Cancer-Testis (CT) Antigen Expression In AL Amyloidosis

Blood ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 116 (21) ◽  
pp. 4055-4055
Michael A. Rosenzweig ◽  
Heather Landau ◽  
Achim A Jungbluth ◽  
Nicole Hanson ◽  
Denise Frosina ◽  

Abstract Abstract 4055 Cancer-testis (CT) antigens are a family of proteins normally expressed in immune privileged sites such as testicular germ cells and placenta, but are overexpressed in various malignant tumors (Scanlan et al. Immunological Rev. 2002). CT antigens are therefore useful markers of malignancy as well as potential targets for antigen specific cancer immunotherapy. In multiple myeloma, CT 7, CT10 and MAGE-A are homogenously expressed in up to 75% of cases, and their expression increases with disease stage and cell proliferation (Jungbluth et al. Blood, 2005). In addition, CT-7 and MAGE-A3 play a role in plasma cell proliferation and chemosensitivity (Atanackovic et al. Haematologica 2010). Immunogenicity of CT antigens is evidenced by spontaneous humoral responses against CT antigens in patients with multiple myeloma (Cohen et al. ASH abstract 2008). In addition, anti-CT antigen immune responses of donor derived T and B cells have been reported following allogeneic stem cell transplantation, suggesting CT antigens may serve as a natural target for a graft-versus myeloma effect (Atanackovic et al. Blood 2007). Systemic light-chain (AL) amyloidosis is a plasma cell dyscrasia related to multiple myeloma characterized by small numbers of non-proliferating, clonogenic plasma cells producing pathologic light chains. In this study, we investigated the expression of several CT antigens in patients with AL amyloidosis to identify potential targets for immunotherapy and determine their prognostic significance. Methods: Fifteen cases of AL amyloidosis were studied employing standard IHC techniques on paraffin-embedded archival tissues. Presence of plasma cells was verified by CD138 immunostain. The following monoclonal antibodies (to the following CT Antigens) were used: mAb MA454 (MAGE-A1), 6C1 (several MAGE-A antigens), 57B (MAGE-A4), E978 (NY-ESO-1), CT7-33(CT7), CT10#5 (CT10), #26 (GAGE). Immunopositivity was graded based on the amount of IHC-positive plasma cells. Results: All 15 patients had a confirmed diagnosis of AL amyloidosis with an average plasma cell burden of 12.7% of the cells in the marrow. Eighty-seven percent (13/15) had lambda disease and 13% (2/15) kappa disease. Organ involvement included kidney (n=7)), heart (n=8), peripheral nervous system (n=2), and GI/liver (n=2). Five patients (33%) had multi-organ involvement. All patients were treated uniformly with risk-adapted melphalan as their initial therapy. CT7 was present in 9/15 (60%) while CT10 was demonstrated in only 1/15 AL amyloid cases. Plasma cells did not stain with any other anti-CT mAb. There were no significant differences with regard to organ involvement, response to treatment or prognosis and CT antigen positivity in this small sample set. Discussion: This is the first study identifying CT7 as the prevalent CT antigen in plasma cells of patients with AL amyloidosis. The almost exclusive presence of CT7 in AL amyloidosis may have clinical significance. Further studies are planned on additional samples to confirm the prevalence of CT7 expression in AL amyloidosis, determine its immunogenicity and further investigate prognostic implications. Additional studies are needed to determine the biology of CT antigens in AL amyloidosis and their value as a potential target for immunotherapy. Disclosures: Comenzo: Millenium Pharmaceuticals: Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees; Elan Pharmaceuticals: Consultancy; Genzyme: Research Funding; Celgene: Research Funding; Ortho: Research Funding.

Blood ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 106 (1) ◽  
pp. 167-174 ◽  
Achim A. Jungbluth ◽  
Scott Ely ◽  
Maurizio DiLiberto ◽  
Ruben Niesvizky ◽  
Barbara Williamson ◽  

Multiple myeloma is a malignancy of plasma cells. Vaccine immunotherapy is among the novel therapeutic strategies under investigation for this disease. To identify myeloma-associated antigens as potential targets for vaccine immunotherapy, we surveyed a comprehensive panel of bone marrow specimens from patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) and multiple myeloma for expression of cancer-testis (CT) antigens. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) demonstrated that 82% of stage-III myeloma specimens expressed the CT antigen CT7 (also known as melanoma antigen C1 [MAGE-C1]) and 70% expressed MAGE-A3/6. Messenger RNA for CT7 and MAGE-A family members was detected in 87% and 100% of stage-III samples, respectively. CT7 protein expression increased with advanced stage of disease. Higher levels of CT7 and MAGE-A3/6 proteins also correlated with elevated plasma-cell proliferation. These results show that CT7 and MAGE-A3/6 are promising myeloma-associated antigens for application in vaccine immunotherapy. Furthermore, the common expression and correlation with proliferation suggest a possible pathogenic role for these proteins in myeloma.

