scholarly journals Normal vaginal delivery at term after expectant management of heterotopic caesarean scar pregnancy: a case report

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Olga Vikhareva ◽  
Ekaterina Nedopekina ◽  
Andreas Herbst
1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-52
Nira Singh Shrestha ◽  
Shashi Pande ◽  
Mukunda Joshi ◽  
SM Padhye

A 32 year old, Para 2 with normal vaginal delivery presented with cyclical bleeding from a dark brown painful umbilical nodule for 6 months. The ultra sonogram showed a subcutaneous nodule at the umbilicus without any other abnormality. FNAC of the nodule diagnosed it as a case of umbilical endometriosis. A diagnostic laparosopy ruled out any associated pelvic endometriosis. Umbilectomy was done for the treatment of the condition. Keywords: Endometriosis, Umbilicus, Umbilectomy DOI: NJOG 2011; 6(1): 51-52

Neelotparna Saikia ◽  
Sukalyan Halder ◽  
Punam Jain

Cornual ectopic pregnancy accounts for 2-4% of all the ectopic pregnancies with a mortality rate 6-7 times higher than that of the ectopics in general. It is a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge to the clinician with a significant risk of rupturing and bleeding. As of yet, the incidence of recurrent cornual ectopic pregnancies is unknown. This report described the case of a patient who developed two cornual ectopic pregnancies within a span of 3 years with an intervening full term normal vaginal delivery. The 1st cornual ectopic was successfully managed by laparoscopic resection, which was followed by an uneventful postoperative course. The following contralateral cornual ectopic was managed by laparotomy since the patient presented with large hemoperitoneum.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (10) ◽  
pp. 937-939
ChandanKachru a ◽  
CharuDutt Arora ◽  
Ragini Aggarwal ◽  
MehakBatra a

Nasim Shokouh ◽  
Zeenat Ghanbari ◽  
Nafiseh Saedi

Uterine prolapse and cervical elongation are rare conditions that can complicate pregnancy, labor, and its management. To minimize complications, proper management of this conditionis necessary. A 26-year-old woman referred to our outpatient clinic with a lump protruding from her vagina. She was 16 weeks pregnant. Physical examination revealed uterine prolapseand cervical elongation, so to prevent the complications of the protruded cervix, a pessary was inserted. She had the pessary during the first stage of labor until the rupture of membranes(at 6 cm cervical dilatation). After removal of the pessary, although the cervix was out of introitus, the active phase of labor initiated and a normal vaginal delivery was done. Newonset prolapse during pregnancy with more probability is due to cervical elongation. During labor and delivery, this condition could be managed with conservative methods, includingpessary placement. and this condition could be managed with conservative methods including pessary placement during pregnancy and labor.

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