Remodeling the regulation of iron metabolism during erythroid differentiation to ensure efficient heme biosynthesis

Blood ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 107 (10) ◽  
pp. 4159-4167 ◽  
Matthias Schranzhofer ◽  
Manfred Schifrer ◽  
Javier Antonio Cabrera ◽  
Stephan Kopp ◽  
Peter Chiba ◽  

Terminal erythropoiesis is accompanied by extreme demand for iron to ensure proper hemoglobinization. Thus, erythroblasts must modify the “standard” post-transcriptional feedback regulation, balancing expression of ferritin (Fer; iron storage) versus transferrin receptor (TfR1; iron uptake) via specific mRNA binding of iron regulatory proteins (IRPs). Although erythroid differentiation involves high levels of incoming iron, TfR1 mRNA stability must be sustained and Fer mRNA translation must not be activated because iron storage would counteract hemoglobinization. Furthermore, translation of the erythroid-specific form of aminolevulinic acid synthase (ALAS-E) mRNA, catalyzing the first step of heme biosynthesis and regulated similarly as Fer mRNA by IRPs, must be ensured. We addressed these questions using mass cultures of primary murine erythroid progenitors from fetal liver, either undergoing sustained proliferation or highly synchronous differentiation. We indeed observed strong inhibition of Fer mRNA translation and efficient ALAS-E mRNA translation in differentiating erythroblasts. Moreover, in contrast to self-renewing cells, TfR1 stability and IRP mRNA binding were no longer modulated by iron supply. These and additional data stemming from inhibition of heme synthesis with succinylacetone or from iron overload suggest that highly efficient utilization of iron in mitochondrial heme synthesis during normal erythropoiesis alters the regulation of iron metabolism via the IRE/IRP system.

Blood ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 132 (Supplement 1) ◽  
pp. 849-849
Yvette Y Yien ◽  
Jiahai Shi ◽  
Caiyong Chen ◽  
Jesmine Cheung ◽  
Anthony Grillo ◽  

Abstract Erythropoietin (EPO) signaling is critical to many processes essential to terminal erythropoiesis. Despite the centrality of iron metabolism to erythropoiesis, the mechanisms by which EPO regulates iron status are not well understood. To better understand these regulatory mechanisms, we profiled gene expression in EPO-treated fetal liver cells to identify novel iron regulatory genes (Figure A). We determined that FAM210B, a mitochondrial inner membrane protein, was essential for hemoglobinization, proliferation, and enucleation during terminal erythroid maturation (Figure B). Fam210b deficiency led to defects in mitochondrial iron uptake, heme synthesis, and iron-sulfur cluster formation (Figure C). These defects were corrected with a lipid-soluble small molecule iron transporter in Fam210b-deficient murine erythroid cells and zebrafish morphants. Genetic complementation experiments revealed that FAM210B is not a mitochondrial iron transporter, but is required for optimal mitochondrial iron import during erythroid differentiation (Figure D). FAM210B is also required for optimal FECH activity in differentiating erythroid cells. As FAM210B interacts with the terminal enzymes of the heme synthesis pathway, we propose that FAM210B functions as an adaptor protein to facilitate the formation of an oligomeric mitochondrial iron transport complex, which is required for the increase in iron acquisition for heme synthesis during terminal erythropoiesis (Figure E). Collectively, our data reveal a novel mechanism by which EPO signaling regulates terminal erythropoiesis and iron metabolism. Figure. Figure. Disclosures Palis: Rubies Therapeutics: Consultancy.