Blood ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 134 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 3100-3100 ◽  
Ken Flanagan ◽  
Muntasir M Majumder ◽  
Romika Kumari ◽  
Juho Miettinen ◽  
Ana Slipicevic ◽  

Background: Immunoglobulin light-chain (AL) amyloidosis is a rare disease caused by plasma cell secretion of misfolded light chains that assemble as amyloid fibrils and deposit on vital organs including the heart and kidneys, causing organ dysfunction. Plasma cell directed therapeutics, aimed at preferentially eliminating the clonal population of amyloidogenic cells in bone marrow are expected to reduce production of toxic light chain and alleviate deposition of amyloid thereby restoring healthy organ function. Melphalan flufenamide ethyl ester, melflufen, is a peptidase potentiated alkylating agent with potent toxicity in myeloma cells. Melflufen is highly lipophilic, permitting rapid cellular uptake, and is subsequently enzymatically cleaved by aminopeptidases within cells resulting in augmented intracellular concentrations of toxic molecules, providing a more targeted and localized treatment. Previous data demonstrating multiple myeloma plasma cell sensitivity for melflufen suggests that the drug might be useful to directly eliminate amyloidogenic plasma cells, thereby reducing the amyloid load in patients. Furthermore, the increased intracellular concentrations of melflufen in myeloma cells indicates a potential reduction in systemic toxicity in patients, an important factor in the fragile amyloidosis patient population. To assess potential efficacy in amyloidosis patients and to explore the mechanism of action, we examined effects of melflufen on amyloidogenic plasma cells invitro and invivo. Methods: Cellular toxicity and apoptosis were measured in response to either melflufen or melphalan in multiple malignant human plasma cell lines, including the amyloidosis patient derived light chain secreting ALMC-1 and ALMC-2 cells, as well as primary bone marrow cells from AL amyloidosis patients, using annexin V and live/dead cell staining by multicolor flow cytometry, and measurement of cleaved caspases. Lambda light chain was measured in supernatant by ELISA, and intracellular levels were detected by flow cytometry. To assess efficacy of melflufen in vivo, the light chain secreting human myeloma cell line, JJN3, was transduced with luciferase and adoptively transferred into NSG mice. Cell death in response to melflufen or melphalan was measured by in vivo bioluminescence, and serum light chain was monitored. Results: Melflufen demonstrated increased potency against multiple myeloma cell lines compared to melphalan, inducing malignant plasma cell death at lower doses on established light chain secreting plasma cell lines. While ALMC-1 cells were sensitive to both melphalan and melflufen, the IC50 for melphalan at 960 nM was approximately 3-fold higher than melflufen (334 nM). However, ALMC-2 cells were relatively insensitive to melphalan (12600 nM), but maintained a 100-fold increase in sensitivity to melflufen (121 nM). Furthermore, while 40% of primary CD138+ plasma cells from patients with diagnosed AL amyloidosis responded to melflufen treatment in vitro, only 20% responded to melphalan with consistently superior IC50 values for melflufen (Figure 1). Light chain secreting cell lines and AL amyloidosis patient samples were further analyzed by single cell sequencing. We further examined differential effects on apoptosis and the unfolded protein response in vitro in response to either melflufen or melphalan. This is of particular interest in amyloidosis, where malignant antibody producing plasma cells possess an increased requirement for mechanisms to cope with the amplified load of unfolded protein and associated ER stress. As AL amyloidosis is ultimately a disease mediated by secretion of toxic immunoglobulin, we assessed the effects of melflufen on the production of light chain invitro, measuring a decrease in production of light chain in response to melflufen treatment. Finally, we took advantage of a recently described adoptive transfer mouse model of amyloidosis to assess the efficacy of melflufen and melphalan in eliminating amyloidogenic clones and reducing the levels of toxic serum light chain in vivo. Conclusions: These findings provide evidence that melflufen mediated toxicity, previously described in myeloma cells, extends to amyloidogenic plasma cells and further affects the ability of these cells to produce and secrete toxic light chain. This data supports the rationale for the evaluation of melflufen in patients with AL amyloidosis. Figure 1 Disclosures Flanagan: Oncopeptides AB: Employment. Slipicevic:Oncopeptides AB: Employment. Holstein:Celgene: Consultancy; Takeda: Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees; Adaptive Biotechnologies: Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees; GSK: Consultancy; Genentech: Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees; Sorrento: Consultancy. Lehmann:Oncopeptides AB: Employment. Nupponen:Oncopeptides AB: Employment. Heckman:Celgene: Research Funding; Novartis: Research Funding; Oncopeptides: Research Funding; Orion Pharma: Research Funding.

