Summit: Automated Analysis of Arrayed Single-Cell Gel Electrophoresis

Julea Vlassakis ◽  
Kevin A. Yamauchi ◽  
Amy E. Herr

New pipelines are required to automate the quantitation of emerging high-throughput electrophoretic (EP) assessment of DNA damage, or proteoform expression in single cells. EP cytometry consists of thousands of Western blots performed on a microscope slide-sized gel microwell array for single cells. Thus, EP cytometry images pose an analysis challenge that blends requirements for accurate and reproducible analysis encountered for both standard Western blots and protein microarrays. Here, we introduce the Summit algorithm to automate array segmentation, peak background subtraction, and Gaussian fitting for EP cytometry. The data structure storage of parameters allows users to perform quality control on identically processed data, yielding a ~6.5% difference in coefficient of quartile variation (CQV) of protein peak area under the curve (AUC) distributions measured by four users. Further, inspired by investigations of background subtraction methods to reduce technical variation in protein microarray measurements, we aimed to understand the trade-offs between EP cytometry analysis throughput and variation. We found an 11%–50% increase in protein peaks that passed quality control with a subtraction method similar to microarray “average on-boundary” versus an axial subtraction method. The background subtraction method only mildly influences AUC CQV, which varies between 1% and 4.5%. Finally, we determined that the narrow confidence interval for peak location and peak width parameters from Gaussian fitting yield minimal uncertainty in protein sizing. The AUC CQV differed by only ~1%–2% when summed over the peak width bounds versus the 95% peak width confidence interval. We expect Summit to be broadly applicable to other arrayed EP separations, or traditional Western blot analysis.

1982 ◽  
Vol 88 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-85 ◽  
R. Cirone ◽  
G.E. Gigante ◽  
G. Gualtieri ◽  
P. Picozzi ◽  
S. Santucci

2013 ◽  
Vol 117 (11) ◽  
pp. 1589-1597 ◽  
Hong Zhou ◽  
Yiru Chen ◽  
Rong Feng

An object tracking increases loads of enthusiasm for dynamic research in applications such as video surveillance, vehicle navigation, highways, crowded public places, borders, forest and traffic monitoring areas. The system we develop aims to measure and analyze the application of background subtraction method and block matching algorithm to trace object movements through video-based. The making of video surveillance systems “smart” requires fast, reliable and robust algorithms for moving object detection and tracking. This research applies background subtraction method to detect moving object, assisted with block matching algorithm which aims to get good results on objects that have been detected. Performance evaluation is carried out to determine the various parameters. In this paper author design and develop a novel algorithm for moving object tracking in video surveillance also compares and analyse existing algorithms for moving object tracking. Author main aim to design and develop an algorithm for moving object tracking to handle occlusion and complex object shapes.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 1540-1550 ◽  
Xiaofeng Lu ◽  
Caidi Xu ◽  
Lei Wang ◽  
Lin Teng

2014 ◽  
Vol 556-562 ◽  
pp. 3549-3552
Lian Fen Huang ◽  
Qing Yue Chen ◽  
Jin Feng Lin ◽  
He Zhi Lin

The key of background subtraction which is widely used in moving object detecting is to set up and update the background model. This paper presents a block background subtraction method based on ViBe, using the spatial correlation and time continuity of the video sequence. Set up the video sequence background model firstly. Then, update the background model through block processing. Finally employ the difference between the current frame and background model to extract moving objects.

2015 ◽  
Vol 738-739 ◽  
pp. 779-783
Jin Hua Sun ◽  
Cui Hua Tian

In view of the problems existed in moving object detection in video surveillance system, background subtraction method is adopted and combined with Surendra algorithm for background modeling, an algorithm of detecting moving object from video is proposed, and OpenCV programming is adopted in Visual c ++ 6.0 for implementation. Experimental results indicate that the algorithm can accurately detect and identify moving object in video by reading the image sequence of surveillance video, the validity of the algorithm is verified.

Radiocarbon ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 59 (5) ◽  
pp. 1463-1473 ◽  
E Dunbar ◽  
P Naysmith ◽  
G T Cook ◽  
E M Scott ◽  
S Xu ◽  

AbstractThe SUERC Radiocarbon Laboratory employs a one-step “background subtraction” method when calculating 14C ages. An interglacial wood (VIRI Sample K) is employed as the non-bone organic background standard, while a mammoth bone (LQH12) from Latton Quarry is used as the bone background standard. Results over several years demonstrate that the bone background is consistently around a factor of two higher and more variable than the wood background. As a result, the uncertainty on routine bone measurements is higher than for other sample types. This study investigates the factors that may contribute to the difference in F14C values and the higher variability. Preparations of collagen using modified Longin or ultrafiltration methods show no significant difference, nor does eliminating the collagen dissolution step. Two bone samples of known infinite age with respect to radiocarbon are compared and again no significant difference is observed. Finally, the quantity and age of the organic matter in the water used during the pretreatment is investigated and it is shown that there is insufficient organic matter in the reverse osmosis water to influence background values significantly. The attention is now on determining if incomplete demineralization could lead to contaminants being retained by the phosphate in the hydroxyapatite.

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