scholarly journals Optimal strategies to screen health care workers for COVID-19 in the US: a cost-effectiveness analysis

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Sigal Maya ◽  
Guntas Padda ◽  
Victoria Close ◽  
Trevor Wilson ◽  
Fareeda Ahmed ◽  

Abstract Background Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in health care facilities poses a challenge against pandemic control. Health care workers (HCWs) have frequent and high-risk interactions with COVID-19 patients. We undertook a cost-effectiveness analysis to determine optimal testing strategies for screening HCWs to inform strategic decision-making in health care settings. Methods We modeled the number of new infections, quality-adjusted life years lost, and net costs related to six testing strategies including no test. We applied our model to four strata of HCWs, defined by the presence and timing of symptoms. We conducted sensitivity analyses to account for uncertainty in inputs. Results When screening recently symptomatic HCWs, conducting only a PCR test is preferable; it saves costs and improves health outcomes in the first week post-symptom onset, and costs $83,000 per quality-adjusted life year gained in the second week post-symptom onset. When screening HCWs in the late clinical disease stage, none of the testing approaches is cost-effective and thus no testing is preferable, yielding $11 and 0.003 new infections per 10 HCWs. For screening asymptomatic HCWs, antigen testing is preferable to PCR testing due to its lower cost. Conclusions Both PCR and antigen testing are beneficial strategies to identify infected HCWs and reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in health care settings. IgG tests’ value depends on test timing and immunity characteristics, however it is not cost-effective in a low prevalence setting. As the context of the pandemic evolves, our study provides insight to health-care decision makers to keep the health care workforce safe and transmissions low.

2021 ◽  
Sigal Maya ◽  
Guntas Padda ◽  
Victoria Close ◽  
Trevor Wilson ◽  
Fareeda Ahmed ◽  

Abstract Background: Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in health care facilities poses a challenge against pandemic control. Health care workers (HCWs) have frequent and high-risk interactions with COVID-19 patients. We undertook a cost-effectiveness analysis to determine optimal testing strategies for screening HCWs to inform strategic decision-making in health care settings. Methods: We modeled the number of new infections, quality-adjusted life years lost, and net costs related to six testing strategies including no tests. We applied our model to four strata of HCWs, defined by the presence and timing of symptoms. We conducted sensitivity analyses to account for uncertainty in inputs. Results: When screening recently symptomatic HCWs, conducting only a PCR test is preferable; it saves costs and improves health outcomes in the first week post-symptom onset, and costs $83,000 per quality-adjusted life year gained in the second week post-symptom onset. When screening HCWs in the late clinical disease stage, none of the testing approaches is cost-effective and thus no testing is preferable, yielding $11 and 0.003 new infections per 10 HCWs. For screening asymptomatic HCWs, antigen testing is preferable to PCR testing due to its lower cost. Conclusions: Both PCR and antigen testing are beneficial strategies to identify infected HCWs and reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in health care settings. IgG testing clinical value depends on test timing and immunity characteristics, however is not cost-effective in a low prevalence setting. As the context of the pandemic evolves, our study provides insight to health-care decision makers to keep the health care workforce safe and transmissions low.

2021 ◽  
pp. 101053952110264
Ji-Suk Lee ◽  
Oh Jeong ◽  
Hyunju Yang

The aim of this study was to examine the most cost-effective strategy of screening and vaccinating measles- and varicella-susceptible health care workers (HCWs). A retrospective cost-effectiveness analysis was conducted at a tertiary hospital in Korea with 300 HCWs who were at high risk of infection. Self-reported histories of vaccinations, infectious diseases, and contact with such cases were collected. Serological tests for immunoglobulin G titers of measles and varicella were performed. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance, Kruskal-Wallis test, χ2 test, and Fisher exact test. Seropositivity rates were 96.3% for measles and 95.7% for varicella. Four different strategies (cases) for vaccination were investigated. Considering the progressive decline in antibody concentrations and the false-positive responses in self-reported histories, case 3, which involved administering 2-dose vaccinations to susceptible HCWs demonstrated by antibody screening tests for both measles and varicella, was the most cost-effective strategy. Health care facilities should establish mandatory immunization policies that reduce the risk of transmission of vaccine-preventable diseases.