Blood ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 128 (22) ◽  
pp. 4426-4426 ◽  
Marian Stevens-Kroef ◽  
Daniel Olde Weghuis ◽  
Simone Wezenberg ◽  
Sandra Croockewit ◽  
Hans Wessels ◽  

Abstract Multiple myeloma (MM) is a neoplasm that exhibits a broad heterogeneity in both biological behavior and clinical presentation. Specific copy number abnormalities (CNAs) such as hyperdiploidy, 1p loss, 1q gain, 13q loss and 17p loss (including the TP53 gene), and IGH translocations, such as t(4;14)(p16;q32) and t(14;16)(q32;q23), provide important information regarding prognosis and treatment response. Interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) on enriched plasma cells, currently used in clinical diagnostics of MM, is a targeted test aimed at specific genomic loci. However, it is laborious and provides only genetic information of the probe targets. Microarray-based genomic profiling is a high-resolution tool that enables genome-wide analyses for copy number alterations (CNA), including focal CNA (<5 Mb) and regions of copy neutral loss of heterozogosity (CNLOH) that cannot be identified by FISH. A limitation of SNP-based array is its inability to identify balanced translocations. The aim of this study was to compare FISH with SNP-based genomic arrays with respect to the detection yield for prognostic relevant genetic copy number abnormalities in enriched plasma cell samples from MM patients. In addition we have set up a diagnostic work flow in which on one sample of enriched plasma cells interphase FISH for (balanced) IGH translocations as well as SNP-based array for identification of CNA can be performed. SNP-based genomic array profiling and FISH were performed in 37 MM patients. After enrichment of CD138 plasma cells half of each sample was treated with 0.075M KCl and, subsequently, fixed with 3:1 methanol/acetic acid and transferred to a microscopic slide for subsequent FISH. From the remaining part of the CD138-enriched plasma cell fraction DNA was extracted to perform SNP-based genomic array. Interphase FISH was performed according to standard methods using the following probes D5S23/D5S721/CEP9/CEP15, LSI13 (13q14), LSI TP53 (17p13.1) (all from Abbott Molecular, USA), and CDKN2C/CKS1B (from Cytocell, UK). 200 nuclei were analyzed by two different investigators and the detection limit was set at 20% as proposed by the EMN (Ross et al 2012; Haematologica 97:1272-1277). SNP-based array was performed using the CytoScan HD array platform (Affymetrix, USA), using the interpretation criteria as proposed by Schoumans (Schoumans et al 2016; Genes Chromosomes Cancer 55:480-491). Data regarding FISH and SNP-based array were obtained in a fully blinded fashion. All prognostic relevant CNA as observed by FISH were also identified when only SNP-based genomic arrays would have been performed, including 4 cases with loss of 1p, 19 cases with gain of 1q, 14 cases with loss of 13q, 4 cases with loss of 17p, and 20 cases with a hyperdiploid karyotype. However, SNP-based arrays identified 20 additional prognostic relevant abnormalities which were not observed by interphase FISH for several reasons. Due to a higher detection limit of the applied SNP-based array platform, 2 cases with loss of 17p (abnormality present in 15-20% of the cells) and 1 case with loss of 13q and a hyperdiploid karyotype (present in 15% of the cells) were observed by SNP-array only. Four cases showed a 1p21 or 1p16 loss, which were not observed by FISH since these deleted regions were outside the 1p32 probe target region. In 3 cases tumor-associated regions of CNLOH were observed involving the regions 13q and 17p. Finally, in 4 cases in which FISH was suggestive for a hyperdiploid karyotype, the SNP-based array information regarding whole genome analysis and allele frequencies demonstrated that these 4 cases appeared to have a doubled up DNA content in their plasma cells, and therefore the losses of 1p, 13q and 17p were not observed by interphase FISH. In conclusion, we demonstrate that SNP-based arrays are superior in the identification of prognostic relevant CNA in MM. SNP-based array do identify all CNA as observed by FISH, and in addition, identifies additional prognostic relevant abnormalities, such as loss of 1p, 13q, and 17p, that escaped the detection by FISH. The prognostic relevance of the CNLOH and the loss of 1p21 and 1p16 regions requires further evaluation in prospective clinical trials. Disclosures Zweegman: Celgene: Honoraria, Research Funding; Janssen: Honoraria, Research Funding; Takeda: Honoraria, Research Funding.