Cells ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. 2549
Dong Young Kang ◽  
Nipin Sp ◽  
Eun Seong Jo ◽  
Jin-Moo Lee ◽  
Kyoung-Jin Jang

Iron metabolism and heme biosynthesis are essential processes in cells during the energy cycle. Alteration in these processes could create an inflammatory condition, which results in tumorigenesis. Studies are conducted on the exact role of iron/heme metabolism in induced inflammatory conditions. This study used lipopolysaccharide (LPS)- or high-glucose-induced inflammation conditions in THP-1 cells to study how iron/heme metabolism participates in inflammatory responses. Here, we used iron and heme assays for measuring total iron and heme. We also used flow cytometry and Western blotting to analyze molecular responses. Our results demonstrated that adding LPS or high-glucose induced iron formation and heme synthesis and elevated the expression levels of proteins responsible for iron metabolism and heme synthesis. We then found that further addition of heme or 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) increased heme biosynthesis and promoted inflammatory responses by upregulating TLR4/NF-κB and inflammatory cytokine expressions. We also demonstrated the inhibition of heme synthesis using succinylacetone (SA). Moreover, N-MMP inhibited LPS- or high-glucose-induced inflammatory responses by inhibiting TLR4/NF-κB signaling. Hence, iron/heme metabolism checkpoints could be considered a target for treating inflammatory conditions.

Blood ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 106 (11) ◽  
pp. 3582-3582
Guangjun Nie ◽  
Guohua Chen ◽  
Alex Sheftel ◽  
Kostas Pantopoulos ◽  
Prem Ponka

Abstract Mitochondrial ferritin (MtFt) is a mitochondrial iron storage protein, whose function and regulation is largely unknown. Our previous results have shown that MtFt markedly affects intracellular iron distribution and homeostasis in mammalian cells (Blood105: 2161–2167, 2005). Using tumor xenografts, we examined the effects of expression MtFt on tumor iron metabolism and growth. H1299 parental or MtFt overexpressing cells were implanted into nude mice. As compared to control tumor xenografts, the expression of MtFt dramatically reduced the implanted tumor growth. A cytosolic iron starvation phenotype in MtFt expressing tumors was revealed by increased RNA-binding activity of iron regulatory proteins (IRPs) and, concomitantly, both an increase in transferrin receptor levels and a decrease in cytosolic ferritin. MtFt overexpression also led to a decrease in both total cellular heme content and heme oxygenase-1 levels. In addition, the expression of MtFt in tumors was associated with a decrease in aconitase activity and lower frataxin protein levels. Mitochondrial iron deposition in MtFt expressing tumors was directly observed by transmission electron microscopy. The pattern of iron accumulation in MtFt overexpressing tumor cells is remarkably similar to that observed in the mitochondria of sideroblastic anemia patients. In conclusion, our study shows that MtFt expression significantly affected tumor iron homeostasis by shunting iron into mitochondria; iron scarcity resulted in partial defects in heme and iron-sulfur cluster syntheses. It is likely that deprivation of iron in the cytosol is the cause of the significant inhibition of xenograft tumor growth.

Blood ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 126 (23) ◽  
pp. 405-405
Yvette Y Yien ◽  
Caiyong Chen ◽  
Jiahai Shi ◽  
Liangtao Li ◽  
Daniel E. Bauer ◽  

Abstract Red cells synthesize large quantities of heme during terminal differentiation. Central to erythropoiesis is the transport and trafficking of iron within the cell. Despite the importance of iron transport during erythroid heme synthesis, the molecules involved in intracellular trafficking of iron are largely unknown. In a screen for genes that are up-regulated during erythroid terminal differentiation, we identified FAM210B, a predicted multi-pass transmembrane mitochondrial protein as an essential component of mitochondrial iron transport during erythroid differentiation. In zebrafish and mice, Fam210b mRNA is enriched in differentiating erythroid cells and liver (fetal and adult), which are tissues that require large amounts of iron for heme synthesis. Here, we report that FAM210B facilitates mitochondrial iron import during erythroid differentiation and is essential for hemoglobin synthesis. Zebrafish are anemic when fam210b is silenced using anti-sense morpholinos (Fig. A). CRISPR knockout of Fam210b caused a heme synthesis defect in differentiating Friend murine erythroleukemia (MEL) cells. PPIX levels in Fam210b deficient cells are normal, demonstrating that Fam210b does not participate in synthesis of the heme tetrapyrrole ring. Consistent with this result, supplementation of Fam210b deficient MEL cells with either aminolevulinic acid, the first committed substrate of the heme synthesis pathway or a chemical analog of protoporphyrin IX failed to chemically complement the heme synthesis defect. While Fam210b was not required for basal housekeeping heme synthesis, Fam210b deficientcells showed defective total cellular and mitochondrial iron uptake during erythroid differentiation (Fig. B). As a result, Fam210b deficient cells had defective hemoglobinization. Supplementation of Fam210b-/- MEL cells with non-transferrin iron chelates restored erythroid differentiation and hemoglobin synthesis; whereas, similar chemical complementation could not be achieved in the Tmem14c-/- cells, which have a primary defect in tetrapyrrole transport. (Fig. C). Our findings reveal that FAM210B is required for optimal mitochondrial iron import during erythroid differentiation for hemoglobin synthesis. It may therefore function as a genetic modifier for mitochondriopathies, anemias or porphyrias. Figure 1. Figure 1. Disclosures Bauer: Biogen: Research Funding; Editas Medicine: Consultancy. Orkin:Editas Inc.: Consultancy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (Supplement_2) ◽  
pp. 1283-1283
Mikyoung You ◽  
Soonkyu Chung

