criteria and previous research findings in the five planes of Garrett's framework enabled us to cover many essential elements of user experience and to address issues related to the website’s strategy and content. CONCLUSIONS As the website may be limited due to the high rates of illiteracy as well as relatively low internet use in Sudan, we suggest using social marketing to promote the use of the website as well as monitoring and evaluating the website and users’ experience using different approaches such as visitor traffic and qualitative measures.

2021 ◽  
Vol Publish Ahead of Print ◽  
Emine İlaslan ◽  
Zeynep Özer

2013 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
pp. 229-233 ◽  
Amilton dos Santos Jr. ◽  
Maitê Cruvinel Oliveira ◽  
Tiago dos Santos Andrade ◽  
Rosana Ramos de Freitas ◽  
Cláudio Eduardo Muller Banzato ◽  

Objective: To describe the sociodemographic and clinical profile of patients who underwent electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) at a university general hospital. Method: In this retrospective study, records from all patients undergoing ECT between January 1988 and January 2008 at the psychiatric unit of the general hospital of Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) were reviewed. Telephone contact was made with patients/relatives to collect follow-up data. Results: A total of 200 charts were reviewed. The majority of patients were women, with a mean age of 39 years, and history of psychiatric hospitalization. The main indications for ECT were depression and catatonia. Complications were observed in less than half of the cases, and most were temporary and not severe. There was a good psychiatric outcome for 89.7% of the patients, especially for catatonic patients (100%, p = 0.02). Thirty-four percent of the cases were later contacted by telephone calls, at a mean of 8.5 years between the procedure and the contact. Among these, three (1.5%) reported persistent memory disorders and 73% considered ECT a good treatment. Conclusion: ECT has been performed according to international guidelines. In the vast majority of cases, undesirable effects were temporary and not severe. Response to ECT was positive in most cases, particularly in catatonic patients.

2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (7-8) ◽  
pp. 548 ◽  
Ozgu Aydogdu ◽  
Yusuf Ziya Atesci ◽  
Ayhan Karakose ◽  
Eren Demirtas

Benign phyllodes tumour (BPT) of the prostate is a very rare neoplasm. It is composed of hyperplastic and neoplastic glandular stromal proliferation. Patients with BPT of the prostate generally present with lower urinary tract symptoms and hematuria. BPT of the prostate can potentially cause recurrent obstructive symptoms. Complete transurethral resection (TUR) and close postoperative follow-up is recommended. A 59-year-old man presented with dysuria and obstructive urinary symptoms. Flexible cystoscopy revealed prostatic hyperplasia and a polypoidal lesion originating from the right lateral lobe of the prostate. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a 3 × 2.5-cm mass lesion in the right lateral lobe of the prostate. TUR of the prostate was performed and the pathological examination revealed benign prostatic hyperplasia and benign phyllodes tumour of the prostate.

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 317-323 ◽  
Jonne Åkerla ◽  
Jori S Pesonen ◽  
Antti Pöyhönen ◽  
Jukka Häkkinen ◽  
Juha Koskimäki ◽  

BMJ Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. e049218
Deborah Swinglehurst ◽  
Nina Fudge

ObjectivesWe explore how older patients affected by polypharmacy manage the ‘hidden work’ of organising their medicines, how they make sense of this work and integrate it into their lives.Design and settingEthnographic study observing patients over 18–24 months in patients’ homes, general practice and community pharmacy, in England, UK.Participants and methodsEthnographic case study including longitudinal follow-up of 24 patients aged 65 or older and prescribed ten or more items of medication. Our dataset includes: 562 hours of ethnographic observation across patients homes, community pharmacies and general practices; 47 audio-recorded interviews with patients about their lives and medicines practices; cultural probes (photographs, body maps, diaries and imagined ‘wishful thinking’ conversations); fieldnotes from regular home visits; telephone calls, and observation/video-recording of healthcare encounters. We apply a ‘practice theory’ lens to our analysis, illuminating what is being accomplished, why and by whom.ResultsAll patients had developed strategies and routines for organising medicines into their lives, negotiating medicine taking to enable acceptable adherence and make their medicines manageable. Strategies adopted by patients often involved the use of ‘do-it-yourself’ dosette boxes. This required careful ‘organising’ work similar to that done by pharmacy staff preparing multicompartment compliance aids (MCCAs). Patients incorporated a range of approaches to manage supplies and flex their regimens to align with personal values and priorities. Practices of organising medicines are effortful, creative and often highly collaborative. Patients strive for adherence, but their organisational efforts privilege ‘living with medicines’ over taking medicines strictly ‘as prescribed’.ConclusionsPolypharmacy demands careful organising. The burden of organising polypharmacy always falls somewhere, whether undertaken by pharmacists as they prepare MCCAs or by patients at home. Greater appreciation among prescribers of the nature and complexity of this work may provide a useful point of departure for tackling the key issue that sustains it: polypharmacy.

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