Blood ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 108 (11) ◽  
pp. 3712-3712
Holger Kronig ◽  
Kathrin Hofer ◽  
Julia Neudorfer ◽  
Christian Peschel ◽  
Helga Bernhard

Abstract Cancer testis (CT)-antigens belong to a class of tumor antigens that are aberrantly expressed in a variety of hematological malignancies including multiple myeloma. Owing to their restricted gene expression, CT-antigens represent potential target antigens for immunotherapeutical approaches such as vaccination and adoptive T cell transfer. As the CT-antigens are self antigens, the majority of CT-antigen-specific autologous T cells display a low avidity T cell receptor (TCR), which often results in a weak tumor recognition efficiency. Our group has been focusing on the isolation of highly avid T cells against CT-antigens that are expressed in multiple myeloma, in particular MAGE-C1, MAGE-C2, and NY-ESO-1. The experimental approach was based on the stimulation of allo-restricted cytotoxic T cells, because highly avid T cells recognizing peptide epitopes in context with foreign HLA-alleles are not depleted in the thymus. HLA-A2-negative T cells were stimulated with HLA-A2-positive allogeneic dendritic cells that had been exogenously loaded with HLA-A2-binding peptides derived from NY-ESO-1, MAGE-C1 or MAGE-C2. Using this technique we were able to isolate allo-HLA-A2-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) clones with peptide-dominant binding against known and novel peptide epitopes derived from NY-ESO-1, MAGE-C1 and MAGE-C2. The expanded peptide-specific CTL clones lysed HLA-A2-positive myeloma cell lines expressing NY-ESO-1, MAGE-C1 and MAGE-C2, respectively. Of note, the MAGE-C1-specific T cells crossreacted with the corresponding MAGE-C2 peptide due to the existing sequence homology between MAGE-C1 and MAGE-C2. Current experiments focus on redirecting primary T cells toward myeloma cells by retroviral gene transfer of CT-antigen-specific TCRs. The establishment of a set of high avidity TCRs specific for CT-antigens facilitates the development of adoptive transfer regimens based on TCR-transduced T cells for the treatment of multiple myeloma.

Blood ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 116 (21) ◽  
pp. 4044-4044
Wesley Witteles ◽  
Ronald Witteles ◽  
Michaela Liedtke ◽  
Sally Arai ◽  
Richard Lafayette ◽  

Abstract Abstract 4044 Background: Conventionally, multiple myeloma is believed to coexist in approximately 10% of AL amyloidosis patients. However, it is unclear whether this figure is too low based on current World Health Organization criteria. These criteria, mainly created to differentiate myeloma from monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, include the presence of ≥ 10% plasma cells on a bone marrow biopsy or aspirate as being diagnostic of myeloma. Aims: To define the frequency and relevance of a concomitant diagnosis of myeloma in patients with AL amyloidosis. Methods: Records from consecutive patients with biopsy-proven AL amyloidosis treated at the Stanford University Amyloid Center were reviewed. Plasma cell percentages were determined by manual counts from bone marrow aspirate smears and by CD138 immunohistochemistry (IHC) performed on bone marrow core biopsies. Results: A total of 41 patients (median age 61 years, 32% female) were evaluated. The median number of organs involved with amyloidosis was 2 (range 1–4), with 28 patients (68%) having cardiac involvement, 22 patients (54%) having renal involvement, 15 patients (37%) having gastrointestinal involvement, 12 patients (29%) having soft tissue involvement, and 10 patients (24%) having nervous system involvement. All patients had bone marrow biopsies and aspirates performed at the time of amyloid diagnosis, with most undergoing both manual counts of plasma cells from aspirates and IHC from core biopsies. Based on conventional criteria, manual aspirate counts defined 15/28 (54%) patients as having myeloma, and IHC defined 26/31 (84%) patients as having myeloma (p=0.01). Only nine patients had a detectable serum paraprotein on immunofixation (median 1.1 g/dl, range 0.4–2.6). 81% of patients had an elevated serum free light chain (85% lambda), with a median level of 37.3 mg/dl (range 8.6–256 mg/dl). Compared to the frequency of elevated plasma cells, the prevalence of anemia (29%), hypercalcemia (14%), impaired kidney function (21%), and lytic lesions (7%) was low. After a median follow-up of 13 months (range 1–127 months), the one-year overall survival (74% vs. 58%) and three-year overall survival (50% vs. 50%) was not significantly different between patients with ≥10% plasma cells and patients with <10% plasma cells (p=NS). Discussion: As defined by bone marrow plasma cell involvement, a strikingly high percentage (84%) of AL amyloidosis patients would be considered to have concurrent myeloma. This figure is much higher than has been traditionally quoted in the literature, likely due to the utilization of newer methods of counting plasma cells. There was a low prevalence of myeloma-associated end-organ effects (hypercalcemia, anemia, renal insufficiency, lytic bone lesions), and a myeloma diagnosis had no impact on survival. Conclusion: In this cohort of AL amyloid patients, concomitant myeloma was present in the vast majority of patients using modern diagnostic techniques. The significance of this diagnosis appears to be minimal – calling into question whether the diagnostic criteria for myeloma should be redefined in this population. Disclosures: Witteles: Celgene: Research Funding. Liedtke:Celgene: Lecture fee, Research Funding. Schrier:Celgene: Research Funding.