Abstract Objectives Intracellular iron homeostasis is tightly regulated in posttranscriptional levels via iron regulatory proteins (IRPs). IRPs bind to the iron-responsive elements (IREs), leading to either mRNA translation or stability. Our recent study demonstrated that iron metabolism is intimately linked with adipose tissue browning and thermogenic activation. However, the role of IRP/IRE interactions in the adipose tissue is poorly understood. We aim to characterize the IRP/IRE interactions in the adipose tissue in terms of depot-specificity and thermogenic potential. Methods To induce adipocyte browning, mice were administrated with beta-3 adrenoceptor agonist CL316243 (CL) for 5 days, and different depots of adipose tissue of epididymal (eWAT), inguinal (iWAT), brown (BAT), and liver were collected. Iron metabolism and thermogenesis were evaluated. To investigate the IRP/IRE binding, electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) was performed in the cytosolic using the fluorescence-labeled IRE (IR-IRE). To distinguish the IRE binding with IRP1 and 2, the cytosolic fraction from IRP1 and 2 knockout mice were used as positive controls. Results In a normal temperature, the constitutive IRP/IRE binding was found in the BAT, but not in the eWAT and iWAT. In response to CL treatment, iron content and transferrin receptor levels significantly increased in the WAT. Accordingly, the IRE/IRPs binding significantly increased in the CL-treated iWAT. Genetic deletion of IRP1 or 2 poses a marginal impact on constitutively active BAT development, suggesting IRP1 and 2 plays a compensatory role. Unlikely to BAT, the deletion of either IRP1 or 2 failed to induce WAT browning in the IRP1 and 2 knockout mice with CL stimulation. Consistently, both IRE binding to IRP1 and 2 were manifest in the CL treated iWAT, implicating that IRP1 and 2 plays a separate and synergistic function for WAT browning. Conclusions Our study defined the depot-specific iron regulatory metabolism in the adipose tissue using an innovative EMSA method. We demonstrated that, for the first time in our knowledge, IRE binding to both IRP1 and IRP2 is indispensable for the thermogenic activation of WAT, which is distinct from the iron regulatory mechanism found in the BAT. We propose that iron metabolism in the WAT is a novel determinant for WAT browning and thermogenic energy expenditure. Funding Sources None.

Blood ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 128 (22) ◽  
pp. 541-541
Raymond T Doty ◽  
Xiaowei Yan ◽  
Christopher Lausted ◽  
Zhantao Yang ◽  
Li Liu ◽  