2013 ◽  
Vol 63 (6) ◽  
pp. 422-424 ◽  
P. Giri ◽  
S. Basu ◽  
D. Farrow ◽  
A. Adisesh

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (Supplement_5) ◽  
E Van Ginderdeuren ◽  
J Bassett ◽  
C F Hanrahan ◽  
L Mutunga ◽  
A Van Rie

Abstract Background Global TB elimination demands a scale-up of Isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) but tuberculin skin test (TST)-guided IPT poses great logistical and human resource challenges. Objectives Performance of TST self-reading by patients and fast-track TST reading by trained low cadre health care workers (task-shifting) was compared to formal TST reading by high cadre staff in a cohort of 278 South African adults living with HIV. Health economic impact of these novel strategies was assessed from a provider and societal perspective and simulations were performed for 5 other countries (USA, Germany, Brazil, India, Russia) to evaluate generalizability. In addition, accuracy of TST at antiretroviral treatment (ART) initiation was assessed by a repeat TST 6 and 12 month later. Results TST self-reading was highly accurate, with 89% sensitivity (95% CI 80, 95) and 100% specificity (95% CI 97,100) for detecting presence/absence of any induration. Agreement in TST reading between low and high cadre health care workers was very high (kappa 0.97). Compared to standard of care, a combined fast-track, task-shifting and self-reading strategy reduced TST reading costs in South Africa from a patient perspective by 81% and from a provider perspective by 92%. In all 5 countries simulated, TST reading cost was reduced by ≥ 78 % from a provider perspective. Repeat testing at 6 and 12 months showed high (31%, 95% CI 23, 40) TST conversion during the first 12 months of ART. Conclusions Empiric IPT for all people living with HIV followed by TST assessment after 6 or 12 months to identify those in need for lifelong IPT could increase the effectiveness of IPT programs. TST self-reading to reduce the number of patients that need to return for TST reading (to only those patients with self-determined presence of any induration) together with fast-tracking and task-shifting of TST reading could increase cost-effectiveness and reduce patient costs associated with IPT programs. Key messages Novel strategies are essential to control TB. Task-shifting, fast-tracking and patient TST self-reading empower patients and HCWs; optimal TST timing can increase cost-effectiveness of IPT programs.

Milton C. Weinstein

Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) is a method of economic evaluation that can be used to assess the efficiency with which health care technologies use limited resources to produce health outputs. However, inconsistencies in the way that such ratios are constructed often lead to misleading conclusions when CEAs are compared. Some of these inconsistencies, such as failure to discount or to calculate incremental ratios correctly, reflect analytical errors that, if corrected, would resolve the inconsistencies. Others reflect fundamental differences in the viewpoint of the analysis. The perspectives of different decision-making entities can properly lead to different items in the numerator and denominator of the cost-effectiveness (C/E) ratio. Producers and consumers of CEA need to be more conscious of the perspectives of analysis, so that C/E comparisons from a given perspective are based upon a common understanding of the elements that are properly included.

2021 ◽  
pp. 096452842110557
Trygve Skonnord ◽  
Arne Fetveit ◽  
Holgeir Skjeie ◽  
Mette Brekke ◽  
Margreth Grotle ◽  

Objective: To assess the cost-effectiveness of a single treatment session of acupuncture, when applied in addition to usual care for acute low back pain (ALBP). Methods: Secondary analysis of a multicentre randomised controlled trial in Norwegian general practice. In total, 171 participants with ALBP ⩽14 days were randomised to a control group (CG) receiving usual care or to an acupuncture group (AG) receiving one additional session of Western medical acupuncture alongside usual care. Primary outcome measures for this cost-effectiveness analysis were quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), health care costs and societal costs at days 28 and 365, the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) and net monetary benefit (NMB). The NMB was calculated on the basis of the Norwegian cost-effectiveness threshold of NOK 275,000 (USD 35,628) per QALY gained. Missing data were replaced by multiple chained imputation. Results: Eighty-six participants in the CG and 81 in the AG were included in the analysis. We found no QALY gain at day 28. At day 365, the incremental QALY of 0.035 was statistically significant. The differences in health care costs and societal costs were not statistically significant. Three out of four calculations led to negative ICERs (cost saving) and positive NMBs. For the health care perspective at day 365, the ICER was USD –568 per QALY and the NMB was USD 1265, with 95.9% probability of acupuncture being cost-effective. Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first cost-effectiveness analysis of acupuncture for ALBP. The findings indicate that acupuncture may be cost-effective from a 1-year perspective, but more studies are needed. Trial registration number: NCT01439412 (