Blood ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 122 (21) ◽  
pp. 1907-1907
Eva Sahakian ◽  
Jason B. Brayer ◽  
John Powers ◽  
Mark Meads ◽  
Allison Distler ◽  

Abstract The role of HDACs in cellular biology, initially limited to their effects upon histones, is now appreciated to encompass more complex regulatory functions that are dependent on their tissue expression, cellular compartment distribution, and the stage of cellular differentiation. Recently, our group has demonstrated that the newest member of the HDAC family of enzymes, HDAC11, is an important regulator of IL-10 gene expression in myeloid cells (Villagra A Nat Immunol. 2009). The role of this specific HDAC in B-cell development and differentiation is however unknown. To answer this question, we have utilized a HDAC11 promoter-driven eGFP reporter transgenic mice (TgHDAC11-eGFP) which allows the monitoring of the dynamic changes in HDAC11 gene expression/promoter activity in B-cells at different maturation stages (Heinz, N Nat. Rev. Neuroscience 2001). First, common lymphoid progenitors are devoid of HDAC11 transcriptional activation as indicated by eGFP expression. In the bone marrow, expression of eGFP moderately increases in Pro-B-cells and transitions to the Pre- and Immature B-cells respectively. Expression of eGFP doubles in the B-1 stage of differentiation in the periphery. Of note, examination of both the bone marrow and peripheral blood plasma cell compartment demonstrated increased expression of eGFP/HDAC11 mRNA at the steady-state. These results were confirmed in plasma cells isolated from normal human subjects in which HDAC11 mRNA expression was demonstrated. Strikingly, analysis of primary human multiple myeloma cells demonstrated a significantly higher HDAC11 mRNA expression in malignant cells as compared to normal plasma cells. Similar results were observed in 4/5 myeloma cell lines suggesting that perhaps HDAC11 expression might provide survival advantage to malignant plasma cells. Support to this hypothesis was further provided by studies in HDAC11KO mice in which we observed a 50% decrease in plasma cells in both the bone marrow and peripheral blood plasma cell compartments relative to wild-type mice. Taken together, we have unveiled a previously unknown role for HDAC11 in plasma cell differentiation and survival. The additional demonstration that HDAC11 is overexpressed in primary human myeloma cells provide the framework for specifically targeting this HDAC in multiple myeloma. Disclosures: Alsina: Millennium: Membership on an entity’s Board of Directors or advisory committees, Research Funding. Baz:Celgene Corporation: Research Funding; Millenium: Research Funding; Bristol Myers Squibb: Research Funding; Novartis: Research Funding; Karyopharm: Research Funding; Sanofi: Research Funding.

Blood ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 126 (23) ◽  
pp. 2991-2991
Peter A. Forsberg ◽  
Tomer M Mark ◽  
Sujitha Yadlapati ◽  
Adriana C Rossi ◽  
Roger N Pearse ◽  