Abstract GATA1 promotes the transcription of ALAS2, the first and rate limiting step of heme synthesis, and the transcription of many other erythroid-specific genes. It also increases its own transcription while silencing proliferation genes active in early progenitors and thus assures that erythroid differentiation correctly initiates. Heme then transcriptionally and translationally upregulates globin to guarantee adequate hemoglobin production in each cell as it matures. In mice lacking the heme exporter, FLVCR1, excess heme and ROS accumulate and erythropoiesis fails at the CFU-E/proerythroblast stage, resulting in a severe macrocytic anemia (HGB 4.4±0.97 vs 14.8±0.57 g/dL; MCV 66.9±6.2 vs 48.4±0.65 fL). To determine how excess heme causes ineffective erythropoiesis and whether heme is key to terminating differentiation in normal erythroid cells, we performed RNA sequencing of single early erythroid cells (BFU-E to basophilic erythroblasts) from wildtype control and Flvcr1-deleted mice and linked this transcription data to the total quantity of Ter119 on that cell. Principal component analysis (PCA) identified 4 transcriptionally unique clusters A, B, C, & D, which contained cells with negative, low, intermediate, and high Ter119 levels respectively. α- and β-globin transcription were highly correlated (r=0.975), occurred in all cells, increased as Ter119 expression increased, and upregulated in Flvcr1-deleted cells. Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) comparing control cells to Flvcr1-deleted cells revealed excess heme results in significant downregulation of the hallmark heme metabolism pathway genes (heme biosynthesis and erythroid differentiation genes), upregulation of the ribosome pathway genes, and no alteration of the P53 pathway genes. All eight heme biosynthetic enzyme genes were expressed equivalently in cluster A cells from control and Flvcr1-deleted mice; however expression in Flvcr1-deleted cells was significantly reduced in clusters B-D. Of the 181 erythroid differentiation genes in the hallmark heme pathway, Gata1 had the greatest reduction (67%) in Flvcr1-deleted cells. Coupled two-way clustering analysis (CTWC) identified 150 genes co-regulated with Gata1 including 106 known GATA1 target genes which were all poorly upregulated in Flvcr1-deleted cells in clusters B-D. Independent microarray analysis of mRNA from control and Flvcr1-deleted CD71+ erythroid cells confirmed low Gata1 mRNA and low GATA1-dependent gene expression in the Flvcr1-deleted cells. To determine if excess heme was directly responsible for Gata1 downregulation, we treated K562, HEL-R, and primary human erythroid marrow cells with aminolevulinic acid (ALA) and iron to increase endogenous heme synthesis. In the primary cells, GATA1 protein decreased by 30-43% (p=0.03) within 15 minutes and 66% by 90 minutes (similar decreases observed in cell lines), suggesting that heme disrupts GATA1 protein function resulting in the loss of autoregulation and reduced GATA1 mRNA. Of 88 genes in the ribosome pathway, 73 were significantly upregulated in Flvcr1-deleted cells, including 16 of the 17 ribosomal protein genes linked to Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA) or del(5q) myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). When heme synthesis was induced in primary human erythroid marrow cells with ALA and iron, the transcription of ribosome protein genes such as Rps19, Rps14, and Rpl35 increased, further supporting the concept that heme assures sufficient ribosome production for globin protein synthesis. While P53 activation is a key factor in ineffective erythropoiesis caused by ribosomal protein imbalance (i.e., DBA and del(5q) MDS), GSEA did not reveal any increased activation of the P53 pathway in Flvcr1-deleted cells. To confirm that P53 was not involved in the ineffective erythropoiesis caused by excess heme, we generated mice lacking both P53 and FLVCR1. These double mutant mice had severe macrocytic anemia (HGB 2.4±0.70 g/dL; MCV 56.5±4.3 fL) comparable to mice lacking just FLVCR1. Thus, GATA1 turns on heme synthesis and initiates the erythroid differentiation program. GATA1 with heme assure each cell's appropriate progression. Then heme turns off GATA1 to end differentiation. By linking excess heme to prematurely low GATA1, our data may also explain the ineffective (early termination of) erythropoiesis in DBA and reconcile the observations of Sci Transl Med 8:338ra67, 2016 and Nat Med 20:748, 2014. Disclosures No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

2008 ◽  
Vol 36 (6) ◽  
pp. 1282-1287 ◽  
Jack T. Rogers ◽  
Ashley I. Bush ◽  
Hyan-Hee Cho ◽  
Deborah H. Smith ◽  
Andrew M. Thomson ◽  