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (5) ◽  
pp. 1135-1138 ◽  
Luca Coppeta ◽  
Ottavia Balbi ◽  
Savino Baldi ◽  
Antonio Pietroiusti ◽  
Andrea Magrini

2006 ◽  
Vol 34 (9) ◽  
pp. 583-587 ◽  
Aysel Celikbas ◽  
Onder Ergonul ◽  
Sabahat Aksaray ◽  
Nilden Tuygun ◽  
Harika Esener ◽  

2020 ◽  
Raquel Cobos-Campos ◽  
Javier Mar ◽  
Antxon Apiñaniz ◽  
Arantza Sáez de Lafuente ◽  
Naiara Parraza ◽  

Abstract Background: Smoking in one of the most serious public health problems. It is well known that it constitutes a major risk factor for chronic diseases and the leading cause of preventable death worldwide.Due to high prevalence of smokers, new cost-effective strategies seeking to increase smoking cessation rates are needed. Methods:We performed a cost-effectiveness analysis comparing two treatments: health advice provided by general practitioners and nurses in primary care, and health advice reinforced by sending motivational text messages to patients’ mobile phones. A Markov model was used in which patients transitioned between three mutually exclusive health states (smoker, former smoker and dead) after 6-month cycles. We calculated the cost-effectiveness ratio associated with the sending of motivational messages throughout a patient’s life. Health care and society perspectives (separately) was adopted. Costs taken into account were direct health care costs and direct health care cost and costsfor lost productivity, respectively.Additionally, deterministic sensitivity analysis was performed modifying the probability of smoking cessation with each option. Results:Sending of text messages as a tool to support health advice was found to be cost-effective as it was associated with increases in costs of €7.4 and €1,327 per QALY gained for men and women respectively from a healthcare perspective, significantly far from the published cost-effectiveness threshold. From a societal perspective, the combined programmed was dominant. Conclusions: Sending text messages is a cost-effective approach. These findings support the implantation of the combined program across primary care health centres.

2020 ◽  
Nicholas Risko ◽  
Kalin Werner ◽  
O. Agatha Offorjebe ◽  
Andres I. Vecino-Ortiz ◽  
Lee A. Wallis ◽  

AbstractBackgroundIn this paper, we predict the health and economic consequences of immediate investment in personal protective equipment (PPE) for health care workers (HCWs) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).MethodsTo account for health consequences, we estimated mortality for health care workers (HCW), and present a cost-effectiveness and return on investment (ROI) analysis using a decision-analytic model with Bayesian multivariate sensitivity analysis and Monte Carlo simulation. Inputs were used from the World Health Organization Essential Supplies Forecasting Tool and the Imperial College of London epidemiologic model.ResultsAn investment of $9.6 billion USD would adequately protect HCWs in all LMICs. This intervention saves 2,299,543 lives across LMICs, costing $59 USD per HCW case averted and $4,309 USD per HCW life saved. The societal ROI is $755.3 billion USD, the equivalent of a 7,932% return. Regional and national estimates are also presented. In scenarios where PPE remains scarce, 70-100% of HCWs will get infected, irrespective of nationwide social distancing policies. Maintaining HCW infection rates below 10% and mortality below 1% requires inclusion of a PPE scale-up strategy as part of the pandemic response.DiscussionIn conclusion, wide-scale procurement and distribution of PPE for LMICs is an essential strategy to prevent widespread HCW morbidity and mortality. It is cost-effective and yields a large downstream return on investment.

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