Abstract Background: Assessment of malignant plasma cell cycling via plasma cell labeling index (PCLI) has been a validated prognostic tool in multiple myeloma (MM) for years but utilization remains limited. We recently developed a novel immunohistochemical (IHC) co-staining technique for CD138 and Ki67 expression to quantify plasma cells in active cycling. Previously presented results from newly diagnosed patients demonstrate that having an elevated ratio of plasma cells in active cycle by co-expression of CD138 and Ki67 (>5%) is associated with aggressive disease and poor outcomes including shorter overall survival (OS). The expansion of subclones with higher proliferative capacity following initial therapy may be an indicator of a higher risk relapse event and indicate poor prognosis. Here we assess MM patients (pts) with Ki67/CD138 co-staining on bone marrow samples both at diagnosis and relapse to assess the impact of changes in cell cycling ratio on outcomes with subsequent therapy and overall clinical course. Methods: A retrospective cohort study of pts with treated symptomatic MM was performed by interrogation of the clinical database at the Weill Cornell Medical College / New York Presbyterian Hospital (WCMC/NYPH). For inclusion in the analysis, pts must have had bone marrow evaluation with double-staining for Ki67 and CD138 by immunohistochemistry both at diagnosis and relapse. Pts must have completed their first line and relapse treatments at WCMC/NYPH. The Ki67% was calculated as the ratio of plasma cells expressing CD138 that were also found to express Ki67. Treatment outcomes were stratified and compared based on alterations in Ki67% between diagnosis and relapse. Results: We identified 37 pts with bone marrow sampling that was evaluated for CD138 and Ki67 co-expression both at diagnosis and at the time of relapse. These pts had undergone a median of 2 lines of prior treatment at the time of relapse bone marrow biopsy (range 1-7). 19 pts were identified to have a rising Ki67% between diagnosis and relapse defined at a 5% or greater increase, the other 18 pts had stable or decreased Ki67%. Pts with a rising Ki67% at relapse had a shorter OS with a median of 72 months vs not reached (p=0.0069), Figure 1. Pts who had rising Ki67% at relapse had shorter progression free survival (PFS) on first line treatment with a median of 25 vs 47 months (p=0.036), Figure 2. Additionally pts with rising Ki67% had a trend towards shorter PFS with the treatment they received after relapse with median of 12.5 vs 3.5 months (p=0.09). Relapse regimens were most commonly carfilzomib (n=9), pomalidomide (5) or ixazomib (4) based. 37% of pts (7/19) with rising Ki67% achieved PR or better on relapsed treatment vs 67% (12/18) with stable Ki67%. Discussion: The presence of clonal evolution and selection of higher risk clones under therapeutic pressure in multiple myeloma is a key feature of disease progression. The ability to improve risk stratification at the time of relapse may help guide clinical decision making to best suit individual patient needs. We have identified rising plasma cell proliferation through quantification of Ki67/CD138 co-expression at relapse to be a useful marker of high risk disease evolution. This appears to help identify the emergence of higher risk clones which are ultimately responsible for treatment resistant disease. Patients with rising Ki67% were more likely than patients with stable Ki67% to have early relapses to initial therapy, were less likely to achieve responses to relapse regimens or to maintain their response and had shorter overall survival. Further evaluation is needed to identify if different approaches to patients with increasing proliferation may improve outcomes in these patients. Figure 1. Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 2. Disclosures Mark: Calgene: Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees, Research Funding, Speakers Bureau. Rossi:Calgene: Speakers Bureau. Pearse:Celegen: Consultancy. Pekle:Celgene: Speakers Bureau; Takeda: Speakers Bureau. Perry:Celgene: Speakers Bureau; Takeda: Speakers Bureau. Coleman:Celgene: Speakers Bureau; Takeda: Speakers Bureau. Niesvizky:Celgene: Consultancy, Speakers Bureau.

Blood ◽  
2001 ◽  
Vol 97 (5) ◽  
pp. 1508-1510 ◽  
Seah H. Lim ◽  
Zhiqing Wang ◽  
Maurizio Chiriva-Internati ◽  
Yuying Xue

Various studies have demonstrated the aberrant expression of normal testicular proteins in neoplastic cells. These proteins collectively form the new class of tumor antigens called cancer-testis (CT) antigens. Their selective normal tissue expression makes them ideal antigens for immune targeting of the malignant disease. In this study, the expression of a spermatozoa protein, Sp17, in multiple myeloma was investigated. It was found that Sp17 is detectable in tumor cells from 12 of 47 (26%) myeloma patients. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and Western blot analysis detected Sp17 transcripts and proteins, respectively. Northern blot analysis and RT-PCR demonstrated that Sp17 transcripts were detected only in normal testis, supporting its tissue specificity. Since a high proportion of normal individuals develop antibodies against Sp17 following vasectomy, Sp17 is likely to be a highly immunogenic protein in vivo. Sp17 is therefore a novel member of the CT antigen family and should be an ideal target for immunotherapy of multiple myeloma.

Blood ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 134 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 4353-4353 ◽  
Shayna Sarosiek ◽  
Vaishali Sanchorawala ◽  
Mariateresa Fulcinti ◽  
Allison P. Jacob ◽  
Nikhil C. Munshi ◽  