The essential metals iron, zinc and copper deposit near the Aβ (amyloid β-peptide) plaques in the brain cortex of AD (Alzheimer's disease) patients. Plaque-associated iron and zinc are in neurotoxic excess at 1 mM concentrations. APP (amyloid precursor protein) is a single transmembrane metalloprotein cleaved to generate the 40–42-amino-acid Aβs, which exhibit metal-catalysed neurotoxicity. In health, ubiquitous APP is cleaved in a non-amyloidogenic pathway within its Aβ domain to release the neuroprotective APP ectodomain, APP(s). To adapt and counteract metal-catalysed oxidative stress, as during reperfusion from stroke, iron and cytokines induce the translation of both APP and ferritin (an iron storage protein) by similar mechanisms. We reported that APP was regulated at the translational level by active IL (interleukin)-1 (IL-1-responsive acute box) and IRE (iron-responsive element) RNA stem–loops in the 5′ untranslated region of APP mRNA. The APP IRE is homologous with the canonical IRE RNA stem–loop that binds the iron regulatory proteins (IRP1 and IRP2) to control intracellular iron homoeostasis by modulating ferritin mRNA translation and transferrin receptor mRNA stability. The APP IRE interacts with IRP1 (cytoplasmic cis-aconitase), whereas the canonical H-ferritin IRE RNA stem–loop binds to IRP2 in neural cell lines, and in human brain cortex tissue and in human blood lysates. The same constellation of RNA-binding proteins [IRP1/IRP2/poly(C) binding protein] control ferritin and APP translation with implications for the biology of metals in AD.

Blood ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 104 (11) ◽  
pp. 1632-1632
Kazumichi Furuyama ◽  
Kiriko Kaneko ◽  
Zhang Yongzhao ◽  
Patrick D. Vargas V. ◽  
Shigeru Sassa ◽  

Abstract Erythroid-specific 5-aminolevulinate synthase (ALAS2) is the first and the rate limiting enzyme for heme biosynthesis in erythroid cells. ALAS2 plays a critical role in hemoglobin synthesis and erythrocyte maturation, since targeting the ALAS2 gene results in embryonic death in mice because of severe anemia. In humans, heritable mutations of the ALAS2 gene are responsible for X-linked sideroblastic anemia (XLSA). However, the effect of suppressed expression of ALAS2 on erythroid cell differentiation has not been examined in human cells. We therefore addressed this question, by stably suppressing ALAS2 mRNA with short-interfering RNA (siRNA) in a human erythroleukemia cell line, YN-1. After cloning of cells expressing low ALAS2 (ALAS2low cells), cells were induced to undergo erythroid differentiation by treatment with transforming growth factor beta1 (TGF-β1). Gene expression profiles of induced and uninduced cells were examined, including genes involved in globin synthesis and iron metabolism. Hemoglobin production, as judged by o-dianisidine staining, was significantly lower in ALAS2low cells than in control cells both before and after erythroid differentiation. Both alpha and gamma globin mRNA levels were also reduced in ALAS2low cells, compared with control cells. Decreased heme synthesis as well as reduced globin production in ALAS2low erythroid cells are consistent with our previous findings in murine erythroleukemia cells studied by antisense technology (Meguro K, et al. Blood86:940–948, 1995), and extends our previous conclusion on the critical role of ALAS2 in heme and globin formation to human erythroid cells. Transferrin receptor (TFR) mRNA level was decreased in ALAS2low cells, and remained low following TGF-β1 treatment, whereas its level was increased in control cells during erythroid differentiation, which reflects enhanced iron uptake by differentiated control cells. Decreased TFR mRNA level in ALAS2low cells may suggest iron accumulation, since TFR mRNA is known to be unstable when intracellular iron level is increased. Notably, mitochondrial ferritin (MtF) mRNA level was decreased in control cells after differentiation, reflecting utilization of mitochondrial iron for heme synthesis, but it did not change in ALAS2low cells following TGF-β1 treatment. As accumulation of MtF protein is known to occur in iron-overloaded erythroid cells of patients with XLSA, our finding also suggests that there may be intramitochondrial iron accumulation in ALAS2low cells even after differentiation. In contrast to MtF mRNA, the level of cytosolic ferritin heavy chain mRNA was similar both in ALAS2low cells and control cells. These findings suggest that MtF levels, rather than cytosolic ferritin levels, may be a sensitive and specific indicator for iron accumulation in mitochondria. This study shows the critical role of ALAS2 not only in heme synthesis and hemoglobin formation, but also in iron metabolism in erythroid cells during their cell differentiation. An ALAS2low erythroid cell line, such as ALAS2-suppressed YN-1, will provide a good model for the study of relationship between heme biosynthesis and iron metabolism during terminal differentiation of human erythroid cells.

