scholarly journals “You better use the safer one… leave this one”: the role of health providers in women’s pursuit of their preferred family planning methods

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Robel Yirgu ◽  
Shannon N. Wood ◽  
Celia Karp ◽  
Amy Tsui ◽  
Caroline Moreau
2011 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-13 ◽  
Federico R. León ◽  
Rebecka Lundgren ◽  
Irit Sinai ◽  
Victoria Jennings

Y. Widyastuti Y. Widyastuti

  ABSTRACT [In advanced countries the number of permanent contraception option ( kontap ) approximately 10 % of all national family planning methods , while in Indonesia reached approximately 5.7 % . Based on data obtained from medical records Bhayangkara Hospital Palembang in 2010 the number of achievement when seen from the percentage of contraceptive use is only 9.10 % The purpose of this study is known age and parity relationship with the selection of contraceptive methods Surgery Women ( MOW ) in Palembang RS.Bhayangkara obstetrics clinic in 2012 . This study uses the analytic survey with cross sectional approach . The population in this study were women who become new acceptors were recorded in medical records at the hospital . Palembang Bhayangkara Hospitals January 1, 2012 to December 31 in 2012 . The sample in this study is part of a whole number of new acceptors ( either using contraception methods MOW and other family planning methods ) were registered in the hospital . Palembang Police Hospitals of January 1, 2012 to December 31 years of data 2012.Analisa univariate and bivariate statistical Chi - Square test with significance level α = 0.05 . The results showed there were 80 respondents ( 46.3 % ) who became MOW contraceptive acceptors , acceptors who have old age by 45 respondents ( 56.3 % ) and who has a young age by 35 respondents ( 43.8 % ) . acceptors which have high parity were 44 respondents ( 55 % ) who had low parity and a total of 36 respondents ( 45 % ) . From the results of Chi-square test value obtained ρ = 0.00 is smaller than α = 0.05 . There is a significant correlation between age and the selection of MOW Chi square test results obtained ρ value = 0.00 and there was a significant association between parity with the election MOW Chi square test results obtained ρ value = 0 , . From these results , it is expected to power health, especially family planning services at the hospital . Palembang Police Hospitals in order to improve the quality of family planning services in an effective, efficient , and safe are considered particularly suitable for users of contraception OperatingMethodWomen(MOW).                                      ABSTRAK Di negara sudah maju jumlah pilihan kontrasepsi mantap (kontap) sekitar 10% dari semua metode KB nasional, sedangkan di Indonesia baru mencapai sekitar 5,7 %. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari Rekam medik  Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Palembang tahun 2010 Jumlah pencapain tersebut jika dilihat dari persentasi penggunaan kontrasepsi MOW hanya  9,10% Tujuan penelitian ini adalah diketahuinya hubungan umur dan paritas dengan pemilihan alat kontrasepsi Metode Operasi Wanita (MOW) di poliklinik kebidanan RS.Bhayangkara Palembang Tahun 2012. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah wanita yang menjadi akseptor KB Baru yang tercatat di rekam medik  di RS. Bhayangkara Palembang tanggal 1 januari 2012 sampai dengan 31 Desember  tahun 2012. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagian dari seluruh jumlah akseptor KB Baru (baik yang menggunakan alat kontrasepsi Metode MOW maupun Metode KB lain) yang teregister di RS. Bhayangkara Palembang dari tanggal 1 januari 2012 sampai dengan 31 Desember  tahun 2012.Analisa data dilakukan secara univariat dan bivariat dengan uji statistik Chi-Square dengan tingkat kemaknaan α = 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari 80 responden terdapat (46,3%) yang menjadi akseptor kontrasepsi MOW, akseptor yang memiliki umur tua sebanyak 45 responden (56,3%) dan yang memiliki  umur muda sebanyak 35 responden (43,8%). akseptor yang memiliki paritas tinggi sebanyak 44 responden  (55%) dan yang memiliki  paritas rendah sebanyak 36 responden (45%). Dari hasil uji Chi square didapatkan ρ value = 0,00 lebih kecil dari α = 0,05. Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara umur dengan pemilihan MOW dari hasil uji Chi square didapatkan ρ value = 0,00 dan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara paritas dengan pemilihan MOW hasil uji Chi square didapatkan ρ value = 0,.Dari hasil penelitian ini, diharapkan kepada tenaga kesehatan khususnya pelayanan KB  di RS. Bhayangkara Palembang  agar dapat meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan KB secara efektif, efisien, dan aman yang dianggap cocok bagi penggunanya khususnya mengenai kontrasepsi Metode Operasi Wanita (MOW).    

Muluken Dessalegn Muluneh ◽  
Lyn Francis ◽  
Mhiret Ayele ◽  
Sintayehu Abebe ◽  
Misrak Makonnen ◽  

This study examines the associations between women’s empowerment and family planning use in Jimma Zone, Western Ethiopia. A total of 746 randomly selected married women of reproductive age were interviewed. The data were employed by structural equation modelling (SEM) to investigate the complex and multidimensional pathways to show women’s empowerment domains in family planning utilisation. Results of the study revealed that 72% of married women had used family planning. Younger women, having access to information, having access to health facilities and being aware about family planning methods, living in a rural area, having an older partner and increased household decision-making power were associated with using family planning methods. Women’s empowerment is an important determinant of contraceptive use. Women’s empowerment dimensions included increased household decision-making power, socio-demographic variables and having access to information about family planning and accessible health facilities. These were found to be important determinants of contraceptive use. Future interventions should focus on integrating women’s empowerment into family planning programming, particularly in enhancing women’s autonomy in decision making. Further research is warranted on the socio-cultural context of women that influences women’s empowerment and family planning use to establish an in-depth understanding and equity of women in society.

Mahvish Qazi ◽  
Najmus Saqib ◽  
Sachin Gupta

Background: India with 1.35 billion people is the second most populated country in the world next to China. Total fertility rate of India is 2.2 and the current total fertility rate of Jammu and Kashmir is 1.7 which is still lagging behind various states. This study was conducted to investigate the knowledge, attitude and practices of contraception in women of reproductive age in this set up.Methods: The present cross-sectional study was carried out in patients attending OPD (outpatient department) of Obstetrics and Gynecology at ASCOMS, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India from 1st September 2017 to 31st August 2018. 200 married women aged between 18-49 years were included in this study. Socio-demographic characteristics of the women, their knowledge, attitude and practices on contraception were evaluated with the help of predesigned questionnaire.Results: Out of 200 women, maximum respondents belong to age group of 21-25 years (75.6%). Most of the contraceptive non-users belongs to age below 20 years (62.5%). Majority of respondents were Hindu (70.37%), maximum studied up to secondary level education (84.61%), 70.30% were housewives and 56.58% belongs to middle class. In 45% of respondents, media was the main source of information. Preferred spacing method was condom in 85% of cases. 68% women had knowledge of female sterilization. According to most women, family planning methods are meant for limitations of birth (43%) and 36% meant for spacing of birth. 80% women had positive attitude towards contraceptive usage. 50% experienced side effects with the use of contraceptives. The most common side effect was menstrual irregularities in 25% of cases. Most common reason for not using contraceptive methods among non-respondents were lack of knowledge in 50% of cases.Conclusions: The study showed that inspite of having good knowledge, utilization of contraceptives were less because of large family norm, religious myth, cultural and political barriers. Ignorance regarding use and side effects of various contraceptive methods is another reason for inadequate practice of family planning methods.

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