Background: AL amyloidosis is a bone marrow disorder in which clonal plasma cells produce light chains that misfold and deposit in vital organs, such as the kidneys and heart, leading to organ failure and eventual death. Treatment is directed towards the clonal plasma cell population in an effort to halt the production of toxic light chains and recuperate organ function. Pallidini et al. demonstrated that almost 50% of patients with AL amyloidosis who achieved a complete hematologic response to prior therapy had minimal residual disease (MRD) detectable in their bone marrow by multiparametric flow cytometry (MPF).1. Next generation gene sequencing (NGS) has been a successful tool in measuring MRD among patients with multiple myeloma2 though the data regarding its use in AL amyloidosis are limited. AL amyloidosis is a disease with a much smaller plasma cell burden at baseline (typically 5-10%), making the task of isolating an initial clonal sequence even more challenging. We sought to evaluate NGS as a method of isolating a clonal population of plasma cells among patients with systemic AL amyloidosis in a first-ever feasibility study. Methods: Patients were eligible if they had systemic AL amyloidosis and no clinical evidence of concurrent active multiple myeloma. In this study, feasibility was deemed successful if discovery of a clone could be achieved in 3 out of 10 of patients. Approximately five cc's of peripheral blood and bone marrow aspirate were collected from each patient and processed for CD138 selection and DNA isolation/purification. De-identified samples were sent to Adaptive Biotech Inc. (Seattle, WA) for initial clonal identification using the ClonoSEQ immunoglobulin heavy chain (IGH) assay. Genomic DNA was amplified by implementing consensus primers targeting the IGH complete (IGH-VDJH) locus, IGH incomplete (IGH-DJH) locus, immunoglobulin κ locus (IGK) and immunoglobulin l locus (IGL). The amplified product was sequenced and a clone identified based on frequency. After proof of feasibility in the first 10 patients an additional 27 patients had initial clonal identification via the same process mentioned above. Results: In total, 37 patient samples underwent NGS via the ClonoSEQ IGH assay method. The median patient age was 66 years old (range: 44 to 83), 24% of which were female. All 37 patients had measurable disease based on serum electrophoresis and immunofixation and/or serum free light chain assay (Table 1). Four patients had no monoclonal protein detected on SIFE or UIFE and 13 patients had a normal sFLC ratio. Of the 33 patients with monoclonal disease on immunofixation, 12 patients had only a free lambda monoclonal protein and the remaining 21 patients had a clonal heavy chain with an associated light chain. Bone marrow biopsies demonstrated clonal plasmacytosis of 40% or lower. ClonoSEQ IGH assay identified trackable clones in 31 of 37 patients (84%) (see Table 1). Four patients had at least one trackable sequence (range: 1 to 5 sequences) in the peripheral blood and 29 patients had at least one trackable sequence in the bone marrow aspirate (range: 1 to 7 sequences). No correlation was seen between the detection of a clone and standard measures of plasma cell tumor burden (SIFE, SPEP, UIFE, UPEP, and sFLCs). Conclusion: NGS was successful in identifying an initial clone in 29 of 37 patients with systemic AL amyloidosis, four of which were detectable in the peripheral blood. Due to the low clonal burden in patients with AL amyloidosis, it is often difficult to assess disease status, especially post-treatment. These encouraging results may enhance disease monitoring and improve patient care in this rare disease. We are currently tracking MRD in the patients with identifiable clones as they receive systemic treatment, the results of which will be available for presentation in December 2019. REFERENCES 1. Palladini G, Massa M, Basset M, Russo F, Milani P, Foli A, et al. Persistence of Minimal Residual Disease By Multiparameter Flow Cytometry Can Hinder Recovery of Organ Damage in Patients with AL Amyloidosis Otherwise in Complete Response. Abstr 3261. 2016; 2. Ladetto M, Brüggemann M, Monitillo L, Ferrero S, Pepin F, Drandi D, et al. Next-generation sequencing and real-time quantitative PCR for minimal residual disease detection in B-cell disorders. Leukemia. 2014;28:1299-307. Table 1 Disclosures Sarosiek: Acrotech: Research Funding. Sanchorawala:Proclara: Consultancy, Honoraria; Takeda: Research Funding; Caelum: Consultancy, Honoraria, Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees; Janssen: Research Funding; Prothena: Research Funding; Celgene: Research Funding. Jacob:Adaptive Biotechnologies: Employment, Other: shareholder. Munshi:Amgen: Consultancy; Adaptive: Consultancy; Celgene: Consultancy; Celgene: Consultancy; Janssen: Consultancy; Janssen: Consultancy; Takeda: Consultancy; Takeda: Consultancy; Oncopep: Consultancy; Oncopep: Consultancy; Amgen: Consultancy; Abbvie: Consultancy; Abbvie: Consultancy; Adaptive: Consultancy.