Blood ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 133 (5) ◽  
pp. 457-469 ◽  
Raymond T. Doty ◽  
Xiaowei Yan ◽  
Christopher Lausted ◽  
Adam D. Munday ◽  
Zhantao Yang ◽  

Abstract Erythropoiesis is the complex, dynamic, and tightly regulated process that generates all mature red blood cells. To understand this process, we mapped the developmental trajectories of progenitors from wild-type, erythropoietin-treated, and Flvcr1-deleted mice at single-cell resolution. Importantly, we linked the quantity of each cell’s surface proteins to its total transcriptome, which is a novel method. Deletion of Flvcr1 results in high levels of intracellular heme, allowing us to identify heme-regulated circuitry. Our studies demonstrate that in early erythroid cells (CD71+Ter119neg-lo), heme increases ribosomal protein transcripts, suggesting that heme, in addition to upregulating globin transcription and translation, guarantees ample ribosomes for globin synthesis. In later erythroid cells (CD71+Ter119lo-hi), heme decreases GATA1, GATA1-target gene, and mitotic spindle gene expression. These changes occur quickly. For example, in confirmatory studies using human marrow erythroid cells, ribosomal protein transcripts and proteins increase, and GATA1 transcript and protein decrease, within 15 to 30 minutes of amplifying endogenous heme synthesis with aminolevulinic acid. Because GATA1 initiates heme synthesis, GATA1 and heme together direct red cell maturation, and heme stops GATA1 synthesis, our observations reveal a GATA1–heme autoregulatory loop and implicate GATA1 and heme as the comaster regulators of the normal erythroid differentiation program. In addition, as excessive heme could amplify ribosomal protein imbalance, prematurely lower GATA1, and impede mitosis, these data may help explain the ineffective (early termination of) erythropoiesis in Diamond Blackfan anemia and del(5q) myelodysplasia, disorders with excessive heme in colony-forming unit-erythroid/proerythroblasts, explain why these anemias are macrocytic, and show why children with GATA1 mutations have DBA-like clinical phenotypes.

Blood ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 104 (11) ◽  
pp. 3200-3200
Chun-Nam Lok ◽  
Prem Ponka

Abstract In erythroid cells iron uptake from transferrin (Tf) is utilized largely for heme synthesis. Here we provide evidence that Tf receptor (TfR) expression and cellular uptake of iron from Tf is stimulated by enhanced heme synthesis. Incubation of murine erythroleukemia (MEL) cells with 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) resulted in an increase in TfR expression accompanied by enhanced uptake of iron from Tf and incorporation of iron into heme. ALA-mediated enhancement of TfR mRNA expression was completely prevented by succinylacetone, an inhibitor of ALA dehydratase, and N-methylprotoporphyrin, an inhibitor of ferrochelatase, indicating that the effect of ALA required its metabolism to heme. Treatment of cells with ALA was associated with enhanced iron regulatory protein-2 (IRP-2) binding activity, which could be blocked by inhibitors of heme synthesis and supplementation of the culture medium with a permeable iron chelate or Tf. In all cases, IRP-2 activities were correlated exactly with TfR mRNA levels. Thus, in addition to the previously characterized transcriptional up-regulation of TfR expression in differentiating erythroid cells, increased TfR expression mediated by enhanced heme biosynthesis may ensure sufficient iron availability for optimal heme synthesis and prevent possible protoporphyrin accumulation under conditions of inadequate iron supply.

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