Blood ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 132 (Supplement 1) ◽  
pp. 187-187
Anja Seckinger ◽  
Ute Hegenbart ◽  
Susanne Beck ◽  
Martina Emde ◽  
Tilmann Bochtler ◽  

Abstract INTRODUCTION. Systemic light chain amyloidosis (AL) is caused by accumulation of plasma cells producing misfolded monoclonal light chains depositing as amyloid fibrils in different organs, most frequently heart and kidney. AIM of our study is first assessing the molecular characteristics of malignant plasma cells from AL-patients in relation to those from MGUS, asymptomatic, and symptomatic myeloma: Are these plasma cells different, does this difference explain amyloidogenicity? Does AL correspond to a certain developmental stage during evolution of symptomatic myeloma? Secondly, to what extent is prognosis determined by amyloid-deposition (organotropism, amount, amyloidogenicity) vs. number and molecular characteristics of malignant plasma cells? PATIENTS & METHODS . Consecutive patients (n=3023) with AL (n=582), MGUS (n=306), asymptomatic (n=444, AMM), or previously untreated, therapy-requiring multiple myeloma (n=1691, MM) were included. CD138-purified plasma cell samples were subjected to iFISH (n=582/306/444/1691), 1297 to gene expression profiling using Affymetrix U133 2.0 plus arrays (n=196/64/272/765), 712 to RNA- (n=124/52/38/489), and 258 to whole exome sequencing (n=115/53/39/51). Samples of normal bone marrow plasma cells, memory B-cells, and polyclonal plasmablasts were used as comparators. The CoMMpass-cohort (n=647) was used as comparator for the mutational spectrum of myeloma. RESULTS . Prognosis. By AL-factors. Expectedly, organ involvement, i.e. heart only vs. kidney only vs. heart+kidney vs. other (overall survival (OS), P=.001), the amount of free light chains (dFLC ≥18 mg/dL, HR=2.56, P=.01), and the cardiac European Mayo IIIB score (I/II/IIIA/IIIB, median OS 110/55/16/3 months, HR=1/1.94/3.73/7.90, P<.001) strongly determine prognosis (Fig. 1A). By malignant plasma cell factors. High proliferation rate (HR=3.58, P=.001) and expression-based risk factors for MM (GEP70 high, HR=2.38, P=.005; Rs-score high HR=4.63, P<.001) identify patients with very adverse prognosis (Fig. 1A). Tumor load, e.g. plasma cell infiltration >10%/>30% (HR=1.31/1.81, P=.01, P=.002) and M-protein ≥ 30g/l (HR=3.01, P=.005), are likewise prognostic (Fig. 1A). In multivariate analysis, all tested AL-specific (European Mayo IIIB score) and malignant plasma cell factors (proliferation or GEP70 and plasma cell infiltration) are independent. Molecular characteristics.iFISH. As MM (96.2%) and AMM (92.8%) AL-patients (93.1%) carry at least one recurrent myeloma typical aberration. The mean number of progression-associated aberrations in AL (n=0.98) fits between MGUS (n=0.85) and AMM (n=1.45) with significant difference compared to AMM (P<.001) unlike to MGUS. Main differences in frequency are found for t(11;14) and hyperdiploidy with a comparable pattern of non-etiologic aberrations. Gene expression (GEP and RNA-seq). Aberrant plasma cells in AL amyloidosis show the least difference with AMM, followed by MGUS and MM. In principal component analysis, AL overlaps with AMM and MGUS, independent of presence or absence of heart involvement (Fig. 1B). Pairwise assessment of similarity using a multivariate generalization of the squared Pearson correlation coefficient shows closest similarity to AMM and MM followed by MGUS, with comparable differences to normal plasma cells, polyclonal plasmablasts, and memory B-cells. Significantly more AL-patients present with higher proliferation rate vs MGUS (P<.001) and AMM (P<.02). AL and MM differ significantly regarding distinct molecular entities as determined by GEP (e.g. TC-classification; Fig. 1C). Mutation spectrum in AL amyloidosis vs. MM. From the 20 most frequently synonymously mutated non-Ig transcripts (CoMMpass-cohort), 16 could likewise be detected in AL amyloidosis, i.e. KRAS, NRAS, IGLL5, DIS3, FAM46C, MUC16, BRAF, TRAF3, PCLO, RYR2, FATA4, CSMD3, TP53, DNAH5, RYR2A, and FLG. CCND1 mutations were significantly more frequent in AL and AMM compared to MM (P=.02). DISCUSSION & CONCLUSION. Pathogenesis and prognosis of AL amyloidosis are explained both by AL-specific and malignant plasma cell characteristics. Aberrant plasma cells in AL amyloidosis show the same aberration- and expression pattern and a "molecular age" between MGUS and AMM, most closely resembling the latter. AL amyloidosis is thus mostly a rather early plasma cell dyscrasia with an unstable and toxic immunoglobulin light chain. Disclosures Seckinger: Celgene: Research Funding; EngMab: Research Funding; Sanofi: Research Funding. Hose:Celgene: Honoraria, Research Funding; Sanofi: Research Funding; EngMab: Research Funding.

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